Author Topic: Dark Empire: An Orwellian Nightmare  (Read 2866 times)


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Re: Dark Empire: An Orwellian Nightmare
« Reply #15 on: August 19, 2008, 07:15:39 pm »

When a delicate series of air blowing rhythmically laps your body, outside in the morning, you're pleasantly refreshed. The breeze blows, then pauses for a few seconds, them blows again. During a pause, you know the following blow will happen in a few seconds, continuing the regular sequence. You know because the wind howl announces it. When, however, one blow misses despite having announced itself, you wait for a few more seconds and get ready to receive it on your skin. It won't come. You become curious and want it, but your expectation will be mismatched. You keep waiting but soon wonder if the wind simply blew in another direction. You can then laugh or innerly recognize that the missing air blow is actually a missed heartbeat.

Rinenud's apartment was purposely built in such a fashion that every corner of it could fall into the scope of one central glyph. This way he had no escape from a continuous control, not even for one second. All of the sudden he felt constricted, suffocated, he wanted air, he craved for oxygen. Smiling he left: the glyph was watching him. On the street, he spotted glyphs everywhere with the corner of his eye. While he advanced into the outskirts, he soon noticed a vast square monitored by only one glyph. And it was very crowded, strangely! It was usual, infact, that crowded areas were those mostly monitored. Perhaps this was his occasion! Being possibly observed, he could only keep striding as if normal, pretending nonchalance. The right moment would come soon. He fastened the pace a bit, to catch the crowd. Then, slowly, he began to turn down. Good. He was outside of the scope of the glyph. Moving with the crowd he could possibly run past the controlled urban area and disperse.

Too strongly a doubt assailed his mind: why was there such a crowd? It was impossible. There must have been something special for such a gathering of people in an area monitored only by one glyph. Soon he heard it from a passer-by and, on a cue, he realized. That day was the beginning of the Week of Hate, the scheduled holiday to celebrate the triumph of the Empire over its enemies. Everyone was moving to the Empire Plaza. Participation to the event wasn't mandatory --in theory-- but he knew that in his situation, it was. He stood back again.
-Comrade Rinenud - shouted a voice from the glyph - What happens? -
Rinenud paled. He was being monitored after all! They tailed him not leaving him for a single second!
-I am fine - responded Rinenud, trying his unpleasant best - I just fell. I'm going to the Plaza.
-Good, you may proceed.- instructed the voice. Rinenud knew he couldn't possibly justify on his whereabouts. The road which brought from his apartment to the Plaza was entirely different. He hastened the pace.
"By Talad's mercy!" he thought. Yes, he remembered, he used to pray Talad, that before joining the Outer Party. Folks are allowed to have their own religion. But Outer Party members may have one and only one goddess: Princess Aelya. Things were so different for him before joining the Party. He didn't remember too clearly how life used to be before the Empire. Only the eldest among the Folks probably remembered. He didn't remember, simply: why did he join the Party? Rinenud walked and watched the road as the world around him moved and he was still. A faint memory still persisted inside him. He hoped for a better life, but he was still unsure when he signed in. Besides his family had just died, so he didn't really have anything to loose. Initially the Party was cool... maybe something had changed. And the changement took place also thanks to him. He liked his job, after all, even if he wasn't allowed to openly talk about it.

Enthralled by the magnificent celebration, the awe-struck population cheered with enthusiasm at the picture of Princess Aelya. An Imperial Speaker climbed on the stage.
-We have longed for this moment, to celebrate our pressing advance over the Chaotic Warriors... -
As soon as the word was spelt, the glyph projected a picture of the enemy leader of State. It was a bad picture. John Thazer was depicted as a wicked person, visibly evil, repellent and loathsome. The people started to yell a boo. The Imperial Speaker had to continue the speech, but allowed a bit of time for the crowd to vent their hate off. It was part of the plan. Every member of the Party was furious. If John Thazer happened to be magically summoned to the centre of the Plaza, doubtlessly he'd get assailed and lynched. Not even thought would mediate the actions of the crowd, for hate filled their consciousness entirely and they'd act without thinking. Everyone had always hated the Chaotic Warriors, since they were born or so they thought. They were sure they hated the Chaotic Warriors.
-... and hail to our eternal ally, the Octarch! - exclaimed the Imperial Speaker. At the same moment a bright picture of the Octarch appeared. It was portrayed as a great man, almost a saint in appearence. On the background, a green landscape, which inspired peace and harmony.
The crowd cheered fanatically at whom they knew to have always been their ally.

Rinenud averted his gaze and looked up into the grey ceiling that greeted sight miles above. Maybe something in the air, like a distant echo, preannounced a lightning or a thunder. The Speaker was still speaking. It wasn't his first Week of Hate and Rinenud was pretty used to it, everything went as normal. However soon a signal was made to the speaker and he started to slow down. Soon someone passed him a small piece of paper, which he read without interrupting the speech. Rinenud couldn't believe his own eyes and ears. This was impossible. The speaker didn't even budge or interrupt the sentence, nor change the tone even slightly! It wasn't an important sentence, but an ordinary one, spelt without impetus. Continuing the sentence with the same tone, without attributing too much importance, he simply declared:
- .... and we shall always bear in mind how the comsequence of ungoodlogic is deeply rooted in our arch enemy, the Octarch! -
Rinenud was perfectly aware. He said Octarch, not Chaotic Warriors. Something had changed. Was the speaker wrong? He'd not go too far, he'd not even get the chance to reach Mansion 44 in one piece. He'd immediately get lynched. No, Rinenud knew the truth. The Empire had changed alliance, simply. He only wondered how the crowd would react. In the past such changements had already happened but had always been at least cleverly disguised, the Scholars would have edited all the past news behorehand and cleaned every trace, but now apparently the precautions were not needed anymore, perhaps he was the only one to notice everybody had all the posters with written "Hail to the Octarch!" and all the decorations of him as an ally.
The glyph projected the picture of John Thazer, this time he was represented as a hero. They already had the picture ready.
-Hail to John Thazer! - cheered the crowd. Rinenud too. Incredible, logic had departed from Yliakum, maybe it survived only in Rinenud, last shelter of rational thought. Where had the world gone? Sadly he'd played his role in this changement. He was scared, but cheered. Soon someone started to rip his own poster and everyone immediately noticed the mistake. They screamed, screamed horrified.
-It's Prince Attersson! He sabotaged our celebration! - someone shouted. Rinenud recognized the voice: it was Eolas.
-DEATH TO PRINCE ATTERSSON! - shoted the crowd very loud. Heroic deeds were performed by the groups of Empire Youth, who climbed onto the columns to tear the decorations apart. They had written "Hail to the Octarch, our ally! Death to John Thazer, our enemy!". The children were so zealous that Rinenud wondered if they really cared that much or if, for them, given their age, everything seemed like a game. The glyphs monitored the scene from everywhere.
-Death to the Octarch! - shouted Rinenud, trying his unpleasant best, once again. Soon he felt a hand on his shoulder. Eolas commanded to follow him to the Stronghold. Smiling --and this time earnestly, since anything could possibly be better than that celebration-- he obeyed.

Eolas lead Rinenud to the Hypostyle. It was the first time in that hall for both. Sangwa, visibly concerned, was talking to Parallo.
-Thus, you make my best advisor, now that Natrina is unconscious. You, better than anyone in the Empire, know me. Who am I? - asked Sangwa.
-You are my Go... erm.. my Lord and Emperor! - answered Parallo.
-This is not what I asked. I asked who I am, not who I am for you.
-It's not just about me, you are everybody's Emperor and are known as Sangwa Bloodmoon. - insisted Parallo.
-My name is Sangwa Greenmoon. - said Him.
-Greenmoon.-  repeated Parallo. He knew he had a task now. Eolas immediately blushed and let his hands on his hair. He whispered: - Blast! This will take a week!-
Rinenud was appalled. He understood everything. The name Sangwa Greenmoon had always been libelled as "Sangwa Bloodmoon" and so now the Scholars had to rectify the mistake. This was his attempt at using goodlogic. The word "chang.."-something desperately tried to jostle its way into his mind but he repelled it with all his focus and tried to distract himself. It was the stopcrim. "Mistake of name" he thought, but his brain tried to fish in the sentence starting with "Sangwa wanted to chan.." but then again "a mistake of his name" he thought. Now that he was so close to the Inner Party, he couldn't let it slip for such a trivial mistake! Sangwa's last name was mistaken. It had always been Greenmoon. Yes, now he remembered. Or not?

Soon Eolas and Parallo quit. Sangwa called him.
-Come here, Rinenud - he commanded. Then he turned to a soldier: - Now we shall see if you are right or if you are wrong. - then he turned back to Rinenud.
-What's my name? - asked Him. Rinenud knew where this was headed to.
-Sangwa, my Lord - replied him.
-And my last name? - authoratively asked him.
Rinenud blushed. Fifty percent of possibility he was a goner. In theory he shouldn't have heard the previous conversation. But he did. But goodlogic.
-I think - faintly started him - I remember you've always been called Sangwa Greenmoon.
-Seen? - exclaimed Sangwa on a cue. - Kill him! - commanded Sangwa shouting horribly.
Rinenud shook as if an earthquake had just started when he realized, though, that Sangwa meant the soldier, not him!! The soldier was infact dragged away by two sentinels.
-Good work.- praised Sangwa. - And good memory. Didn't you want to join the Inner Party?
-It would be my pleasure to serve you. - stated Rinenud, trying to keep his emotions, now of happiness, to himself.
-Then welcome aboard. I truly need people like you.-
« Last Edit: August 20, 2008, 01:55:15 pm by Attersson »


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Re: Dark Empire: An Orwellian Nightmare
« Reply #16 on: August 23, 2008, 07:46:42 pm »

He did it! Finally and by all means, Rinenud was an Imperial Scholar! Ah, at long last! He'd managed to climb the ranks of Dark Empire and reach the top of the pyramid!
"Yes!!!" he innerly rejoyced, while entering the Library. There was infact no time to loose due to the criticality of the present situation, a hard and tedious task needed the Scholar's complete attention and efforts. Parallo debriefed everybody and gave forth the news: - Everything is a huge pile of mistakes! We have accidentally written "Bloodmoon" instead of "Greenmoon" everywhere!! I already called the builders to dismantle the wrong writings on the landmarks and here in the Stronghold, we are supposed to correct the literature and press. Thereafter, any wrong copy should be eliminated and substituted. Books, booklets, newspapers... everything. I'm explaining that because Rinenud is new. So get working. Any objections? -
Everyone performed the secret Scholars' greeting. Rinenud, looking around, tried to imitate them. He felt so proud, yet in the same time confused due to the nature of the task.
-You are lucky - whispered Tial not without resentment - to get immediately admitted to this place. I had to wait for five years... -
Getting busy, the Scholars sat around a table full of papers, scrolls and books.
- If you don't mind... - exclaimed Parallo opening the windows. Brightness irradiated the Library, instantly making the manuscripts and printings much more readable. -...since it's going to take a while! -
Everyone smiled agreeably. Eolas lighted the fireplace with a spell of the Red Way.
-Next time you take initiative without obtaining permission, I'll see that you are brought to Mansion 44! - exclaimed Parallo imperatively. - However, for this time, may it pass, since it was a good idea. -
One could tell from Eolas's eyes that he hated Parallo. He was obviously reciprocated. But Rinenud innerly shivered upon hearing the words "Mansion 44". Parallo was really the most faithful follower of Sangwa and he knew that, among everyone if there was one person who would never and absolutely risk going to Mansion 44, that was Parallo. Parallo was THE Imperialist par excellence. He was a model to follow and the most important person in the Empire after the members of House Greenmoon. Respectfully, he addressed Parallo:
- Master, may I speak? - he said.
- Yes, you may. - nodded Parallo.
- Do we risk ending up in... that place? - fearfully babbled him. Parallo took a breath and chuckled quitely.
- Don't worry about Mansion 44... Keep focused and everything will be easy. You are one of us. - paternally reassured him.
- But... master, I'm afraid I find myself somehow obstacled - confessed Rinenud.
- Obstacles are those terrible things you see when you take your eyes off your goals. - said Parallo. - Now just think about doing your duty. Here, correct this. - said him handing a copy of the Imperial Dispatch to Rinenud. It was issue #6544/BX. The Imperial Dispatch newspapers were issued daily and used to be numbered after the date. However, since Sangwa had decided to abolish the calendary, they had taken a strange numeration.
The error resided in the left column of the second page. Rinenud easily rewrote Bloodmoon into Greenmoon but, removed the redundant caption, half of the column was left empty.
- Master - whispered him - there's blank space left. What shall I write?
- Remember Rinenud: the truth is what would please Sangwa. Write the truth, always... and whatever it might be. - explained Parallo.
So, what would please Sangwa? He knew the usual style. He too used to read the Imperial Dispatch everyday, because he liked to "keep himself informed". If only you could call that "information", that is. But he used to read it anyway. So he'd write something slightly patriotic, perhaps invent some heroic figure... "...Remember of"... his look fell upon the table and one of the chairs "Tablo Chairo, the comrade who died in the Magic Duels, for the glory of House Greenmoon, one week before Sangwa received the blessings from our Princess Aelya." That was perfect! It fit into the end of the column perfectly. Good. He'd done his first assignment.
-I have done it, master! - exclaimed him. Parallo didn't even read it and threw the paper into the pile.
-To the print. Take this now. - commanded him to a Rinenud who was now given carte blanche to freely weave history according to his own creativity.

The following day, however, something really, really struck Rinenud to the core, he could feel it in his spinal cord and to his fingertips. He was walking down the left aisle, headed to the Library to resume his duty with the Greenmon rectification, when, all of the sudden, his ears caught a sound. It was Slid chatting with his group of friends. They were reading the corrected newspaper of the old issue that he had "rectified". Apparently everyone received one copy.
-Ah yes! - he exclaimed - Tablo Chairo. I remember that guy, yeah... poor him. I knew his family.
-Yeah so I did. Poor them - commented Datris.
First of all, both were still alive. Evidently the psypolice would get them sooner or later anyway. But the most shocking part was that about Tablo Chairo. He had invented the name and yet everyone "remembered" of it with all the details. Did that guy really exist? Impossible.
Parallo watched the scene and approached, then reassured Rinenud with a pet. - What are you wondering about?
- Tablo Chairo... who was he?
- But you wrote about him, you told us about his deeds! - exclaimed Parallo laughing out loud. Rinenud understood and laughed too, but it wasn't a pure and amused laugh, it was somewhat tainted by regret, as if a residual of humanity inside him was screaming in agony. It gasped for air.
- Master Parallo, I am sick. I do not feel well. Can I be exempted from my duty for today? - asked him.
- No. We need your help in this moment. Tial! Deal with him. -
Tial cast a Life Infusion spell upon Rinenud and asked: - Are you feeling better?
-Yes but..
-Good. Go to the Library. -
As Rinenud walked away, Parallo caught Tial's hand and stopped her.
-What can you tell me about Natrina's health?
-Ah yes! - exclaimed Tial on a cue - She's recovered already. I had to cast my best healing spell on her though, before she could give the slightest hint of recovering. You can probably find her training around. Are you headed to her? - inquired Tial.
-I wish - stated Parallo - but we have to do our duty first. -

*         *         *

Suddenly, as if from nowhere, the glyph projected Sangwa's hologram, who addressed Parallo.
-No Parallo. This will do no good. He threw you off tack and the plans have now changed. Everything will take a different course and I'll trust your loyalty and discretion. I will expect you to report immediately.-

*         *         *

You have played this game too long, mortal. I think I shall remove you from the board.
You are my enemy. I can easily defeat you. Are you strong enough, to face your own masters?
I can't keep calm. I hate you. Sometimes anger is so deserved and right. Sometimes things change because of it.
To coexist? To remain peaceful, you suggest?
Peace is a lie. There is no peace, only passion. Through passion, I gain strength.
Through strength, I gain power. Through power, I gain victory.
We are not the same. You are a man, I am an Overman. We are not equal as you say.
Equality is a lie… A myth to appease the masses. Dark Empire has no equality. Simply look around and you will see the lie for what it is!
There are those with power, like me, those with the strength and will to lead. And there are those meant to follow — those incapable of anything but servitude and a meager, worthless existence.
And is it Nature that you speak of?
Equality is a perversion of the natural order!…It binds the strong to the weak.
They, the weak, become anchors that drag the exceptional down to mediocrity.
Individuals destined and deserving of greatness have it denied them.
They, the strong, suffer for the sake of keeping them even with their inferiors.
Equality is a chain, like obedience. Like fear or uncertainty or self doubt.
I could avoid crushing you, but that solution wouldn't lead anywhere. It would only delay the problem.
Your eyes read "this man has gone too far, he is crazy". Yes: I have indeed gone too far.
Only those who risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.
I once dreamt to conquer the world with my own forces.
No dreamer is ever to small, no dream is ever too big.
I am the Thunder who will restore House Greenmoon to its glory. They call me Sangwa.
You may say I was not born as The Thunder. However what we pretend to be, we often become.
And you can see it, before your eyes in this Temple.
Flesh does not easily support this great power.
I have broken the spine of Yliakum… Sometimes, things must be broken in order to be rebuilt.
As I have bent the Dark Empire to my will, soon I will bend the entire Yliakum and it will know order. My true work has just began.
Now Darkness calls to darkness. It calls to you. You can feel it like a heart beating within this temple. How will you respond?
Will you stoop, kneel down, kiss my feet and worship me?
Worship me... and I may yet be merciful. Then again... maybe not.

*         *         *

Sangwa put at stake the whole Empire for the last territories in the possession of the Octarch. The proportion was one to ten in favour of the Octarch. Likely that he'd accept.
Sangwa prepared his deck. Horror struck him when, not long after summoning the Lightning Elemental, it perished. The last of his creatures was the Thunder Spirit. It killed the first of the three remaining creatures. The second perished too.
The third creature of the Octarch was a Thunder Spirit too. Easy guess: Sangwa would win. He had unmatched control and mastery over Thunder. Ha! Natrina was totally right.
In the moment, only one thing he thought: the expression the IIA agents would assume when ordered to take the control of the territory and lead the Army to march upon Hydlaa. What a memorable day that would be.
"Ja marchĂ va" one might even say, but then again, they'd be totally wrong about the spelling of such saying. Certain things are best left unknown.
« Last Edit: August 23, 2008, 07:49:10 pm by Attersson »


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Re: Dark Empire: An Orwellian Nightmare
« Reply #17 on: August 31, 2008, 02:02:21 pm »


- On my signal! - exclaimed the squad leader, innerly grinning as chills pervaded him. It was a solemn moment, an interminable wait ensued. The signal didn't come late. It all happened in a precipitous haste, all meticulously calculated to begin and end few minutes before dawn, when the sky is still pitch black, but the crystal glow is already visible. Swiftly the Imperial Intelligence Agency had spies placed in the key sectors: over the walls, in the plaza, at every crossroad, in all the places of interest. Each agent installed a Glyph too. By all means, in that instant, Glyphnet had expended and now included every corner of Hydlaa. At least the outdoors. All of the sudden the glyphs were activated in the same time, displaying holograms of the Dark Empire banner everywhere and into the air.

The Blitz came as a surprize. Most of the citizens got awoken by the racket and, looking out of the windows, freaked out. Seen the holograms, few could avoid screaming. The city was in agony. Two concepts were stone-printed in everyone's mind: "Dark Empire".... and... "We have you.".
-So they did it... the Dark Empire conquered us. - exclaimed a resigned Xacha man. - We are doomed.-
A dwarf, irritated for the noise, opened the door preparing for a quarrel, but, realized of the situation, immediately closed it.
A smith abandoned the metal in the furnace not caring for overheating or not. A miner let his gold ore get stolen because now there would be no use for wealth.

"Oh by Laanx, what will be of us!" thought a Nolthrir woman, hastening to close the balcony, gather her child and flee far away. Maybe the Chaotic Warriors, in the lower levels, down in the Lake, would welcome her back. She'd fled from The Chaotic Warriors for fear, scared by their conquest and took shelter in the Octarch's last territories. Now Chaotic Warriors were the only better alternative to a worse fate with the Empire. She'd heard the rumors. Yes, she was afraid for herself and her child and also missed the waterland of her family, as well as many places and memories tied to them. She had to escape and immediately or for her and the kid, life as they knew it would be over. As she ventured to close the window, something stopped her: a hand on her shoulder. She instinctively turned, to see a dark man, entirely clad in a black stealth uniform. She took fright at wondering how he could have possibly climbed onto there.
-Don't worry madame - immediately reassured him. - there is nothing to worry about. The pictures of the Dark Empire are just holograms. We have taken the control of the city. It is under our domain now. - He paused for a second and resumed: - I come by the order of Lord Parallo, we all represent Sangwa Greenmoon. You have nothing to worry from us. - Noticing that the woman was relieved by the comment, he continued: - However I have probably used a bad wording. You are probably unaware that our glorious Imperial Scholars have developed telepathy spells. They are integrated in the Glyphs all around. That means we know everybody's thoughts and that includes your plans to flee. - All of the sudden the Nolthrir woman paled. - So, as I said, you have nothing to 'worry' from us. Nothing to worry. All to DESPAIR. Or rather, to be horrified. But we will not kill you. We would never kill you, be assured. - The woman smiled again in relief. - We WILL kill your son instead, but not now. The date and time of his death are already decided and you can only have it come sooner but not later. It depends on you. Now there are two possibilities that you have. One: you try to escape and your son gets killed immediately. Two: you do not try to commit any foolishness, stay in the Empire, join the Inner Party, serve Sangwa and keep despairing in silence. We will then kill your son after you've despaired enough to recoup us everything you owe to us for this treason. Now feel free to go to cry.-

Leaving the petrified woman behind, deprived of any hope, the agent uncaringly leapt down from the balcony and dashed forward, headed to the inner city. On his signal Glyphnet started to play a marching music in the background, while the Imperial Army flooded the streets and occupied the most important buildings. The Hydlaa guards immediately surrendered or got killed at the first hint of reaction. The remaining troops converged to Hydlaa Plaza and started to demolish the statue of Laanx, as well as her Temple. As soon as Laanx statue fell, it started to rain. A new statue was brought on a float escorted by the Imperial Loyalists. It was a statue of Princess Aelya. Suddenly the glyphs all around projected a bright and enthralling hologram of the glorious and radiant Princess Aelya. The citizens were fascinated, many poured tears as a voice acclaimed: - Hail to your new and only goddess, Princess Aelya! -

*                      *                        *

The two of them, Lord Parallo and Emperor Sangwa, sat by a black table made of polished obsidian. It was the new strategy room. From the doorway, very sinister a figure slowly stepped into the hall, without any haste. When its lineaments became evident, Parallo was overwhelmed by chills and dire awe.
-Parallo, you've been loyal like noone. For this reason I can come clean with you and let you know part of our secrets. I introduce you Radnor, military advisor of House Greenmoon. -
Radnor, clad in red garments, pressed a button activating the holographic projection behind him, then began to speak with his tenebrous voice.

Picture of Radnor, Advisor of House Greenmoon

-Chancellor Sangwa - he spoke to Parallo's surprize. He didn't call Him "Emperor" - I ask confirmation to offer my speech before the ears of a spurious outsider not belonging to our glorious House.-
Sangwa pointed to Parallo: - He's not one of us, but the fact he hears this speech is important for the wellfare of the House. You may proceed.
-My Lord - insisted Radnor - I have served House Greenmoon for so many years to know when one is loyal or concealing other feelings. Besides belonging to our House is a matter of birth and noone may get adopted into it so I humbly advise that... -
Suddenly Parallo stood up and defended himself: - Oh we will see with my plans if I am adopted into House Greenmoon or not... - on a cue he immediately shut up and sat back.
-What do you mean? - inquired Radnor. Sangwa watched silently, nodding.
Blushing, Parallo made up: -Serving the House makes me feel like a son of it. I have plans to stick with House Greenmoon and that's what I mean.
-Very well - proceeded Sangwa - you may start the presentation.
-As you wish, my Lord. - stated Radnor, manipulating the glyph. - So the war is won, all our enemies are defeated. We have conquered Yliakum. Our next move will be...
-Excuse me - interrupted Parallo - but with Ken Shinobi the Chaotic Warriors are still...
-Shut up! - shouted Radnor. - Another interruption will not be tolerated. - Parallo looked at Sangwa.
-Parallo, I said I'd come clean with you. Soon you will understand. Now let Radnor continue.
-... and so the war is won. Excellent work, Chancellor. You have served House Greenmoon well. Now our next move will be... - as if unsure, Randor paused. -Sorry my Lord, but are you sure this Parallo is to be trusted?
-Indeed he is. Now proceed. - Heard this, Parallo smiled proudly. annihilate House Erinotte. Its existence is a threat to us, in Yliakum and in the World.-
Sangwa stretched his back comfortably, then yawned. - Go on and explain him about our enemy and maybe a bit about ourselves. - he commanded.
-House Erinotte - began Radnor - is led by Prince Attersson. He has infiltrated in the Empire and poses the biggest threat to Us at the moment. He formed a group called "The Brotherhood" which commits occasional sabotages and acts of terrorism against the Empire. They justify their endeavour with terms such as... - Radnor looked visibly hindered and unable to continue the spelling of next word. As if throwing up in disgust, he struggled to emit the necessary syllables with his hoarse voice - ..."humanity"... - then he inhaled deeply - and similar blatant absurdities. They see the Empire as a parasitic organization removing "dignity" from all the creatures and want to eliminate us. We have tolerated such attempts but will need to settle the issue once for all. I have news for you, Chancellor. The treasoner among us is terribly close although I still haven't figured out whom he might be. For this reason we need maximum caution. -
Sagwa laughed distractedly. Radnor resumed: - In order to better identify our enemy, we must know ourselves first. I'll describe House Greenmoon.-
Radnor pushed a button on the control panel and the glyph projected a description.

House Greenmoon is a cartel of families originary of the oceanic lands surrounded by water. House Greenmoon is vast and consists of at least a couple hundred members. Mainly three major branches have distinguished themselves from the crowd. At the right, you can see the evil Dried Fishes, whose matriarch is Vitality, a young yet powerful girl who has decided to migrate her kindgom into a far away land which whereabouts are unknown to the rest of the House. Due to their dry lands, not oceanic, they were nicknamed as such. In the customs of Dried Fishes is to rule not by a meritocracy: the subjects can take power by killing one of their superiors, so they will take their place and the Dried Fishes family would recognize their new position. The only exception is not to kill any member of House Greenmoon, including the members of the Dried Fishes family. To the centre, instead, you can easily recognize the Noble Imperislists: Sangwa and Natrina. They are only two and they are of the purest of all lineages which tracks back directly to the two forefathers, both heirs of the mystic treasures due to their shared blood. The Imperialists, as you know, rule the Dark Empire, even if due to recent clashes, Sangwa might decide to quit the position and be recalled to the Headquarters. - Parallo was a shocked.- ... but to the right you can see the Insidious Tagus, patriarch of the most unstable branch of the House. They are regular users of Mushrooms with hallucinogenic effects. Fortunately for the House, more often than not, the Mushrooms also induce slumber, reason for, Tagus lives in a constant letargy. Tagus is also nicknamed "mushroom".-