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Messages - Sluuph

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PvP,PK and Thieving / Re: PVP outside of cities
« on: August 24, 2010, 10:18:50 am »
Mine explains that in the very least 1d6 dice rolls will be required.

One experience I have had that troubles me is that some people will join an on-going RP and demand that the method of RP combat change -- in the middle of a fight -- to suit their particular styles, regardless of what the previous players had agreed to.

In-Game Roleplay Events / The End of Ahriman
« on: August 23, 2010, 11:34:05 pm »
Sluuph carefully shut the door of the house behind her, rubbing her eyes. She had been taught numbers as a child but cyphering was a painful process for her -- the ordered ranks of the numerals felt suffocating to her chaotic spirit.  The new responsibilities her High Priestess had given her, though, required her to account for the Daughters of Xiosia treasury, and she was devoutly dedicated to her sisters. She passed through the Oldtown Gate along the Octarch's Way toward Kada-El's.

Movement on high caught her eye -- figures moving on the bridge across the Way. She squinted against the Crystalshine ... a Klyros, and a Ynnwn or Diaboli ... and was that Dannae? No, the long black hair was similar, but....

"Hello, Sluuph." Sluuph recognized her mentor's calm, low voice, but even as she began to return Qata's greeting the figures on the bridge turned. The Nolthrir was her guild sister Leicace, and the big Ynnwn was....

"Ahriman!" She sprinted for the tower, knocking Nalri Grimtorr aside as she flung herself up the stairs and burst on the bridge, instantly casting Dazzling Light in the face of her captor, torturer, enslaver. The explosion of light dazzled all three figures, stunning them. Leicace and the Klyros priest would recover without harm, but Sluuph had no intention of giving Ahriman that chance. She hurled herself at him, her shoulder hitting him in the gut, her arms catching his legs, throwing Ahriman against the wall behind him with a crash.

Ahriman recovered quickly, his fists smashing down on Sluuph's back, driving the air from her. She staggered back as others arrive on the bridge in a tumult of voices -- Chessire's "Hey!" Mishka's wordless spitting hiss, Qata's calm question "Sluuph, do you need some help?" and Leicace screaming "Ahriman, no!" -- mingled with the sizzle and whine of spells.

Sluuph crouched, her eyes lambent, her open hands surrounded by coruscating nimbuses of Crystal energy. Ahriman shook his head with a low moan, then recognized his attacker and sneered in anger as he lunged towards Sluuph. Sluuph twisted to avoid his charge, her back against the bridge railing, and dealt two powerful blows to Ahriman's ribs, her fists impacting with actinic flashes.

On the other side of Sluuph, Mishka snarled ferally as her claws extended, the fur along her spine and bristling. "Hold! Ahriman, you little trepor! What does this mean?" cried Chessire, as Leicace stepped toward the crowd, trying in vain to protect Ahriman from the onslaught. The Klyros, whom Sluuph could now see was Esorono, appeared to have taken the worst of Sluuph's initial Dazzling Light spell, was only now beginning to move.

Ahriman staggered under Sluuph's thunderbolt blows, but shook them off, turning with a wild roundhouse that Sluuph easily ducked -- right into the uppercut that snapped her head back, hurling her against the bridge rail where she flailed for one excited heartbeat before toppling over it. Ahriman leapt after her as
Leicace fell to her knees in despair, wailing, "Please ... please stop...!"

Sluuph twisted in the air, landing in a crouch, catching her balance with one hand on the pavement while flinging an Energy Arrow at Ahriman as he fell toward her. Her shot missed him and he crashed to the pavement unharmed. He sprinted down and across the plaza, Sluuph in hot pursuit, firing more Energy Arrows.

As they passed the fountain, Ahriman suddenly turned, throwing Sluuph's aim off -- her volley of Energy Arrows blew geysers of water high onto the fountain's statue as they missed Ahriman. Ahriman threw his weight, over twice Sluuph's into a tackle. Sluuph caught his arm and dragging him around as she fell, both of them crashing to the pavement by the fountain. Sluuph wound her legs around Ahriman's, her powerful thighs pressing his knees backward; one twist would break his legs.

The others arrived only moments later. Chessire screamed, "That's enough" as she drew her swords directly into a cut at Ahriman's wrist. Mishka, arriving right beside Chessire, hissed and yowled furiously, her fangs gleaming sharp. Leicace collapsed, weeping uncontrollably.

Esorono called to Chessire, "You don't have to kill him Chess, he didn't do anything...yet."

"I'm not killing him" she snapped.

"Maiming is the same."

Ahriman writhed in pain, holding his wrist, struggling to escape Sluuph's leg-lock. "No! You don't understand...!"

Sluuph ignored Ahriman's desperate plea as she chopped the edge of her hand into Ahriman's biceps, bruising him deeply but missing the pressure point that would numb his arm. She tightened her legs, the pressure on Ahriman's knees reaching a critical level.

Chessire sheathed her blades, looking unsure. "I just hope I didn't cut his hand for nothing ... what's going on, Eso?"

Leicace leapt in a frantic attempt to restrain Sluuph. Sluuph saw only the sudden motion, and lashed out with a backfist blow that caught Leicace high on the forehead. Leicace's head jerked back with the force of Sluuph's blow and she fell but Sluuph's small hand suffered more damage than the strongest part of Leicace's skull.
Seeing his beloved fiance beaten to the ground, Ahriman swung furiously at Sluuph's leg. She spasmed from his enraged blow, allowing him to begin to twist away. Sluuph rolled with him and drove her hand down in a hammering blow on Ahriman's chest over his heart. Ahriman clutched his chest, curling into a ball. Sluuph threw her legs high, twisting on her shoulders, and brought her feet down toward Ahriman in a motion like an axe chop, but her boot heels hit only pavement as her movement was interrupted by Chessire pouncing on her.

Stunned by the sudden attack of the woman Sluuph thought was an ally, Sluuph raised her hands, instinctively trying for an arm triangle choke hold. Chessire grunted "Huh!" as Mishka shouted, "Esorono, get ready! Oh, no! The problem is not Ahriman but Sluuph!"

Leicace wailed, "Sluuph, stop! Remember your oath!" as the two Nolthir grappled, well matched in unarmed combat, each unable to gain advantage at first. Chessire greater experience and weight of armor was beginning to tell, when Sluuph cast Dazzling Light in Chessire's face at point-blank range. To her amazement, Chessire vanished from above her, her spell bursting high over the plaza, casting multicolored shadows. Ahriman, freed by Chessire's attack on Sluuph, had chosen not to flee but to throw himself flying towards Chessire with his full weight. Chessire took Ahriman's full weight on her and was knocked aside and thrown to the ground.

Leicace looked up through her dim eyes and notices Venorel, whispering "Ven, you came...." Venorel only snarled and drove her longsword into Ahriman's back. Ahriman collapsed over Chessire, bleeding from the deep wound.

Esorono stated thoughtfully, "I know you guys hate Ahriman, but he hasn't done anything since he was arrested."
Sluuph clambered to her feet, seeing the rapidly growing pool of blood under Chessire and Ahriman. She instantly slapped her hands against Ahriman, pouring Life Infusion into him, desperate to stop Venorel's apparent attempt to help Ahriman escape into the Death Realm.

Mishka shrieked, "Leave Chessire alone!" and casting Might on herself, kicked Ahriman in the head just as Sluuph stomped on his knee.

Esorono murmured in bewilderment, "Ahriman was getting married and now they are attacking him."

Sluuph saw Ahriman near unconsciousness, unable to stop any blows, and paused, coruscating with Crystal energy, her fingertips arcing with power, watching Ahriman's limp form closely. Slowing her breathing, she cried out, "Guards! Guards! Kidnap!"

Chessire raised her head to cry out, "Sluuph! Stop it, by the gods!"

Venorel stepped up to Ahriman and cut open his pants at his crotch. Sluuph gasped in shock and pushed Venoral back roughly, away from her captive. Chessire also exclaimed in surprise, "Ven!" Sluuph shouted again, "Guards!"

Venorel looks at the others in disbelief. "For the love of Talad, why not?" While they were distracted by this exchange, Mishka threw herself on Ahriman's unconscious form and tore off his ear with her fangs.

Horrified, Chessire screamed, "Mishka!" pushing her friend back at the same time Sluuph turned to push her as well, the charge of energy in Sluuph's hands shocking the fenki. Mishka jumped away, hissing, and drew her longswords.

Sluuph shrieked, "Where are the Guards?! Kidnap!" as Esorono stated "No one kidnapped anyone." Chessire grabbed Sluuph's arm "Take it easy," as Mishka hissed at Chessire, completely feral. Chessire simply gave Mishka a glance and turned her gaze from her.

Sluuph threw off Chessire's grip, and turning back and forth shouted, "Stand away, everybody! He is my captive! I will turn him over to the Guard. Back!"

Venorel glares at Sluuph in a challenge. Sluuph tensed in preparation, wondering if Venorel would try to free Ahriman. Sluuph could not trust any of the ones who had attacked her, but saw a new figure arrive on the scene.... "Glaciusor! Glaciusor!!! Help me! Bind him, please! I have to keep these people away. Bind him before he wakes up!"

Mishka sheathed her longswords, but shouted, "Glaciusor! Stay there!" as Ahriman's blood pooled on the stone beneath him. Sluuph slid a foot over to touch Ahriman, giving him another Life Infusion while watching the crowd surrounding her growing as more passers-by stepped up.

Leicace gazed unfeelingly at the ongoing scene, unable to bring herself to move. Two City Guards pushed through the crowd, glaring around them. Sluuph recognized Dahtess from earlier encounters, but the other was new to her. Later in the conversation, Dahless would address him as Fwentleigh.

They spoke together at first. "What's going on here?! Weapons away now."

Fwentleigh pointed at Venorel to reinforce the command. "You! Put those swords away, now!" as Dahtess surveyed the crowd. "Someone better start talking. Or we'll take you all in."

Sluuph was eager to begin talking. "Guard! I charge this Ynnwn with kidnap! I charge kidnap and slavery!" Leicace blinked a few times at the guards and also spoke. "This is all a ... misunderstanding...."

Venorel stared at the guards, not moving. Dahtess repeated Fwentleigh's order to her, "Weapons, now!"

Mishka suddenly began a rapid series of gagging coughs, which ended with her spitting Ahriman's ear out of her mouth to the plaza pavement.

Fwentleigh pointed at Venorel as well. "You, Missy, better put those swords away, or you'll be spending the night in our nice little jail cells."

"Slavery and kidnapping on who?" asked Dahtless. She looked to Sluuph then to whom she was refering, "Is that Ahriman?"

"Me!" snapped Sluuph. "That is Ahriman, the kidnapper and slaver! Bind him over and try him! I charge him!"

Dahtess looked to Fwentleigh. "Let's take him in for questioning then." Fwentleigh responded, "Good idea," as Dahtess raised his staff and paralyzed Ahriman with powerful magic, adding a healing spell to stop the bleeding. Leicace reached out caress Ahriman's face as Dahtess raised his staff again and teleported Ahriman to the jail cell.


General Discussion / Re: Get off the Roleplay Server
« on: August 16, 2010, 09:22:04 am »
Hear her! Hear her!  \\o//

I despise "me too" posts, but Sashia has said what I've been thinking (four months in my case) so well that I must break my own rule. I tried to complete some quests "in character" and found the results and responses were exactly backward from what made sense ("the Gemming" being the example that comes to mind).

Wish list / Re: Magic.
« on: August 16, 2010, 09:05:00 am »
How about spells to support searching for "resources" -- a Brown Way spell that gives a hint where ore might be found; a Blue Way "Find Fish" spell...? (Harvesting currently doesn't need support, since the farmer can -- usually -- see the crops. But perhaps another Brown Way spell might find the more valuable herbs.)

Kra delivers this message from Qata:

Well seeing that some of my words have been entered here, I believe it important to include also a very important thing said and done in the garden during that meeting of Sluugh, Dannae and Qata.

Gemma, please convey my sincere and humble apologies to Sir Qata. I meant no offence when I left out this moment from the accounting -- I was only trying to shorten a over-long post.

I thank you for restoring it, Gemma, and I thank Sir Qata for the rejuvenated feelings of good will and love, which I continue to feel and to treasure. But even more, I thank Qata for his teaching. I realize how wrong I was and will be working to correct the harm I have done.

General Discussion / A Surprise Sister
« on: July 22, 2010, 07:14:27 pm »
[OOC, but very important: The opinions expressed in this story are those of the characters and not necessarily those of their players.]

Sluuph stumbled toward the Garden, tears rolling down her cheeks. Turning the corner she collided with another person and stumbled. Dannae instantly saw Sluuph's distress. "Sluuph...what's happened?"

Sluuph could hardly speak through her sobs. "Roled ... and Elady ... say I'm -- that I'm still...."

Dannae took Sluuph in her arms, listening carefully as the distraught Nolthrir gulped for breath. "That I'm doing Ahriman's work.  By trying to heal the -- the guild. Elady says I've destroyed the guild!" Sluuph moaned and collapsed to the soft turf outside the entrance to the Garden.

Dannae remained standing for a moment, stunned by the words. She frowned in disbelief. "Ahriman's work...I don't believe could you be?"

Sluuph wailed, "I don't know! I'm working so hard.... I want my home back. I want you back. Roled kept shouting that I was still--" She broke down completely, her words dissolving into heart-tearing sobs.

Dannae quickly sat beside her friend, holding her close.  "We have our have me, Sluuph."

Sluuph shook her head violently, tears flying. "He-- And she says-- I can't purify my own home! We have to vote to defend--!"

"Sluuph... wait... don't listen to them."

"I just wanted his help. I asked for advice. And he says I'm Ahriman!  And she says I'm destroying her guild. As if she owns us. What have I done that wasn't voted on?"

Dannae slowly murmured, "I need to speak with them." Then to Sluuph, "Maybe it was the ceremony...the axes?"

Sluuph nodded but said, "I asked you four. It was unanimous. Everyone said 'aye.' Everyone!"

The two sat silently for a time as Sluuph's tears fell.

She spoke again, her voice much softer. "But, Dannae? He controlled our minds. If we had voted to make him our Lord and Master, and he got a majority, would that make it right? If we then voted to never vote again, would that be the new law?"

Dannae looked surprised, but answered quickly. ", I hope it wouldn't...we have not foreseen this kind of thing.  We obviously need to make more changes to protect our ways. I say, no vote shall go against Xiosia's teachings."

"Yes!" Sluuph agreed loudly. "I have to keep telling myself that none of them were Daughters. Their opinions are just opinions. That no matter what happens, I will be Xiosia's priestess still. They cannot take that from me." Sluuph's anxiety grew again at that thought. Her voice rose, a panicked edge to it. "I am not doing Ahriman's work. I am not!"

Dannae interjected, "I know Sluuph... I do," but Sluuph was not listening to her.

"I just want my home back!" she wailed.

Dannae pulled Sluuph's head to her shoulder. "We had to do what we one else was able to. Would it have been better to do nothing and let Ahriman corrupt us all? Of course not!"

A new voice caused both women to look up as Dannae's friend Detiey greeted them. Sluuph tensed in Dannae's arms; she and Detiey had not gotten on well before.

Detiey smiled and said, "Hi!" as Dannae spoke too. "Sluuph is upset." Sluuph wiped her eyes and smiled as best she could.

Detiey frowned, so much like Dannae that Sluuph looked back and forth between them. She sat with them, still just outside the Garden. "Oh? Why is that?"

Dannae began to say "Something Elady and Roled have said to her," as Sluuph took a deep breath and tried to steady her voice. "I tried to ask for advice, and was told I'm doing Ahriman's work, is all."

"Hmmm ... what did you ask?"

Sluuph swallowed and rubbed her nose. "Um. Well, I wanted to talk to him about why so many people claim to be protectors of our guild, but in the end, it was Dannae and I who went through the door to get the fiend out of our house. And what we might do to protect ourselves a little better. I guess just asking that question means I'm no Daughter of Xiosia."

Detiey shocked Sluuph when she shrugged. "People like to say nice things.. but when it comes to getting dirty hands...."

Sluuph blinked at Detiey's words, so much like her own thoughts, and added, "And Elady kept saying that every action must be voted on, even defending ourselves."

The other two spoke together. "Qata seemed to be all right with what we accomplished," observed Dannae and Detiey snapped, "That is not true, according to the oath." They continued speaking over each other. "That's ridiculous." "I mean, aggression is not an option, but defense is!"

Sluuph continued, "And Roled accused me of trying to destroy the guild. He said I am doing Ahriman's work for him."

The two continued to speak together, their statement intertwining. Detiey looked stern as she said "Elady left the guild. It is not her province anymore." "Elady left us in our time of need...that's how I feel." Dannae matched Detiey's expression and Sluuph nodded to them both. "It is not her decision to return, she must start again, like a fresh person." "That would need to be voted on."

Sluuph's expression turned angry, her voice bitter and sarcastic. "But she doesn't need votes, you see. Oh, no! She's a founding member! Xiosia Herself gave her a ring, Roled says!" And as quick as the wave of her anger rose, it broke and crashed down. Sluuph looks suddenly ashamed. "I'm sorry. I do respect her."

But Dannae's next words shocked her. "She gave me a ring as well. And Detiey too."

Sluuph looks from one to the other. "Xiosia did?" she said, and giggled a little wildly as both women simultaneously held out their hands toward her.

Sluuph admired the rings as Detiey continued, "It is only I did not choose to join DOX; it does not mean that i don't believe in Xiosia."

Deeply impressed by the divine gifts, Sluuph said slowly, "Um. So, Detiey, what -- if anything -- would you do? Does the DOX need to get better at defending itself? Or should we rely on outsiders to protect us?"

Dannae grinned. "Detiey would have protected us."

Detiey shrugged. "I think you need to defend... I would defend you all... but it must be subtle, non-aggressive. I mean, it was not necessary to show steel in the garden."

Sluuph nodded, slowly, and remained lost in silent thought, chewing on her lips. Finally, she spoke. "Dannae? You are our High Priestess. If I did wrong, I will make restitution. Tell me what I should do."

Both women shook their heads in unison. Dannae stated, "If you did wrong...then I did worse" and Detiey replied "You did what was necessary."

Sluuph looked at Dannae and shook her head, "You did not bear weapons in the Garden. No, Dannae, I think we should consider this opportunity to show Hydlaa what we intend."

"Sluuph," Detiey looked intensely at her. "There is no need to show anyone anything." Dannae nodded in agreement as Detiey continued, "People like Ahriman are rare. It is not needed to give outward signs of strength."

Sluuph replied with matching energy. "No ... I disagree, Detiey ... I think we have a good opportunity here. Hear me out, please." She grinned "And then all we Daughters will vote, and I will abstain." Sluuph smiled at the only other Daughter of Xiosia present.

Sluuph drew a deep breath, steadying herself. "I could not possibly care less about the laws of Hydlaa, so just forget that part. I am coming to agree with Detiey, that an outward show of strength is not necessary. I think that the axes were a mistake. Done in the heat of battle, with the concurrence of all, but a mistake. I think that you, Dannae, should realize that."

Detiey interrupted Sluuph's speech. "Emotions were high."

Sluuph continued, almost without pause. "Yes. But! I was the one with the axes, and no one else. You need to make it clear that we all know it was a mistake. So--"

Detiey interrupted again, repeating, "Sluuph. Your blood was high. It is excusable." Dannae joined in. "I granted you my agreement."

"I'm not trying to defend myself, Detiey -- on the contrary! I think Dannae should reprimand me." Sluuph smiled at the High Priestess. "Gently, please. And I think you should set me a task of restitution. That will show the city that the DOX recognize the error that we made. We made a mistake -- okay, Dannae, all of us. Emotions, tension, yes, all that. I was the one with the weapons, though."

Detiey looked into the distance and spoke softly. "If indeed there was an error, I would say the DoX brought a service to all women of Hydlaa and beyond."

Sluuph's eyes went wide and she smiled with delight. In that moment, Detiey changed in Sluuph's mind, going from a distant and often cold stranger to one she would call a friend. "Detiey, I think that is the nicest thing you've ever said to me. Thank you!"

Detiey looked her in the eye. "Sluuph, I know more than most about male aggression."

Sluuph bowed her head as she replied, "I know more than I did before."

Dannae returned to the question. "Everyone there saw me agree to the would not be right for me to reprimand. If any recompense is necessary, it should be brought by the law of Hydlaa. For the crime of drawing a weapon in Hydlaa, the sentence will most likely be insignificant. There were many at the ceremony, and I heard none reject your idea, Sluuph. And, Sluuph, you broke no law of DoX."

Sluuph stared at the guild's High Priestess, those last words ringing in her ears. After a long pause, she murmured, "I will turn myself in, if that is what we agree to."

Detiey shook her head. "You acted in defense... it is not a crime."

"No one was being attacked when we were in the Garden."

Detiey smiled as Sluuph argued against her defender, "Sure, but as I told the situation was unique. And no one made a complaint. Even Roled was silent." Detiey took Sluuph's hand as she spoke. "Do not feel guilty. There is no cause for it. I believe this."

Sluuph squeezed Detiey's hand. "But just the hearing will make the point that we now believe we were wrong, won't it? Dannae, I just want to show outsiders like Roled that I'm not trying to destroy the guild. I don't feel guilty, Detiey. I feel misunderstood."

Detiey smiled with compassion. "You know something, Sluuph? More store is taken by someone's actions than their words. Study the oath, and live by it... maybe even take the oath once more. But live to Xiosia's oath. No more than that will be needed."

For the second time that night, Sluuph's jaw dropped in shock, but this time it was the shock of her joy returning. She laughed happily. "I always prefer the big dramatic way --"

Dannae giggled, "Don't I know!"

"-- but I've learned that ways like you suggest are better. I don't like them! But I know they are better."

Detiey smiled and said, "The touch of a gentle finger has more goodness than a fist, and its effects are remembered longer."

Sluuph stared at Detiey with new respect as Dannae reached to gently touch Detiey's face.

Sluuph whispered, "I wish you had chosen the DOX, Detiey." She sighed in contentment. "Got your amethyst, Dannae?"

Detiey said, "I have chosen Xiosia, so in effect I chose DoX. But I don't need to wear the badge, it is in my heart."

Sluuph looked thoughtful for a moment, then shrugged. "Okay, wise women ... should we invite anyone else? Or will you give me the oath with only Detiey to witness? I fear Roled and Elady would try to continue their attacks on me, but I will bow to your wisdom."

Dannae sounded surprised. "You want to renew your oath?"

"Yes. As soon as it can best be done. I need to show something, Dannae. I need to refute Roled's words. They burn me."

Detiey cocked her head. "You do not need to say the words, Sluuph. Only live the oath from this moment."

"I don't think I ever stopped, Detiey, but I want to renew it. I want to say it aloud."

Detiey leaned forward and gently hugged Sluuph as Dannae smiled and whispered to Detiey, "You always know the right thing to say."

Detiey grinned. "I only say what I feel. You know that."

Dannae returned the grin, giggling. "Then, you always feel the right thing."

Sluuph stood. "Let's do this. Right now, just us three, let me say it to you and the Goddess. Will you do that for me?"

The three entered the Garden and stood under the ruqua, Detiey holding Sluuph's hand warmly.

Dannae faced the ruqua tree and raised her amethyst high above her head, then in great sweeping motions ascribed a pattern in the air, then pointed the amethyst to the ground ascribing the same pattern in the grass with a flourish. In a deep tone Dannae shouted, "Air and earth, fauna and flora! As we stand in unison and harmony, we achieve the strength needed to survive. In this same spirit of unison, harmony, and strength, we, the Daughters of Xiosia, stand here before our Goddess's mighty ruqua tree effigy to welcome in Her name, our renewing sister."

Detiey stepped to the side, a happy smile on her face.

Dannae smiled warmly, "Sluuph, do you take this oath of your own free will, with no reservations nor hesitations?"

"Yes, I do."

"Do you promise to honor the teachings of the goddess Xiosia, and to live in unity with all Her creations to the highest extent of your ability?"


"Do you promise to protect nature and to defend against those who would abuse and squander those gifts the Goddess has so lovingly bestowed upon us all?"


"Do you promise to respect the lives of all Yliakum and to never attack another citizen except in matters of self defense, to protect the life of an innocent, or to prevent abominations against nature?"

Sluuph drew herself up and proudly shouted, "Yes!"

Detiey felt a tear of happiness fall down her face.

"Do you promise to respect your fellow daughters, to give them support and encouragement when in need, in times of both happiness and crisis?"

Sluuph took a deep breath, blinking back tears. "Yes, I will."

"It is our great honor and privilege to welcome you into our guild, the Daughters of Xiosia." Dannae stepped forward placed a single kiss on Sluuph's forehead. "Welcome, sister, may the Goddess bless your path always."

Sluuph kissed Dannae, whispering, "I like the kissing part."

Detiey sniffed emotionally.

Sluuph said, "Thank you, Dannae. It's a little silly, but it helps me a lot."

Detiey hugged both women, smiling through happy tears.

Dannae smiled to Sluuph, "I don't mind at all, I enjoy doing the ceremony."

Detiey grinned slyly, "Is this the part where the High Priestess gets thrown into the fountain?"

Dannae turned to run, but the others seized her quickly.

A joyous time passed, a time in which Sluuph learned more fully that strangers may be closer friends than they appear, and in which she was able to forget for a moment that those who once appeared to be friends may become enemies.

General Discussion / To Advise and Condemn
« on: July 22, 2010, 07:10:28 pm »
[OOC, but very important: The opinions expressed in this story are those of the characters and not necessarily those of their players.]

Sluuph meditated long, giving devote prayer and careful thought to her ideas. She talked through them with the guild's new High Priestess, but wanted still more advice on a subject of such importance. So it was that when she discovered Roled working by Gardr, she quietly took a seat and waited for a safe moment to speak.

Roled saw her before that moment arrived. "Oh! Lady Sluuph! Ye surprised me!" he cried as he dropped steel stock on his foot. "Ouch!" He jumped around in pain.

Sluuph laughed as she cast a small healing spell on Roled's foot. "I was just asking Gardr to store some stuff for me in preparation for our rededication ceremony. I do hope you will be able to join us."

Sluuph watched for a moment as Roled moved glowing metal objects about. "Roled, you know Xiosia well. And you've known the Daughters longer than I have. Now that the house has been retaken -- by Dannae and me -- I find that there are a large number of powerful people who consider themselves our protectors and are upset to hear us talking of becoming a little more resistant to attack, conquest, and enslavement." She smiled in self-deprecation. "Not that I'm slanting the question or anything. But that ... surprises me. What went wrong, that these protectors were not available before our straits became so dire that we had to take up arms ourselves?"

Roled snorted. "Aye, Lady Sluuph, that has many answers. Ye will find that there be many of us who care deeply fer the DOX."

"I do not doubt for a single heartbeat that there are many who care deeply for the DOX. Not one heartbeat. But it was Dannae and I who went through that door."

"I went through the door the day before ye did, with swords drawn. Did Dannae not tell ye?"

Sluuph was taken aback with surprise. "No. I did not know."

"I also sat outside ye house door for one whole night after ye were returned, and after Teshia were attacked and the DOX sheltered her. Did ye not know this? And I gathered the Crystal Custos to search out what we thought were a poison or charm within ye."

Sluuph holds up her hands in surrender, but Roled's sudden rage could not be stopped.

"Who searched fer ways to help ye? Elady! Qata! Mordaan! Residren! Sacho! Chessire! Me! Who went and got the guards when Ahriman paraded ye back into town! Who tried to convince the guards to keep Ahriman under lock and key? Who then insisted no wrong had been done them and freed Ahriman? Ye did!"

Roled paused for breath and seemed to calm himself a bit. "Please fergive me losing my temper with ye just now. May I buy ye both a drink and some dinner at the Stonehead?" He bowed humbly to Sluuph and set a gentle hand on her shoulder.

Sluuph nodded. "I would love to."

"Good! Let's sit and work this out please Lady S?"

They walked up the short ramp and were greeted as the entered by Elady, the former High Priestess of the Daughters, who had left the guild when Ahriman was allowed into their house. "Sluuph, good to see you again."

Sluuph sighed as she adjusted the cushions on the bench.

"Anything wrong, Sluuph? Can I get you anything?"

"I would love a cider, Elady."

"One cider and one tea for Roled. Anything for you, Tess?"

Tessra blushed, shaking her head. "Oh, no, no, thank you."

Roled continued, "Elady, perhaps some food too? Oh stew or maybe some...." He added to no one's surprise, "...pie?" He looked hopeful.

Elady left and Roled turned to Sluuph, clearing his throat.

She began. "So, Roled. You were losing your temper on me, which I deserve."

Elady returned and began distributing mugs.

Roled lifted his glass "Here's to Lady Tessra fer passing her examinations!"

Tessra blushed, looking down at her hands.

Elady and Sluuph joined the toast. "To Lady Tessra!"

Roled continued, "And here to the freeing of the Daughters of Xiosia from that terrible evil."

Tessra nodded emphatically at Roled's words.

Roled continued the toast. "And here's to the reuniting of the DOX and Elady!" Roled raised his glass and drinks emphatically.

Sluuph stared into her mug.

Elady looked at Roled with surprise. "I think there is still the issue of Ahriman to deal with first. How are your, ah, party plans coming, Sluuph?"

Sluuph looked baffled. "Issue? Party? I don't understand."

Roled added, "Oh, ye do not know? Sluuph should tell ye...." He sipped his tea, looking at the women.

Tessra looked from Sluuph to Elady to Roled, unsure what any of this meant.

Sluuph said, "Um. I'm confused, so I'll back up, probably too far. Dannae and I independently came up with the same plan to pin Ahriman to a place where we could control the situation. So we voted to let him into the house. If he left, he would not be able to get back in. Elady was upset, but we could not tell her what we were doing. She left the guild."

Tessra looked at Elady wide-eyed. Elady shrugs and looks down at the table. "I didn't understand. I thought Ahriman had gotten to everyone but me."

Sluuph said, "A few days later, Dannae and I heard, again separately, that Ahriman was planning to invite the Hydlaa underworld to our home for a party to gloat over his conquest of us. We decided that we could wait no longer.

Sluuph looked over at the Dermorian. "And, Roled, this goes to what you were saying earlier. Dannae and I felt that we were alone. That we had no supporters. Well, that's not completely true. When I mentioned our plans at Harnsie's, we had plenty of supporters. Including your sister, Tessra."

Tessra burst out, "Tesh was there?!"

Sluuph said, "But in the end, it was Dannae and me who went through the door."

Elady looked confused. "I told both you and Dannae I would do what I could to help."

Sluuph said, "We could not find you, and felt we could not wait. And we were right -- he was already digging around in our ... our things."

Tessra's eyes widened in horror, as she pressed a hand to her lips. Elady simply looked disgusted.

"And now that Dannae and I have retaken the guild house -- by force of arms -- we find that many people are shocked, unhappy, disapproving, of our actions.

Tessra exclaimed, "But... but he is gone now? You have saved the virtue of the priestesses!"

Sluuph looked bewildered. "They seem to feel that we have damaged our guild in some way. He is gone. Our possessions seem to have been recovered. But I need to understand what I have done."

Elady said in a reasonable voice, "Much like Xiosia followers sometimes have to fight to defend nature, so you had to fight to protect the sanctuary of the house. As with all things with the Goddess it is the balance that is important."

Tessra said, "I am sure the Goddess herself will understand...." and nodded to Elady. "Even in nature there is a cycle...."

Sluuph said, "Thank you, Elady. That is what I believe. And that, too, Tessra."

Elady grinned, trying to lighten the mood. "I'm just thankful I don't have to wear that dress to that party!"

Sluuph stated firmly, "I do not believe it is wrong to fight and to kill and if need be to die to defend one's home. And so I say this: I will defend the Daughters. I will place myself between them and their enemies. I hope I can remain in the guild while I do that."

Tessra nodded quickly to Sluuph.

Elady said, "It is a shameful thing that there was the need for violence in the house but it sounds like it was justified in your actions, Sluuph. I doubt the Daughters will kick you out."

Roled tore off a hunk of pie, dipped it in the stew, and munched slowly, listening to the women.

Then Tessra mused, "You told Teshia something once... and she never forgot it. You said that some even go so far as to believe that Xiosia and Dakkru are one and the same.... With all creation, there must be a death..."

Roled looked at Tess wide-eyed.

Sluuph corrected Tessra in a gentle voice, "I don't believe They are the same. But They are sisters." She turned to Roled, waiting for him to swallow the bite of pie. "What do you say to a Daughter with an axe, Roled?"

Roled answered slowly his words soft but his voice hard, "Sluuph, 'tis not my place to judge. It just took me by surprise 'tis all, Sluuph, last night at the oathing, fer ye to bear the axe and not the charmflower...." He turned to look Elady in the eye, and repeated with emphasis. "Last night at the DOX Oathing and Induction in the Garden."

Elady's face tightened in shock.

Sluuph, unaware of these first breaths of the rising storm, boasted, "Even when some seek to destroy us, we grow. Elady, I stood in the roots of the ruqua and held the labrys. And the Daughters initiated two new members while I stood as Guardian."

Tessra agreed, "Surely there is a time even for the axe?"

Roled looked sharply at the student. "Aye, indeed... and a time fer peace and cleansing."

Sluuph continued in her naivete, "Aye! And I will be doing that as well."

Elady looked sad as she pointed out, "There has never been a need for a 'Guardian' in the past. It saddens me to feel there was the feeling that one was needed this time."

Tessra asked, "But, Elady, has there ever before been such an attack on the Daughters?"

Sluuph went on, "I spent last night in the Garden purifying my spirit. Tonight I purify the house. Evict his stench. Tomorrow, I reconsecrate and seal it."

Roled asked sharply, "Sluuph, ye alone?"

Sluuph instantly replied, "No."

Roled asked again, as is if unable to hear Sluuph any more, "Ye alone does this?"

Sluuph repeated, "No! As many of the Daughters as can attend should." She stared at Roled, sensing a change coming over him. "But it seems that I am the one who most feels it necessary. And I do feel it necessary. I cannot sleep in that place now."

Elady agreed, "I mentioned to Dannae when last we talked that a ceremony to resantify the house would probably be a good idea."

And Tessra also added, "It is time for the house to have a new beginning... just as the daughters have new found freedom...."

Roled, however, was not hearing what was being said. He took a deep breath. "Ye have been through much, beloved Daughter of Xiosia. But ne'er before have I ever heard any Daughter refer to sacred ceremonies as "I will do this or that". 'Twas always 'We will...we shall...' not 'I...'."

Sluuph looked worried at the one she called a friend. "Roled, I hear you. May I tell you why I say it the way I do?"

Roled nodded, his face grim.

Sluuph watched him carefully as she explained. "Because the Daughters are riddled with doubt and distrust. Because with the single exception of Dannae, I do not know who I can count on to be true."

Roled looked significantly to Elady. Tessra frowned, watching Roled.

Sluuph continued. "Ellessa and Leicace I presume to be loyal, but they are so new they do not know how to help. Elady has my deepest respect, but Elady is not a Daughter of Xiosia."

Elady drew herself up and instructed Sluuph. "Remember the Daughters are supposed to act as a group, every Daughter getting an equal say in how the guild is run."

"Even the ones under the control of evil forces? So if Ahriman had gained control of a majority of Daughters, he would be the legitimate Lord of the house?"

Elady retorted, "If the Daughters don't follow their own rules then there are no Daughters."

Sluuph snapped back, "Our rules are not a suicide pact. And if they are, then I will be Her priestess still but Her Daughter no longer."

Elady said, "That is not for you to decide on your own, Sluuph. That is for the guild as a whole to discuss and vote on."

Sluuph repeated, "Then I will be Her priestess still but Her Daughter no longer. That is for me to decide on my own. Just as it was yours to decide on your own, Elady."

Tessra begged Sluuph, "Talk to the other Daughters. I think you will find they feel as you do."

Sluuph answered Tessra but looked at Roled and Elady. "I have been talking to them at great length. They do."

"Then it seems like the proper thing should be done and a meeting called and votes taken. Not a single person stating on their own what needs to be done." Elady stated.

Sluuph repeated her concern again, "And if those votes are for turning the guild over to Ahriman? What then, Elady? Our rules cannot be a suicide pact."

Elady stated the obvious, "If changes need to be made, then so be it, but those changes need to be voted on and discussed openly between all Daughters."

Sluuph shook her head in confusion. "Elady, I must have been unclear. Please let me explain. I am not attempting to dictate anything to the guild." She looked around her, seeing only disturbed faces. She began to wonder if the words she was speaking were the words that reached their ears. She continued. "Everything I have said, has been said to the guild. Even in the Garden, I asked all the Daughters present if they wanted me to stand as I did. Their approval was unanimous. That I need to purify my home before I can sleep in it again is my personal problem. That the house will be reconsecrated has been unanimously agreed to."

Roled stuffed another piece of stew sodden pie in his mouth, his face dark.

Sluuph looked each in the eyes and sighed. "So I'm wondering why you think I'm the new Ahriman, giving orders like some sort of tyrant."

Elady ignored all that Sluuph had explained. "It is disturbing to hear you saying I'm going to do this and I'm going to do that. Especially for something so important as sanctifying the house."

Realizing that communication was no longer possible, Sluuph said, "I'm sorry. I came for advice. Instead I've angered you. Thank you for the cider, Elady.

Roled stopped her. "Do ye really wish my advice, Sluuph?

"I have been trying to ask for it for some hours."

Roled looked at Sluuph, then at Elady, then at Tess. "This be what I know to be true. I know that Ahriman be the most evil sorcerer we have seen in a while. I know that ye Sluuph, and Narthen and Dannae and Zayla all succumbed to his torture. I know that that injury is not quickly healed, e'en if the mind be healed. And I know that Elady is a true Daughter of Xiosia, and the Highest Priestess, and has taught me much about our Lady."

Sluuph was expressionless, her eyes resting calmly on Roled's. Tessra looked wide-eyed from Roled to Sluuph.

Sluuph calmly stated a fact. "Elady has left the guild, Roled."

Elady put in, "I had hopes of returning to the guild but I'm beginning to wonder if that will be possible now."

Roled went on, "I know that Elady has truly the heart of Xiosia in our world. She only left the guild because of the evil those who were under the spell were bringing on yerselves. I know that the Goddess Xiosia has talked directly to Elady, has blessed her and has given her her ring as a sign of bonding. And I know Elady and Siteya founded the Daughters. So my advice is, Sluuph, submit yerself to Elady."

Sluuph looked down, her jaw setting. "And agree to the suicide pact."

Roled continued, "Take time to pray and heal. Take time to heal the other Daughters. Bring Elady back into the DOX. And each of ye find the Peace of Xiosia."

Sluuph stared at Roled, stammering, "I am healing the other Daughters. I am healing the guild. I have bled and wept and been tortured for the Daughters!"

Roled snarled, "Ye are not healing the guild, Sluuph! Ye are tearing the Guild apart! Just as Ahriman wishes ye to! Ye are still doing the will of Ahriman -- yer captor."

Sluuph's jaw dropped in shock and disbelief as Roled's slander ripped into her. His cruel words felt like teeth tearing her open from heart to womb. An eon of agony passed before she could force her shaking legs to lift her from the bench and flee from the one she had trusted to be a friend and mentor. She staggered blindly down the steep ramp from the Stonehead, scalding tears pouring down her cheeks.

General Discussion / Axes: a Question
« on: July 22, 2010, 07:01:44 pm »
They gathered in the Garden to find Sluuph standing high on the roots of the ruqua, unarmored but with twin axes in her hands. Teshia looked up to her as she reported, "I have seen none disturbing the peace on the way here. You should be safe enough."

Detiey stepped forward, calling "Why do you have axes?"

Sluuph replied in a strong voice, "I have axes because we have been attacked. Our ceremony will be defended."

"Oh? Who was it?"

"Ahriman most recently."

Teshia broke in to say "I will guard the gates for a time, Sluuph."

Detiey looked grim. "Why am I not surprised?"

Sluuph nodded as Dannae entered. "High Priestess."

Detiey and Dannae embraced, exchanging tender words in Detiey's native tongue.

Other began to enter the Garden, the majority with weapons drawn and ready.

Dannae explained, "We are welcoming daughters to the guild" as Detiey nodded at the heavily armed crowd. "May i stay and watch?"

Dannae replied, "Of course, Detiey, I wouldn't have it any other way."

Sluuph called out, "Sisters, I shall serve as Guardian. You may sheathe your weapons."

Dannae also addressed the crowd. "First of all, my sisters, we need to take another vote."

Detiey stepped away a discreet distance as Dannae continued, "We've all met Leicace. "Does anyone have any questions you want to ask of her?

Sluuph eyed a figure at the entrance to the Garden for a moment, then smile as she recognized one she still thought of as a friend. Roled waved as he entered the Garden.

Dannae spoke of Leicace, "She was right there helping us tonight. I think that shows where her heart is."

Leicace smiled and spoke modestly. "Happy to be of service, though I fear it was not of much help."

Roled took a seat quietly and smiles at the Daughters, his sisters.

Dannae call for the vote. "So... all in favor of Leicace joining us?"

Sluuph and Ellessa each called out, "Aye."

Roled looked around for Elady, not knowing that she had left the guild when Ahriman was admitted to the guild house.

Dannae said, "Aye," as she grinned to Leicace, who beamed brightly. "Let's get started then...." she began.

Sluuph spoke up. "Dannae? Forgive me for interrupting."

Roled scowled at Sluuph as Dannae looked up. "Yes, Sluuph?"

Sluuph said, "You know even better than I do that we are in danger." She held her axes high. "I would show these tools as examples of the power of the Daughters. Double-bitted axes have been a symbol of strong and independent women for a very long time. I wish to serve as Guardian of this ceremony. If all the Daughters and prospective Daughters here concur."

Dannae immediately replied, "Your wish is granted because of the night's previous events."

Ellessa added, "Aye."

Leicace nodded in agreement. "Yes, it always pays to be vigilant."

Roled's brow furrowed in concern.

Dannae said, "Now if we may begin?" She faced the ruqua tree and raised her amethyst high above her head, then in great sweeping motions ascribed a pattern in the air, then points the amethyst to the ground ascribing the same pattern in the grass with a flourish. She turned to face the others beckoning with her hands for all present to form a circle holding hands around Ellessa and Leicace."

Sluuph smiled and blinked proud tears back as all present stepped forward to form the circle.

Dannae, in her deepest tone, shouted, "Air and earth, fauna and flora", she paused to fix her eyes on each Daughter present for a moment before continuing. "As we stand in unison and harmony, we achieve the strength needed to survive. In this same spirit of unison, harmony, and strength, we, the Daughters of Xiosia, stand here before our Goddess's mighty ruqua tree effigy to welcome in Her name, our new sisters."

Dannae smiled warmly, "Ellessa and Leicace, do you take this oath of your own free will, with no reservations nor hesitations?"

They replied, "Yes," and "Indeed, yes."

Dannae said, "Do you promise to honor the teachings of the goddess Xiosia, and to live in unity with all her creations to the highest extent of your ability?"

Leicace nods solemnly as Ellessa said, "I do."

"Do you promise to protect nature and to defend against those who would abuse and squander those gifts the goddess has so lovingly bestowed upon us all?"

"Yes," and "Yes I do, gladly."

"Do you promise to respect the lives of all Yliakum and to never attack another citizen except in matters of self defense, to protect the life of an innocent, or to prevent abominations against nature?"

"Yes," and "Yes."

"Do you promise to respect your fellow daughters, to give them support and encouragement when in need, in times of both happiness and crisis?"

"Absolutely," and "Yes."

"It is our great honor and privilege to welcome you into our guild, the Daughters of Xiosia." Dannae stepped forward. "I present to you now, with the utmost pride and hope in my heart, this necklace displaying to all your devotion to our guild and Xiosia". She slips the necklace over Leicace's and Ellessa's heads and places a single kiss on each forehead. "Welcome, sisters, may the Goddess bless your path always."

The throng bowed, each in his, her, or kras own way.

Leicace said, "It is truly an honour to be accepted as a member of the sisterhood."

Sluuph sheathed her axes and leapt down from Xiosia's embrace to join the embraces of her sisters.

As the opportunity came, Sluuph grins and murmured, "Roled? I get the impression you don't approve."

Roled smiled and turned red. Not yet ready to reveal his deep emotion, he simply muttered, "Nae, nae.. tis just..."

The traditional party after the initiation was a joyous as ever, and enhanced even more by Ketta's beautiful flute playing.

Sanrai spoke for all, "Lovely music."

Roled could stand it no longer, and he says loud enough, but to himself. "But where be Elady?"

Detiey held Dannae's hand as she whispered, "Changes are for the better, in most cases." She added, "This is all so serene... it is the Garden at its best."

The throng slowly trickled away until Dannae looked around to find Sluuph sitting in the fountain, idly swirling the water with her hands.

"Everything all right, Sluuph?"

"I'm fine. Just a little tired all of a sudden."

Ketta commented, "You should be, after all that has gone on tonight, Sluuph!"

Dannae said, "Me, too, you know. It's not so easy for me. After what happened, you know."

Sluuph asked, "Would you like to go back to the house? Or is it not a good place yet?"

Dannae dropped her forehead to Sluuph's shoulder and Sluuph stroked her hair.

"No. Not tonight, Sluuph. Can we ... go out to the lake?"

"Of course. Now?"

Dannae nodded and they both stood. As they turned toward the Garden entrance though, Sluuph exclaimed, "Well met, Qata!"

"Greetings. How are you two doing?"

Sluuph replied, "We are exhausted, and happy. Um. If I may speak for you, Dannae...."

"Ah, it is good to be happy. So you had a good day then?"

Dannae said, "Very well, Qata. We just held a ceremony for two new Daughters."

Sluuph added, "The house is ours again."

Qata replied, "That is wonderful! Who are the two new daughters?"

Dannae said, "You may already know Ellessa, and the other is Leicace."

Qata replied calmly, "Yes, I have met Ellessa. Leicace I do not know. So, taking back your house, what happened to Ahriman?"

"He died in the process," Sluuph replied. "A simple death, so he is at large again."

Qata said, "Well, I can't say I have much sympathy for him."

Sluuph touched Dannae's cheek. "You did what was needed."

Qata looked at Dannae. "So you did him in, eh?" Sluuph shot an intense look at Qata, shaking her head, but Qata continued. "Then who did it?"

Dannae sighed, "I did... although, not by choice."

The Nolthrir spoke together. "I was defending Sluuph." "She saved me. All I accomplished was getting my gill sliced across."

Qata said, "Ah, I understand. Well, know that Xiosia uses lightning sometimes to take care of things. But I hope the Daughters can get beck to their peaceful nature."

Sluuph smiled. "I want to talk to you about that, Qata. You, and several others."

"Now,�or together with all sometime, would both be okay. Know that the Daughters can be completely free to be totally pacifists if they choose. Xiosia has many looking after your well being. She provides well, so do not hesitate to make you needs known."

Sluuph nods slowly, doubt easy to see in her face. "Later, I think.

And Dannae echoed Sluuph's thinking, saying, "We can't be perceived that way any longer. We will make it known. The Daughters will not be an easy target."

Sluuph explained her troubled thoughts. "Qata, in the end, our High Priestess had to.... She should not have needed to go through that door. For me to do it ... doesn't matter. I'm not a very good Daughter. But she should not have needed to be there."

Qata addressed Dannae, "Yes, but keep in mind that true strength comes from the heart. And much better to out think an opponent."

Dannae persisted, "As long as I am a DoX priestess, I will not allow this kind of thing to happen to us again."

Sluuph nodded in emphatic agreement.

Qata said, "Yes, and it is far more powerful to gain allies through helping others with kind deeds. This is why the DoX is much stronger than either of you realize."

"Being good does not require being weak," Sluuph said, as Dannae stated "Be sure, we will stay true to Xiosia's roots. Our guild's mission has not changed.'

Qata looked away from the two. "True, but a reputation of kindness and charity will always be stronger than any group of warriors."

Dannae nodded. "I do not wish to tarnish our reputation for kindness or charity, Qata."

Qata said, "That is wonderful to hear, Dannae. May Xiosia guide your path. I shall be going for now and wish you both much happiness."

"Thank you, Qata," Dannae said. "It's been my pleasure to get to know you more these last days."

"Blessed be Qata!" Sluuph called.

Qata said, "I look forward to our talk, Sluuph."

Sluuph said, "Thank you, Qata. You are a true friend. I will find you soon."

Qata said, "I will always be available to help the Daughters in any way," and bowed low. "May Xiosia guide all our paths well."

General Discussion / A Vagrant Squatter is Evicted
« on: July 22, 2010, 06:59:33 pm »
Elady, who had left the Daughters of Xiosia when Ahriman was admitted to their guild house, had pointed out to Sluuph that the vote to admit him was invalid. Sluuph passed this opinion on to Dannae.... "Since the first vote was invalid, we two should be enough to rescind it and tell him to leave. And I can bring half the town to help, if he disagrees."

Dannae looked confused. "Why was it invalid?"

"Elady or Siteya have to be present in every vote, according to Elady."

"What?! Elady's not even in the guild!" Dannae snapped.

"She was at the time. Now it's you."

"I never knew that," Dannae admitted. "Okay, let's do it."

A crowd of warriors quickly assembled outside the guild hall. Sluuph unlocked the door, glad that the lock was kept well oiled. She tugged on the outward-opening door, but it still would not move. Ahriman had barred it. Later, they would see the steel rods he had threaded through the inside handles.

Dannae gave the order to burn the door. Sluuph objected that the door was too heavy and would take too long to get weak enough to break down.

Sluuph offered the suggestion, "Burning will take all night. I say blast it. This has already gone past the peaceful solution we had planned."

Teshia added, "I can chop through it."

Leicace asked, "Couldn't we just break down the door? I'm sure all of us together could take him on."

Sluuph shook her head. "Yes, We can take him. Dakkru's outhouse, I could take him alone! But the door is very solid, Leicace."

Dannae suggested, "Maybe my rivnak could kick it in."

Leicace nodded. "That's a good thought."

Sluuph said, "Forget the rivnak. I have Energy Arrows. But what do we do when we don't have a door? It's bad enough that he is there with all our stuff around him. Dannae, you're the High Priestess, and you have more stuff in there than me. Do you have any ideas?"

Dannae said, "We can replace the door easily enough...."

Sluuph said, "Then I say we blast it to flinders."

Dannae said, "Let's try something first. Ahriman! Let us in! The vote was invalid!"

Ahriman shouted back through the wooden door. "What do you want?"

Sluuph shouted, "The vote to let you in was invalid!"

Ahriman retorted, "No, it wasn't. It was unanimous. I'll ask again. What do you want?"

Dannae shouted, "Elady or Siteya were required to vote! Neither did!"

"Elady left your guild! She has no vote!"

Sluuph said, "She was in the guild then! But didn't vote!"

"And she had the opportunity to vote! And her vote wouldn't have mattered!"

Sluuph lowered her voice. "Dannae...? This is wasting time," as Teshia growled "Blast it in."

Ahriman shouted, "So what is it you want?"

Dannae said, perhaps too quietly for him to hear, "We just want you gone...and out of our lives."

Her voice still low, Sluuph said, "Dannae, good and evil do not depend on votes."

Ahriman said, "All right! I'll let Dannae in to negotiate. The rest of you can remain just outside."

The chorus outside the door as cacophonous. "NO!" "Don't trust him! "Not a good idea...." "What are the negotiations about?"

Ahriman said, "As far as I'm concerned, I'm here legally. If you want me out, you send someone in."

Sluuph said, "No negotiations! You have no say in the matter! Leave, or we call the guards!"

As usual, Teshia didn't talk as much as Sluuph. "You don't get a vote, you steaming pile of tefuplop!"

Dannae said, "Ahriman, we won't negotiate this. Another vote has been taken and you lost."

Ahriman said, "The vote has to be taken in the house. You know that."

"You're a barrister now? A Barrister of Xiosia?" sneered Sluuph as Teshia ordered, "Then get out and they will go in and vote!"

Dannae answered him. "No, it doesn't...never has been a requirement."

Ahriman changed tack. "Now send someone in to talk, or this will not be pretty!"

Sluuph said, "Folks, shall we just call the guard and keep this simple? We don't want to be thought to be vigilantes," she added disingenuously.

Again the answers came in chorus. "Sounds good to me." "Not as much fun, but probably safer for the floors in there." "Sounds pretty simple."

Venorel said, "I am only here to support, yet I have little faith in the guards."

Sluuph said, "I can't stand the Guard myself, but I'll make use of them. And they know him, well."

Ahriman said, "My last request for a negotiator, then I'm digging in. You are all at a great disadvantage. You have one small entry point which I have covered."

The chorus: "You don't get a request." "There is nothing to negotiate." "Then we call the guards." "I've a pick and axes. That wooden door won't last long." "What could you possibly have to negotiate?"

Ahriman called, "I want to negotiate my exit! I was invited and I'm here legally. If you want me out, you negotiate."

Teshia growled, "You've been dis-invited. Now get out! Negotiations over."

But Dannae appeared to yield. "All right Ahriman. Let me in."

The chorus: "Dannae... be on your guard." "Dannae, no." "I will go with her." "She must not go alone." "Yes, Dannae, don't trust him."

Ahriman asked warily, "Are you coming alone? Alone, Dannae, or take your chances."

Sanrai, from around the corner, called back to the crowd at the door slowly, "Ladies, here is someone... you might be interested in...."

Dannae shouted, "Open it!" as Sluuph pressed herself against Dannae's back, ready to move the instant her guild sister and High Priestess did.

Teshia moved to Sanrai's side, snarling, "You, sir... be you friend or foe?" and Sanrai answered for him, "He is foe, I think."

Denolyier chuckled at the war-like pair. "I wouldn't know, simply observing."

Dannae watched and listened closely to the door for any sign of movement, hearing Ahriman remove the steel bars. He cracked the door open enough for one person to get in. He watched from behind carefully, ready to react instantly to any tricks. They paid no further attention to the fracas in the alleyway.

Ahriman said, "Don't try anything stup--!" Dannae and Sluuph yanked the door from Ahriman's grip, Dannae dropping a club to prevent the door from closing again. The two Nolthrir darted in, but Sluuph tripped over Dannae's club and stumbled right into Ahriman's grip. He grabbed her instantly, his dagger pressed into her neck.

Ahriman said, "I told you one person alone."

Sluuph grinned at Dannae as Ahriman pressed the dagger firmly. She sneered at Ahriman. "I've been murdered before by better men than you."

Ahriman pulled the string, setting off a line of gas bombs at the entrance.

Dannae said, "What are you going to do Ahriman, commit murder in front of all these witnesses?"

Sluuph tried to kick Ahriman in the shin with her armored heel, while twisting to throw him sideways, but Ahriman only staggered briefly from the kick in the shin. His blade, pressed into her throat, ripped to the side, plunging through her gill in a fountain of blood. She fell gasping to the floor. Sluuph raised her hands, Crystal magic sparking, but her spell failed.

Ahriman pulled the prepared trap line, setting off a line of knockout gas at the entrance.

Dannae cried out, "No...not again!" and lunged for Ahriman with both swords.

Glaciusor tried to run to the entrance, but stopped when seeing the gas. He took a deep breath and came through the door followed by Ketta and Leicace.

Sluuph scrambled back away from Ahriman. Colliding with the chairs, she clambered to her feet. Sluuph gasped as she grew dizzy from loss of blood, "Kill him!" A blaze of light surrounded Sluuph as several healing spells enveloped her. Her neck wound closed instantly.

Perhaps distracted by the blaze of Crystal magic, Ahriman didn't see Dannae attack, taking both of her swords in the chest. He fell limply to the floor, bleeding profusely.

Sluuph staggered back from where she was leaning on the chairs. "Don't kill him! Just drag him out."

Dannae leapt on top of Ahriman, raising a sword over her head.

Sluuph cried out, "Stop! Dannae, no!"

Ketta suggested, "Set him on fire first!"

Ahriman coughs, looking up at Dannae and grinning. "Do it, Dannae. It must be you!"

Sluuph, a trace of panic in her voice, begged, "Dannae, back away. Dannae...!"

Dannae hesitated, turning back to eye Sluuph, as Ahriman's blood pooled under him.

Sluuph lowered her voice, "Back away. Drag him out of our home. Leave him in the gutter."

Ahriman reached up and grabbed at Dannae's sword. "Do it, Dannae!"

Venorel said, "Take his manhood and then send him to the realm. I have rusty dagger!"

Sluuph said, "Dannae, it is not our way! You would stop me."

Dannae backed away unsteadily, covering her mouth from the gas wafting through the air.

Sluuph said, "Open the door! Let the gas dissipate."

It was Ellessa who said it. "Your oath, Dannae."

A large chorus of voices began denying that they had any oaths restricting their bloodthirsty imaginations.

Ahriman coughed blood, starting to lose consciousness.

Sluuph said, "Back away, Dannae. You did exactly enough."

Ahriman smiled as he died from Dannae's wounds.

Dannae said, " sure?"

Glaciusor blasted the gas out using Azure Way magic.

Sluuph said, "Yes, Dannae, I'm sure." She sheathed her weapons locked the guild house door and hugged her sister priestess.

Dannae sighed, "I'm sorry, Sluuph."

Sluuph began speaking softly but quickly, holding Dannae close and stroking her hair, "No. Do not be sorry. You did exactly the perfect right thing."

Dannae said, " oath...?"

"Do not be sorry. Rejoice! What is your oath? What is it, Dannae?"

"I never meant kill him."

"Your oath does not forbid killing. What is it? Your oath is to defend!"

"Yes... that is true, killing to defend another is permitted."

Sluuph touches her healed gill, as if expecting to find a gaping wound.

Glaciusor held out a bottle to Sluuph. "Sorry to interrupt, but I just want to be sure you are all right. Do you need this?"

Sluuph takes the bottle eagerly and chugged it down, then stared at the bottle in disappointment. Sluuph said, "Um. Healing potion? Thanks, Glaciusor. I was hoping it was red liquor."

Glaciusor smiled. "Oh, sorry. I carry a few of these just in case. I knew a few people such as that... unmentionable are around causing trouble."

Sluuph pulled Dannae to the floor of their home. "Sit, my love." The two held each other closely. Dannae began to weep softly. Sluuph stroked Dannae hair and back, crooning wordlessly.

Glaciusor left to see what was happening outside. Leicace looked uncomfortable at the sudden display of emotion and crept out as well.

Dannae said, "We will be stronger now."

Sluuph said, "Hush, my love. We did it. That's all that matters. It's over. He's gone. It will be ours again. But you are right. We will be stronger."

Dannae said, "He'll be back..I know it."

Sluuph nodded confidently. "And he will find that our wrath can shake the Dome. We are strong, Dannae."

Dannae said, "What did you want Sluuph? If I hadn't done this terrible thing?"

Sluuph said, "If you had not done this wonderful thing, this heroic thing, we would not have a home. You have saved us. You have won us our home!"

Dannae said, "But you didn't want him dead."

Sluuph said, "Oh, I wanted him dead. I wanted him fed by inches to consumers. I wanted him thrown into the Crystal for Talad to grill well done. But this will do."

Dannae inhaled deeply then let out her breath slowly, "Let's never be caught like this again. Elady was right....We are no longer the DoX she knew. And it's a good thing."

Sluuph said, "No, Dannae, we're not. Just as the blade taken from the quench is not the one that went into the forge. We are case-hardened. We still need sharpening, though." Sluuph rubbed her neck, again surprised to find herself undamaged.

Dannae said, "We need to stick together..we can make Xiosia proud again."

Sluuph said, "Xiosia is proud, Dannae. We live."

Dannae held out her hand staring at her Xiosia ring.

Sluuph said, "Dannae? You are our High Priestess. You must guide us. I believe I know Her. But you make me wonder if...."

Dannae stopped her. "You're right Sluuph...I need to be strong...I can't do this without your know that-- If?"

Sluuph said, "Um. You know that my ... attitude toward, well, um, violence isn't exactly what Elady likes. In fact, well, um, I believe that sometimes it is the right, the, um, blessed thing to do. And I've discovered that we, the guild, have many supporters, outside the guild, who agree."

Dannae searched Sluuph's eyes for a long moment, then changed the subject abruptly, "I can think of no better way to show appreciation for our sisters than to hold a ceremony, and invite all those who helped us this night."

Sluuph rose and spoke to those waiting outside the guild hall, once again their home. She called out proudly, "We are going to the Garden. You are all invited to come witness our ceremony. The Daughters of Xiosia are unbowed and stronger than before."

But as they approached the Garden, they all heard a new voice proclaiming "Oh, woe and agony! Doom and destruction! Death is coming!"

Server Status / Re: 2010-07.16 - Skylab server down?
« on: July 17, 2010, 02:54:20 pm »
how exactly do I just ....'update'...   :-[   :-[  {and please don't says 'with the updater' 'cause I haven't been able to find the updater for months now  :surrender:}

From the Start menu, choose "All Programs" then "Accessories" then "Command Prompt."

In that window, enter "c:\program files\planeshift\pslaunch --console --repair"

Be very very scared that you're getting tech support from Sluuph. :o

Wish list / Re: From copper to brass
« on: July 11, 2010, 12:24:58 pm »
as stated in another thread, it's not in the works and there's currently nobody to work at it as we have kinda have only 1 rules dev which is busy with something else, so if someone wants to volunteer to write transformations, feel free to apply ;) (there isn't any coding envolved in crafting rules)

Wouldn't the transformations for brass be almost identical to those for steel and bronze? Maybe different proportions and required skill ranks, but the basics should be the same, shouldn't they?

Wish list / Re: Feminine Fashions
« on: July 11, 2010, 12:11:51 am »
Actually, speaking for the Nolthrir, we don't want dresses. We want cute little sarongs and cover-ups. We'll let the Diabolettes have the long gowns.

Wish list / Re: Feminine Fashions
« on: July 10, 2010, 11:26:54 pm »
So my request is that a dress could be made that could be donned like armour with maybe a few colour choices.   :love:

Hear her! Hear her! \\o//

Guilds Forum / Re: [GUILD] The Daughters of Xiosia
« on: June 29, 2010, 01:08:52 pm »
\\o// Let's all celebrate Sluuph's safe return from her kidnapping. And let's continue the investigations to catch the wire-pullers.

Um. Thanks, but let's save the celebration until Dannae is recovered. :'( I'm starting to get worried that none of us is safe! :(

You looking in the right place Sluuph I see events listed including the crafting fair.

I was not! :oops: I was clicking on the "Calendar" button.

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