Author Topic: Lurker Trolls  (Read 4839 times)


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Re: Lurker Trolls
« Reply #120 on: October 06, 2010, 01:21:11 pm »
@PhoenixRizin: You played Samsonus? :O No wonder I never saw much of him, but it seems the old standard holdsā€¦ Any good RPer you come across is likely someone you already know. ;D Shame though as it would have been fun to have had him around  Tel moreā€¦ Cā€™est la vieā€¦ *shrugs*

Yup that was I...he wasn't my most known or popular char but he got around in limited action XD
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Re: Lurker Trolls
« Reply #121 on: October 06, 2010, 02:05:34 pm »
Yup that was I...he wasn't my most known or popular char but he got around in limited action XD

Aww... I like the character, I ran into him with a couple of times with some of my characters. In fact, Dahserai was quite taken and Telnavi wished he would come to the Den so she'd have something to do other than just  hand people drinks. :P


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Re: Lurker Trolls
« Reply #122 on: October 06, 2010, 10:17:43 pm »
Hypocrisy. Your ego is so big you label yourself "Chieftain", you can't help but be immature, abuse others, belittle other's style of play completely. You didn't make this thread to "help the forum people", you made it as a personal attack at me. It's funny, you like to pick at splinters with entire trees in your own eyes. Your roleplay leaves alot more to be asked for too, pity the mods deleted my criticism there about your OOC/IC crossovers of information.

I'm sorry if this comes across a bit mean as it isn't intended to, but you're being a little too defensive and paranoid here.  I'm not surprised that your rude and unnecessary comments were deleted.  Without seeing logs, how could you possibly know what was exchanged between any of the characters other than what was posted.  You can't.  Therefore, you ASSUMED that there was an IC/OOC crossover and posted snarkily about it in an attempt to get a dig in at someone you ASSUME is attacking you personally.  Calm down a little bit, take a step back and a deep breath.  It isn't about you.
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Sarras Volcae

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Re: Lurker Trolls
« Reply #123 on: October 08, 2010, 12:39:12 am »
i think everyone's a troll once in a while. some more than others though... especially those with more than one forum account.  :detective:


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Re: Lurker Trolls
« Reply #124 on: October 08, 2010, 01:11:19 am »
Also there's quite obviously an IC/OOC crossover, when someone says IC something that is known as an OOC issue (the lack of Talad worship-RP from BoT). And even so, how would Kull know that a character of whom he has just met not follow their god truly? If there was more, then perhaps he should post that, so he looks like someone who can actually tell IC and OOC apart, eh?

Either you or me interpreted things wrong, Taphan.

I took Kull to mean the Ruya was a non-believer for not worshipping Dakkru. He asked her what guild she was in and she told him.

As to the BoT not RPing Talad worship, my character is in the Gug Temple each login; arranging flowers and making sure that her chronicle of The Appearance of Talad, Prayer Book for Worship of Talad and Prayer Book of Worship to Talad II need to be replenished or not from those who may have wanted a copy and removed them. Not sure what you consider worship exactly. Yet not sure what some folks mean by RP either. Both are open to personal interpretation it seems.

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Re: Lurker Trolls
« Reply #125 on: October 08, 2010, 02:25:09 am »
@Tessra: If I could be bothered, I'd link you the thread where I said "This thread (linked back to here) is obviously all about me." and he replies "Yup".

Also there's quite obviously an IC/OOC crossover, when someone says IC something that is known as an OOC issue (the lack of Talad worship-RP from BoT). And even so, how would Kull know that a character of whom he has just met not follow their god truly? If there was more, then perhaps he should post that, so he looks like someone who can actually tell IC and OOC apart, eh?

Interesting that you didn't try to deny that he belittles and trolls other player's style of play completely.

The short summary of why Chieftain made this thread: he wants the community to worship him. He wants the "sexxxaaay laaaadies".

So, it isn't this thread.  It's another thread.  Let's be clear here.  THIS thread wasn't started about you.   

The point of posting a summary RP write-up is so we all can read it in story fashion without having to read all the other things that clutter up a log.  Like background information, etc.  Also, need I point out that for villains, they don't have to have concrete reasons for doing their dastardly deeds.  They could have decided to kill that girl because she just happened to be the first person to walk through that area.  But, a speech about random happenstance wouldn't be nearly as poetic.  So, lack of worship to the gods it is.  Had she been a devout worshipper, like Venorel, she could have very easily begun to list the things she did in worship to her god.  But, she didn't.  So, even the VICTIM couldn't prove ICly that she wasn't guilty of the "crime" she was executed for.   

Since I must have left this out of my earlier post, I'll put it in now. Kull has never once complained about my writing/playing style.  Not for any of my alts.  He's never belittled me or done any of the other stuff you mention to me. 

I've tried to be nice, but now I'm just annoyed.  This thread was started about people who have behaviors like yours, taphan.  They get pissy about something that happens, mostly on the forum, because they can't be arsed to actually go into the game and see some of this firsthand, so they come into a thread, they take it personal when it isn't about them... and then they run off into other threads made by the topic starter and whine/complain/flame/moan/groan/annoy the heck out of other people/etc. simply because they don't like something said here.  Guess what, following someone about a forum to whine is trolling.  It's also immature behavior that has no place on a forum, or in threads that are designed to actually serve a purpose. 

I can think of quite a few people IG/ICly who have titles.  Are they all simply trying to be worshiped by the game at large?  Or is it possible that it might just be good character development?  I haven't noticed you picking on any of the other titled ones, or on any of the Guild Leaders, as they all have titles.   

Taking advantage of the "/ me command" is not mixing IC and OOC.  Mixing IC and OOC would be reading something on the forum and then running around in game with your character magically knowing it.  Everything here is OOC unless it's in one of the message board threads.  There's nothing wrong with giving your opinions on a subject, or the opinions your characters would have.  You have no right to be so dictatorial over anyone else's forum posting styles.  Incidentally, what you just did to Nova... yeah, that's kinda what you are accusing Kull of doing too. 
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Re: Lurker Trolls
« Reply #126 on: October 08, 2010, 06:44:18 am »
Tessra, "Cheiftain" isn't his IC title, it's his IRC name and also the name he used for his dev account character.

nova didn't use the /me command also, it actually went as far as setting the text to red and typing Venorel, or it would have come up as "novacadian think <this>"

I'm only pissy because he's a right hypocrite. And just because he doesn't belittle YOU doesn't mean he isn't the kind of person to belittle many others. Anyone with two eyes can read his threads. So really, learn to close your mouth before making fail comebacks.

I'm not accusing Kull of being dictatorial of forum/playing styles, I'm accusing him of hypocrisy, self-praising, and just being a dick in general.
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Re: Lurker Trolls
« Reply #127 on: October 08, 2010, 07:15:59 am »
It is not who I am that defines me but what I do.
Is it now?
Maybe that's why so many people define themselves through their job only...

I think "who I am" defines me, and "what I do" defines... what I do.  :o
(...and both of them require a long list anyway.)


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Re: Lurker Trolls
« Reply #128 on: October 08, 2010, 07:37:26 am »
And the thread stays amusing....

Seriously, believe me taphan when i say that getting much more distance helps a lot for your mood. Threads like this, that are "not entirely aimed at you" will come up always again. And if you are still too attached to the game you easily take them too serious. (The same by the way for Tessra, if something said here annoyes you better step back from it and just ignore it....this is all just about a game...not about anything important)

But I think this thread showed at least one's not so easy to define a troll as bloodedIrishman wanted. A lot people see me as a troll, a lot people see bloodedIrishman as a troll, a lot taphan, a lot Illysia, a lot novacadian....But I doubt there are many who see them all as trolls. It seems the definition of what is trolling depends a lot on the one who tries to make it.

To quote bloodedIrishman from here
1. The forums have ALWAYS been infested with trolls and conflicts. Don't base your opinion of the game on this, because the problem causers in the forums are for the most part not important in game.
So best for people who are annoyed about trolls is to take that line of bloodedIrishman serious and just ignore them...not making threads to invite them. And of course this whole thread was made to serve an other purpose than doing a serious discussion about how to get rid of trolls like me in these forums...and I think it served it well. It bound all people who someone might consider trolls in one place and prevented them to pay as much attention to other threads. Just too bad that a few lost the interest so quick or gave up again and found time to post somewhere else...

Edit: typos and note for Tessra
« Last Edit: October 08, 2010, 08:47:43 am by Aiwendil »


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Re: Lurker Trolls
« Reply #129 on: October 08, 2010, 09:16:06 am »
As stated earlier, nova, you're kinda known for confusing IC and OOC yourself (your posts in OOC threads where "Venorel thinks <something about OOC topic>").

nova didn't use the /me command also, it actually went as far as setting the text to red and typing Venorel, or it would have come up as "novacadian think <this>"

From my observation and experience this is one of the oldest techniques of a person who is not interested in debating an issue; but an attempt to discredit a person on another matter so as to attempt to bring less validity to another point they may have made. Through such digression and innuendo they attempt to discredit the individual and thereby through extension the valid point they may have made. To me this identifies an individual who is argumentative and not open to reasoned debate.

There are only three threads on this forum which are IC to me. They are the Hydleaa, Oja and Gug message boards. If this were not the case then someone could put their little red text of their character walking by while someone like Kull is giving IC info and claim to know it.

My character only knows IC information on the three threads mentioned above. It seemed a good thing to make this clear for any that may think me known for confusing IC and OOC; not in reply to taphan; for he (to me at least) has made clear why he is here... to argue for the sake of arguing.

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Re: Lurker Trolls
« Reply #130 on: October 08, 2010, 01:00:37 pm »
I'm not going to touch the rest of this thread, but since my character's encounter with Kull came up, I feel like I should clear something up.

Ruya was attacked a full three minutes after I had logged on - I went into my log and checked  :P - and barring psychic abilities there was no way for Kull's player to have known she would be in that spot at that time.   So my guess is that Kull and the other Cutthroats were lying in wait for anyone who passed by, and it was sheer coincidence that a BoT member happened to get caught.   Also, Ruya wears a symbol of Talad, so it wasn't altogether out of the blue for Kull to suspect that she was BoT and confirm it by asking her.  As Tessra pointed out, and as Kull offered to me in a /tell during the scene, Ruya could have gotten out of her predicament with a little quick thinking.  OOCly it seemed sporting (also entertaining) to go along with it, and there were some IC reasons why she was too startled to put up any real defense even though she's quite a pious person. 

I don't know Kull from Adam except for a handful of IC encounters, so I don't have any strong opinions about him either way, but I don't think the attack was OOC. 


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Re: Lurker Trolls
« Reply #131 on: October 08, 2010, 03:09:19 pm »
I think we could resolve this by making me king of everything and offering the irishman.


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Re: Lurker Trolls
« Reply #132 on: October 08, 2010, 04:10:22 pm »
Why would we do that? This is not Crayonland...


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Re: Lurker Trolls
« Reply #133 on: October 08, 2010, 06:38:03 pm »
I'm accusing him of hypocrisy, self-praising, and just being a dick in general.

Sounds familiar.

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Re: Lurker Trolls
« Reply #134 on: October 14, 2010, 07:26:17 am »
I think we could resolve this by making me king of everything and offering the irishman.

Has anyone started work on my scriptures yet?
<Rux> i wish i could say that narrows it down, but the internet is one freaky place