Author Topic: The Octarch Council Room.  (Read 4509 times)

Under the moon

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« Reply #15 on: May 16, 2005, 02:57:03 am »
*Arnigus, glad to see that things are going well so far though Druke\'s quick decision startled him a bit, forgets himself enough to take one of the fresh harlberry pastries and pop it into his mouth. Looking up, he sees Had in the doorway make a few small signs known only to himself and Had with his right hand.*

One or more of the Council still carries a weapon.

*Arnigus nods, but makes the same type of signs back, seeming to drum his fingers on the table.*

I thought as much. Leave them be. But be ready.

*Arnigus leans back to enjoy the pastry, content that Had can handle any outbreak. Though he doubted there would be one until the votes were tallied.*

Try the harlberry pastries my good fellows and lady. They are quite tasty. Fresh from Kada\'s. Hmmmm.... those grapes don\'t seem to be ripe. You look like you have eaten a lemon.

*from somewhere outside -in the distance- the loud voice of a Kran is heard*


[ooc] that last part was for anyone who has read some of the old stories at Kada\'s ;) .


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« Reply #16 on: May 16, 2005, 04:08:22 am »
Throwing the now shabby bone, that once was a beautiful, fat, honey glazed, ham over his shoulder, and looking towards Arnigus who is devourering the Harlberry pastries, with as much ease as Amhehs millions.

They sure look tasty, but i will not soil my mouth with any goods from kada\'s inn untill she recognises Deus ex Trucido and adds it to the community census.

His mouth watering at the site of the pastry delights.. thinking to himself..
........I hope she does it soon

Under the moon

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« Reply #17 on: May 16, 2005, 02:20:35 pm »
*Arnigus glances at the doorway, then at the three empty chairs, two of which should be occupied by now. He then glances at Am-Heh, wondering if something foul is afoot.*

Has anyone had word from John or Netrhys? It worries me that they are so late. Perhaps I should send out a messenger to find them.


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« Reply #18 on: May 16, 2005, 03:35:09 pm »
*Wearing a pleasant, but completely empty smile on her otherwise blank face, she walks past the yliaki who are waiting outside the room, her thoughts racing.*
{I cannot vote for Amheh, no matter what... I must not! What have I gotten myself into? Stop it! I cannot vote for myself...  Would I even want that? It would be voiding the vote... Should I? No, it\'d be giving more weight to Amheh... but also the others...} *silently cursing, she tries to remember what exactly everyone had said in their speeches, right in time to hear Arnigus mention Johns and her names, making her feel even more uncomfourtable. Shortly afterwards, she is stopped by the Kran guard, who asks for her weapons.*
{I should\'ve expected that. What if...? I could try.... No, he seems to know what he\'s doing... the risk of being caught with a weapon is higher than the good it might do me..., probably...}
*not changing her expression, which seems to have solidified on her face, she is about to pull a notchy stiletto and an even more notchy knife from her ragged bag, only now noticing that a piece of parchment has been planted in her hand. Using the rummaging to slip it into the bag, she hands both weapons to Had and, after briefly surveying the surroundings and then the room, seeing and feeling the damping glyph almost simultaneously, enters.*
{This must be some sort of magical protection... it surely blocks me... not much of a loss compared to what the others can do, anyway} *still vividly remembers John\'s performance on the plaza the other day, and goes through the others who she knows or expects to be skilled mages* {They must hate it...} *Her eyes being drawn towards the food and drinks* {Wow... this is a feast! This place is a palace!}
Uh... took longer... sorry...
*Falls silent, trying to recover from the overwhelming splendour of the place. Seeing almost everyone eat, she warily grabs a plate and, avoiding anyone\'s gaze, begins to hastily pile onto it whatever happens to cross her sight, quickly having filled it almost to the brim, barely noticing. Grabbing a bottle of wine, her attention almost exclusively with the other yliaki in the room, she quickly decides on a seat at the far end of the table, giving her both distance to Amheh and a good overview
Setting down her plate she takes the seat and starts to eat, too, drinking the wine straight from the bottle. However, she is too distracted to actually notice or appreciate the fine, mostly unknown to her, tastes of everything.*
« Last Edit: May 16, 2005, 04:43:30 pm by Seytra »


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« Reply #19 on: May 16, 2005, 04:44:24 pm »
So Glad you could make it, my beautful little kylos.
 For a moment we had given up hope, thought you had walked out on your responsabilities.... and us...Not that we\'d blame you of course.

 That just leaves John Thandar, i would be very surprised if he showed his face round these parts..I heard rumours that after he was beaten so completely by myself in the villiage plaza last week. He has gone into permenant hiding..

Shaking his head ,
 Too bad he was a happy little chappy.....Reminded me of my first daughter, Very feminine, and with holyer then now ideals..

Well everyone, I welcome you to the first council Meeting of the 7 Candidates..

Looking back at Arnigus , who is obviously annoyed that Amheh is trying to take control of the meeting...Snorts and continues to talk...

Im glad you could take time from your busy schedual to discuss a little further each hopefuls plans, goals and how they intend on realising their dreams...

Looking at the other contestents Amheh looks over the blank faces and sighs..

You do have some dont you??


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« Reply #20 on: May 16, 2005, 05:00:46 pm »
*Meriner grins*

Exually we are just surprised with you Amheh. We didn\'t know you cared ;)


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« Reply #21 on: May 16, 2005, 05:14:15 pm »
Looking slightly embarrassed..

 No, I dont really..... I was just thinking that while you had a captive audience, you might have something you wanted added to the record.

 I shall be offering numerous amusements and activities once elected, The citizins that have no proir engagements are all welcomed to stand forth and enjoy the entertainment..

 I will be calling meetings with the local merchant guilds, so they may discuss market lots with one another, types of goods they wish to sell (so theres not too much doubling up) and to anwser many of their questions, which they will surely have for the new Octarch.
 With the influx of people that will be on the strets during these festivals they are certain to boost our economy..wealthy merchants, spend money on jobs they would usually do themseves.. creating more jobs, greater wealth amongst all and a stabler economy..

This is but one small section of the community i have plans for.. I have many more for the other groups within our realm..

Stopping still, Amheh sense the presence of another being...Its not Arnigus, one of his goons or another counciler...

I shant continue about polocie untill the room has been cleared..Get to it Arnigus!
« Last Edit: May 16, 2005, 06:15:29 pm by Am-Heh »


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« Reply #22 on: May 16, 2005, 06:31:27 pm »
Well don\'t see anynone else speaking up so will take my turn to speak then.

I have already said what I feel is the best way to be an Octarch. I think an octarch should someone above petty disputes, but mostly someone who makes sure the life in Hydlaa is a good time indeed. That people who move to other cities will look back at Hydlaa as a great time and with regrets about leaving.

I also believe an Octarch should not impose his own view of what is good and evil on others. A good octarch of good alignment should be able to look further and not start a witchhunt for the evil ones. An Octarch with an evil allignment shold not turn the city in a warzone to fill his own pleasures.

As an Octarch you should represent all and should make sure all can do what they want aslong as they don\'t hurt anyone else while doing so.

How to achieve this myself. I would try to make people feel Hydlaan first. If someone asks someone what are you that they don\'t say \"Lawfully Good\" or \"an Ancient\", but I\'m from Hydlaa and proud of it.

Under the moon

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« Reply #23 on: May 16, 2005, 08:05:53 pm »
*Had watches the proceedings, inside and out, his eyes never resting in one place. But more than his eyes, he relies on and trusts his hearing more than his other senses. He hears Am-Heh\'s statement and quickly scans the large room, moving just his eyes as Meriner begins speaking. He see no one, though sight is the easiest sense to fool. But he also hears nothing... and that worries him. Slowly, so as it looks as if he moves out of pure boredom, Had leans his iron clad staff on the side of his forehead, planting the butt firmly on the stone floor. At first, he still hears nothing, but then, the slight scrape of a boot shift. So slight, in fact, that the sound would not have passed into the air, but stone is the perfect conductor for noise. Had lazily moves the base of his staff over a step and listens for the scrape again. There! Quickly, he gauges from where the sounds came to the two points. Still looking bored, he leans back, shifting his grip on the staff. Without warning, he heaves the staff in a spinning ark towards a far -apparently empty- corner. The staff stops short of the corner with a crack, then clatters to the ground. A figure in an odd shifting cloak and mask appears standing over the staff, then falls limply over it. Had walks slowly over to it, still listening for other movements, but there is none. The figure on the ground breaths slowly, not dead, emitting a small feminine groan. Had looks slowly around the room, as the council sits in shock.*

\"Know this,\" Had speaks to the open air, \"Whether this person is a guardian, or an assassin she is not welcome in here, nor is anyone else. She will live, but the next to enter here uninvited may not have so much luck. You are warned. Any others who think to hide in this room using a Cloak of Shadows may leave now without repercussions. When I get back, that offer is gone.\"

*Had grabs his staff and the woman without even checking to see who it may be, nor does he care. Without further word, he drags the woman across the floor and tosses her out the door to roll down a few steps. He watches as she gets up an stumbles into the crowd. That should be enough of a warning. If not...he grips his staff, not relishing the thought of carrying through with his promise*


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« Reply #24 on: May 17, 2005, 01:53:01 am »
*To Had\'s suprise John Thazer appeared.*

\"Where did he come from? The street was just empty few moments ago!\" *Had thought* \"But no matter, he is here after all.\" *Saying out loud* \"Your weapons, please, sir.\"

*John looks at Had. His face is full of wearyness and distress. He passes his longsword to Had.*

\"Keep this safe, my friend.\"

\"Sure, friend.\" *Answered Had*

*John entered the Council Room.*

\"Sorry that I am late, but I had an important business to attend to outside the city. I have just returned, I hope I have not delayed all of you in anyway.\"

*John sits on one of the free seats. He looks at the table...they surely kept themselves busy! Is this a council room or a feast room!? John takes a what seems to be a big red apple and bites in.*

\"I think all are here, aren\'t they Arnigus? We can now begin.\" *Said John after eating the whole apple.*

You can try, but you shall fail! Seek us not, we shall find you.


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« Reply #25 on: May 17, 2005, 02:03:15 am »
As Netrhys enters the room, Nilaya casts her a slight smile and nod, as if welcoming her.

After Meriner speaks, Nilaya turns to him and speaks in a soft, but clearly heard tone: \"Meriner, do remember that the Octarch rules over the entire level...not just Hydlaa city.\"

She folds her hands. \"Most of our citizens have never even been to\'s a several month journey! Not everyone can just up and leave their land for that long...most are common working people, not adventurers...and we\'d best remember that.\"

She sighs. \"You raise another good is a fine line to walk...the Octarchs must work with the Vigesimi to maintain law and order across the bring justice. Yet, they must do so without starting a so called witch-hunt, or letting the situation devolve to warmongering chaos...\"

Nilaya looks up at those around her earnestly, her blue eyes searching her companions. \"Know why I am here...not for myself, but to serve the people of Yliakum... If they so desire, I will do my very best as their Octarch. Yet should they prefer another, then so be it...\" Folding her hands, she pauses uncertainly, lest her words be interpreted as indifference... \"We are not entirely in competition, either...were I to be elected, I would definitely seek the counsel of people in this room...and I know others feel the same.\"

Turning to the late arrival, she smiles, glad they are all gathered at last. \"Welcome, John.\"
Kayden - WTB Developer / Engine Team
Nilaya and Kalyan Kaeli - The Explorers Guild


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« Reply #26 on: May 17, 2005, 03:10:20 am »
Grinning and quiet impressed with Had\' style.
 Amheh watches on, as the large kran throws the fledgling spy/assasin out the door.

Nice work Had... Your not quite the dumb oaf you look like....
Though there is such sadness in those dark beadie eyes of yours. You must have seen or done some terrible things!

Turning towards Arnigus, to show a sign of appreciation and a new found respect for the ailing banker..

You surround yourself with good help, a hard thing to find these days...

Looking back at the door and almost startled at Thandars arrival.
 Amheh wonders how the little grunt found his way out of death realm...

Ah good to see you could make it Thandar, We were worried you were not going to be able to join us today. Dont worry i would not let the rest of them start without you.

Watching Thandar bite into his apple, then listening to Nilaya greet Netrhys and voice her thoughts of the moment. Amheh waits for a pause in the conversation to continues.

So now that all of us are here, should we talk about which of us are to step forward...or in the same token, is there anyone who has got this far..and is now having reservations?

Raising an eyebrow and slowly scanning the faces of the seven hopefull seated around the table..Looking for any sign of uncertainty. Settling his gaze on Thandar..

It would be a shame for someone who was not entirely sure of ones self to step forth and disadvantage another more appropriate...wouldn\'t it.

Looking at the food, and about to reach for another helping of fine goats cheese marinated in olive oil, thyme and rosemary.
 Amheh first pops the button on his trousers and losens his belt a little. Breaking of a piece of flat bread and digging into the cheese....

We\'re amongst friends after all.

A light under-tone of sarcasim in his voice. Talking between mouthfuls

With all seriousness if I was to ignore the fact i was running for this position i would probably put forth two cadidates that emcompass the community as a whole, looking towards Meriner and Tybalt  but of course thats strictly of the record, as our prefrences are\"secret\".
« Last Edit: May 17, 2005, 03:16:29 am by Am-Heh »


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« Reply #27 on: May 17, 2005, 08:58:17 am »
*has a slight grin as Amheh speaks not sure what to think of his words.*

Well I am glad we are all here now so we can start this meeting and to cast our votes so the elections can begin. I have already spoken. Who would like to step up and add something to their startingspeech?

*looks at Tybalt and Nethrys*

I think there are stilll a few we haven\'t heard from what they exually plan wnough to seriously concider voting on them unless we already know them through other mean then this election.


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« Reply #28 on: May 17, 2005, 11:10:28 am »
*listens to Am-Heh who seems to be trying to gain his vote, but ignores the man and instead turns all his attention to the Nethrys who has just entered the chamber. Happy to see that she has arrived, Tybalt smiles and discretely pulls out the chair next to him, using his left leg. He is just about to greet her when he hears the sound of footsteps come from above him. Without saying anything to the others, Tybalt leans towards Nethryr, who is now sitting next to him, and speaks to her with a low tone of voice.

Be on your guard, mylady. Something tells me this meeting will not end well...

*stands up and bows to the ladies

Pardon my impoliteness, but I need to speak with Am-Heh.

*starts walking around the table to take a seet next to Am-Heh. Knowing that by moving around the room he would catch Had\'s attention, Tybalt turns to the guard and points towards the roof in a way that none other than Had can see it. Tybalt then proceeds to take a sit next to Am-Heh, who immediatly leans over and whispers something in his ear. Tybalt places his mouth to Am-Heh\'s ear and speaks:

I will not join you in your plans. We are both unarmed in here, but the difference between you and me is that I am used to it. I do not know if you are behind the footsteps I heard on the roof, but if anything happens to anybody in here...your blood will make up for the damage caused.

*turns to Nethrys and then points to his plate that he forgot on the other side of the table, as if asking for it. Hears Meriner ask for somebody to present a speech and smiles at Nethry\'s while grabbing his plate.

Ladies first...

Edit: fixed it. sorry about that ;)
« Last Edit: May 17, 2005, 04:09:33 pm by TheRedMonk »


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« Reply #29 on: May 17, 2005, 11:27:40 am »
*pokes Tybalt*

Meriner please ;)