Author Topic: Thekkur's roleplaying boards - rules apply here, so no chaos!  (Read 6065 times)


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Thekkur's roleplaying boards - rules apply here, so no chaos!
« on: January 21, 2002, 08:46:02 pm »
READ FIRST: Rules that apply within this thread:
(entries in which these rules are not obeyed will be deleted) only for realistic roleplayers. (Fun and jokes are allowed ofcourse ;))

1. Roleplay only your OWN actions. Surroundings, NPC/monster actions, events that happen in-game and damage are ALL descibed by the GM.
2. DON\'T use high level spells/movements/actions. The GM will be forced to let those actions work against you if you\'re not at the level of this action yet.
3. Players can not decide themselves where they start in game. All players start on the same spot with the same level, resulting in multiple storylines through eachother. keep track of your own storylin, the GM will begin each thread with a list of the players involved in the current action. DON\'T reply on GM\'s desciptions in which your name is not mentioned. It is possible for players to meet in game though, but it\'s up to the GM to arrange this. New players start in the town center decibed below.
4. things said to the GM/by the GM/by other players out of the game have to begin with \"ooc:\" (out of character). example:
\"ooc: GM, I would like to encounter a gnome...\"
5. Each of my posts gets a number, (on top of the post, in the post subject, put it on top of your reply too, so that I can see which players respond to which description!
6. post a desciption of your character in your first post. (including race/age/weapon-don\'t make it too powerful/starting spells/items(not too special)

it\'s only six rules, but they make this game more organised than other roleplays.

example of play:
GM: Player1/Player2/Player3 In front of you is a large stone door, and you can hear faint noises through it. When you lay your ear against it you can clearly make out orcish gibbering. The orcs on the other side of the door do not seem aware of your presence.  the decription of the gm
Player1: I ready my armor and tighten my grip on my longsword. I move away from the door, and putting in all my strength, I run into the door, trying to bash it open. Does it open? player1 descibing his actions
GM: Player1/Player2/Player3 BANG! your shoulder bangs into the door, but apparently it doesn\'t open, you damaged you shoulder buckler, but the door didn\'t move a bit. The orcs on the other side are aware of you presence now, and you hear raw voices shouting commands and clattering of weapons. They seem to be with many... As you rub your painful shoulder, you hear sounds of what seems like a barricade being moved. The ocs quiet for a moment, but all of a sudden you hear a command and the next moment pieces of stone fly around your ears! Three orcs jump into the room through the doorway-which is now open- Player1: One of them attacks you immediately, you smell his rotten breath as he leaps forward. Player2: you get no attacks, as for you\'re on the far end of the room. player3: the other two orcs storm towards you, their scimitars rised high above their ugly heads. You go first in your attack, because you were prepared. Players: what are your actions?  the decription of the gm
Player1: I try to jump out of the way of the orc leaping towards me, and strike him at the same time. I slip though, and I hope my sword hits him whilest I\'m falling. player1 descibing his actions, including his own failure(you may describe your own failure, but not someone elses)
Player2: I cast a jelly spell on the doorway, hoping to block the door player2 descibing her actions  
player3: I cast a fireball on the two orcs and while I\'m doing that I jump into the air. player3 not obtaining the 2nd rule, this is his first encounter and a fireball is way too powerfull for him
GM: Player1/Player2/Player3
Player1: your longsword slashes the orcs right leg. He falls onto the ground and grabs his heavily bleeding leg with both hands. He is heavily wounded, and you will not have to be afraid he will attack you again.
Player2: a spray of colourful lights shoots forth from your fingertops, and some orcs just trying to get into the room experience an invisible wall blocking their way.
player3: \"ooc:you did not follow rule number2, and you will suffer the consequenses. try to obey the rules\" the two orcs leaping towards you both raise their shields, expecting such an attack. The heat doesn\'t seem to bother them much, and while you lift off one of them manages to grab your left foot. While you continue to fly up, the orc grabs tighter, and with a might blow he strikes you in the upper leg. You lose your concentration and you both fall down 3 meters.the orc who grabbed your leg is knocked unconsious by you landing on his head. Your leg hurts like it was cut of, and as you look down, you see it almost is! the orcish scimitar carved a deep dirty wound in your flesh, and you can even see your bone...
Now it\'s the orc\'s turn! The orc player1 struck is still crying out loud and swearing orcish curses. He can\'t do anything. The second orc is knocked unconcious,  but the third orc is still alert! he leaps forward towards player3 and trikes hime traight at the helmet. The orcs behind the invisible wall are still stuck, but they seem to make some progress, the wall is fading... now what do you do player2 and player3? player1, you\'re still uncouncious so you\'ll have to pass this turn.
 the GM descibing what happens, and giving player3 a penalty for not obeying the rules. if a thread isn\'t undoable, it will be deleted.

I hope everything\'s clear, send a PM when you have a question.

now let\'s play!

You find yourself lying in a small ally, curled up against the wall between a pile of dirt and a rainbarrel. You can\'t remember how you got where you are... As you struggle to your feet and walk out of the rather smelly ally, you notice the main road of whats eems to be a little town is quite deserted. Apart from a farmer who is slowly steering his ox-cart over the muddy road, you don\'t see any other living being. On both sides of the road are small overhanging houses with one floor, of which most of the shutters are closed. That isn\'t too odd though, according to the light in the streets you can make out it\'s early in the morning. Further down the road is a tavern called \"The flaming Troll\" (made clear with a sign that displays a troll with burning hairs holding a large pint of ale).


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« Reply #1 on: January 23, 2002, 02:23:07 am »
Shaking slightly from the morning cold Lenric cracks his stiff neck back into place from the uncomfortable sleeping position running a strong hand through his auburn locks pulling a stray wisp from his sparkling blue-green eyes he sniffs disfavorable as he wonders how he came to this place as he saunters back into the alley gazing around running his left hand across his shoulders feeling for his fathers blade strapped tightly to his strong slender frame while dipping his hand into his vest feeling for his coinpurse as he makes his way to the rainbarrel.
Glancing around he peers into the depths of the barrel and plunges his hands into the icey depths cupping the water he draws it high over head and shivers as the cold droplets fall from his head and chin as he procedes to clean himself wryly hoping that his comb and topknot are still among his possesions.
Smiling widely in relief at the faint reflection of a human being he sees withen the barrels reflection he dusts himself off and strides out with a easy relaxed stride towards the tavern in the hopes of finding a hot meal and a little information as to what town he has made his way too...furrowing his brow in wonderment as to how he came to be in such a dire predictament.
Walking steadily to the tavern with a open smile upon his face he stops for a minute at the front of the door before trying to enter listening to the noises from withen and smelling the aromas wafting from the establishment.
Then with a shake of his head thinking about the tavern keeper noticing him earlier he places a hand upon the door and pushes it open calmly squinting as he walks in not wanting to wait to long and attract to much attention to himself gawking at the entrance.


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« Reply #2 on: January 23, 2002, 09:41:07 am »

As you step inside, a quick look around learns you that you won\'t have to fear suspicious countryfolk in this tavern, as it\'s deserted. In the small room, which is dimly lit due to closed shutters, are 5 tables and in the far end is a bar. Behind it is a cupboard containing several multicolored bottles. The man you saw earlier is apparently not in this room, but behind the bar is a doorway to another room. Strangely enough the walls are decorated with all sorts of hats. As you curiously stare at what seems to be a \"plumbers cap\" according to a small sign under it, you suddenly hear a male voice talking to you.

\"I know what you\'re thinking stranger! This isn\'t exactly what I had in mind when i started running a tavern, but sometimes things don\'t go as you planned...\"

As you towards the bar, you see it wasn\'t the fat man you saw earlier who spoke to you, but a skinny, bald man with a friendly face. just like the man you saw earlier he\'s wearing an apron.

\"How can I help you? as you can see, we\'re not open yet...\"


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« Reply #3 on: January 23, 2002, 03:51:08 pm »
Smiling good naturely Lenric nods towards the collection of hats along the wall and states matter of factly \'Yes I can see that my good fellow i was just stopping in and thought perhaps I might find a bite to eat \'.Turning back towards the man \"I couldnt help but notice these fine hats you have here be yea a collecter of some sort ?


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« Reply #4 on: January 23, 2002, 04:18:42 pm »
(ooc: is this taking place in Yliakum, or somewhere else?
Also: do you mind if I narrate in past tense? I\'m a writer, and i\'m used to using past tense)

  I groaned and sat up slowly. My head felt like a band of goblins were using it for their war drums. A wave of blackness pulsed over my vision, and I nearly passed out again. I put a hand to the side of my head, only to find a sizeable lump there, along with some dried blood caking my hair. Nothing else seemed to be wrong with me; all my limbs worked properly, and I had no pain beyond stiff muscles from lying in this contorted position for most of the night.
  \"I suppose I should be thankful for that, at least,\" I muttered - or tried to; my throat was almost too dry to speak.
  I shakily pulled myself to my feet using the rain barrel, and when my head had stopped swimming, I splashed some cool water on my face. That cleared some of the cobwebs from my mind. A little more water cleaned the blood from my hair, which appeared to be shoulder length and light brown.
  Now that the pain had subsided to a bearable level, I tried to remember how I had ended up here. Not surprisingly, I had no memories of the night before. I also had no memories of anything before that, much to my dismay. I frantically cast my mind back, but everything before ten minutes ago was just a fog that I couldn\'t pierce, no matter how hard I tried.
  Eventually my head started pounding again, and I was forced to give up. There was enough light to see my reflection in the water of the rain barrel; I was a moderately handsome man, clean-shaven, with long light brown hair, blue eyes, and deeply tanned skin. The face in the water didn\'t look familiar, sadly, even though it appeared that I had worn it for some twenty-odd years.
  I was wearing a green tunic over pants of the same color, both of a lighteight material and nondescript weave. My equipment was more enlightening: a long bow, obviously well-cared for, and a quiver of white-fletched arrows sat nearby; a long sword, its hilt well-worn, hung from my belt, balanced by a dagger. A search of one of my two belt pouches revealed flint and steel, a vial of oil and a polishing rag, a few feathers (white), and a spare bowstring. The other was empty; it must have held my money.
  Apparently I was an adventurer of some sort. That explained a little. Maybe the man who had been watching me could explain some more, like how I had gotten here. I picked up my bow and quiver, slung the former over my shoulder and the latter from my belt, and slowly walked over to the open door.
There is a world in which I am alone.
A world which nobody can enter.
A world which nobody can know.
This is my world.

- Anonymous.


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« Reply #5 on: January 23, 2002, 05:04:23 pm »

\"Ah, yes, I can tell you about that, but you sure look like you don\'t get enough to eat...\"

The man says, and after eximining you from head to toe;

\"but you seem like a decent feller to me. We just happen to serve breakfest for ourselves, so if you would like to, you might join our meal. \"

Your stomic rumbles, and this offer seems too kind to refuse. After all, you came in here for something to eat...

Lenric: \"That\'s very kind of you, I would love to join your table. Whatever it is, it smell\'s delicious!\"

it\'s rude to ask what\'s cooking in such an occasion, so you don\'t ask. The man gestures you to come over, and he walks into the other room. As you walk around the bar to reach the doorway, you hear some cooking noises and some talking in a foreign, for you unfamiliar language.
Then much louder : \"you can call me Yonnic by the way, everyone in town calls me like that.\"

You enter the room, which is about 4x 3 meters. Almost all the walls are covered with shelves full of bottles, jar\'s, vegetables, and many undefinable things. In the middle of the opposite wall you see an exceptionally small door and a fireplace. In the center of the room is a long table, with two benches. All around the floor are pots and pans and barrels. The skinny man is stiring a large pot above the fireplace, from which delicious odours drift towards you. The fat man is sitting at the table, and he still seems to be cleaning the same mug.

\"sit down my friend,\" the fat man says, continuing to clean his towel, \" My name is Ollowin. What does a foreigner like you seek in this small town so early in the morning? Most travelers stay inside at this hour of the day...\"


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« Reply #6 on: January 23, 2002, 05:19:02 pm »

(ooc: you\'ll have to find that out yourself... no problem with pt, but it makes the storyline a little different...)

As you just want to enter the door, you hear the ox-cart stopping behind you.

With a cracking voice you hear the man on the cart saying (just a little louder than he should): \"Stranger, watch were ya goin\'... It\'s rather fishy in there... I wouldn\'t mind yur buissness, but I kno\' brave adventurers who don\'t even dare going there... \" As you turn around, you see the man sitting on his cart, starng straight into your eyes. His looks don\'t comfort you... He wears a dirty brown robe, and his eyes seem to be too close to eachother. If you tried to, you might even smell his plucky dirty beard from where you are...
\"I don\'t he fear them\" the man cracks, \"but I wouldn\'t go in there if i were you...\"

At the same moment, you hear a creacking noise, and from the corner of your eye you see a shutter opening on the top floor of one of the buildings. it only opens a little, and behind it you can see a pale female face.


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« Reply #7 on: January 23, 2002, 05:32:56 pm »
Lenric moves over carefully to the table stepping through the refuse nodding slightly to Ollowin in greeting as he pulls out a stool and plops comfortably down on it remarks\" yes it is quite early forgive my intrusion alas you might think im quite daft but for the life of me I cannot recall how I made my way to this villa my name is Lenric\" Holding out his hand in greeting for a moment then noticing through no slight Ollowin is still cleaning the mug takes it back .
\"I fear that i must of taken a wrong turn somewhere or perhaps the good spirits have led me to your door as the last thing i recall was going to sleep in a warm meadow\'.
\'Would you be so kind as to inform me good fellow as to the name of this town and what I might  be able to do to give some recompsense  for you allowing me to share your morning feast?


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« Reply #8 on: January 23, 2002, 10:57:29 pm »
A man lies in an alley, he is human though of slightly larger build than most and would certainly stand slightly more than 6-foot when upright. He has fiery golden hair and a rugged but young face he cannot be much more 20 years of age.  
Koran slowly gains consciousness to find himself laying curled up on the ground. A sharp pain in his broard shoulders snaps open his blue/grey eyes. He twists around to find a small metal figurine made in resemblance of a fury animal of some sort. He tries to remember if he has seen its like before or if belongs to him.
With a start he jumps to his feet and looks around to realise he cant remember anything at all about the figurine or how he got here. He reasons that he must have drunk too much the night before but can?t even remember who he was drinking with or where. He shrugs dismissivly and looks down to find himself to wearing a worn leather jerkin and boots and a pair of roughly woven brown trousers.
He looks around for his belongings and finds them scattered around him. He has a backpack, dagger, 10-foot rope and an average looking bastard sword. Walking over to the water barrel he sheathes his sword and puts his dagger in his boot and the other items including the metal figurine in his backpack.
Scooping up a handful of water he splashes it liberally over his head. \"Ahhhh that?s better\" he mumbles. Before him he sees what looks like a tavern, in the back of his head he remembers his father telling him that Taverns are a good place to find adventure. He strolls off towards the tavern.
« Last Edit: January 23, 2002, 11:06:12 pm by Kroan »


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« Reply #9 on: January 24, 2002, 02:25:53 pm »

(ooc: please add the number of the post you\'re replying to as a subject)

\"Don\'t we all have that sometimes Lenric? strange things have happened in this town lately... most people don\'t feel safe anymore. we notice that in our buissness...\" replies Ollowin. and he finally stops cleaning his mug. He puts it down, and steps up from his bench to get a large darkbrown bread fom one of the shelves. From another shelve he gets a large knife and four wooden naps. \"This town went queit,\" speeks Yonnic, while he lifts the pot from the fire with a towel. \"we don\'t see many strangers in these districs, and every variation is welcome. \" Yonnic puts the pot on the table, and begins pouring a brownish glue-like substance into the wooden naps. The substance deosn\'t look as tasteful by far as it smells. After filling the naps, Yonnic sits down next to Ollowin, on the other side of the table from where you are. Ollowin rips of a piece of the bread and dips it into the brown stuff. As he brings the lump to his mouth a string forms between the  nap and his hand, which doesn\'t look very tasteful either. A strange silence falls as the two men begin to eat, the only thing to be heard in the silence is a faint bubbeling which comes from the pot on the fire.


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« Reply #10 on: January 24, 2002, 02:55:27 pm »
I turn to glance up at the window, then back to the man.
He looked like he had woken up in a back alley himself, and smelled like it too. Still, there was something in his tone that made me listen to him.
  \"And why would that be?\" I asked.
There is a world in which I am alone.
A world which nobody can enter.
A world which nobody can know.
This is my world.

- Anonymous.


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« Reply #11 on: January 24, 2002, 04:45:41 pm »

As you walk towards the tavern (which is quite far away) you see a man coming from an ally, look around, and walk into the tavern. Not shortly after, another man comes from another ally, and starts walking to the same tavern. juest before he wants to enter the door though, a cart stops in front of him, and the two change some words. What the man on the cart says is not very clear from where you are, but you can make out some words.
His accent is too trange though to be able to make out the whole sentence.

You continue walking, and you\'re now at +/- 15 meters from the man in front of the tavern (heavily armed with shoulderlong lightbrown hair.) and the man on the cart (a muddy farmer).

Kroan: you can act to the actions which begin with kerrick/kroan


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« Reply #12 on: January 24, 2002, 08:08:35 pm »

ooc: you both react to the same thread now (kerrick/kroan 3, and following threads,  untill one of you makes an action that separates you. When you interact with eachother, do it under  subject: # kerrick/kroan)

the man looks swiftly around, and then begins to speak with a low pitched voice \"I shouldn\'t tell you this in here but... \" at that moment, the coud turns ink black. The figure in the window closes the shutters with a bang, and a supernatural terror falls upon you. You can\'t help it but fall to your knees as cover your head. You hear the man screaming, a moment later it\'s like nothing happened. As you both look up, you first take a quick peek at eachother, and then at the cart. On the cart lies a body of the farmer. motionless. His eyes are wide open, and his face expresses fear. it seems like he\'s frozen. The ox shuffels a bit in the mud, and then slowly begins to move forward.


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« Reply #13 on: January 24, 2002, 08:30:35 pm »
Kroan speeds up his pace a little as he strides towards the tavern. He rubs the hilt of his sword with his hand and wonders over seeing so much activity near a tavern this early in the morning. The heavily armed man currently conversing with the farmer appears to have been distracted, because he looks up to a window of one of the houses and then continues his conversation. He strains to catch what the two men are saying but can only make out the occasional word.
By the looks of the brown haired man Kroan guesses him to be an adventurer, \"so dad seems to have been right this tavern looks a likely place for adventure\" he says to himself with a small smile. Kroan attempts to get their attention by waving at them.


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3 Kerrick/Kroan
« Reply #14 on: January 24, 2002, 09:17:04 pm »
Kroan dusts himself off and gapes at the body of the frozen framer. \"What just happened, is he dead?\" he says to Kerrick. Kroan reaches over takes the rains of the ox and tries to calm it. He then offers his free right hand to Kerrick \"Hi, we meet under strange consequences. My name is Kroan\".