Author Topic: [GUILD] Rangers of Yliakum  (Read 2350 times)


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Re: [GUILD] Rangers of Yliakum
« Reply #15 on: August 13, 2006, 12:37:47 am »
Hey Buddy! I had to just cut in here to say that I'm so excited for you and for the Rangers!  From what I 've read it sounds like a great start. I like the directness and simplicity of the ranking system and the focus on RP and character development. I have so enjoyed Rp ing with you and can't wait to see what kind of story's you and your Rangers weave together as you grow. Good luck o Lady of the Rangers.   ;D


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Re: [GUILD] Rangers of Yliakum
« Reply #16 on: November 02, 2006, 11:39:30 am »
A brief History of the Guild has been added to our main site to honor those who came before us.
:: The Flaming Feather :: Lady of the Rangers ::


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Re: [GUILD] Rangers of Yliakum
« Reply #17 on: February 12, 2007, 09:49:57 am »

*   *   *

A hooded fenki makes her way back to Hydlaa. Broken once, now healed, she comes
with a new philosophy to lead her guild. As she walks in the company of an old fenki
warrior she met in her recent travels, she explains:

"The laws of the Ranger are simple:

A ranger is a loner.
Do not fear the empty fields and the cold nights.
You are an army, skilled to endure any difficulty.
Be wild but cautious.
Be wise like nature: embrace death and rebirth
with every action, bend like the young tree but
grow roots as strong as those of the oldest oak.

Be true. Do not betray your kin or you shall regret it.

Be free to wander, to leave and to come back,
like the seasons. We'll be here as others have been
here before and we will remain, like the endless road."

*   *   *

[OOC: It's good to be back. If you're interested in joining the rangers feel free to ask in-game or check out our site. We don't do active recruiting, we just offer a way to define your character by choosing a class, so if it suits your character feel free to take a look. No alignment restrictions as long as you follow the rules posted above.

You might notice a difference in tones between this post and the first in the thread. That's because I personally feel there shouldn't be many obligations anymore. The ranks posted will be kept but with a slight modification:

- The rank of 'Scout' is meant for new players only. It will be a way for them to get to know the world and mechs.

- The rank of 'Ranger' is the main rank, no further hierarchy is needed. Especially given our current numbers. Any ranks described after it can be applied for. It will be considered individually and granted if the character shows promise.

- Guild points are just a reference to seniority, they no longer affect promotions.

- The most important rule is to have fun and enjoy your time in Yliakum.

Why join then? Because, as I said, by joining a class guild you focus your RP, being able to go deeper in certain areas and RP skills other chars wouldn't or shouldn't have (like special knowledge of nature, our ranger codes, tracking skills, etc., all usually related to this particular sort of warrior). Being part of this community gives your the in-game experience to make such claims. Baring the 'Rangers of Yliakum' tab is empowering. We have proven in RP several times that even though we are not a big community with 100+ members and you might find yourself alone when you log on, one ranger can make the difference.]
:: The Flaming Feather :: Lady of the Rangers ::


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Re: [GUILD] Rangers of Yliakum
« Reply #18 on: February 12, 2007, 12:06:32 pm »
There're some things that bug me about your promotional thread. You shouldn't add the "OOC" to the guild structure. Your guild's structure is something in character as well. You should also add a reason for a character to join. Saying that it will be better for players who want to roleplay rangers isn't good.

I don't like the rank "Guild Champion." Rangers fight for the wellfare of nature, they're not duelestists and as such there shouldn't be ranks emphasising duels.

The structure seems to fit that of a nice Rangers Guild: simple, non-ambitious and objective. Very pleasant to a character wanting to be a ranger or druid while taking advantage of the benefits that come with grouping. I don't specially like the name "Rangers of Yliakum" since everything claiming Yliakum in its name sounds a bit presumptuous to me.

Yes, I know that your guild isn't new (by your standards).
Disclaimer: This is my opinion and I can be reasoned with. I'm probably right, though.

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Re: [GUILD] Rangers of Yliakum
« Reply #19 on: February 12, 2007, 01:48:13 pm »
@Sangwa:  where is the definition of ranger that you are using?  Although I agree that rangers 'may' "fight for the wellfare of nature", I don't think they 'have' to.  I have played many rangers that just respected nature and learned to survive upon the land.  Their purpose was not to protect nature, but to understand, respect, and use all aspects of nature.  Now I suppose one could argue that in learning all about nature and her beauty, one would naturally want to protect nature, especially if one drew power from nature, but I think to mandate it would be a little extreme.  I have always seen the druidic rangers as more the 'protectors'.

Just curious,



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Re: [GUILD] Rangers of Yliakum
« Reply #20 on: February 12, 2007, 02:02:04 pm »
Thank you for your comments. I find them most interesting. I'll try to address them in order. Please bare the long answer.

Technically, the term "ranger" has many meanings but putting aside any time period, a ranger's basically a warrior, soldier or fighter. Here's a reference that shows some of the meanings of the term. Thus, having a guild champion isn't too far fetched since fighting/sparring is part of their training.

Now, as posted, the main rank is that of 'ranger'. No real need for more. If you wish to be a guild champion, druid, mentor or guild master because that suits your character and contributes to your RP then you can try out. I cannot tell you exactly about the process to choose a chambion yet because so far we haven't had such a situation. I guess it will depend on how consistent the applicant proves to be.

And you are right about the guild structure being IC as well. I don't see a problem in presenting it OOC though. I find it helps make the post a little shorter and not to the detriment of the contents of the post.

Now, about the name, it was given to the guild long before I joined and it would be actually presumptuous of me to change it without consideration. I think a solid institution is that which survives its creators. I've seen a lot of "of Yliakum" guilds and I agree that the particle has lost its originality. We will consider coming up with a new name but it will have to be in balance with our interest in respecting tradition.

The approach I'm taking leading the guild is not based on community work or long term objectives. The actual role of guilds at the current stage of the game lies at least as much on OOC as it does on IC, since the needs that support their existence are of both natures: helping new players, exploring, protecting, attacking, etc. and I have chosen to define the guild objective based on how to RP a ranger. True, you can claim you are one and not be a member. Everyone's free to do as they wish in that sense and we do not claim any exclusivity or rights over the term 'ranger'. However, we do discuss our views on how to consistently RP one and, as a community, the final "RP skills" are much more easily accepted than that coming from an single individual. Non-members interested in the ways of the ranger are welcome to participate in the discussion as well.

It is not an objective of the rangers to rule over anything or acquire social power. They are individuals with unique training who will prove to be valuable in any RP (both IC and OOC). They are free to come and go and fight for what they believe right. That is why the first new rule is to accept being alone. Our guildtab doesn't blink every second but it's a quiet one. Whereas this might be a "weakness" in OOC terms (given the fact that the guild tab is OOC by default), it is our strength in IC terms.

Finally, if you see a character baring the "Rangers of Yliakum" lable, you can be sure they are trying to play a consistent character and will be likely to show interest in any RP you might be involved with. Feel free to approach and find out. I'll be happy to receive any feedback.
:: The Flaming Feather :: Lady of the Rangers ::


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Re: [GUILD] Rangers of Yliakum
« Reply #21 on: December 30, 2008, 11:35:56 am »
Hail Rangers!

Are you still accepting requests for membership in your guild? Please consider this one such request.

[I've always played rangers in other mmorpg/pen&paper games]

[I've waited in game to speak with the Guild Master but she has not surfaced.]
Knikolas, Ranger Lord of Gifts of the Dome

Farren Kutter

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Re: [GUILD] Rangers of Yliakum
« Reply #22 on: December 31, 2008, 11:33:33 am »
[[We do accept, just try to find someone who's in the guild and ask about it. I'll try to be on today.]]

Farren Kutter

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Re: [GUILD] Rangers of Yliakum
« Reply #23 on: January 02, 2009, 07:58:12 am »
I know, double post, but I just want to know if a Mod can lock this thread, as a more recent version of it is around.


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Re: [GUILD] Rangers of Yliakum
« Reply #24 on: January 02, 2009, 09:54:53 am »
Locking as requested although a thread merge is possible if required
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