Author Topic: Auction rules...  (Read 1648 times)


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Re: Auction rules...
« Reply #30 on: October 29, 2006, 06:29:32 pm »
just think...
of course weapon merchant will seek only for silverweave short sword, right? are you ok? merchant does not buy only certain weapon ....
he buys all otherwise he's not a merchant

merchant would say: buying weapons 5.4 or greater --- for example.

man... think please

neko kyouran

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Re: Auction rules...
« Reply #31 on: October 29, 2006, 06:33:40 pm »
There are plenty of types of people that only deal with one specific type of item in thier business, and they are still considered merchants.


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Re: Auction rules...
« Reply #32 on: October 29, 2006, 06:44:05 pm »
really? but i see a paradox...

begginer merchant will of course have at least 500 000 tria to afford more than one silverweave short sword he is looking for at a time...

ok if he does i will check him for buying two or more silverweaves, i know some buys and offers only one but this can be easily cheked out, if someone is looking for kind of weapons it's ok but if he looks for 1x weapon that shoudln't be called a merchant

i think that's offtopic anyway


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Re: Auction rules...
« Reply #33 on: October 29, 2006, 06:45:16 pm »
"lone characters" can start their auctions of course. I just don't want them to post "i will BUY XXX" or "i'm looking for XXX" - let's leave that to merchants only
Given the fact that every person trading at the marketplace is a merchant in smaller bigger way, you have no right to forbid them doing something.
Who are you to tell people what they can and what they cant?
When i'm looking for something and i shout it at the marketplace, i do it, because it doesnt lack sense. There are actually people who may be interested with my offer.

You didn't even check if what you wrote is right, yet you act like an expert.

What you can failure tommorow, failure today.

Better click for shiny stylez Help me with images!


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Re: Auction rules...
« Reply #34 on: October 29, 2006, 06:48:22 pm »
HEy' you've asked i replied, i'm not an expert
how do you think, why i asked GM/DEV to post their opinion?
it's because i'm not sure that's why. i want to know how should i see it but i don't want to take their time in-game...

neko kyouran

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Re: Auction rules...
« Reply #35 on: October 29, 2006, 06:52:19 pm »
ok if he does i will check him for buying two or more silverweaves, i know some buys and offers only one but this can be easily cheked out, if someone is looking for kind of weapons it's ok but if he looks for 1x weapon that shoudln't be called a merchant

Not all merchants have to be of the same mold.  A have a charcter I play that is a merchant, yet sells nothing.  That is, not in the typical way you describe how merchants sell things.  She is the "for hire" type.  People come to her saying they are looking for a certain item, she finds that item, and trades it to the person searching for it, for a profit of course.  So in this way, yes, she could be looking for just one silverweave, yet still be a merchant.  It depends on what she has been requested to find.

Under the moon

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Re: Auction rules...
« Reply #36 on: October 29, 2006, 06:58:15 pm »
@ Karyuu How can it be expanded on if you are unwilling to change it? Despite what you 'believe', auctioning is a skill. It is closely entwined with public speaking, charisma, confidence, intelligence, and will to start off with.

And again you are wrong. The -best- time to talk about anything is before the time comes that you actually have to create it. Why talk about rules on the way auction is used now, when it will be 'expanded upon' in the future, and those rules will no longer apply? The answer is, that is how you make things better.

Where in my words did your -ever- read "Change this now, or we are all doomed."? I am not a stupid, 'silly' person who thinks everything can be changed with the wave of a magic coding wand. Everything I write is carefully thought out, researched as to how other players would like it, then asked of Devs if it could be done, then adapted to fit multiple ways to play. That involves ways others enjoy, but I do not.

I give you a real life example of what would happen with the current system. A well known Auctioneer (-not- a merchant, as that is a different job) is set up in his usual space. As he starts to auction his commissions, some fools with a single sword walk up and start trying to hock them to the crowd. Now what do you think would happen? The people there for the real auction would become annoyed. The Auctioneer would become angry, and ask them to leave. If they did not, the well known auctioneer would go to the lawmakers, who are likely his friends, and request a law requiring you to have a license to have an auction space. the lawmakers would not wish to see a good businessman driven off due to interruptions to his business, so they would make such a law. End of story. That is how things work.


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Re: Auction rules...
« Reply #37 on: October 29, 2006, 07:07:51 pm »

nothing more nothing less  :thumbup:


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Re: Auction rules...
« Reply #38 on: October 29, 2006, 08:13:08 pm »
@ Karyuu How can it be expanded on if you are unwilling to change it?

I beg your pardon? Please elucidate.

Despite what you 'believe', auctioning is a skill. It is closely entwined with public speaking, charisma, confidence, intelligence, and will to start off with.

I don't want characters to have to train for everything that they might want to do. I honestly don't understand you sometimes - on one hand you're excitedly against "leveling," and on the other you ask that it be required for what I consider to be a roleplayable skill. If a character may want to run a full auction house then I can understand needing to study for the job - but not for your average everyday auction.

Why talk about rules on the way auction is used now, when it will be 'expanded upon' in the future, and those rules will no longer apply?

Because maybe that's what the original question was about?

"Mini-auctions" happen all the time in marketplaces and bazaars. To limit them to auction houses, and moreover to "official" business is unrealistic.
Judge: Are you trying to show contempt for this court, Mr Smith?
Smith: No, My Lord. I am attempting to conceal it.


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Re: Auction rules...
« Reply #39 on: October 29, 2006, 08:34:01 pm »
Sorry, but yes you should.

Everything for everyone is a terrible way to do the system. It is unrealistic to the extreme, and more than prone to spam. You have to train to do every other aspect of the game, so why would auctioning be any different. Auctioning IS a skill that MUST be learned. In real life and in a virtual world.

God, everyone here is always so down on how bad Runescape and WoW are ooc and not RPGs, then you shove in a system that is WORSE than what they have.


You don't have to learn how to scream at the top of your lungs that you're selling something...

It shouldn't be called auction necessarily, but maybe "market" since auctioning would be taking bids and going for the highest one. The way it's done here is first offer mostly gets it, or it's sold at a set price and someone just says they'll buy it.

Under the moon

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Re: Auction rules...
« Reply #40 on: October 29, 2006, 11:40:50 pm »
You want to understand my view.

Start with this.

Combined with this.

Then add this.

And this.

My stance has been mistaken over and over again to be against leveling. Search every last word I have ever said, and you will not find anywhere I have said to remove it, or that it is bad. Nor would I. Some people like to play that way, some do not.

You are mixing and mistaking two seperate concepts in my words. One is playing by stats. The other is the gaining of stats. Those are not the same thing.

As it is, and unless there is a drastic change to the system, /auction = spam. Period.

""Mini-auctions" happen all the time in marketplaces and bazaars."

Show me one that does not require either a permit or a fee to set up. You want to have these mini-auctions, then make it something different than the professionals, and ruduce the frelling radius. Selling a personal item is simple, and needs a simple and -limited- command. Auctioning is an entire system in itself.
« Last Edit: October 29, 2006, 11:49:29 pm by Under the moon »


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Re: Auction rules...
« Reply #41 on: October 29, 2006, 11:50:19 pm »
@Under the moon
IRL if you are running an auction and someone uncivilised jumps in to sell something, you have to deal with it.
auctioning is not bargaining. There is no specific skill needed. All you need is something to sell or money to buy.
In a more general way about all your late complaints about how PS does not prevent "irrealistic" people to interfere with you dreamed but incredibly leet RP; It's not to the system to determine who's leet and who's not. Especialy for something as simple as opening your mouth to say what you have to sell and how much you would like for it. And it's exactly what's implemented.

Under the moon

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Re: Auction rules...
« Reply #42 on: October 30, 2006, 12:10:37 am »
"say what you have to sell"

Say? Hell no. You have given every player a megaphone to hock their loot. Even WoW has a better system. The auction tab is a player to player system, not a character to character, so it should not sit there spamming the rolepaying window, or endlessly blinking in the corner. Auctioning in this game is a free for all carpshoot. You can't even get away from it in the DR. How stupid is that? Auction is nothing more than a second /shout as it is. And it seems as if you want it to stay that way.

To keep myself from getting into an argument with all of the insulting comments you have been directing my way lately, Hadfael, I'll not be reading anymore of your bias and vision-lacking -opinions-. You want to sit around 24/7 and try to keep the 'n00bs' in check, be my guest. IRC, forum, and in-game, you are on my permanent ignore list. Don't bother responding to this, as I will not read it.


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Re: Auction rules...
« Reply #43 on: October 30, 2006, 12:16:27 am »
@Under the moon
Ignore me as you ignore everyone and everything that don't match your dream. To bad you made no decent proposal nor explain why a seller would not try to attract people by speaking louder then the usual conversation.
The topic here is about a way to make options in the real PS world, using what is implemented. It's not WoW, but we already knew that.

try the method posted earlier, it is IC.


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Re: Auction rules...
« Reply #44 on: October 30, 2006, 01:35:01 am »
Ok, so, having established that the IC explanation of an /auciton message is similar to someone shouting in the streets to push their business, here are some thoughts:

Does it make sense to have "access" to these shouts no matter where we are? Not IC, in my opinion. If the idea is to resemble a sort of market place it should only be active within such a place. What I suggest is limiting the auction channel to only a few areas in town, like the plaza, for example. You want to buy something? Go to the plaza. You want to sell something? Go to the plaza. Anywhere else you try to use the /auction tab at would be limited and you'd get a "You must be in the plaza to auction!" message. I think it's important to go "analog" on commerce. Having an open auction channel no matter how far from civilization we might be or despite the distance the characters that might end up dealing with each other might be only leads to an OOC "virtual" space for trade. It's like going on eBay! It shouldn't be like that. Being limited to a place gives IC justification for "trade jargon" so things like "slash" or "speed" can be talked about (supposing / refers to the degree given to the item by some bureau of something and speed is just a number reached after some sort of measurement, like the pages per second a printer can spit out).

And what about travelling merchants? They can still do their travelling business, only using the /chat and /shout but this would have to be IC. Messages that combine IC and OOC properly, with [ ] would be OK for this. An example can be "Get your great weapons with <name>! Magic weapons! Rare weapons! And today: An amazing Silverweave Short Sword! [/10, s2] and an Amethyst-Encrusted dagger [+N <stat>].

We can't realistically expect people to stay IC if the channel itself doesn't, now can we?
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