Author Topic: The Killer Of Hydlaa  (Read 1371 times)


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The Killer Of Hydlaa
« on: September 16, 2006, 05:51:10 pm »
A shadow lurks in the Hydlaa tavern and sneaks behind a dwarf and faster than lighting put him in a headlock and pull him into the shadows..... Then the grim proccess begins first he taunts him then slowly pull the dagger over his throat.And then cleans the dagger on the dead dwarf. A couple hours later when the tavern barkeeper fills a mug out comes blood the body was in the keg.

This Role-Play was started a couple hours ago has recently became a success so now im inviting the public to join in. The kills are totaly RP but if its fair enough i actualy duel but it doesnt fit in the background. I welcome all suggestions and if anyone wants they can team up with the killer here is one i recently did I find it funny somehow.....

(Rinasho run up to Dehova and grabs him
( Aelfwine says: Don't think I've seen you before here - are you new in town?
( Indygo takes a seat on the sack and pulls out a pouch of water waiting patiently.
( Dehvos says: Gah! hey!
( Indygo nods to Dehvos "Garadi"
( Dehvos says: whats the meaning of this?
( Rinasho grins evily
( Dehvos struggles
( Dehvos says: Let me go!
( Indygo frowns "Meaning of what?"

(Dehvos struggles some more
( Rinasho says: Say Groffle and i kill you hehehe
(Dehvos says: What!?
(Dehvos says: HELP!
( Spibreit says: Bur Harmquest says, ha has none
(Indygo sees Harnquist and stands
( Rinasho laughs
( Dehvos says: HELP ME!!!
( Rinasho slowly pulls his dagger over Dehhovas neck killing him slowly
(Dehvos coughs
( Dehvos says: gah....
() Rinasho says: Having fun?
( Dehvos says: n-nooo
( Rinasho says: Yesssssssssss
( Indygo looks curuiosly at the dwarf
( Dehvos coughs
( Teniniya sheathes her Daggers.
( Dehvos says: h-help me...
( Indygo says: What is going on here?
( Rinasho grins
( Indygo looks at Rinasho and Teniniya.
( Teniniya says: Someone should sent you to Death, Rinasho
( Rinasho stabs the poor dwarf sending him below
( Dehvos starts to choak on his own blood
(Dehvos dies


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Re: The Killer Of Hydlaa
« Reply #1 on: September 16, 2006, 05:55:12 pm »
Yay, more excitment comes to Hydlaa... Things are too quiet as it is, so keep up the good work... well... as good as sinceless murder can be...  ::|


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Re: The Killer Of Hydlaa
« Reply #2 on: September 16, 2006, 07:50:31 pm »

Haven't there been at least 14 killers of Hydlaa now? The one that said "the first serial killer of Yliakum" cracked me up.


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Re: The Killer Of Hydlaa
« Reply #3 on: September 16, 2006, 07:54:38 pm »
at least they're doing something :)

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Re: The Killer Of Hydlaa
« Reply #4 on: September 17, 2006, 12:29:14 am »


I beieve I stumbled into this little RP as I logged on as Hyuken, who happens to be a perminant barkeep at Kada's. I will post my logs, and what changes that have come from them. :)


Hyuken rolls out from under the bar with a yawn
Hyuken says: 'llo folks.
Einnol says: G'day Hyuken!
Holdan walks up to the bar keep
Hyuken says: Einnol ! My friend
Einnol says: Sorry about the mess back there, Hyuken.
Holdan tells you: you notice the kegs behind you have been busted opened and drained*
Hyuken says: I tell the boss to get crates in here for dwarf to stand on. The Boss laugh at me.
Einnol tells you: Seems we found some dead bodies in some of the barrels.
Hyuken has not looked behind him yet.
Einnol says: Be careful of the blood and ale on the floor, Hyuken. Tis a bit slippery.
Holdan says: it seems foul play has been at hand.
Einnol tells you: Bodies hidden in barrels.
Hyuken turns and looks sick.
Holdan notices a leg in one of the busted out kegs. "Oh dear, einnol, we forgot something..."
Einnol says: What, Holdan?
Holdan points to the keg
Cayla suddenly looks at the barrels at the far wall and gasps
Cayla says: NO!!
Hyuken says: Who break open the Boss's barrels?
Holdan says: eheh... morge work...
Cayla grips holdan by the collar
Cayla says: Did you check them?
Holdan says: We opened them all after finding the first corpse...
Cayla says: Dwarfs..
Cayla says: Dwarves alone?!
Holdan says: and a fenki, no older then 18
Cayla collapses with relief
Holdan says: now, please let me go...
Hyuken looks at the barrels
Indygo frowns as he studies Hyuken.
Hyuken looks at Holdan again
Holdan says: my cousin, ignous grimblade... I found him in one of them
Einnol says: We tried to clean it up a bit, Hyuken.
Hyuken looks like he is thinking very hard.
Holdan's expression darkens
Hyuken says: You are Holdan?
Holdan says: I am holdan grimblade... indeed
Hyuken says: Why you think to break the Boss's barrels?
Einnol takes another drink from his mug as he watches Holdan and Hyuken.
Holdan says: because I heard rumors of corpses stashed int hem, recieved death threats even...
Holdan says: I could have been next, I needed to get the truth
Hyuken says: Rumors.
Hyuken says: Who say the words to the rumors?
Holdan says: Rumors, look for yourself cat-man!
Hyuken avoids looking behind him
Holdan says: all this time people were drinking ale that has been infesting with rotting corpses...
Hyuken says: No, these new barrels.
Hyuken says: The boss just get them in.
Holdan gets frusterated and jumps across the counter
Holdan pulls out the decayed leg that they forgot
Holdan slaps hyuken on the arm with it
Indygo makes a sour face "You guys are disgusting..."
Holdan says: WHAT IS THIS!?
Hyuken jumps back
Holdan narrows his eyes
Hyuken says: It not be in there yesterday!
Holdan says: Did you open the kegs to check?
Hyuken says: Barrels new every few days.You dwarves drink lots
Holdan says: well this didn't just get up and walk in there...
Hyuken says: It must come in with new barrels. No one in here to do that.
Holdan says: grr, are you trying to cover up that rinasho killer?
Hyuken looks at the kegs again.
Holdan shoves the rotted leg bone in hyuken's face. "Blood never lies..."
Hyuken looks like he is thinking very hard.
Einnol says: We will figure this out.
Holdan says: my own cousin was in there...
Hyuken says: Barrels...made...not here. Not sure how they made...but can't open when not upright....
Hyuken says: Right?
Holdan says: well, true...
Holdan says: which means someone had enough time to turn them up, someone strong
Hyuken says: Have to be upright....No room in here
Holdan says: hmmm
Holdan says: you're right...
Hyuken says: Ceiling too low. Have to be in there...before?

**aside: The ceilings are indeed too low to tip the large kegs up**

Einnol says: Hyuken, where does the tavern get the barrels from?
Holdan says: hmmm, answer einnol
Holdan stares at the kegs
Hyuken says: The boss gets them ships in every week.
Einnol says: A brewery of some sort, right?
Hyuken says: This new shipment. I never ask the Boss where ale come from.
Hyuken looks like he is going to cry.
Einnol says: Do you think you could ask?
Hyuken says: I should have ask.
Holdan says: that information is vital if we want to know what happened
Einnol says: Tis alright Hyuken.
Holdan throws the leg into the keg
Hyuken says: The Boss out in vineyards now. Not back for days.
Holdan sighs
Hyuken says: So...the....b...bodies killes outside...*snif* before the barrels get here.
Holdan says: possibly...
Einnol says: I think that may be what happened. Aye.
Einnol says: We need to find out where they came from.

Einnol nods to Celaph "Three dwarves, one fenki, one unknown.The unknown one was not Kran nor Klyros."
Holdan says: probaly ynwnn by its size
Einnol says: Kran would not decompose the same way.
Einnol says: And there were no wings as a Klyros would have.
Einnol nods to Holdan "Too big for a dwarf."

[ooc moment] Hyuken says: [[problem-- we don't know where they come from, just stating the logic. Given the build of the kegs, the bodies would have had to have put in there where they were made, not filled.]]
[ooc moment] Holdan says: [asume.... ojaveda?]

**aside: kegs are made with grooves inside the tops and bottums. The lids are fitted into the grooves, and heated hoops are set in place. Once the hoops cool, they tighten very much, sealing the lids in the grooves perminantly. This means that anything not liquid would have had to have been put in the kegs AS they were being built, and before ever coming near the tavern, or even being filled.**

You tell Einnol: You can't fight logic, even from a dumb menki. ;)


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Re: The Killer Of Hydlaa
« Reply #5 on: September 17, 2006, 11:41:01 am »
Quote from: Suno_Regin

Haven't there been at least 14 killers of Hydlaa now?

Did you know according  Urban Dictionary, retardese means ..... (Retardese isn't a real word in the dictionary)

1. retardese
The preferred lexicon of the message board/bulletin board troll

I think you should take into account that this persons first language may not be english. Taking shots like that isn't very nice. You also over exaggerated, there have only been .... including this one, two serial killers in the last six months. This is a good thing though, it means people are still keeping roleplay alive. What's wrong with that?
   I've been outside, it's overrated and the graphics suck!


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Re: The Killer Of Hydlaa
« Reply #6 on: September 17, 2006, 02:52:02 pm »
I made it to the history books! Id appreciate logs if anyone notices anything new.... You never you know my be my next victim!
And im in search for "sponsor" Evil guilds that whould help me (For the story line dont have to really help).
Just to get the facts right i dont god mod the only way ill duel is if its fair enough for me and if i am arrested.
You can call manhuts or bounties but i only duel if fair.
« Last Edit: September 17, 2006, 04:41:21 pm by Colinb »


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Re: The Killer Of Hydlaa
« Reply #7 on: September 18, 2006, 01:44:24 pm »
You also over exaggerated, there have only been .... including this one, two serial killers in the last six months. This is a good thing though, it means people are still keeping roleplay alive. What's wrong with that?
That's only in the last six months.

@Colinb: You're proud of yourself? Yikes.


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Re: The Killer Of Hydlaa
« Reply #8 on: September 18, 2006, 01:53:47 pm »
yeah... I actualyl stumbled across ColinB's RP 'killer' yesterday, and quite frankly I'm dissappointed.. it was just a kill, run off and be invincible, the fact of the matter is, my character, and two other's chased the killer around, we lost him at one point, but he turned up again, he then pretended to go invisible (using sneak) and move around players, as if we were all skilless in such techniques, then we had about 9 peopel surround him against harnquists shack and he simply logged out.

you can't expect to kill someone right in a public area and not get tracked down, lynched and murdered yourself. barring you have a set script that you've pointed anyone involved to in the first place, we can't just play along with the almighty stealth skills, my character would have slammed that guy into the side of harnquists and pinned him with a dagger through the shoulder, leaving him to the lynch mob.

I understand that RP'ing evil can be hard, but i don't consider this RP'ing evil, it's just doing what you want without consideration for other characters abilities, personalities and the likes, a true evil RP'er gets in at the roots and destroys the ground their target stands on... just like Phinehas does ^^


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Re: The Killer Of Hydlaa
« Reply #9 on: September 18, 2006, 01:56:10 pm »
yeah... I actualyl stumbled across ColinB's RP 'killer' yesterday, and quite frankly I'm dissappointed.. it was just a kill, run off and be invincible, the fact of the matter is, my character, and two other's chased the killer around, we lost him at one point, but he turned up again, he then pretended to go invisible (using sneak) and move around players, as if we were all skilless in such techniques, then we had about 9 peopel surround him against harnquists shack and he simply logged out.

you can't expect to kill someone right in a public area and not get tracked down, lynched and murdered yourself. barring you have a set script that you've pointed anyone involved to in the first place, we can't just play along with the almighty stealth skills, my character would have slammed that guy into the side of harnquists and pinned him with a dagger through the shoulder, leaving him to the lynch mob.

I understand that RP'ing evil can be hard, but i don't consider this RP'ing evil, it's just doing what you want without consideration for other characters abilities, personalities and the likes, a true evil RP'er gets in at the roots and destroys the ground their target stands on... just like Phinehas does ^^

Not very evil, anyway.


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Re: The Killer Of Hydlaa
« Reply #10 on: September 18, 2006, 01:58:40 pm »
pshaw, go on, admit it :3

liek you haven't thought about fireballing that kran asking dumb questions, or the fenki's in the corner giggling stupidly... or even Harnquist when he walked off for an ale while you tried to barter items...

you're evil <3 you're just controlled... and grumpy... and stuffs



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Re: The Killer Of Hydlaa
« Reply #11 on: September 18, 2006, 02:13:51 pm »
Well, let's put it this way. I'm not evil in the sense that I have no plans for world domination. I just do whatever I feel like with no regards for everyone else. If you would all leave me alone to study my magic, I'd probably even be in a good mood once in a while.


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Re: The Killer Of Hydlaa
« Reply #12 on: September 18, 2006, 02:30:31 pm »
aww, don't shatter my dreams

you're Phinehas, the big evil mage! (that secretly only wants a hug, then he wont be evil anymore)


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Re: The Killer Of Hydlaa
« Reply #13 on: September 18, 2006, 07:33:02 pm »
I was there outside harns, the red eyes and all that? please, my character saw your character crouched over walking round everybody like an idiot and then dissapearing when he got caught. I saw very little if any rp, i actually thought you were taking the pi** out of the whole idea. we caught you and had you surrounded. you vanished. the supposed killer who was 'hunting dwarves' would at least try and kill the dwar fwho confronted him right? you ran, and all my character did was tell you off and jump up to see if he could see your red eyes. usually when you rolepley you might want to include other people. And if you want to tell the story and control the way it's played out, that's fine, it is done in most tabletop. the difference is in most tabletop the story teller is just that, the story teller, not a godly evil murderer who ultimately overshadows the characters involved in the story with his ludicrous abilities.  ok i'm done.

[ Edited for language. --Karyuu ]
« Last Edit: February 25, 2007, 07:27:46 pm by Karyuu »
Let it whip!

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Re: The Killer Of Hydlaa
« Reply #14 on: September 19, 2006, 05:49:39 pm »
Well sorry if i had to go early i have to share my computer with my family and i have to wait 2 hours to get back on. It just happend to be that time. As for the RP I wait for the somone to notice me or i have to wait for freinds and i pass time walking around. The red eyes i really dont know why.
Im not going to go up to somone and just stab them and getting them mad at me OOC if you wish give me permission to RP kill you.
As for the non-dueling everyone knows my char is weak so i do RP-Duels.
I dont god mod My fellow guild memmbers told me to retreat after every kill/steal and the only reason it looks like god modding is because the way i RP is every death is pernament and there is no way out. And i dont want this to end because some group circles me.
Rinasho is a born coward and will retreat every time unless you do /me so and so Rinasho. But Rinasho has allys and he has to get tried in court he is most likely will have his friends bust him out. So you have two options if you catch him
A. Kill him and be referd to as "Unlawful and Unfair" and forever being scarred by citizens.
B. Imprison him and take your chances of him escaping
But remember there is a group of murders and thieves out there that will back him up  ;)
By the way I spent hours on this char i dont want to wind up deleting him for this event. He was my first char heh.
And I want this event to be long and always rememberd in the history of events (yes i know its a long shot) So I will leave the conclusion up to all of you. Please dont dissapoint me with /me stabs Rinasho killing him.
I hope you all will forgive me for this bad start.
Hey Phinehas id like to see you do better!( me and phinehas have a competiton going on its not flaming)
Thank you submit your advice.
« Last Edit: September 19, 2006, 06:47:00 pm by Colinb »