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Messages - Crimson

Pages: [1] 2
Technical Help: Problems BEFORE entering the game /
« on: March 04, 2003, 04:29:56 pm »
ok ill get on it right away, ill post here when its done :D

Wish list /
« on: March 02, 2003, 01:50:22 am »
Going off the subject that hes a noob and everything, if you look at some of his \'original\' ideas there just copies from various games,

the reputation bar is just like dransik (as said above)and the seperate experience for different wepons is just like dragon raja.


Technical Help: Problems BEFORE entering the game /
« on: March 02, 2003, 01:39:03 am »
um im no master of flash but im good enough to make those 2 banners into flash, if you want me to transfer them into a flash file just ask me, if the devs have anyone doing this already speak now, or forever hold your peace.


The Hydlaa Plaza /
« on: February 24, 2003, 01:53:51 am »
Hey Hey,  :D  :D  :D

Why dont I take those beta accounts off your hands Kiern...?:D:D:D

No seriously if your in some closed beta and don\'t use the accounts at all I\'d be very thankful if you let me have one of them because i dont mind downloading the things and im in real need of a game right now, (I\'m only half way through downloading Dragon Raja)


General Discussion /
« on: February 22, 2003, 11:08:22 am »
never by the looks of things, or at least a very long time. I have to say im dissapointed that its taking so long to release molecular blue. The fact that the devs decided not to put atomic on to the new server made most of us think molecular blue was a very short way away, but alas it has been nearly 3 weeks and no sign of the newer tech demo. Most of the devs were hinting to a very quick release but as you can see that is not the case. In future I hope they give a reasonable estimate before they get our hopes up.

I think its great that this is free (and it better stay that way *shakes his fist*) but the devs could at least have the decency not to get our hopes up :(:(:(

The Hydlaa Plaza /
« on: February 22, 2003, 07:18:35 am »
*Silently nods his head agreeing with Chlerval*

 *Looks thoughtful and ponders over a world in which Link has friends*


General Discussion /
« on: February 22, 2003, 07:13:35 am »
If you look closely (this may just be me) you can see there going smaller to bigger grades of things,

atomic blue

(atom, a very very very small single particle)

molecular blue

(molecule, is a group of atoms joint together)

? blue

(what comes after a molecule?)

The Hydlaa Plaza /
« on: February 22, 2003, 02:46:37 am »
Hey link it is possible to run a game free forever, look at runescape for instance, it was free for absoloute ages because they had sponsors. Sponsors are the key, get a few up on your site and youve got the server cost right there. The only reason they went p2p is because they hired new people to give the game tons more updates and make a bit of dosh for themselves. Planeshift could possibly be a free game forever (I hope so) if they find enough sponsors or some other sort of money to provide for the servers. As for people to update the game, I dont think they woul need them because if this game is free and its going to be as big as they say it is I\'m sure people wouldnt mind having updates spread out months at a time or even half a year.


The Hydlaa Plaza / What no other free games?
« on: February 20, 2003, 04:28:23 am »
Hey people,
Does neone know any other free mmorpgs out there? Don\'t get me wrong im not going away from plane shift, no way, i want to check out other games like these so that if i like a certain feature in one i can give my input to the planeshift team to try and get it included to make it an even better game then it already will be.

I think it would be cool if people posted any free mmorpg games they\'ve played here (even if there only 2D graphical messes) so that everyone can try them out and maybe find a feature they like and post it on the wish list.

So go on what u waiting for post those games!!

General Discussion /
« on: February 20, 2003, 01:23:02 am »
Originally posted by Grey
You cannot steal something that someone is wearing. It must be in a pouch. And I\'ve never heard of someone stealing something as large as a sword or a piece of armor from someone, its just too big.

What do you think that the thieves are gonna steal then? Food Maybe a magic potion or 2? Do you really think those items are worth getting your stealing levels to a ridiculously high lvl? Most of what a person carries is what he is wearing or even if he is not wearing it is still armour. Say a really high lvl black smith just finished making some amazing armour, hows a thief going to feel when they steal from them and all they get is a cheap hammer to bash the metal with?

The best thing a thief could get would be a sum of cash but most people keep their money in the bank for safekeeping against such things happening, I don\'t know about you but I wouldn\'t want to risk my chars life on the slim chance of getting some money or at the best a magic potion.

I know this game is meant to be realistic but if they did include player stealing you would have to be aloud to steal some larger items or thieves just wouldnt be able to make a living.


General Discussion /
« on: February 19, 2003, 02:11:09 pm »
I think Greys idea of having ne thiefs who have stolen recently pkable is a good idea and even better is the pvp list so that the one who has been stolen from can get the thief even if they get away the first time. But like most suggestions it has a few problems:

1. If the thief got away from the onslaught of players at first he could go and just sell the item he has stolen off to a store for money, this means that if the person who has been stolen from does find him and kill him after they wont get their item back.

2. If someone developed into a super thief/fighter they could steal without any trouble because nobody could match them. Strong fighters could also just get their thivery skill to say lvl 2 and steal off neone they wanted a fight from. They could use the pk stealing system to their pking needs.


General Discussion /
« on: February 19, 2003, 08:31:08 am »
I think we have a dress up gamer here, y dont you go look for a barbie rpg ??? :D:D :P

General Discussion /
« on: February 19, 2003, 03:15:53 am »
Ok venge, so are these big bugs to sort out or a 5 minute code sorting job?

I just want to know if this release is going to be out by  monday cause then im back off to school to do my mocs and i can kiss the computer away for a month, so am i gonna get to try this kick ass game?


General Discussion /
« on: February 19, 2003, 01:33:37 am »
I have a few things to say about the things in this board (forgive me if i sound dumb or i\'m totally off the mark). From my point of view this is what the Dev team is having concerning stealing and PvP.

Well for PvP there is going to be a dueling \'anywhere\' system which of course both players have to agree to which is of course no good to deal with thieves cause they just wont agree.
There will also be guild wars which im guessing means if you belong to a guild and ur at agreeded war with another guild you can openly attack them. There is also going to be an arena (or more then one im not to sure how many) where people can go into and fight. Many people think that this arena will not compare to PvP anywhere, I disagree. Being an arena doesnt just mean a circlur object which players can fight in, it may be a large walled off forest or a huge mountain trail. People could not just stumble into the arena and get pked they would have to make a councious decision to go in through the arena \'gates\' to fight. This system would mean that the people who want to Pk can do so with each other where as the people who dont want to dont have to.

 I personally like the way RS has dealt with Pking, they have made the \'wilderness\' which is where you can Pk but all other areas are non pking zones. I\'m not a huge fan of open pking because this game has so many more skills from what i\'ve heard. For instance if im a miner/smither and ive just taken an hour to get myself a whole pack of steel bars and some noobie dude whos played for a day comes over and Pks me and loots me im gonna be a bit ****** off. I\'m sure many people agree with this because not everyone takes fighting as their main skill.

This brings us onto the skill of Thievery. I do not think that open player thievery will be in operation because of a number of reasons:

1. Once someone has stolen from you there is absoloutley nothing you can do about it, no way you can get ur item back. Even if the \'gods\' decide to give you money to cover the cost of the item (which i doubt would happen) I\'d still want my armour or wep that he stole off me rather then some cash.

2. Unlike PvP which some people can contain themselves with because they can fight monsters instead of people, stealing is one of those things thieves will want to do on actual people all the time. With the amount of people playing this game (there will be alot) thieves would have an easier time stealing from people then finding an npc and stealing off it. Another thing that would inspire this would be that thieves could get better items off people then off npcs.

So there you go my long and very drawn out opinion...(waits for flame):D:D:D

General Discussion /
« on: February 18, 2003, 10:52:07 am »
Dont be hard on the druggy lol many people wish that everything in life came free :D:D

I have trouble waiting for this aswell. I usually have patience but its just my half term is running out  :(  :(
and i so badly want to wander around the streets even if i cant do jack and my char doesnt even get saved lol
The screens just look so cool. Can somebody give me a rough idea of how big the city was at the ab release (so i dont get my hopes up)

And by my reckoning the dev release was today to check the auto updater works and the bugs are fixed, if all the bugs are gone we may get a release for tommorrow even!! (thats only if theres no bugs of course ;)

If somebody wants to correct me on ne of this go ahead, as you can see from the rank im just a noob :p

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