Author Topic: How to make money?  (Read 6287 times)


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« Reply #30 on: April 06, 2005, 04:13:05 am »
You can also make money by asking other players if they have a job for you,  some players (like me for instance :D ) are too lazy to go aaaallll the way to the magic shop to buy stuff when they are at the plaza, so they can pay you if you do this for them (what I often do, mostly when the NPCs are in bad mood though), or find a gathering of roleplayers and tell a tale, you can get paid for it.
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« Reply #31 on: April 06, 2005, 04:50:54 am »
Originally posted by leji
You can also make money by asking other players if they have a job for you,  some players (like me for instance :D ) are too lazy to go aaaallll the way to the magic shop to buy stuff when they are at the plaza, so they can pay you if you do this for them (what I often do, mostly when the NPCs are in bad mood though), or find a gathering of roleplayers and tell a tale, you can get paid for it.

That leads to people takeing the money and never returning... 8o

And trust me, you cant FORCE a person to give you your money back. I mean you may ruin there reptation forever but they can always make a new char :P


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« Reply #32 on: April 06, 2005, 06:37:41 am »
Sure that\'s a risk to take, and that\'s why I dont give the money away like that, but after a few minutes of talk you see if you can be confident or not, and dont worry, I wouldnt actually do that with a 10k trias worth item :)
And you can make it more interesting to be loyal then to steal by proposing more jobs later on, this way if the guy does his job he\'ll have the opportunity to do more, better paid, jobs for you, if he steals, he just gets the money he stole. And if he makes a new char he will have stolen money for nothing
« Last Edit: April 06, 2005, 06:39:51 am by leji »
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« Reply #33 on: April 08, 2005, 02:58:01 am »
Or there could be ways to improve the game for ALL kinds of players. More quests, more items and animations that enrich your pub going experience (mugs, HA, try harmonicas, the \"sit\" animation that detects the chair and puts your rump in it, what about those fancy lutes I been hearing about? or the \"cheer\" emote.... maybe some music in the pub, and the more people/players IN the pub some talking noise and laughter).

More mobs in various new locations (to spread OUT the hunters) complete with rich quests to kill some of those mobs (motivation for the role players to get some exercise and Mix and mingle with the *horrified gasp* hunters *cringe*).

Point is that ANY game CAN and SHOULD appeal to all kinds of players. Role players are not evil, nor are they gods, hunters are not evil...nor are They gods. And just because the game is aimed at one \"player type\" (social and role player) does not mean that the other three kinds should be rounded up and summarily \"reeducated\" or booted with various shouts of \"ROLE PLAYING GAME\" \"get lost powerleveling loser\" or other curses.

(and FYI I am not anti role player, nor am I a powerleveler...I am an explorer type, but right now the world is not THAT much of an explorer\'s hay day... so I make due with what I got...which right now is a Role play weak environment full of clones that can\'t sit, stand, dance, cheer, run in place, fall down or anything animated. We can\'t change expressions. And not much of a world for killing (which I happen to LOATHE...but you got another way of getting cash at a reliable rate so I can hit the pub, see a show, buy a hot dog with crisps or something?))

Instead of bemoaning the existence of something new...for instance the EVIL *lightening flashes* powergamer, Why not seek out a way to PULL them out of the sewers and into a working quest with backstory?

Instead of running to the new neighbors house with pitchforks and torches...why not invite him/her over for dinner and try to over look the BAD table manners?


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« Reply #34 on: April 08, 2005, 01:41:07 pm »

all will work out once more is added, but they cant really add more gameplay at this stage in testing, so we have to deal with the camping levelers (who im sure in a way are providing hard stress data the devs can read into)

One the wipe comes and hopefully more things are added, we\'ll see crowded spots ease up and see people moving out and exploring more and gaming  to the fullest the game allows them.

  The problem is players will join a beta game and play it as tho its finished, although they do help in a way, it can cloud those who joined to playtest the game to ensure when new content is added , its added in a nice easy bugfree way enjoyable gaming experience way.

patience is the key in any alpha or beta game
unstable client? piss poor gameplay?

a weak staff?

planeshift has it all


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« Reply #35 on: April 15, 2005, 12:43:11 pm »
My own two trias.

I\'m a super newbie at PS, but I\'ve gobbled up the player guide, trolled the forums, and have been the IRC channel.

I\'ve played for only a few hours, but during that time you start with absolutly nothing.  Which is fine.  But the only way to make money to buy anything and to start exploring is to camp and kill rats.  Which is what I\'m doing.  I hate campers, and power levelers but I feel forced to emualte tham.

The plus side is that even though you start with nothing.  Unarmed combat is still pretty effective.

Now a quick question: How do you use progression points? And are there daggers in the game? I have a skill in daggers but I haven\'t seen any.

Mr. Dave

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« Reply #36 on: April 15, 2005, 04:03:59 pm »
/me leaps into the fray

First, welcome to Yliakum, Zaxim.

Second, before Moogie tells you, I will: The button is your friend.

Now, progression points: You use these, along with tria, to buy skills training from the trainer NPCs. You need 42 tria to use one porgression point (pp), and you need several pp to train one level, depending on the skill. The good news: if you train in Melee, you\'ll find unarmed combat even more effective than it is now. The bad news: before you can do that, you\'re gonna have to kill more rats.

As for daggers: Planeshift is a work-in-progress. This means that many features and elements, like daggers, are not yet available. They will be, eventually. Some day. A good rule of thumb is don\'t train any weapon you don\'t already own.

Hope that helps.
This is a case of errant pedantry, up with which I shall not put... -- W. Churchill


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« Reply #37 on: April 15, 2005, 04:07:54 pm »
I was just about to post but Mr. Dave beat me too it. Anything else, im here to help.
Of course you should fight fire with fire, you should fight everything with fire.   :P  Xantherus Icer  :P


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« Reply #38 on: April 26, 2005, 04:47:43 am »
I guess most people complain about not getting heap money in no time... it\'s about only getting money from one  kind of mob.

I bet the game testing would progress MUCH faster if the devs added some money to the loot tables of all monsters.

As you all like to point out: This is a test and not a real game. So please give the testers money so they can actually test the game engine. Because the game play itself is poor and we all found that out by now.

AFAIK content balancing -- like adjusting the prices so game play is fun -- is one of the last steps when building a game...

So please hand out money (and lower the prices) so we can actually test all the thing the game offers: magic, armor, different weapons. That way you, the DEVs, will get much more detailed and diverse feedback.

My two trias,
May contain nuts.


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« Reply #39 on: April 26, 2005, 01:46:15 pm »
Originally posted by Madcrimson
So please hand out money (and lower the prices) so we can actually test all the thing the game offers: magic, armor, different weapons. That way you, the DEVs, will get much more detailed and diverse feedback.

Actually, I agree with MadCrimson on this.  I have yet to test the Trading system, Magic system, or armor.  I\'m slowly getting Trias, but it\'s taking a long time to be able to test magic.

I don\'t mind being broke from an RPing standpoint.  My character is a 19-year-old Enkidukai who recently moved to the city from Kran Village where her parents worked at a crummy tavern.  She wouldn\'t have access to money!  But from an alpha-testing standpoint, it would be handy to have easier access to liquid funds with which you could test the training, trading, magic, and questing systems.

Then again, I suppose enough people already have illicit Trias from bugs that have already been discovered, so maybe those testers are enough ^_^;

Originally posted by Madcrimson
My two trias

That\'s cute! XD


editz0rz: Ah, and the only reason I\'m gaining any Trias now is because of the increased rat spawns.  Don\'t think I\'m unappreciative of those... ;_;
« Last Edit: April 26, 2005, 01:49:24 pm by MaidenIndigo »


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« Reply #40 on: April 26, 2005, 03:30:14 pm »
If you\'re completely broke with absolutely no skills, just go down to the sewers and look for rat eyes.  I have seen more rat eyes laying around in the past few days..

Obviously the hides are more profitable so when players reach their capacity they\'d rather drop the eyes and get a few more hides.

Sure they are only one tria per eye but I have seen piles of 30.  Heck, I saw a pile of 70 once.  You can make some tria, keep the sewers clean, and learn your way around all at the same time.   :P
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« Reply #41 on: April 26, 2005, 05:10:08 pm »
Originally posted by Mordaan
If you\'re completely broke with absolutely no skills, just go down to the sewers and look for rat eyes.  I have seen more rat eyes laying around in the past few days..

The devs increased the number of rat spawns in the lower levels of the sewer.  This means more people load up more quickly and need to lighten their loads.  At one pound per rat eye vs. one pound per rat hide, hides win out big time.

Unfortunately, there are almost too many rats all in one place and I\'ve nearly been killed by them. (I had a mob of 12 attacking me all at once, heh)

As soon as you get a sword and some money, train yourself in the sword skill and you will quickly hit a lot more damage, making fighting a bit easier.  Don\'t do this too much, though - power-leveling can be a bad thing!



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« Reply #42 on: April 26, 2005, 05:48:55 pm »
Originally posted by MaidenIndigo
Then again, I suppose enough people already have illicit Trias from bugs that have already been discovered, so maybe those testers are enough ^_^;

Add to this all the people who got their crystals transferred from MB, cheated or not, and there\'s a pretty large playerbase with ridiculous amounts of tria.