Author Topic: PKing Rules  (Read 1281 times)


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PKing Rules
« on: June 20, 2006, 08:01:21 pm »
Here would be the set of rules which would apply when killing other people or the PK Rules.

I took those rules from another game and made some little modifications so that it fits better in PlaneShift. In the game I used to play, those rules were very effective and worked very well.


Main Skills

The main skill are there to evaluate if the character is low-level, medium-level or high-level. It will be used to put the person in categories (MSC) so that only low-level characters can kill other low-level characters in non-safezones and

The main skills include the basic skills to attack other players. This include swords, knives & daggers, axes, magic, etc. Defense of course plays a part of the battle, but it isn't the most important so you could make that defensive skills (light armor, medium armor, heavy armor, shield handling, etc.) are a minor factor of the category choice.

SafeZone / non-SafeZone

A safezone (SZ) is a place where characters cannot attack each other unless they are in a dual.
A non-safezone (NSZ) is a place where characters can be killed by other characters of the same MSC.

SZ would include places such as ojaveda, hydlaa, magic shop, etc.
NSZ would include places such as Ojaroad, Laanx Dungeon, Sewers, etc.

Murderer - last edited on July 03

When a character kills a number of other characters without asking (so kills which happen in a dual, arena a guild war and if the other person started first do not count), those characters become then "murderers". They are two types a murderers: Killers and Serial Killers. to become a killer, the person needs to kill a certain amount of people, same thing forthe serial killer ony, the limit is much higer. People often like to see who is the best PKer, so each kill would still count in the total score but only the kills in the last 3 month are counted to put the player in a category (non-murderer, killer or serial killer). Because you can't accidently become a serial killer, you agree to have the (inconvenience) of being killed by others of te same MSC. You can become a killer accidently, that's why you won't loose the privilege that the SZs offer.

Murderers if you are a killer, you loose less privigelges then if you were a serial killer.
  • They can be killed by anyone in NSZ no matter what the MSC of the attacker is.
  • Some shopkeepers do not like to trade with killers (thieving, being murdered, etc.). If the killer wants something from harnquist and harnquist doesn't want to talk to him, the killer will be obliged to ask someone to buy something from harnquist and then give it to him.

Serial Killers
  • They can be killed by anyone in a SZ as long as the attack is of the same MSC as the serial killer.
  • They can be killed by anyone in NSZ no matter what the MSC of the attacker is.
  • Some shopkeepers do not like to trade with serial killers (thieving, being murdered, etc.). If the serial killer wants something from harnquist and harnquist doesn't want to talk to him, the serial killer will be obliged to ask someone to buy something from harnquist and then give it to him.


The arena is a place where you subscribe yourself to battle against one or more other characters. Not everyone can subscribe to any arena competition. Some competitions are only for the characters of a low MSC, some for only a medium MSC and some only for high MSC. There is also a competition for all MSC.

Guild Wars

To declaire war to another guild, one of the leaders of each guild MUST be online at the same time and then their declare war. When two guilds are in war, the members of the other guild (what ever way you look at it) have a little red arrow ontop of their heads to indicate that they need to be killed.

You have two types of wars: Guild War and Guild Extermination. In a Guild War, only characters of the same MSC can kill each other in SZ. In NSZ, anyone can kill anyone else of the other clan no matter what the MSC of the attacker and the attacked is. In a Guild Extermination, anyone can be killed by anyone of the other guild no matter if they are in a SZ, in a NSZ or is they are of a different MSC.

Of course, the kills in the war do not count as a murder, so the characters killing do not become murderers.


In the game I played, this worked VERY well. I hope that it will work as well on PlaneShift it is implemented
« Last Edit: July 03, 2006, 02:16:36 am by Josellis »


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Re: PKing Rules
« Reply #1 on: July 01, 2006, 06:32:05 am »
I know I shouldn't answer to my own post when no replies have been done, but it is exactly for that point that I am posting: No replies have been done! Does it mean I am bad poster and no one can read it? That it si a really bad idea?

So please, give a feedback


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Re: PKing Rules
« Reply #2 on: July 01, 2006, 06:36:55 am »
> SafeZone / non-SafeZone

> Murderer
To put a title for pkers is okay, but safe zone is safe zone. No fight there.
I think that everybody should know that this players is a pk, and be carreful in unsafe zone.

> Arena

> Guild Wars


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Re: PKing Rules
« Reply #3 on: July 01, 2006, 08:12:48 am »
Thanks for commenting :)

I just read again my post, and I forgot a little thing ... they are two types of Murderers ... Serial Killers (many kills) and Murderer. The murderer cannot be killed in SZ while Serial Killers can be.

I'm gonna edit this right now


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Re: PKing Rules
« Reply #4 on: July 01, 2006, 08:29:25 am »
Killing is a crime. Whats the difference wether you kill someone in a city or a forest? I like the current system.
A new day, a new failure!


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Re: PKing Rules
« Reply #5 on: July 01, 2006, 08:39:50 am »
In the two cases it is a crime and it is punished. But in towns, you have guards and people who protect you. That's why you are less lickely to get killed. Because they are rules, I wrote that PKing is not possible at all in towns and shops (which are SZs).

Also, the current system is very simple, the only way you can kill someone is by asking him "May I kill you" and the person needs to answer "Yes you may". Which is a bit stupid. I just can't imagine myself a killer (in real life) asking someone if he can kill that person ... And often, duals in the medieval times won't to death, they were more for practice then anything else. And if someone got killed, it was a big mistake.


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Re: PKing Rules
« Reply #6 on: July 01, 2006, 10:25:09 am »
The "NSZ" definition must IMO be severely narrowed down. Additionally, there must be no way to "rank" PKers. The only possibly acceptable reason for PKing is RP, and for RP, there needs to be no OOC ranking like "some people like to see who is the best PKer". Having a suggestion like this in a game like PS makes me sick.

When you RP properly, OTOH, then there will never be an issue whether you need to ask about killing someone. It is not that your character was asking the other one to agree to the duel, unless it is truly a duel. ::)


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Re: PKing Rules
« Reply #7 on: July 01, 2006, 08:12:22 pm »
Sorry Seytra, but I won't change my writing in the forums to RP. I don't like pretending being someone else. A game is a game for me, not my second life ... but because the PlaneShift rules say that I need to RP, well I do although I don't like it. I will RP in the game, but I wont RP in the forum because we are talking about the game, we are not IN the game.

I also don't know what the "IMO" and "OTOH" mean ...


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Re: PKing Rules
« Reply #8 on: July 01, 2006, 08:13:56 pm »
Seytra is not talking about RPing on the forums, but in-game. IMO means "In My Opinion" and OTOH is "On The Other Hand".
Judge: Are you trying to show contempt for this court, Mr Smith?
Smith: No, My Lord. I am attempting to conceal it.


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Re: PKing Rules
« Reply #9 on: July 01, 2006, 08:24:59 pm »
oh, sorry I didn't understand the post properly ...

The "NSZ" definition must IMO be severely narrowed down.

how? it is only one single line.

Additionally, there must be no way to "rank" PKers. The only possibly acceptable reason for PKing is RP, and for RP, there needs to be no OOC ranking like "some people like to see who is the best PKer". Having a suggestion like this in a game like PS makes me sick.

Not everyone is like you, some people like to see that they are the best PKer, or the most pwerful person, etc. It is also for self-satisfaction. I guess that each time you put a goal and reach it, it is great.

Also "killer" and "serial killer" are more categories then ranks. Because a serial killer loose they right for not being kiled in SZs but killers don't.

When you RP properly, OTOH, then there will never be an issue whether you need to ask about killing someone. It is not that your character was asking the other one to agree to the duel, unless it is truly a duel.

I shouldn't become an issue, but it isn't very realistic. Like chatting OOC isn't realistic for the characters, asking someone if he/her can kill him/her isn't realistic.


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Re: PKing Rules
« Reply #10 on: July 01, 2006, 08:25:47 pm »
I think you are trying too hard to make this into a PK/PvP game. This is not what the dev team wants to build.
Judge: Are you trying to show contempt for this court, Mr Smith?
Smith: No, My Lord. I am attempting to conceal it.


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Re: PKing Rules
« Reply #11 on: July 01, 2006, 08:38:41 pm »
you're not obliged to do anything I said. I am just giving ideas. It is real that the game I took it from had SOME PvP/PK. But if any ideas in what I said above is good, well just take it.


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Re: PKing Rules
« Reply #12 on: July 02, 2006, 11:25:12 pm »
In real life, most societies try to identify the killers and serial killers and seek permanent solutions.  In modern times these permanent solutions usually involve placing someone in a small concrete box and tossing them bits of food, for the duration of their time on earth, (or one of several more expedient methods, the pros and cons of which I intend to not discuss hereabouts.)

In olden days, it was impractical to find (e.g.) serial killers, so what people did was live in small towns and not trust anyone much, except immediate neighbors.  If a resident of a small town is colouring outside the lines, it will become apparent.  If you are a stranger in town, everyone gossips about you, and by comparing notes, they learn every fact they can about you.  (And maybe enough misinformation to fill several small novels.)

In a distant future, I think a "realist" solution could pick either of these.  In the government model, NPC's (some more mobile than the current ones) would report crimes they happened to see to the city guards, and guard patrols that march from town to town at intervals, would try to capture any player character -- forcing criminals to keep to wilder paths.  I'm not sure that jail would work given that the D.R. is seen as a short cut already, but in the future, changes to the D.R., etc.

Second realist (non-gov) solution is that some NPC's would not do business with you if you were not local, until you built up a reputation.  (Quests could speed this?)  If you do nastiness, you could lose this trust, and NPC townsfolk would chase you with pitchforks if you were really bad...

Maybe I'm getting off topic....  In any event, current NPCs are quest related and/or monsters.   To have real community policing, it seems like you might need something more like a big economy of NPCs that flow through the map on semi-but-not-completely-predictable routes.


Anne Ominous

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Re: PKing Rules
« Reply #13 on: July 03, 2006, 12:13:57 am »
so, a few people try to kill me, i kill them; i'm labeled a killer?

then because i'm seen as a killer, people figure they rather get the first hit when they run into me in a NSZ, in hopes of having a better chance of living... if they succeed they are killers, if i defend successfully enouh i am considered a serial killer?  X-/


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Re: PKing Rules
« Reply #14 on: July 03, 2006, 02:14:00 am »
so, a few people try to kill me, i kill them; i'm labeled a killer?

then because i'm seen as a killer, people figure they rather get the first hit when they run into me in a NSZ, in hopes of having a better chance of living... if they succeed they are killers, if i defend successfully enouh i am considered a serial killer? X-/

well that's something I didn't look at, and it is real that it is a problem. I am gonna edit the post right away