Author Topic: Roleplay vs. powerlevelling  (Read 6701 times)


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Re: Roleplay vs. powerlevelling
« Reply #90 on: September 15, 2007, 12:48:24 pm »

A mage that want to learn all magic ways is extreme expensive, he have to learn some other skills for pay the costs of training.
I've seen not one character to have all skills at magic way mastered!
I've seen not one person who have mastered all crafting skills. I saw some who train for mastering sword making, and i know one who train for mastering daggers.
And who mastered all weapon and armor skills, do they can fight the uber Ulbernauts? No, they did not, they have to wait if there are other trainers comming and train higher.

For example:
I've crystal way 70 and each training costs about 30.000 trias, i heared the crystal way can be trained beyond skill 100. Then i've to train red, azure...
[I think this needs one or two years for me, but what is in one year? Skill 200, Skill 300?]

And for real life: a blacksmith must make hundred thousands of swords to be mastered. but is he mastered? did he make never mistakes ever? No, he is the best smith in swords but he also have to learn. "A rolling stone gathers no moss."

The problem is not that one tries to master blacksmithing (as in reach the highest rank). It is that they also try to reach the highest rank in all weapons, armors, and magics. It doesn't matter whether or not they have reached it yet its the fact they will keep trying to powerlevel every stat as high as they can. One should be able to practice all things ingame but should someone be able to be maxed on every stats and half the weapon skills? One needs to only "master" a few things. Whether you mastered blacksmithing, weapons, and magics is not the point. The point is that too many attempt to do it and then rp the same.
Saggi Lezeheso, The Whisper's Jest
Demoik and Rioqura, The Immortal Harrow
Vertum, Will of Dakkru

Duraza Darkom, Slayer of Kittens


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Re: Roleplay vs. powerlevelling
« Reply #91 on: September 15, 2007, 04:01:47 pm »

A mage that want to learn all magic ways is extreme expensive, he have to learn some other skills for pay the costs of training.
I've seen not one character to have all skills at magic way mastered!
I've seen not one person who have mastered all crafting skills. I saw some who train for mastering sword making, and i know one who train for mastering daggers.
And who mastered all weapon and armor skills, do they can fight the uber Ulbernauts? No, they did not, they have to wait if there are other trainers comming and train higher.

For example:
I've crystal way 70 and each training costs about 30.000 trias, i heared the crystal way can be trained beyond skill 100. Then i've to train red, azure...
[I think this needs one or two years for me, but what is in one year? Skill 200, Skill 300?]

And for real life: a blacksmith must make hundred thousands of swords to be mastered. but is he mastered? did he make never mistakes ever? No, he is the best smith in swords but he also have to learn. "A rolling stone gathers no moss."

The problem is not that one tries to master blacksmithing (as in reach the highest rank). It is that they also try to reach the highest rank in all weapons, armors, and magics. It doesn't matter whether or not they have reached it yet its the fact they will keep trying to powerlevel every stat as high as they can. One should be able to practice all things ingame but should someone be able to be maxed on every stats and half the weapon skills? One needs to only "master" a few things. Whether you mastered blacksmithing, weapons, and magics is not the point. The point is that too many attempt to do it and then rp the same.

By extension:  which is unrealistic (if one does not practice their skills, esp. if they're at a high skill level, one will begin to fall back rapidly--although gaining it back is much faster, people grow rusty over time), and makes roleplay often seem both repetitive and and makes those of us who roleplay characters (and have the skills to back it up) who do specialize and don't try to become "teh uber l337 warrior-mage-smith" seem pushed to the side in favor of a person who, frankly, can do anything the game mechanics provide for, and back up rp stats wise for anything they want to do (spells, amazing feats of strength, and whatnot).

I'm fine with warrior-mage-smiths.  I'm not fine with them being as good as a focused warrior, a focused mage, and a focused smith, because that's unrealistic.  One cannot be the jack of all trades, and the master of all trades.


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Re: Roleplay vs. powerlevelling
« Reply #92 on: September 15, 2007, 04:20:46 pm »

I'm not the big Roleplayer, sorry ... I started roleplaying with Planeshift and I'm still learning.

But ... after reading this complete thread ... something comes right out of my head.

Tolol's story:

I decided to become a crafter ... I wanted to be the one who the weapon crafters would like to meet to buy their needed "ingredients"

That was the goal ....

To reach it I had to kill thousends of rats - trained "knives and daggers" and "light armor" - killed thousands of Rogues - trained "knives and daggers" and "light armor" - killed the Brigand a thousand times - trained "knives and daggers" and "light armor" ........ (not to forget all the Trepors and Tefusang ...)

I stopped fighting, when I reached Lvl 50 on "knives and daggers" and "light armor", because I had PP and money enough to reach my crafter goal ....

What for, you will ask ?

To get the PP for my mining - metallurgy - blacksmith ......

your turn now .... am I a powerleveller ?

By the way ... last week I found myself on the way to the Brigand ... I was out of PP


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Re: Roleplay vs. powerlevelling
« Reply #93 on: September 15, 2007, 06:14:52 pm »

I'm not the big Roleplayer, sorry ... I started roleplaying with Planeshift and I'm still learning.

But ... after reading this complete thread ... something comes right out of my head.

Tolol's story:

I decided to become a crafter ... I wanted to be the one who the weapon crafters would like to meet to buy their needed "ingredients"

That was the goal ....

To reach it I had to kill thousends of rats - trained "knives and daggers" and "light armor" - killed thousands of Rogues - trained "knives and daggers" and "light armor" - killed the Brigand a thousand times - trained "knives and daggers" and "light armor" ........ (not to forget all the Trepors and Tefusang ...)

I stopped fighting, when I reached Lvl 50 on "knives and daggers" and "light armor", because I had PP and money enough to reach my crafter goal ....

What for, you will ask ?

To get the PP for my mining - metallurgy - blacksmith ......

your turn now .... am I a powerleveller ?

By the way ... last week I found myself on the way to the Brigand ... I was out of PP

That actually refelcts more the current problem with game mechanics than it does with this argument. As soon as the leveling system is fixed in terms of pp you will be able to gain equal experience from fighting as you would from crafting, mining, etc. Then you wouldn't need the weapon stats to be a crafter.

Because of the leveling system problems I couldn't argue with your choice of first gaining the stats so you could actually become what you plan to rp (crafter). My only problem would have been if you not only decided to be a crafter but decided to be an extremely strong warrior and a list of serveral other things...

In the end think about it this way. Is it unrealisitc for you to learn how to kill monsters first and gain some skill using weapons and armors? Of course not. Is it impossible for you to become a crafter after gaining skills with weaponry? No. However would it be needed to max those weapon skills, or come close to maxing them, to kill monsters in order to gain pp for training? Once again no. You can just as easily gain pp on a lower level of weapon skill and armor skill. Do you have to rp your high level skills in weponry just because you have them? Again no, infact you shouldn't. If you only gained them for the OOC fact that we can't gain enough experience by doing anything other than killing monsters then the skills themselves are OOC. If it was a character choice to first learn how to fight then go for his/her goals then its not OOC yet I'd say you should limit yourself to the amount of levels you can gain. In other words don't make your character become a warrior who can kill trepors in a second just because you want to be able to gain the pp for training quick because its OOC.

Fact is all those weapon skills could easily be proven to be OOC since you got them as a player, not because your character wanted to learn to fight. If he/her wanted to learn to fight but his/her ultimate goal was crafting then I'd expect the character to get to a decent rank but not a high one. If you as a player gets them to a high rank for the sake of easier training its okay but when rping you'd have to note this ranks as OOC for it was player done.

For an example I have a character who I'm rping to have little skill when using weapons. Yet at the begining stages its easier to train with weapons. Will I decide however to rp my character having high weapon skills just because it will make it easier both ways? No, that takes away my characters flaw/weakness. Instead I may get him the needed weapon skills  to make training easier but these skills will be regarded OOCly for me. I will never rp my character to have them. At the same time once my character doesn't need the weapon skills I won't use them period for the fact that they were only there to make things easier for me as a player.

I'm not saying this is the way to do things but I think it sensible if you can understand what I'm trying to say  ;D
Saggi Lezeheso, The Whisper's Jest
Demoik and Rioqura, The Immortal Harrow
Vertum, Will of Dakkru

Duraza Darkom, Slayer of Kittens

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Re: Roleplay vs. powerlevelling
« Reply #94 on: September 15, 2007, 06:51:50 pm »
You are not a power leveler. You are the victim of a system that forces power leveling outside of your chosen character to do much of anything with the game.

Now, I am not against RP-powerleveling in any way. If you like doing it, be my guest. I would likely PL some of the skills myself if I did not find the current training system so horrid (mostly due to the anti-RP PP, the insanely un-RP-able cost of training, and the bloodthirsty character type you are forced to play). Indeed, in other games where leveling was more realistic and fun, I very much enjoyed seeing my character grow stronger and more skilled. An RP-leveler plays the character type who strives to be better, and works hard at it. As said, I would do this.

I am against non-RP-PLing, however. I define non-RP-power levelers as different than Rp-levelers. Or perhaps I would call them Power-Maxers, who are only interested in maxing out all skills as fast as they can for the reason of maxing those things, doing  every last thing in the game, and amassing fortunes just to see their name as the top of a list.

It is making a system that supports one, but not the other that is the hat trick. The training system in place can not do that.


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Re: Roleplay vs. powerlevelling
« Reply #95 on: September 17, 2007, 03:38:28 pm »
by reading your replies another thing comes to my mind ...

I was once in the mine ... going for iron

and one of those "funny people" brought a trepor to the mine ...

most of my fellow miners ran in fear ...

but my (OOC) killing skills made me put on my armor ... take my daggers and made the trepor ...

I didn't even try to roleplay this ... and I left the mine ...


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Re: Roleplay vs. powerlevelling
« Reply #96 on: October 01, 2007, 09:51:01 pm »
since there is no list to look on, I doubt the true power levelers would stick around for long. and it is hard to get all your stats up there. Its boring...which actually encourages rp, if from nothing other than being unable to do anything else. As for having no one in real life who could master so many skills, the reason for that is 1. there is no cap (what is maxed in real life? theres a saying that perfect doesnt exist, but I doubt you would want this implemented.), and 2. We dont have enough time. We could probably become elite in everything...if we could live forever.
« Last Edit: October 01, 2007, 10:06:49 pm by theirah »


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Re: Roleplay vs. powerlevelling
« Reply #97 on: October 01, 2007, 11:11:28 pm »
heres my two cents...

I like playing planeshift...

Planeshift made a system in which you can train and level...

I like to role play my character... its a very immersive experiance and makes things exciting to see 'what will happen next?'

I don't understand why people need to divide playing the game, and role playing... The game encourages both...

Role play has always been encouraged but there are also quests that demand that you are strong... (because if you're not its almost impossible)

I role play, but when none of my friends are on, and when nothing is going on, I go and train for as long as I feel fit.

Conclusion: People who Only role play are missing out on Planeshift's dev designed game play... people who only play the game, are missing out on a immersive experiance that really is frosting on the cake.

Why not just do a little of both?


by reading your replies another thing comes to my mind ...

I was once in the mine ... going for iron

and one of those "funny people" brought a trepor to the mine ...

most of my fellow miners ran in fear ...

but my (OOC) killing skills made me put on my armor ... take my daggers and made the trepor ...

I didn't even try to roleplay this ... and I left the mine ...

I see nothing wrong with this.
« Last Edit: October 01, 2007, 11:14:17 pm by Earl_Listbard »