Author Topic: The Octarch Council Room.  (Read 4507 times)

Under the moon

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The Octarch Council Room.
« on: May 14, 2005, 10:32:48 pm »
[ooc] Before we start, this thread is for the Council to use. All non-Hopefuls are kindly asked to wait outside. Though you may listen all you want.

*Arnigus waits in the Council Room for the Hopefuls to assemble. Had stands outside the door to take weapons and ensure that no one besides the Hopefuls enters. A powerful damping Glyph hovers near the ceiling in the center of the room, to ensure that magic plays no part in the proceedings. A long table rests under the Glyph, nine chairs surrounding it. Four to a side, and one at the head, where Arnigus sits now as moderator. Sadly, one of those chairs will remain empty. Assorted fine wines, fruit nectars, breads, cheeses, and steaming meats line the long next to a small tapped barrel of ale. It is quite a feast, though Arnigus feels no pangs hunger, just the slight queasiness of unease. It could go two ways in here this night. One, everyone leaves in one piece, the two candidates chosen. The second he didn?t even wish to think on. He stands as the door opens, revealing the Hopefuls as they enter, than activates a second Glyph, one that allows all outside the room to hear what goes on.*

Greetings. I thank you all for coming. Please, take a seat and refresh yourselves. You all know your duty from the scroll you received. So I leave the rest to you. Know that all will know what goes on this night.

*he takes a slotted box from beneath the table*

You may place your votes in this box, when you are ready. (PM me)

1. Arnigus will moderate. Feel free to eat and drink.
2. Candidates must remain IC, and keep their votes IC.
3. Candidates may discuss the merits of the others, but must try to remain civil.
4. This will be a silent vote. At any time, you may PM me with the names of the two you wish to have run, excluding yourself. If there are any ties, the people with the most votes will be listed, and the vote will go again until two are chosen.
5. There will be no set closing date until all Hopefuls weigh in. But it may be best to keep proceedings as short as possible.
6. Excerpts may be placed in the PS Times.
7. Other than that, this is freeform. Have fun.

Druke Ordo
John Thazer
Tybalt (The Red Monk)
Netrhys Tanhren (Seytra)
Meriner Seraphim (Pestilence)
Nilaya Kaeli
« Last Edit: May 15, 2005, 12:05:17 am by Under the moon »


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« Reply #1 on: May 14, 2005, 11:12:08 pm »
*entering the councilroom Meriner looks around. Having been here once before long ago when his father came to speak with the Octarch it looks different then how he remembers the room. Smaller though still impresive. He takes a seat right of Arignus and poors himself an elfquist from a bottle standing on the table.*

\"Well 7 have stepped forward to answer the challenge. Now how to decide who of us is best to go forward?\"

*sipping from his wine he looks as the other hopefulls take their seats. Looking at them wondering who of them would be the biggest of competitio, but also wondering who would be best at being Octarch if it couldn\'t be him.*

Druke Ordo
Someone Meriner didn\'t feel much simpify with. It was Druke that Meriner felt stood for the inhabitants of the old section, but not for the whole city

John Thazer
Who planned to rule with an iron hand if he got that chance.

Tybalt (The Red Monk)
The mysterious diaboli

The representative of the ones that follow the evil path. Being neutral Meriner didn\'t have that much trouble with him but having him as Octarch didn\'t seem him as a good idea.

Netrhys Tanhren (Seytra)
the female klyros that had felt so outraged by Amheh she had entered the elections herself

Nilaya Kaeli
Well respected and well liked in ages ago Meriner had not met Nilaya often but heard much about her. But was Nilaya the person to lead with people like Amheh even in the council she would have to work with?

And ofcourse himself Meriner Seraphim
feeling a leader should be above the groups that some represent and be  a leader the whole plane should be proud of.
« Last Edit: May 14, 2005, 11:20:47 pm by Pestilence »


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« Reply #2 on: May 15, 2005, 01:29:19 am »
Passing his weapons to Had, who stands at the door of the council chamber, trying to look threating...
  Grinning back at the unfortunate looking kran on guard patrol, Amheh steps through the large doors into the well lit room.
 Arnigus and Meriner sit, patiently waiting.. by the looks of it....

 Pulling out the chair, closest to Arnigus, who looks full of  purpose, sitting at the head of a wonderous buffet that is spread upon a magnificatly crafted table.
 Nodding to the both of them, Amheh sits and proceeds to pull grapes from one of the platers, flicking them into the air and catching them in his mouth effortlessly.

 Now Gentlemen, while we wait for the others to arrive.  I have given quite some thought, to which two cadidates should be chosen to step forth. One of these two, will be voted in by the populace. A populace they are to represent , help to grow and change.
  They must represent the majority, so that the town and the realm in which it is situated is not formed and made in the image, of only a few select critins but the majority..
 We do not want an Octarch that is only intune with his/her section of the community...and out of touch and step with the common woman,man and children that makes the foundation of our great society.

So this brings me to this conclusion, both Cadidates that step forward, should be from the opposite end of the spectrum. This will ensure the Community has more of a choice, a real choice, between the style and methods of  an Octarch that is too represents them.

  Im not talking in such terms as mundane as Good or Bad.....But Drive, Visions for the future, Goals they want set in place..and the path they take to realise this.
 To help our community grow and thrive..Many paths can be chosen to accomplish this task..
 Lets chose two that differ..Let the masses speak for themselves..

In saying all of this, I obviously feel that my path offers a refreashing choice, and differs the \"most\" from any of the other contenders...lets remember
\"different\" is not necessarily \"bad\".. *smiles
 Many i have crossed within the realm follow similar ideals as my own, but are freighten of the wrath they quickly encouter when voicing such opinons, from some of the longer standing citazins, that feel there path is the only.

Looking towards Meriner,  a fellow like you would be a good rival at  the polls. We both have purpose..and the drive to make our visions, soild. Consider this my friend... when casting your vote. I will be . Amheh winks.

Turning to Arnigus,  In the remarkable occassion that the votes from the council dont tally up in my favour...I trust it you\'ll know what to do wont you my adorable balding friend... Amheh smiles ruefully.

Then as if losing complete intreast, starts attacking the fine fruits and assorted cheeses with renewed vigour.
« Last Edit: May 15, 2005, 05:16:47 am by Am-Heh »


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« Reply #3 on: May 15, 2005, 02:47:40 am »
Had and Nilaya stand outside the door, the kran looking her over suspiciously?for Nilaya offered him no blades. Nodding understandingly, she slowly opened her outer white robe (under which she is fully clothed in blue.) Had finds no weapons on her, and motions her toward the door.

Drawing the sash on her robe again, she turns her gaze toward the damping glyph. Such things always make her feel a bit queasy, not out of fear, but for having her life flow surpressed. Quietly, she slips inside, trying to ignore the tingling sensation and building numbness.

There she found Am-heh, Arnigus, and Meriner sitting round a long table, already conversing. She paused by the door, listening to Am-heh\'s words. Once he was finished, she spoke: \"I couldn\'t agree more, Am-heh.\"

Smiling, she pads over to a place across from Arnigus, and after a customary bow, she joins them at the table.

\"If everyone is to truly have a vote?yes! They must have choices.\" She pauses but a moment, seeking the words. \"Of course, the two needn\'t be completely opposed...but distinct enough to provide real options for the people.\"

\"In the same vein, if we choose one who appeals to a small portion of our citizens, we wouldn\'t be offering them a choice at all...they wouldn\'t be voting for someone so much as voting against the other...\"

She looks up at them cordially, eyes gleaming. \"But, ah, there\'s so much to discuss, and so few of us here yet...let us simply enjoy each other\'s company \'til the others arrive.\"

On that note, she helps herself to some bread and some of the cheeses, and takes a sip from her glass of water (one sits at each place.)
Kayden - WTB Developer / Engine Team
Nilaya and Kalyan Kaeli - The Explorers Guild


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« Reply #4 on: May 15, 2005, 05:00:52 am »
*pulls back his hood and smiles as Had puts his hand over his chest, to stop him from entering the room. Tybalt shows his empty hands and steps into the councilroom. As he has just passed through the doorway, Tybalt stands still for a short while and concentrates in an attempt to stop thinking about the different odours he is faced with, and instead try to discern which persons are already in the room.


*walks over to Nilaya to take a seat next to her, discreetly bowing to the lady before sitting down. Not being able to resist the fine smells he is sensing, Tybalt carefully takes some fruit nectar and cheese, and starts to eat while listening to the others talk. Knowing that most that things being said now will have to be repeated when the others arrive, Tybalt decides to just observe the others for a while and save his words for later


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« Reply #5 on: May 15, 2005, 05:32:38 am »
Taking his mind from the food for a few moments as Nilaya enters the room, too be followed a few minutes by Tybalt. Amheh raises his eyes too the familiar faces. With his gruff voice, he greets them.
Hello both of you, glad you could take some time out of your busy schedules to attend..Haven\'t seen the others by any chance?

Nodding at Nilayas comments, Amheh briefly outlines his conversation that Nilaya took the liberty of evedroping on to tybalt. Slyly changing the end in a quiter tone so that tybalt alone hears.  
 Fellow like you would be a good rival at the polls. We both have purpose..and the drive to make our visions, soild. Consider this my friend... when casting your vote. I shall be . Amheh winks.


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« Reply #6 on: May 15, 2005, 04:46:52 pm »
*Druke enters the room, silent, looking around at the whole council*

\"sorry I am late to arrive\"

*Druke takes a slip of paper from his pocket, and fixes it into the slot*

\"The ones who are born to rule this land are clear, and was made clear in the previous trial.\"

*Druke says this and then has a seat, proping his arms on his blue crystal staff*
« Last Edit: May 15, 2005, 04:50:02 pm by druke »

my how times have changed.....


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« Reply #7 on: May 15, 2005, 04:55:53 pm »
*While wondering where the other council members have gone he frowns at Amhehs words. He gets up again to take a plate and get some of the spicy chicken he has seen. *

\"We should ofcourse give the people a choice. Chosing two that have about the same agenda if they become Octarch will definately give the people the feel they had no vote and might not be motivated to show interest in the elections, but we should also consider what choices the people want to make.

I think togheter we have a feel of what the majority of the people want and giving people a choice where one of the two is chanceless becuase the people don\'t care about that difference or are obviously opposed to one side isn\'t really giving a choice either.

We must wonder who of us would make the best chance in an election. Who would people vote for? And why would they vote for him or her?\"

*sitting back down with his chicken he starts eating anxious for the others to come and have the discussion start in all honosty*
« Last Edit: May 15, 2005, 04:57:14 pm by Pestilence »


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« Reply #8 on: May 15, 2005, 04:58:58 pm »
*signs, loundly. Enough for all in the room to hear and points toward druke...Obviously trying hard to restrain himsef, Amheh takes his mind of the dagger consealed in his left boot, and concentrates hard on the ugly features of drukes face.
Surly one that casts his vote so quickly, without first taking part in disscussions with his other councilers, must be a fool.
 You have only been in this room for less than  2minutes and already you show signs of a man that will rule in a way, that the local populace is not asked what it would like or prefere.

Octarch is a postion, for someone who can be a voice for a nation and his fellow bretherin.....not himself..

I implore you druke, to jam those fat fingers of yours, back into that slot, reclaim your votes and WAIT until all of us as present, Before making any rash descisions.

*edit reply Meriner

Looking towards his feline friend Amheh, passes Meriner an enormous platter. Over flowing with spicy deepfried chicken... (Really Tefusang meat but a flavour so close to chicken no-one would notice much of a diiference..except in the size of the beast of course.)
 Grabbing a honey baked ham with one hand and releasing his waterbelt from its position on his belt, with the other. Amheh settles into his chair and shares a few laughs with Meriner while the small group waits for more arrivals.
« Last Edit: May 15, 2005, 05:11:13 pm by Am-Heh »


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« Reply #9 on: May 15, 2005, 05:18:17 pm »
Please do withhold your insults.

From the prior trial all that needs to be said has been said.

This meeting is all about formalities, which if you know anything about me, I hate formalities. My mind is made, and I do not second guess myself, or allow myself to be swayed by  your  low use of words and propaganda.

I for one choose not a politician, but a leader, and my choice in votes reflect that decree.
« Last Edit: May 15, 2005, 05:34:19 pm by druke »

my how times have changed.....


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« Reply #10 on: May 15, 2005, 05:41:10 pm »
Looking back at Druke,  
My poor man, If being called a fool is such an insult to you.. I fear Octarch may not be the postion for you..No matter what decisions are taken there will always be a small section, or in your case a large section of the community that does not  agree with you or your ideals, thus making you a fool in there eyes...
 One must not only be wise but have a tough skin in this postion....

Throwing Druke a bunch of sour grapes  \"no hard feelings, i hope\"

Amheh smiles
« Last Edit: May 15, 2005, 11:25:09 pm by Am-Heh »


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« Reply #11 on: May 15, 2005, 07:30:43 pm »
*suprised at Drukes fast decicion Meriner ways the pro\'s and cons af waiting, but decides to give others the chance to speak. Not sure who he wll vote for he plans to listen with an open mind.*


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« Reply #12 on: May 15, 2005, 10:43:33 pm »
\"Normally i would not repsond to such obvious transgressions. However this thread is here to defend and promote each councilor.\"

\"My one sentence in the prior statement was not an act of a broken heart because you called me a fool, it was a beacon to the maturity that I\'d expect one who could posible be in charge of my government. However you chose to ingore the later %80 of my message and target my reaction to trigger an altercation.\"

\"Quit tring to \"push my buttons\" if you will, like I said earlier, your methods of politcal messages do not get to me and i see what your trying to do. Reacting to your taunts will only make me look worse. You have relitively no chance of winning this thing, but i guess you gotta take someone down with you, is your plan.\"

\"to further prove my point\"

\"you said \"
*druke uses the crystal in his staff to playback certain piece of sound, exactly as it was said in the first place*
\"I implore you druke, to jam those fat fingers of yours  , back into that slot, reclaim your votes and WAIT until all of us as present, Before making any rash descisions.

*Druke tabs the staff on the ground, ending the effect*

\"I simply requested\"
*druke pats the top of the crystal*

\"Please do withhold your insults.\"

*again tapping the staff against the floor*

\"you then retorted\"

*the idle tapping of the crystal starts to get familiar*
\"My poor man, If being called a fool is such an insult to you.. I fear Octarch may not be the postion for you..No matter what decisions are taken there will always be a small section, or in your case large section of the community that doesnt not agree with you or your ideals, thus making you a fool in there eyes...\"

*One last tap is made against the ground*

\"The last is a truely valid statement which i am well versed in from my experiance in Arcane Order, but perhaps you should focus less on \"winning\" the argument, and more on finding the best answer.\"

\"Though I am well aware everyone here heard what you said, I just wish to point out your obvious desire to draw out animosity, and demand that you either cease or leave the premises, this is a place for leaders not political quarrelers.\"

*Druke remains sitting ,hands proped against his staff*
« Last Edit: May 15, 2005, 11:21:05 pm by druke »

my how times have changed.....


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« Reply #13 on: May 15, 2005, 11:27:44 pm »
My dear Druke, I fear my intentions have been mis-interpreted...Come now my good man and take a seat among the rest of us..drink a little nectar, eat a little food....Relax you wont have to worry about this election to much longer..


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« Reply #14 on: May 15, 2005, 11:36:52 pm »
\"Oh yes, food, thank you Am-heh, i almost forgot\"
*starts plucking a\"sour grape\" from the vine, and  slowly chewing a grape*

*chews for a minute*

*makes a puckering face*

*goes up to the table and grabs what appears to be some kind of avian leg*

\"quite delicious\"

my how times have changed.....