Author Topic: Becoming the Masque - Logs  (Read 742 times)


  • Hydlaa Citizen
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Re: Becoming the Masque - Logs
« Reply #15 on: January 02, 2012, 07:44:20 am »

Crimsa says: Ah good, you're going to play for us. Then once the rest of our sisters get here we can liven the party.
Haraun adds from back on the carpet "Or food or animal parts..."
Minks bits in the apple pie
Minks chimes in "Not free, though..."
Edaru chuckles as Minks comment. Then he shrugs his shoulders. "Last chance...once I get back to you I won't stand up that quickly again."
Dharah turns to Crimsa "Sounds like a plan"
Haraun chuckles at Minks's comment and whispers "Haraun thought about mentioning that."
Crimsa glances around trying to recognize everyone in their costumes.
Edaru grabs the Cider then walks out of the stall again and heads back to the others.
Minks blushes
Eonwind lets Telena close the book he's holding and gently hands the book back to her. "I really enjoyed the ball yesterday, and your presence made it much more interesting" and winks
Edaru gives Dharah an uncertain glance as he offers her the Cider. "Should I put it on the floor while you play?"
Erelenga raises his mask at Crimsa
Dharah tilts her head, considering, "Yes, that would be good, thank you."
Crimsa notices Erelenga without his mask and greets him.
Edaru nod to Dharah then bends down to set the mug on the floor. "Here you are."
Telena grins at Eonwind and takes the book back. "I did? I am glad. I enjoyed it as well."
Dharah picks up the mug and takes a long drink, before setting it down again
Eonwind listens at Dharalh's music clearly appreciating her performance
Edaru takes a sip from his beer then looks to Dharah. "Thank you for playing."
Telena places her book in her lap and opens it. She looks at it, then to Edaru. "Say... is there a contest for the costumes planned?"
Dharah says: I think it would be hard to choose, there are so many good ones
Eonwind nods and grins at Telena
Edaru nods to Telena. "WE were thinking about it. If tomorrow more people will show up again we will have such a contest."
Crimsa looks around, "Dharah, think our sisters are on their way?"
Haraun continues to nibble on his pot roast, interrupted by a sip of the cider that he as always places in front of the carpet.
Dharah bites her lip behind her mask, "I don't know, they said they'd be here..."
Eonwind looks at Edaru "It will surely be an interesting contest, will you and Lillia be the judge?"
Telena nods at Edaru. "How about starting to spread the word today? So maybe there are more people to come."
Edaru shakes his head. "We were more thinking of having the guests to vote." Then he chuckles and adds in am amused tone. "That's also more my vote would go only to one specific woman."
Minks nudges Haraun and whispers "I thought riverling only ate fish..."
Erelenga says: Isn't this a ball?
Telena chuckles. "Eh... maybe more than one guest? I think there are more who have that problem."
Erelenga says: Aren't people supposed to dance?
Haraun finishes the pot roast with a big bite "That'sh a good idea."
Crimsa says: I'd like to dance!
Telena winks at Erelenga. "I wouldn't mind if you dance for us."
Dharah says: I can go play from the stage, if folks want to dance
Erelenga says: Yes, please do.
Edaru nods to Telena's suggestion. THen he looks to Erelenga and chuckles. "Feel free to ask one of the ladies for a dance. I already fulfilled my duty there yesterday."
Crimsa curtsies to Erelenga
Haraun looks over his shoulder to watch the people go to and in front of the stage.
Eonwind nods to Telena "Fine point. That's why the vote needs secrecy" than winks at Telena and Edaru
Edaru turns to Haraun then winks at him. "What about you two...shouldn't you ask that huntress there for a dance as well?"
Telena laughs. "You have a point there." She looks back to Edaru. "How about letting all vote? Just make it a secret vote or one with raising the hands."
Minks looks horified
Haraun chuckles "Not sure if Haraun's a good teacher... though... if Minks really wants..." He leans to look at her with a grin.
Minks says: Dance?
Edaru ponders for a moment then looks back to Eonwind and Telena. "We could also have people to submit votes in the next days after the ball.Something like the suggestion box we setup in Kada Els. This way everyone can vote even if they are not around tomorrow...and then we can annouce the winner in a week."
Edaru laughs out at Minks' reaction.
Minks says: umm...I..have to keep an eye on the stand. Yes. What if somebody ants to buy something?
Minks nods to herself
Minks almost hits Haraun wiht the bow while turning "oops"
Haraun chuckles quietly.
Edaru chuckles. "We all here could keep an eye on your stall..and call you as soon as someone wants to buy something. That's no reason to not dance."
Haraun falls over and wriggles to get up again
Bonifarzia waves friendly to Haraun and Minks... "Hello friends..." and nods respectfully to Lilura.
Telena smiles at Edaru. "I just wondered about that suggestion box actually." She chuckles. "But I think, that could work."
Eonwind nods at Edaru suggestion "This way anyone will have the opportunity to vote. Sounds a good idea?"
Edaru gives Telena a curious glance."Why wondering? We just wanted to give people the possibility to have a say what we are going to do at the ball."
Bonifarzia looks around with interest, inspecting her surroundings in amusment.
Erelenga makes clicking noises while staggering
Eonwind listens at Edaru and Telena conversation while wondering
Telena chuckles and tries to explain it to Edaru. "I didn't know about the masquerade ball when I saw it the first time. And then, I have been more interested in how I tell my friend to sew so many clothes in such a short time without upsetting her, then actually thinking about it again."
Edaru notices Bonifarzia and waves to her. "Welcome....another new face. In case you want something to drink just tell me."
Edaru gives Telena a kind of confused glance. "Why did you need some many dresses sewn?"
Bonifarzia thanks Edaru. "Maybe later I will come back to that offer."
Haraun chuckles "Hara... I know of one case..."
Edaru nods to Bonifarzia. "Just saying....These pillows are just far more confortable than standing the whole time at the bar stall."
Edaru gives Haraun a curious look.
Telena rolls her eyes. "This city is lacking some tailors. Good ones at least." She grins. "I got five clothes sewn, including my own."
Bonifarzia takes another look around and then decides to take a seat. She sits down on her weird cloak, paying attention not to smutch the pillows.
Edaru sighs then nods to Telena. "There I can only agree. Hyldaa indeed lacks some tailors."
Eonwind smiles at Telena and then looks at Edaru"She made many of the most beautyful costumes aound here, Didn't you Telea?"
Minks looks Haraun up and down "I wonder how many purses could be made from you..."
Haraun looks weirdly at Minks "Haraun should take that bow..."
Lilura chuckles
Minks grins impishly
Edaru chuckles. "Then maybe we shouldn't give out a price for the best costume...but for the best tailor."
Telena grins at Eonwind. "I just thought of the designs. My friend was the one sewing. She deserves the honor. Otherwise it would've turned out weird looking."
Haraun starts with the apple hand pie about the moment he finished his cider and looks rather content.
Erelenga staggers towards Zalya with a clicker.
Minks watchies the walking glyph with amuesement
Zalya looks up and down Erelenga "Oh hi there."
Sasigher says: Oh, another Ulbernaut
Sasigher sniffs around a little
Edaru looks up to Marianna and chuckles. "Greetings..coming from the dancefloor?"
Bonifarzia grins and shrugs. "Or what remained of it, Sasigher."
Eonwind grins at Telena "Dress design and sewing are just two faces of the same coin, ther's no one without the other, so at least both you and your friend deserve honor"
Mariana walks towards one of the empty pillows and situates herself with some difficulty, not used to the lengthy dress. She glanced over at Edaru, stiff, and says, "Heh. Hardly. How has it been? Nothing concerning has happened I hope?"
Sasigher says: Maulbernaut. should have seen that, you're taller than the Ulbernaut from yesterday
Minks laughs at Sasigher's comment "Indeed. But he ate for three."
Sasigher says: And thank you for spoiling my inkognito, M'lady.
Edaru shakes his head, still looking up to Mariana. "Not really. A lot less people today so it's more quite. Still good to see you though."
Sasigher grins at Minks' comment and mumbles "Dwarfes..."
Bonifarzia raises the hand to her mouth. "Ow, well... sorry for that. The voice was easy to recognize."
Telena makes a bow as good as possible to Eonwind. "I thank you." She grins. "At least I had fun and was able to sell something like this. I don't need to win a prize for that."
Eonwind looks at Edaru "A prize for tailor too would be nice indeed"
Sasigher gets himself a liquor mug
Zalya kneels down on a pillow, careful not to get her dress dirty. She looks to Lilura and smiles "I'm supposed to be serveing food later."
Lilura says: have a seat Zalya
Lilura says: food as in pie?
Eonwind smiles brightly "The prizes are in the eyes fo those that may admire yours creations."
Haraun moves his pie closer to himself.
Zalya chuckles "Yes food as in pie! Also a few more dishes. I've been working on these for awhile."
Minks chuckles at Haraun and whispers to him "I have plenty."
Edaru nods to Eonwind. "Would even make more they had the real work with the costumes."
Minks takes a bit of her own pie
Eonwind waves at Mariana "Grretings Ledy Mari, please take a seat with us"
Haraun smiles and looks a little relieved, taking another bite from the pie.
Mishka says: Excuse me.
Zalya points up ad Mariana and whispers tp Lilura "Who is that?"
Telena shakes her head and picks her mug up to take a sip of her liquor. She looks to Edaru as she places the mug next to her again. "I thought about just mentioning those dresses who won a prize or which caught my eyes. I can't mention all I think."
Haraun says: Well...if anyone wants food already right now, or animal parts...
Lilura shrugs 'cant tell from here'
Zalya whispers back to Lilura about Mariana, a little louder then she anticipated "She looks really good!"
Bonifarzia turns her head towards the stage, curious about the little performance over there.
Mariana scratches her ear awkwardly at Zalya's statement, and doesn't make a statement about it, trusting that it appears she didn't catch what was said.
Eonwind nods to Edaru "That would also sponsor the tailor's work. Maybe this ease the search of new costumers for them"
Lilura says: you could just ask..


  • Hydlaa Citizen
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Re: Becoming the Masque - Logs
« Reply #16 on: January 02, 2012, 07:45:19 am »

Haraun waves to Aiwendil
Edaru nods. "I guess Eonwind." [yeah..lets increase my stress level a bit ;)]
Zalya shakes her head "No! You can't do that! I should have thought of a dress like that..."
Aiwendil looks around then waves "Greetings you all."
Bonifarzia nods friendly at Aiwendil.
Aiwendil winks to Haraun. "Who let you out of your lake?"
Telena rolls her eyes, glancing from Edaru to Eonwind. "You are not listening to me it seems." She chuckles and turns to Aiwendil. "Greetings."
Eonwind looks at Telena with a smile "I heard Sir Haraun is selling some food, are you hungry Telena?"
Haraun chuckles behind his mask and points at Minks "Got caught!"
Zalya looks up to Aiwendil and whispers to Lilura again "Is that who I think it is?"
Minks pokes Haraun and laughs
Haraun shakes his head at Eonwind "Except if like Ulber Hearts. Minks' Meals is the food stall."
Lilura says: who do you think it is?
Mariana rolls her shoulders slightly and glances at the clamod breifly, appraising her and offering a warm smile, before looking around at the others gathered on the pillows. Her posture seems ultimately stiff and uncomfortable.
Edaru turns to Telena. "No..sorry. I am. I just...can't say at the moment without Lillia how we will handle the contest. So can't promise we will have the names of the winners already by tomorrow."
Zalya dosn't notice Mariana's glance. She nudges Lilura with her elbow "You know! She could be her."
Eonwind turns to Haraun "Sorry Sir I thought you were running Minks stall on her behalf"
Minks talks quietly to herself "maybe filled ulber hearts?..."
Aiwendil giggles and looks to Zalya. "What do you think who this is?"She wiggles her tail then adds ."Don't let that mask fool you...or, wait..let it fool you...I'm just an innocent child."
Telena shakes her head. "No need to Edaru. I won't have finished writing by tomorrow anyway." She looks to Eonwind. "Sure, why not."
Lilura looks confused 'i know what who could be who Zalya ?'
Aiwendil walks to one of the free pillows. "Does anyone mind if I sit down?"
Erelenga weaves to the left and right in an answer.
Zalya looks at Aiwendil, seemingly embarressed about being ove heard "Herihi, right? Thats you?"
Telena looks to Aiwendil. "Oh no. Take a seat. It is free right now."
Aiwendil chuckles and looks down to Erelenga. "This ball even got your kind to leave your village and get here....what a honor."
Eonwind turns to Aiwendil and say "Please Milady take a seat with us" then grins at Telena "Very good, what woud you prefer, sweets, fish, just let me know!"
Erelenga raises his mask at Aiwendil and grins
Zalya repeats "right?" this time very unsure and quitely.
Erelenga blinks at Aiwendil and whispers "Imagine Aldaaren when I passed him."
Telena looks at Eonwind with a smile. "No sweets please. That sweet smell is enough already."
Aiwendil turns to Zalya and laughs. "No clue who Herihi is...but no, I fear you ran into someone much worse here."
Mariana rests her paws on her lap and looks down, starting to weave the fingers together lazily, studying the rings on them with a somewhat blank expression.
Haraun chuckles and puts a small pice of pie into his mouth, carefully watching to not drop crumbles on his clothes.
Zalya bites one of her claws lightly and looks to Lilura "Who is she?"
Edaru looks to Telena. "I see. But I will make sure we meet even after the ball....I mean after I got at least one or two days off without doing anything."
Lilura points to Aiwendil 'her?' or..
Aiwendil giggles and reaches up to move her mask to the side. "Nobody of importance."
Lilura points to Mariana 'her?'
Telena looks confused at Edaru, then remembers what they were talking about earlier. "Sure. I have to think about how to do it anyway."
Erelenga says: The voice revealed you ...
Eonwind nods to Telena and smiles then looks at the other people sitting and say "if anyone is hungry please tell me I would like to offer"
Erelenga turns to Zalya: "This is Aiwendil, the former owner of the Red Crystal Den".
Eonwind slowly stands up and walks to Minsk
Aiwendil prentends to pout as she turns to Erelenga and says in a amused voice "The Voice? What about the perfectly shaped body? Shouldn't that have been already hint enough?"
Erelenga says: Well, that was quite hidden under your dress...
Zalya shakes her head and points to Aiwendil realizing that her face is exsposed. She lowers her hand hard into the pillow , not very gracefully. "Aiwendil! How did I not know it was you? Goddess knows how crazy I can be sometimes."
Aiwendil giggles at Erelenga's words. "She knows who I am."
Minks looks up at Eonwind
Aiwendil puts her mask back in place. "But today I'm just an innocent child. At least once time in my life I want o be innocent."
Minks ponders a while ".....Trepor?"
Eonwind smiles to Minsk "Greetings milady, I'd like to buy a pie and something not sweet, maybe a fish or somethiing like that"
Zalya grins "Well thats what tonight is all about! Huh?"
Minks nods smiling "of course, please follow me."
Edaru chuckles. Indeed. Tonight everyone can be what he always wanted."
Telena chuckles at Aiwendil's words. She turns to Eonwind. "Can you ask for a plate as well?"
Eonwind nods to Minks "Yes a Trepor, I hope it's not too scary"
Eonwind turns to Telena and with a smile "Of course"
Aiwendil looks around. "But I wanted to ask something. I ran into a nice book lately...kind of a fairly tale. I thought it might fit to the I was thinking of reading from it a bit later on. Would this be fine?"
Bonifarzia pokes Haraun. "Minks is trying to offer raw duppong berries... " she grins broadly.
Eonwind says: I tried apple pie yesterday, very good I must say, I'd like to try Terevan berry
Erelenga says: Duppong aren't berries?!
Haraun blinks and looks towards Minks and Eonwind "Wha....?"
Erelenga says: They are fruits, as far as I remember.
Zalya claps and nods at Aiwendil "Of course! that would be wonderful! Did you know there where fireworks last night? Fireworks and fairytales and masks and dresses! Its just like my dad used to talk about!"
Edaru quickly turns to Aiwendil. "Of course..that would be great." Then he looks around. "I mean...if there is some interest in this at least."
Telena turns her attention to Aiwendil. "You found a fairy tale? I would like to hear it. Maybe I don't know that one yet."
Telena grins and raises her hand. "I have interest in that. I actually can tell a story myself if needed."
Aiwendil giggles then shakes her head while looking to Zalya. "No..Seems I missed the fireworks. What a shame.."
Edaru turns his attention to Telena. "Please do...I love stories. And I think some others here like a good story as well."
Eonwind shake his head to Minks "No plase I'd like to offer, so I'll take it whole. I'd also like a Fried roltok and a Carp delight, please"
Aiwendil winks to Telena. "Oh...then maybe I shouldn't read mine. I'm not very good in reading to would do a lot better than me for sure."
Eonwind looking at Minks dishes "May I also have a couple of plate please"
Telena smiles at Edaru. "I might do. I had fun with that riddle story I told yesterday. Too bad I don't know another one like that." She chuckles and looks to Aiwendil. "Would you let me have a look at the story?"
Haraun grumbles "Haraun almost solved that riddle..."
Zalya nods a few times at Aiwendil and then begins to happily describe them with large hand motions. "It was wonderful! The first ones flew into the air and had tailes that drew lines accross the dome! and then the turned into a shower of light that came twinking down! There where so many lights and it was shiny and magical ! I thought the glitter from the sky would get in my eyes but it disapeared as it fell!"
Telena laughs and looks to Zalya. "Seems like I missed something fun yesterday."
Mariana laughs softly at Zalya's apparent enthusiasm.
Eonwind hands Minks 2 circles "please enjoy the extra. A couple of red liquor mugs would be nice thank you"
Zalya nods again, this time to Telena "It was more then fun! I've never seen anything like it in my life!"
Aiwendil shrugs slightly as she looks to Telena. "You can of course. But that's just my usual...defend mechanism once I get myself in the situation to read to a crowd. I managed to lead the Den for a long time without the need to get on the stage. But I really like that thought I should get over that and try to read it in public today."
Aiwendil looks obviosuly disappointed to Zalya. "And I missed it? That's sad....I really would have loved to see that fireworks."
Eonwind smiles to Minks "You welcome... never mind for the drink, I'll help myself at the bar"
Haraun makes a small bow and asks quietly "Can have a liquor?"
Bavera arrives at the bar, adjusting her dress, and nods to Haraun. "Of course, it's free!"
Eonwind nods and walks to the bar
Zalya says: Maybe they'll do it again tonight! Or maybe something even better!
Telena shrugs, looking back to Aiwendil. "If you want to read it, do it. I think I will enjoy it more when read by someone else anyway." She smiles.
Haraun smiles broadly and takes the mug "Many thanks."
Bavera says: You're welcome, handsome
Urdin says: a hunter
Eonwind smiles at Bavera "May I have a couple of red liquor mugs, please milady?"
Urdin says: no mulberlord
Bavera looks at the dwindling stock of drinks and frowns. She looks in the barrel and crate, bringing out bottles and mugs, and sets more out.
Zalya looks at the sky seemingly lost in thought. Suddenly her ears perk up and she stands "I need to cook things! I'll be back!:
Urdin nods
Bavera says: Of course you can, sir!
Aiwendil reaches in her bag and produces a book from it. Then she winks to Telena. "You can have a look...or I just read it now."
Haraun sips happily as he returns to his place
Urdin nods
Urdin says: meals - some fish
Mariana looks down at her fingers. Taking the ligament closest to her hand, she begins systematically popping each knuckle, starting at her pinkie and ending at her index finger. She flexes her paws and then folds them back together again before bringing them up in front of her muzzle to stiffle a prolonged, tired sort of yawn.
Telena grins to Aiwendil. "Read it."
Eonwind says: Thank you Milady
Edaru nods to Telena's words, looking to Aiwendil. "yes please do."
Monala approaches the circle of people and smiles broadly at them, nodding quietly.
Urdin says: fish is good
Aiwendil sighs the nods. "Guess I can't get away now anymore. Should I read it here or get to the stage?"
Urdin says: nothing to give
Urdin says: good woman
Telena looks to Eonwind. "Did you get a plate with it?" She glances to the stage, then back to Aiwendil. "Since it seems like we are all gathered here anyway, I would say here."
Urdin says: nothing for free
Erelenga offers the flowing water of Monala a pillwo next to him
Edaru looks around around then turns to Aiwendil ."I guess it's better here as all people are already here."
Mariana glances over at Monala and smiles very slightly at the Ynnwn, adjusting her long-skirted dress to give her plenty of room to sit.
Haraun chuckles "Minks is better in doing business than Haraun."
Voron looks around calmly.
Monala smooths her dress as she settles onto the pillow.
Minks says: He didn't want free fish...
Bavera says: Can I help you sir?
Haraun blinks "Well, a fish would be actually really tasty...."
Eonwind takes a seat next to Telena and hands her a couple of dishes "Yes Telena, 2 dishes for the fishes and many smaller one for anyone to use. Would you like Carp or fried roltok, of course you can have both if you like!"
Minks laughs "Still hungry?"
Bavera says: Drinks are free; help yourself, darling.
Urdin nods
Haraun shakes his head "No... well, not much... maybe..."
Urdin says: nothing for free
Minks says: Which one do you want?
Haraun says: Maybe a carp delight?
Urdin says: thirsty, what price
Bavera arches a brow. "Well, I mean, tips are appreciated, but you don't have to..."
Minks says: Sure
Urdin says: tip
Urdin says: fine
Mariana reaches her paw up to rub it across her eyes, as if to knock some sleep from them. Her ears twitch in time to the conversation, but her gaze is glassy and dull, clearly having zoned out from most of what is occurring.
Haraun looks happy and bites off the fish's head.
Urdin says: you're working
Telena chuckles and looks at the delicious food Eonwind is holding. "That looks really tasty. Thank you." She takes the food and closes her book, placing her plate on it.
Eonwind waves to Voron "Greetings Voron, please take a seat"
Haraun talks quietly "Haraun will already pack up some things.. no customers today anyway..."
Minks nods
Bavera says: Hardly feels like work, with all the festivities going on!
Aiwendil takes a deep breath then looks around the audience. "As I already said..I got hand on a nice piece of diaboli poetry lately. It's a book called "The Serpentella" by an author called "R. S. Salutow". Though I never heard that name before I really enjoyed this short tale and wanted to share it today with you all."
Minks says: They probably bought all they needed yesterday
Voron chuckles and nods, nudging Mariana before he sits down. "Hello Sleepyhead"
Haraun chuckles again "Not from Haraun though."
Urdin says: festivities
Minks says: Aww
Urdin says: good maybe
Telena quiets down and looks to Aiwendil, listening to her introduction.
Urdin says: a beer you have?
Mariana startles, jerking her head up straight on her neck, before looking over at Voron. She snorts at him and reaches to rub her knuckles over the top of his shiny bald head. "Hello Voron," she replies, her muzzle curving into a familiar, fond sort of smile.
Bavera says: Indeed...
Aiwendil opens the book in her hands and starts to read " Long ago, before the blackened sky was wrought with brilliant flashing light; in a land that lay beyond the seam of ground and sky, there lived a young, curvacious maiden named Serpentella Krallight. She was tall and slender with hips that rolled with each enticing step, and long, smooth, polished horns that shimmered like a lake. Her tail was smooth as silk and free of stubble, the tip, sharp and always clean; and when she sang, the tiny creatures of the night would stop and gaze in silence - hypnotized by her beauty."
Voron chuckles and tries to duck away from Mariana to escape her knuckles.
Monala's gaze snaps to Aiwendil as she recognizes the voice.
Haraun looks at Aiwendil, then whispers to Minks "Will bring the things to the Lair after the story."
Minks nods and keeps listening
Bavera says: Thank you kindly, sir.
Urdin says: thanks
Urdin says: nothing more i have
Urdin says: poor job
Urdin says: but nice of you
Eonwind smiles and nods to Telena silently while listening Aiwendil tales
Mariana's ears twitch a bit as she listens to Aiwendil begin to spin her tale. However, she moves to wrap her arm around Voron's shoulders-trying to put him in a headlock, all the while maintaining posture and an innocent expression.
Aiwendil shortly looks up from the book to take a short glance at the audience then continues reading "Despite her looks, Serpentella was very lonely - painfully so.  She would lay upon the floor day and night wishing that Gal'marah, the man of her dreams, would come and take her away to his abode, and stroke her long, starphire scented, black hair as he bathed her in poetry and praise,  but he never did."
Urdin says: odd smell
Urdin says: nothing swamp
Telena starts eating her food, closely listening to the story.
Voron chuckles and doesn't defend himself against Mariana, and then turns his attention towards Aiwendil.
Aiwendil rolls her eyes slightly after the last passage but quickly goes on with the story "One day she saw him outside her window. She gazed in awe and waved, but he just walked away. She called, but he did not answer. She sent her brother out to bring him back, but when he arrived Gal'marah showed signs of boredom, and when asked if he wanted to marry her, he said no and left abruptly."
Edaru chuckles softly watching Mariana and Voron from the corner of his eyes.
Oele uses her left hand to rub her closed eyes and scoops a bit closer to the story teller and the group around.
Aiwendil giggles softly before going on "She was heart broken and fell into a spell of sadness that would not go away. Desperate for his love, she sought a little know god named Vaarg for help. He agreed to make Gal'marah fall in love with her, but in return she was to give him her hair and wear a collar with the name of her god written on the side. Furthermore, he and only he would be the love of her life; bound by an oath on her life,  she swore."
Monala twirls one of the strings of sapphire beads in her hair about her finger, listening intently to the story. Her expressions, clear through the translucent mask, indicate she's quite into it.
Mariana's tail twitches and she rubs her knuckles triumphantly on Voron's scalp as if she's polishing it, and then releases him with an impish grin. Seeming satisfied, her expression returns to one of absoulte, focused sobriety, the image of maturity, save for the twitching in the corner of her mouth. She fixes her eyes on Aiwendil and blinks owlishly at the diaboli, letting the words of the story register and beginning to listen with a rapt sort of attention.
Telena blinks surprised, not sure what to think of the story so far and keeps listening.
Zalya slides back down into her former pillow seat She grins and looks to awindel happily and listens intently.
Aiwendil slowly shakes her head then look up again to get a glimpse at the audience before continuing reading. "Vaarg took his sword and shaved her head - removing each and every bit and piece of stubble until it was as smooth as her face. Around her neck, he affixed a thick black collar with razor sharp spikes that were as long as her arm. She cried when she realized what a harsh price she had to pay, but was eager to see her beloved."
Minks winces at the description of the spikes
Aiwendil giggles again then goes on "When Gal'marah saw her he was instantly in love, but when he tried to kiss her, his neck was pierced by a spike. He tried again, but it was no use. Despite the sharp spikes that separated them, they were infatuated with one another. They wed and lived in utter pain - unable to express their love aside from the sighs and groans they shared."
Minks whispers to Haraun "I wonder how she was able to eat..."
Telena looks amused.
Haraun has to chuckle after having had a sad look.
Aiwendil stops for a moment to take a deep breath then continues to read without looking up "Finally, Gal'marah insisted that she take her silly collar off, but she refused for fear of breaking her agreement with Vaarg and losing the favor that he had bestowed. That night, as she slept, Gal'marah crept into her room and snipped the collar from her neck. It turned into a serpent and slithered away - squealing loudly like a newborn whelp. She awoke hearing the screech, only to find that her collar was removed. Suddenly, Gal'marah realized how ugly she had become and ran away. As he moved farther away, he remembered how lazy and unloving she was; how she neglected to keep his interest yet sought to be pleased and entertained."
Mariana blinks as Aiwendil continues her story, slowly arching a brow. She moves her fingers rhythmically against her thigh, a drumming motion, and her expression is impassive, her opinion of the tale impossible to glean as of yet.
Monala draws her knees up and hugs them to her chest, sparkling blue shoes poking out from under the lacy ruffles on her dress.
Sacho nods.
Aiwendil has to laugh out so stops again for a short moment. After giving the crowd a quick look she turns her attention to the book again "Deprived of Vaarg's spell, she could no longer entice him. She sought the tutelage of her mother - an older, wiser woman who knew the secrets of tapping into a man's heart. She taught her to cook and bake, to be considerate and kind; to find and draw out the most hidden and secret desires of his heart, and to make them come true."
Zalya seems to be getting far too into the story. Her face twists with the changes of the story.
Telena grins and mumbles. "It would be easier if she gave up."
Dalmurr greets Bavera "Hello lady. How much for a drink?"
Aiwendil can't help but giggle at Telena's comment
Voron smiles carefully at the tale, unseen under his mask.
Bavera says: They're free, sir. Help yourself
Aiwendil again rolls her eyes at the story but goes on without interrupting "One day, she saw him sitting all alone and depressed - staring into a stagnant pond.  Her first thought was to ask him to tell her a tale and to stroke her silky, black hair  - which now barely covered her neck, but then stopped and recalled the lessons her mother had taught her.   Seeing that he looked sad, she sat next to him and asked what was wrong."
Dalmurr smiles "Splendid. Thank you very much" and looks at the mugs' contents
Mariana seems to become more attentive as this next section is described. She flicks her ears forward and rests her paws on her knees, her torso moving slightly forward as well as her attention is drawn further into the story.
Aiwendil turns over a page of the book then starts reading again "He told her of a prophecy that was revealed to him as a child upon asking a god for guidance and strength, but when asked, he would not reveal the god's name which he had sworn to keep secret. Vaarg had told him that he would meet a woman with a serpent who would try to deceive him. She would be greedy, though beautiful, she would smile warmly and make him promises of affectionan, but then offer none. Worst of all, that he would not recognize her until it was too late - and that once she had touched him, he would be defiled and eventually suffer true death."
Dalmurr picks out a Red Liquor and nods at Bavera
Bavera nods back and happily starts filling a few more mugs.
Aiwendil sighs softly before continuing "Convinced of their plight, they saw no point in living any longer and decided to embrace true death by their own hands. Having obtained a potion of eternal demise, they sat beneath an old crooked tree and held their flasks to their lips as they counted: One, Two, Three!"
Telena shakes her head with a grin. "Two stupid people at the same place can't do anything good."
Monala leans forward a bit, eyes wide.
Zalya frowns and lets out a short quite "No!"
Minks listens with open mouth
Dalmurr sips his mug and listens for a bit before apparently getting bored and leaving
Aiwendil stops again and looks to the audience before reading the last part of the story "Before they could wet their lips, a soft voice called out from a bush. Startled, they watched as the town elder stepped out and called them by name. He took their vials away and asked them to tell him of their troubles. By virtue of knowledge and wisdom earned through trial, error and old age, he pointed out to them the terrible trick that Vaarg had arranged, then set them forth on a sound path of knowledge and magic - warning them to never again lower their heads to a god.  Free from the snares of the gods, they started their life anew and lived happily every after."
Mariana rolls her eyes, mirroring the expression Aiwendil has been making throughout the story, and leans back again, as if this fictional display of stupidity has caused her to lose some interest in the tale.
Minks blinks
Voron chuckles
Dalmurr looks at Bavera "Uhm... I guess it's okay if I take the mug somewhere else and return it when I'm finished?"
Bavera says: Of course
Zalya grins and leans back realaxed "I love happy endings!"
Telena chuckles. "Told you. Two stupid people do no good together. But a wise one can fix that if they listen."
Dalmurr nods "Great. I will be back" and leaves
Mariana slowly raises both brows, startled by the conclusion of the story. "Hm," she says, a very soft, barely audible, contemplative sound. She laughs once under her breath, before bringing her paws together in a slow and cordial clap for Aiwendil's tale.
Monala frowns softly.
Haraun scratches his cheek, then chuckles and gets his bag before whispering to Minks "Will bring that back to the Lair."
Zalya joins Mariana in her applause.
Minks looks a bit confused but claps anyway
Minks says: I will come in a few minutes, Haraun
Monala claps as well. "Well told,"
Haraun smiles and nods to Minks.
Oele steps closer to the group. "Who Vaarg?" She asks in a low voice, not sure if she is allowed to raise her voice or not.
Aiwendil closes the book and sets it on the floor in front of here. Looking up she watches her audience for a long time before finally saying in a soft voice. "Maybe the story sounds a bit strang..but I think it's an great example of diaboli poetry and their motives."
Telena grins at Aiwendil. "I enjoyed it."
Aiwendil shouts: [and just as OOC note...all creadits for this story go to way that I could write something like this.]
Voron snickers and applauds Aiwendil.
Zalya says: Thats a wonderful story! Where did you get it? I would love to have a copy!
Seaven says: Hi there, you got any red liquor?
Monala says: So that's why I always heard the Dermorian tales instead...
Bavera says: Indeed, and it's free, too.
Bavera says: Help yourself
Telena laughs at Monala. "But they can be pretty boring. This one is more interesting."
Eonwind grins at Aiwendil "I also enjoyed it. Congratulation"
Aiwendil winks to Zalya. "I got it from a friend who knows I love books. But I'm sure I can have it copied by Jayose for you."
Seaven says: oh my, thanks you.
Erelenga look sat Oele: "Who are you looking for? You are hard to hear, so quiet."
Telena looks to Aiwendil. "Can I have a copy as well?"
Voron laughs at Monala's remark. "Come on, they are not much better."
Edaru applauds as well. "Indeed a great story...A shame Lillis was not here to hear it."
Monala says: The ones my mother told were wonderful! Of course it's entirely possible she made them up and -told- me they were Dermorian tales.
Minks waves to the crowd "Goodnight"
Oele me frowns slightly, not noticing that Erelenga addressed her. She looks around, starting to look like she doesn't know where to with herself.
Aiwendil nods to Telena. "Of course." Then she looks at all others. "I hope you enjoyed it as well. The theme with an imaginary god might not to everyones likings...but that's how we diaboli are."
Fyrre silently admires the gathering.
Telena chuckles. "Of course. And I wouldn't want to change my race cause of that. Not that anyone can force me though."
Aiwendil turns to Monala and eyes her for a long time as if trying to figure out who hides behind the mask. "Please feel free to tell one of the stories of your mother...seems today people are in the mood for some storytelling."
Seaven walks close up to a person diguised as an Air Glyph, and whispers something.
Telena returns her attention to her food, continuing to eat it up.
Zalya grins "Thank you so much Aiwendil!"
Monala gives a broad grin, moving her hands slightly to move the blue dye to the edges of the mask and give Aiwendil a clearer picure of who it is. "I haven't heard them since I was about ten, I think..'fraid I don't remember her tales so much as my own from home."
Aiwendil laughs at Telena's comment. "All those religious and....intercourse tabus of the opthers races must make their lifes so hard."
Sasigher whispers back
Oele decides she doesn't do anything wrong with sitting down and takes a seat.
Aiwendil narrows her eyes behind her mask when hearing Monala's voice again. "Too bad...I would have enjoyed hearing some of them."


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Re: Becoming the Masque - Logs
« Reply #17 on: January 02, 2012, 07:46:12 am »

Monala says: There is one tale I've had some practice telling recently...about my brother, and the captain of the guard back home...
Eonwind puts a pie on the carpet "Really a nice story, Milady. Please everybody help yourself I bought this pie to enjoy with all of you!"
Aiwendil giggles, still looking to Monala "But now I want to know who hides behind that beautiful mask. I like the theme of your disguise...reminds me of someone."
Fyrre merely stares at Erelenga.
Telena smiles and looks up to Aiwendil. "I guess so. All their problem. Better not to care about them at all." She chuckle. "I can read one of my stories. They are children stories though. And I would like to finish my food first."
Edaru nods eagerly to Telena's suggestion. "Please. I want more stories."
Monala smirks and with a flourish of her hand, the mask made of water and dye is raised. "Recognize me now?" she asks Aiwendil, and then addresses Telena, "I could tell mine while you eat."
Aiwendil winks to Telena. "And I thought the storyI just read was a children story too."
Zalya sighs and stands up "I need to finish that cooking. Good bye all! I'll be back."
Eonwind turns to Telena smiling "Please do tell Telena, of course when you're done with the food"
Fyrre turns to watch Zalya with a gravelly laugh.
Telena smiles to Monala. "That would be great." She grins at Aiwendil. "It is. But you know..." She chuckles. "It is not that kind of children stories I have."
Aiwendil quickly lowers her head as she sees Monala's face. "Now I'm really embarrassed. I'm sorry..I was sure I know your voice...but that's no excuse for not recognizing it."
Bavera blinks at Manuela. "Um, what's this for?"
Bavera tilts her head. "Er, thank you?"
Monala giggles and lowers the mask again. "It's okay." She clears her throat and straightens her back before she begins to tell her tale.
Monala shouts: I grew up in a town not far from an entrance to the Stone Labyrinths. We tried many things, from steel to magic, to seal the cave from whence the invasions came, but time and time again, our barriers were breached...
Aiwendil nods slowly. "I was looking for you the last days. Maybe there is a chance of us both having a talk in the next days....I need your opinion on something."
Monala nods to Aiwendil, mouthing 'of course'
Telena listens to Monala's story, enjoying her meal.
Aiwendil nods also, whispering a soft "Thank you" towards Monala.
Edaru leans back and listens to Monala.
Monala shouts: We of my hometown are a tough people because of it. Our most frequent invaders were Ulbernauts - but they seemed organized, and more intelligent than most. Our best fighter, the captain of our guard, was a strong Ynnwn, a great mage and fighter. My brother, Chays's, hero. He was Chays's inspiration to join the guards, and on my brother's first day of work, the Ulbers came.
Aiwendil sets her hands on the floor behind her and lens back on them while watching Monala and listening it her.
Bavera smiles at Fyrre. "Drinks are free, hon."
Fyrre nods, moving her head side to side to peer at the mugs.
Burrt nods back at Erelenga, then moves over to the drinks stand
Burrt looks at Bavera "Free, ya say?"
Monala smiles. "The Captain told my brother to get the weak and the children to City Hall. He wasn't strong enough to face an Ulbernaut. So of course, he tried to convince me to carry out his orders and go off to play the hero."
Fyrre begins to mutter in a growl, but cuts herself off to face Burrt with eyes widened in surprise.
Aiwendil giggles softly. "Sounds like him."
Bavera says: Indeed. There's water, tea, and I think we still have some milk, too, if you'd prefer something with less kick.
Burrt looks back at Fyrre"Eh... is it you?" without indicating who he means by 'you'.
Fyrre's only answer is a shrug accompanied by a rough, mocking sort of laugh.
Monala shouts: While we bickered, as siblings do, neither of us noticed the sound of an Ulbernaut drawing closer until he was in sight, charging right for us. I froze. Chays drew his axe and jumped, swinging his axe at the beast's chest. He was smacked away like a fly. I thought I was going to die...
Burrt lowers his gaze slightly "It is, right? Well yer mask make hard t'tell"
Aiwendil bites her lips while listening to Monala's story and leans forward again as if being able to faster hear what's happening next by being closer to the storyteller.
Burrt's gaze fixes on a water pouch
Fyrre briefly hesitates before trying to poke her claws in Burrt's arm and run away: "Not anymore, it's the Masquerade!"
Monala shouts: And then the there was a flash of white. I thought, perhaps, it was my short life flashing before my eyes, before I realized that I wasn't born with the Captain yelling at me to 'get the [cuss] out of the line of fire'!
Edaru turns his head around and nods to Kelan. "Why sitting that alone there. Feel free to join us over here if you want."
Aiwendil can't help but laugh
Kelan looks up at Edaru "Thanks, i had a hard hunt. Let me rest a little for my own "
Edaru nods again to Kelan. "Of course...just didn't want you to feel lonely over there."
Burrt startles, then follows Fyrre with his eyes. For a second, he hesitates, then picks up a water pouch
Fyrre squats between the Trepor and the smiling child to listen to the story.
Kelan smiles At Edaru and nods
Monala shouts: I found myself able to move again. I looked for Chays. His leg was at an awkward angle - I knew it's dangerous to move an injured person, but it was more dangerous to leave him there. I slipped under his arm and with all the might of scrawny, thirteen-year-old me, collapsed under the weight of my big brother in a full plate suit. A shower of rainbow-coloured sparks fell and sizzled as the Ulbernaut flung the Captain's glyph sack aside. The Captain drew his sword and charged...
Edaru nods to Fyrre but restarins from saying anything to not interrupt the story.
Eonwind move a little bit next to Telena to leave Fyrre a more comfortable place to sit, while listening carefully Monala
Aiwendil turns to Fyrre and whisper. "Hello" before quickly looking back to Monala to follow the tale.
Telena smiles to Eonwind and gives Fyrre a nod, before looking back to Monala.
Fyrre attempts to paw at Eonwind's wiggly feelers as he moves away.
Burrt throws a quick nod at Bavera and walks away, to go sit on a table.
Eonwind stop moving to let Fyrre touch the feelers
Fyrre replies to Aiwendil with a low laugh, then leans forward to look at Telena, quickly forgetting about the wiggly feelers.
Telena notices Fyrre's look and smiles to her.
Monala shouts: The Captain was gripping an Energy in one hand, his sword in the other - and in the Ulbernaut's teeth. I thought the Captain was going to slice the beast's head clean in half, but instead, it chewed, mangling the blade and the Captain's hand. He let go of the sword as the Ulber stood, trying to heal his wound, but he was out of mana. Then, he did something I'd NEVER seen a guard do: He cried for help.
Monala shouts: Chays was on his good foot in seconds - it was amazing - he hopped over while this Ulbernaut leaned down for another bite of flesh, and used the handle of his axe to poke the Ulbernaut's eyes. It roared in pain and turned towards me. I darted to a nearby alley and knocked a rainbarrel over. It followed the sound, but the alley was too narrow. As quietly as I could, I rounded the building and found the street empty. I made my way to City Hall and found Chays there. We waited out the invasion as I helped tend his wounds.
Burrt has a quick look at the people around, then listens to the story.
Aiwendil sighs out relieved at the turn of events.
Fyrre twists around, glancing at Burrt. She then places bony elbows on her legs and loosens her grip on the glyph, relaxing and finally turning her full attention to the story.
Monala shouts: Things eventually grew eerily quiet. The able-bodied searched town and returned with the damage reports. The Captain was nowhere to be found - he left the Hall to keep fighting with his bent blade once Chays was safe. We have a tradition after invasions - once the walls and buildings are repaired, we light a torch to guide the spirits of those lost out of the Death Realm. To this day I light a candle once in a while in hopes the missing Captain makes his way back.
Monala gives a sigh and lowers her eyes, indicating the story is done.
Erelenga says: Impressive, mylady.
Monala nods. "Thank you."
Telena claps lightly for Monala.
Erelenga says: I hope I won't dream of it today ... but I have to leave now.
Erelenga waves goodbye.
Stellan joins the party, looking around, pleased.
Fyrre finds that the Vortex glyph has slid out of her hands some moments ago and curses as she snatches it up.
Telena chuckles, looking around in the quiet audience. "I think, they are still within your story, miss."
Monala says: Perhaps.
Monala smirks. "My brother's gonna kill me when he finds out I'm making him famous."
Aiwendil applauds "That was a great stroy Monala. I guess hearing about your past makes it easier to understand who you end up as hunter." She laugh then adds quickly. "What is of course nothing bad."
Burrt hops off the table and starts wandering towards the gate.
Monala giggles. "Indeed. I do enjoy skinning Ulbers rather more than one should..."
Eonwind smiles at Monala "A lovely story, a little sad but I liked it so much"
Telena grins at Monala. "I think I could enjoy it myself. But I am too weak for that."
Monala says: A fast mount and a bow and arrows or magic helps, even for the weak...
Aiwendil slowl raises from her pillow. "But I fear I have to leave you all now." Looking to Monala she adds. "And I will try to find you on one of the next days..." Lowering her voice almost to a whisper she goes on. "I really need you."
Fyrre looks from Monala to Telena with a low growl.
Stellan lets out a small laugh when he hears Monala's name. "Is that you, dear girl? Aw, I've missed something, clearly."
Telena chuckles. "I didn't need one. At least not until now."
Monala nods to Aiwendil, a look of concern crossing her face. "I'll be here often..." she suddenly grins. "Roled has to pay for his costume in dances, after all."
Eonwind winks at Monala "I needs to tel your brother Chays he has a talented sister, when I see him"
Telena looks to Aiwendil. "You are leaving already? Too bad..."
Burrt stands at the gate for some time, shifting his gaze between ground and Fyrre
Aiwendil giggles. "Roled? Haven't seen him in some time. Would be nice to seem him again as well." THen she tunrs to Telena and sighs. "I fear I must...But I will try to come back here tomorrow."
Monala looks over at Stellan and nods. "It You...look familiar, but..." she trails off, looking confused. She blushes at Eonwind's compliment.
Fyrre glances up delayedly at Burrt.
Eonwind waves at Aiwendil "Goodbye milady"
Fyrre says: Are you going already?
Aiwendil waves to all. "Have a nice evening and a lot of fun. And thanks for giving me the honor of listening to the story."
Telena smiles. "I enjoyed it. Have a nice evening yourself."
Aiwendil sighs again as she looks to Fyrre. "I'm afraid yes. Hope to see you here tomorrow again though."
Stellan performs an elaborate bow. "Stellan," he says to everyone, looking at Monala. He waves to Aiwendil as she prepares to leave.
Burrt hesitates "I... dunno. Ya're here with yer friends an' I don't wanna disturb."
Aiwendil waves a last time then slowly walks off.
Monala watches Aiwendil leave, then looks back at Stellan as if still trying to remember him.
Telena grins to Stellan. "Greetings there. We met earlier today already if I am not wrong."
Fyrre edges closer to the doorway, seeming to think that she'd have a chance of blocking Burrt from passing through. "I don't even know any of 'em."
Stellan grins broadly at Telena.
Burrt looks down "Oh."
Burrt says: An', ya want me t'stay?
Stellan says: Oh yes indeed. Hello again!
Telena says: "Why don't you come over here?" She motions to the pillow on her right side. "There is still a seat left. And since I was supposed to read a story, it would be more comfortable, wouldn't it?"
Telena looks around. "Do you still want to hear the story?"
Fyrre's tone of voice, which momentarily wavers from a growl to one more usual, suggests that she's mirroring the expression on her mask, albeit in a kinder fashion. "'Course!"
Edaru sighs softly. "I'm going to see if Lady Lillia is alright. I start to get a tiny bit worried as she hasn't shown up yet."
Monala says: I'd love to!
Eonwind waves at Stellan and with a smile gesture to sit
Stellan winks at Monala and edges closer. "The tavern at Ojaveda. You might remember."
Burrt smiles slightly "Then I will."
Monala blushes. "Oh, -that- night! Roled was there, too, was he not? I must've had too much to drink was a bit fuzzy."
Stellan fluffs a cushion and looks at Telena. "I'm all ears!"
Eonwind waves at Edaru "So see you soon and please let me know if I may help you
Edaru waves the nods to Eonwind. "I will..thank you. But you already do so much here...there is no way we can ever thank you..and your guildmate enough for what they do here."
Burrt looks around the place
Fyrre says: Do you have a story you can tell?
Edaru slowly leaves the ball area.
Stellan waves to Edaru.
Eonwind nods at Edaru "We are pleased to offer our help, about me I've just been sitting and listening good stories"
Telena grins to Eonwind. "What an easy job."
Burrt looks back at Fyrre "Me? What story? I wouldn't know what I'd have ta say..." after a while, he adds "I'm just a bird"
Burrt winks


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Re: Becoming the Masque - Logs
« Reply #18 on: January 02, 2012, 07:46:59 am »

[The next logs are from Telena. Thanks for providing them]

Telena puts her book away and takes another one out. "I am going to read a bit different story than the one you just heard."
Telena smiles, opening the small book. She carefully turns a few pages in the book. "This one will be nice. I will tell you the story about 'The thick, fat pancake'."
Monala grins at the title.
Burrt ponders "Maybe, depends on if there's something I can climb an' fly from", then looks around the plaza again
Telena starts reading. "Once upon a time there were three old women who wanted a pancake to eat. The first one brought an egg, the second one milk and the third one grease and flour." She chuckles. " When the thick fat pancake was done, it pulled itself up in the pan and ran away from the thre old women. It ran and ran steadfastly steadfastly into the woods."
Eonwind smiles to Telena in agreement and waches her as she open the book
Stellan tugs at his mustache, chuckling.
Telena grins and continues to read, not able to hide the amusement in her voice. "There he came upon a forest arangma who cried: Thick fat pancake stop! I want to eat you!" She chuckles lightly and looks to her audience to see their reaction.
Stellan says: Like that'll make a pancake stop.
Burrt nods and starts to listen to the story
Telena grins to Stellan. "Not really. Listen..."
Telena continues without reading from her book. "The pancake answered: 'I have run away from three old women. Can I not run away from Leggy Arangma as well?' And it ran steadfastly, steadfastly into the woods. Then a rat came running towards him, and cried. 'Thick, fat pancake, stop! I want to eat you!'"
Eonwind grins as he hear Telena's story he seems very amused
Burrt follows after Fyrre
Stellan grins at the fenki and pats the cushion beside him. "Please sit and listen to the story."
Telena motions Fyrre and Burrt to take a seat before continuing.
Stellan says: You too, menki.
Telena looks amused. "The pancake answered ' I have run awy from three old women and Leggy Arangma. Can I not run away from Cheepy Rat as well?' And it ran steadfastly, steadfastly into the woods."
Monala's grin broadens as she keeps listening to Telena's tale.
Burrt looks around carefully before sitting down, as if to check if there's someone who'd oppose to him sitting there
Telena shouts: "Then a kikiri came down from a tree, and cried. 'Thick, fat pancake, stop! I want to eat you!' The pancake answered. 'I have run away from three old women. Leggy Arangma and Cheepy Rat Can Inot run away from Picky Kikiri as well?' And it ran steadfastly, steadfastly into the woods."
Eonwind grins broadens even more
Fyrre's eyes flicker from Telena to Burrt.
Telena pauses a moment before continuing. "And guess what happened. A rivnak came galloping by and cried. 'Thick, fat pancake, stop! I want to eat you!' The pancake answered 'I have run away from three old women, Leggy Arangma, Cheepy Rat and Picky Kikiri. Can I not run away from Flatfoot Rivnak as well?"
Telena shouts: "Then a Kormi came running up and cried. 'Thick, fat pancake, stop! I want to eat you!' The pancake answered: 'I have run away from three old women, Legy Arangma, Cheepy Rat, Picky Kikri and Flatfoot Rivnak. Can I not run away from Scaredy Kormi as well?' And it ran steadfastly, steadfastly into the woods."
Stellan sniffs in Burrt's direction but his gaze never leaves Telena.
Bavera leans on the table, smirking at the story.
Telena shouts: "Then three children came by. They had neither father, nor mother and they said: 'Dear pancake, stop! we have hand nothing to eat the entire day!' So the thick, fat pancake jumped into the children's basket and let them eat it up." She slowly closes her book with her last words.
Stellan bursts out laughing. "A compassionate pancake!"
Burrt smiles behind his mask, his gaze, too, occasionally shifting away from Telena and to Fyrre
Monala giggles and claps. "An excellent story - I'll have to remember that one."
Telena chuckles and tries to make a bow to her audience in this sitting position.
Bavera glances over at Dannae and nods to the Nolthrir.
Eonwind claps his hand with a broad smile
Eonwind says: This story is wonderful and amusing Telena! I really had so much fun!
Bavera says: I absolutely -adore- your costume! Would you like a drink? They're free.
Stellan says cheekily, "Recipe please, Telena!"
Burrt throws a bemused look at the clapping Trepor, imagining it were an actual beast.
Kelan sighs and bows "Thanks for your stories.I have to leave now"
Monala says: One egg, milk, grease, flour...and I think some mischief, too.
Dannae's smile widens below her mask, "Well, I thank you so much, and free you say... I like the price"
Stellan grins at Monala and waves to Kelan.
Telena grins at Stellan. "I guess she is right. The mischief has to be part of it."
Waesed growls, "GRRRRR!" and then beats his chest
Stellan says: Ooh, speaking of mischief, did she say free drinks. Be right back!
Dannae says: hmm, a cider smells nice
Eonwind raises his mask and smiles friendly to Burrt
Monala looks over at Waesed. "Oh, my! The antagonist from my story! You're too late; I already told it!" She laughs.
Burrt startles and turns around at the dwarf
Telena laughs and turns her head after Stellan. "I wouldn't mind if you bring me another liquor. Telling stories makes a dry throat."
Fyrre studies the Ulbernaut before growling back at him.
Waesed says: Yes, seems I'm always a little late.
Waesed chuckles
Burrt chuckles at the costume
Stellan grins at Bavera. "I'll relieve you of a couple of those drinks there, if you don't mind!"
Bavera grins at Stellan. "I did indeed say free drinks - help yourself, sir!"
Eonwind turns to Telena with a smile "I thought you may have needed it after your storytelling" and hands Telena a red liquor mug
Telena looks surprised to Eonwind. "Where were you hiding that?" She takes the mug and raises it to the elf before taking a sip of it.
Dannae casts Bavera another friendly glance, "Would you please hand me a fresh cider?"
Stellan overhears Eonwind, shrugs and says, "Two for me then. Isn't gallantry wonderful!"
Burrt carefully walks around Waesed, not quite convinced he won't turn out to be an actual tiny Ulbernaut
Telena laughs at Stellan's words. "Maybe there is still someone else who wants one."
Dannae accepts the mug nodding, "I thank you kindly... good evening to you"
Fyrre attempts to poke prickly claws into Dannae's back as a greeting.
Eonwind grins at Telena and raises a corner of his costumes showing an empty place near the pillow where he's sitting
Bavera says: Oh, we've plenty - I think...I can send for more if not.
Burrt follows Fyrre for a while, but then returns to his seat as he notices she's only going to the drink stand
Dannae shivers and breathes in sharply at the poke spinning around
Telena grins at Eonwind. "Nothing more hiding there, eh?"
Bavera looks in the barrel, lifting her feathery mask. She frowns.
Waesed removes his claws and picks up his lute
Eonwind looks at Stellan and Telena smiling
Fyrre looks the Nolthrir over, giving a gravelly laugh.
Dannae lets out a small laugh, "Thought I felt a claw"
Eonwind turns to Telena and smirks "I have many hidden qualitis milady"
Dannae tilts her head studying the mask, "Wait, don't tell me" she wags a finger
Dannae says: Uh...Jila... not her
Telena says: "Hm... since we were story telling today. Anyone else here who can tell one?" She looks around.
Fyrre quickly, noisily leaves without giving Dannae much of a chance to guess.
Dannae pouts after Fyrre, "Wait, I didn't guess yet!"
Dannae sighs and looks around taking in the others looking for any sign of recognizeable traits
Burrt studies Dannae, then looks at Fyrre, inquiringly
Monala says: Hm. I s'pose not. I'll see if the fenki needs more drinks - my rivnak can handle the burden easily.
Stellan balances a full frothy mug in each hand and looks around. "Anyone else thirsty?"
Burrt says: But that a friend?
Sasigher smiles "please"
Bavera says: I could use some more, if you don't mind. Few coins in it for you if you'd like.
Fyrre lowers her ears and opens her hand to gaze at the glyph. "...Huh?"
Telena sighs lightly and opens a book, different from the one she was reading her story earlier. She looks at it and closes it again after a short look.
Monala shakes her head. "I'll buy the drinks and do it for free - worth it for such a grand event!"
Stellan says: Klyros - red liquor or beer?
Burrt forgets about his question and looks at Fyrre's glyph
Sasigher says: A liquor please
Eonwind turns to Telena with a broad smile "I was thinking that a ball could be a nice idea if there were someone playing. Don't you?
Monala unhitches Windwhisperer and puts her heels in a saddlebag, trading them for riding boots before she gets on the rivnak sidesaddle.


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Re: Becoming the Masque - Logs
« Reply #19 on: January 02, 2012, 07:49:43 am »

Waesed says: Need something fast to dance to?
Dannae peers at Burrt a moment but doesn't appear to recognize the menki
Telena looks surprised to Eonwind. "That ulbernaut is playing already." She grins. "Don't tell me you can't hear him."
Fyrre curses, turning the reddish symbol over with long fingers.
Stellan hums and taps his foot. He returns to Bavera's stall and puts a circle on the table. "Free drinks, but you earn my thanks, my dear!"
Bavera says: Why, thank you, sir!
Travosh snatches up an apple and turns to listen to the playing dwarf more closely
Burrt points at the glyph and asks "What's that?"
Eonwind winks at Telena "the pillows here may give aome issue while dancing. I thought that the dancing floor over there would fit a ball much more"
Fyrre says: A glyph I want to use soon.
Dannae says: I overheard your story as I was nearing miss. It was amusing
Burrt says: Oh... for magic?
Telena chuckles at Eonwind. "I still have something to drink. Maybe later." She looks up to Dannae with a wide smile on her face. "Thanks a lot. It is one of the stories I picked up during my travels."
Eonwind smiles at Telena "But if you wish to stay here and listen to the music while sitting I am fine with that"
Fyrre's ears pivot to Waesed. "Yes."
Eonwind nods to Tlena with a smile
Stellan pretends to jump when he sees the female klyros. "Haven't I spent enough time with you one-eyes!"
Netrhys looks at Stellan's outfit and whistles slightly
Dannae grins to Telena, a flicker of possible recognition showing on her face, "I think I know you.... from somewhere"
Burrt nods, then turns around slowly
Eonwind waves to Dannae "greetings Milady, please have a seat here with us"
Travosh says: I'd be careful with a Vortex fenki. You'll incinerate yourself soon as anybody else.
Stellan holds his arms out wide for Netrhys to look at his costume better. He seems to have no sense of humility at all.
Telena looks shortly over her shoulder to Stellan, then looks back to Eonwind. "For now, yes." She looks surprised and turns to Dannae. "Really? I am not that long in this city. But as he just said. Why don't you take a seat with us?"
Dannae nods to Eonwind, "Don't mind if I do... and greetings"
Fyrre stares at Travosh. A black tail with fiery stripes swishes.
Eonwind raises his head hearing Travosh voice and waves at him
Travosh slices off a chunk of his apple with a claw, cracking open his mask and popping it inside
Eonwind point to the pillow next to Telena and with a gesture adressed to Dannae says with a frindly smiles "You are welcome"
Telena looks thoughtful and pushes a strand of her hair over her shoulder. "But you said you know me? Hmm... I forgot many names and faces from the past." She smiles apologizing to Dannae. "I am sorry, I don't seem to recognize you."
Stellan's head bobs from side to side in rhythm to the music. "You okay for drinks, Telena my dear?"
Telena smiles over her shoulder to Stellan. "Yes thank you. I have something for now."
Dannae offers a shrug to Telena, "I may be mistaken, it's just... I thought I saw something famililar"
Netrhys curiously examines the details for a while "Impressive, indeed! Did you create all this yourself?"
Eonwind waves at Mariana "Welcome back Lady Mari you just missed wonderful stories, please take a seat with us"
Fyrre momentarily hesitates, then laughs roughly with a bad attempt at sticking her claws into Travosh's shoulder.
Telena looks to Dannae. "You mean a missing horn and a missing eye or do you mean my dress?"
Travosh crackles with a small charge of electricity
Travosh says: Paws off.
Fyrre jumps back and growls.
Netrhys shrugs "Oh well..."
Travosh lifts his mask up to reveal his identity a bit better. "Should watch who you assault."
Dannae says: Both actually... maybe the voice too. It's still more just a feeling that I can't pin down yet"
Stellan returns, notices the nolthrir and grins. "Well well, quite a blossom you are, miss."
Mariana flicks an ear and turns around slowly, observing the commotion from behind her. "Fyrre..."
Netrhys turns to Bavera "How's things going? Looks like I'm late today and missed the show."
Icerra wanders aimlessly about, getting a good look at everything, she seems content to stand back and observe for a while
Fyrre wanders away, trying to hide discomfort behind a calm act, "Just checking."
Bavera says: They're going rather well. Even got a couple tips...and someone handed me a sword out of nowhere.
Travosh says: Via assault?
Dannae still peering at Telena, "Might I ask your name?"
Fyrre seems not to have heard Mariana.
Travosh puts his mask back down. "You'll need more than a mask to obscure that you're a common savage."
Mariana narrows her eyes slightly in Travosh's direction at the mention of 'assault,' but she quickly masks it behind indifference. "Alright?" She asks simply.
Travosh says: Takes more than your run of the mill idiot to cause me harm.
Telena smiles. "Of course. My name is Telena Rakn." She pauses a moment, then can't resist adding. "Merchant of fabric, leather and furs."
Netrhys looks at Bavera curiously "A sword? Seriously?"
Mariana only shrugs in response to the statement and folds her arms over her chest. She casts a smile to Eonwind upon hearing his invitation, but remains standing, eyes flicking about in the same somewhat paranoid manner.
Bavera nods and shows a rather plain-looking short sword. "They didn't even take a drink. I wonder if it means something?"
Burrt follows Fyrre and asks in a lowered voice "What's his problem?"
Stellan nods to Netrhys proudly. "Well I had a little help with the figurines, the sewing, the patchwork, the painting and the lining. But otherwise all mine."
Netrhys chuckles at Stellan's reply "Can't do everything by oneself!"
Fyrre mutters, "I'm awful at this." With lowered shoulders, she faces Burrt, "Hates me."
Dannae nods to Telena, but then shakes her head, "mmm, I don't recall the name. Maybe it was just someone similar in a way. But with those skills, if I'd met you sooner, I'd have been able to send many a customer before the ball"
Netrhys eyes Bavera's sword and shrugs "Hmm... no idea what that could mean..." *chuckles* I suppose it wasn't a challenge... *turns to Stellan* Do you have an idea?
Burrt frowns and asks, more to himself "Why'd anyone hate you?"
Dannae sips from her cider mug a moment, "Wish I'd been able to arrive soon enough to hear the other stories"
Seazu stands up feeling uncomfortable in the back of the tall ynnwn
Telena grins at Dannae. "I definitely would've appreciated. Not sure if my friend who had to do all the sewing would. But I guess I reached this city far too short before the whole event to actually do some work." She chuckles.
Tial says: Oh!
Stellan squints at Bavera. "Sword? Um no, sorry, can't help anyone out."
Fyrre purrs faintly before simply answering, "'Cause."
Karnath says: Hello there.
Telena takes a sip from her liquor. "We had three stories today. Mine and two other." She chuckles and glances at Eonwind. "I especially enjoyed the one from the fellow Diaboli."
Dannae says: Yes, I had several inquire about a tailor, but unfortunately, the ones I knew have left the city some time ago
Netrhys says: Odd... well, maybe the person just didn't have money at hand?
Waesed says: Time to wet my whisle.
Burrt chuckles "Weird reason. But it's all right"
Travosh says: Pie?
Mariana remains silent for a time, before turning around and glancing at the refreshments behind Travosh. She deviates around the tables, giving the klyros a considerably wide birth, and then stands on the other side of the refreshments to select an apple.
Icerra glances at Zalya
Telena frowns. "I wonder why that is. It would be good to have a local tailor do the work. But I didn't hear a word about anyone since I have been here."
Travosh shrugs and turns around again
Stellan waves to Tial. "Come over, dear girl! Have a drink, enjoy the music!"
Karnath says: Beer, no blood. *sighs*
Zalya has either not noticed, or not recignized Iccera yet.
Fyrre's twitching tail hints that she is pondering Burrt's words or simply doesn't understand them.
Dannae raises her mug to Ketta
Ketta says: Hi Dannae! Seazu! Mind if I sit?
Netrhys turns to Stellan "Uhm... this is Octarch's chess, ain't it?"
Seazu looks up surprised someone's calling her real name
Dannae pouts at Ketta, "How'd you know it was me...Ketta!"
Telena motions Ketta to take a seat. "You are free to take a seat."
Mariana glares at Travosh's back. If he wasn't a red way mage the look might be enough to blow a hole through his chest, but alas, it is not to be. She brings one apple to her lips and takes a bite, replacing it with a slice of seasoned bread as a sort of compensation.
Burrt looks down, then back up at Fyrre "Shouldn't hate you either way."
Seazu says: Sure, take a seat
Seazu smiles
Waesed takes a long drink of the red liquor
Stellan feigns surprise at Netrhys's words, then jumps for real when he sees what looks to be a tiny ulbernaut with a mug.
Seazu smiles below her mask fluttering with her wings happily
Fyrre says: How d'you know?
Zalya looks to Fyrre "Fyrre? Is that you?"
Dannae still eyeing Ketta, "And by the way, I just love your outfit"
Netrhys looks at the tiny ulbernaut drinking the liquor and chuckles "Tee-hee, that looks funny!"
Stellan pokes at Waesed gently. "You know, there was one of you in Levrus's shop."
Burrt hesitates for a while, then says "I just know ya don't deserve it."
Burrt glances at Zalya
Mariana quickly leaves the table and brings the apple with her. She spares a glance at the gathering, but takes a seat at one of the empty placemats, at a vantage where she can view the events and watch for details.
Ketta grins happily "Thanks! Yours too! I love the starphires!"
Waesed says: we might turn up anywhere
Fyrre feigns misunderstanding of Zalya's question fairly well in pretending to search and tensing her muscles, "Where?"
Netrhys says: Well, I guess that wasn't terribly hard to guess, huh?
Dannae grins back to Ketta, "Still my favorite"
Stellan raises his mug to Waesed. "Gave me a scare but Levrus didn't even blink."
Ketta says: "Mine too!" *with a wide grin
Eonwind grins at Telena and stands up "I really enjoyed th company of all of you, but I am really tired. Please excuse me but I needs to leave"
Waesed says: a good mage has nothing to fear from an ulber
Dannae says: I'd tell a story... a true one, but I'm fairly certain everyone's already heard it
Stellan grins at Netrhys and Bavera. "I'm Stellan, ladies. Please tell me your names. And how I shall know you after the party is all over!"
Icerra stands rigidly still, her attention on the gathering of enki nearby
Telena looks disappointed at Eonwind. "So no dance for me today?" She grins. "But do I have a chance for one tomorrow?"
Zalya falls for it. She steps back the tip of her nose turning a redish color as the blood rushes to her face. She speaks to Fyrre "Sorry... I thought you where a friend of mine."
Ketta grins to Dannae "That depends on which story it might be.."
Dannae beams at Ketta, "My favorite one of course... the kikiri dwarf"
Fyrre laughs at Zalya, "I'm someone else right now."
Netrhys chuckles and asks mockingly "Ah, what good is a masquerade if you tell your names, eh?" *grins under her mask, then continues* "I'm Netrhys."
Bavera giggles. "Bavera."
Eonwind makes a bows to everyone and makes a broad smiles to Telena "I am really sorry and I would have really liked to dance with you. but I promise we'll dance tomorrow night"
Stellan laughs at Waesed's comment. "Yes, a good mage. But Levrus? Hoho."
Burrt doesn't get the joke and his gaze wanders between the two confusedly
Travosh says: And yet still insane.
Waesed says: He might freeze it instead of frying it!
Ketta laughs and looks surprised "Ah...the kikiri dwarf! I scarcely remember that one"
Burrt looks at Fyrre "But you ARE Fyrre!"
Telena chuckles at Eonwind. "It is find. I will remind you tomorrow. Promise is promise."
Zalya looks at Fyrre very confused "Your not what now?"
Bavera indicates her sizeable belly. "And after the party,'ll know it's me when you see this much fenki in one place."
Netrhys shrugs at Stellan "Well, Levrus _is_ a little... no, make that _very_ strange... though I do think he's a competent mage. Otherwise, he'd already exploded." *chuckles*
Stellan grins at Waesed and Travosh [quite an effort in the crowd]. "He told it a riddle about his mother-in-law. No wonder it was tongue-tied."
Fyrre stares at Burrt for a time, only to at last speak in a short string of curses. "...Nevermind."
Netrhys chuckles at Bavera's comment
Seazu says: Oh, do tell Dannae!
Travosh blinks. "Eh checkerboard diaboli?"
Areceus says: Greetings!
Dannae protests, "But you know it already"
Areceus says: May I sit down
Areceus says: ?
Waesed says: Hello
Waesed says: Yes, have a seat
Burrt looks even more confused, but says nothing
Zalya bites her lower lip and looks to Fyrre "You know I'll just look for her some place else..."
Areceus says: Thanks!
Masaro scratches his ear and looks around
Eonwind bows deeply to Telena and looking into her eyes with a broad smile "On my honor the beautyful Lady Telena will dance tomorrow night. By now Farewell I look forward to meet you tomorrow"
Stellan parades his costume by the stall. "And the klyros with the sharp eye gets it! Eh, you klyros are good at this."
Areceus says: My name is Areceus, what's your name?
Fyrre looks down at herself, "I thought I was disguised better than that..."
Eonwind waves to everyone and walks away
Monala seems a little overwhelmed by the crowd and conversation. She walks over towards Teshia and settles by the empty tables.
Mariana continues her unbroken vigil, and though her face is impassive, the slope of her shoulders seems to suggest a tiredness, or perhaps boredom. She glances around at the colorful masks now and then as if searching for someone, but, not seeming to find them, she simply continues her job of surveying the events.
Stellan waves to Eonwind.
Waesed says: I'm waesed hunter and troubadour
Zalya says: So you are Fyrre? Or are you?
Netrhys giggles
Travosh says: I really wish i knew what the diaboli was talking about...
Seazu says: Oh no, Dannae! I wasn't around back then.
Teshia gives mo impression that she's noticed anyone, merely kneeling in a fashion that lets the robe fall straight to the ground, hiding her curves completely.
Fyrre sighs, then nods very faintly at Zalya.
Mariana's ear twitches and she flicks a glance over to Travosh, grudgingly. "Hm?"
Travosh says: No idea what hte diaboli's on about. Something about smilin at me funny.
Areceus says: I have a little riddle for you: If three is to ten then the number of me is to eleven. In order to make use of me, you must have a gift from a god.
Burrt looks at Zalya "'f course! Smells like her."
Monala looks the outfit over. "Laanx costume?" she asks Teshia.
Mariana smirks subtly and glances in the direction of the Diaboli. "Perhaps she has herself a crush on you," she replies, with a half-hearted sort of grin.
Zalya places her head in her paws "Sorry... I just don;t know any other fenki who talks like you do.
Netrhys turns to Bavera "Hmm, I guess I should better get a drink myself... is there any liquor left?"
Travosh says: Considering it was the man, I should hope not
Teshia merely shakes her head side to side.
Fyrre can't help but laugh at Burrt. "Alright, fine."
Waesed says: I don't know that one. Seems rather hard
Burrt looks down and faintly blushes under his fur
Mariana seems to find this image incredibly funny, and lets out a hearty laugh.
Areceus says: I think so
Bavera says: Yes indeed
Areceus grins frustrated
Stellan calls to Travosh, "Nah, I was complimenting the lady klyros here on her quick eye, and you on yours."
Telena follows different conversations, looking amused from time to time.
Travosh says: Eye for what?
Waesed says: Who gave it to you?
Monala smiles. "Just shy, then?"
Areceus says: Well, nice yostume ye have!
Netrhys accepts the mug "Thank you kindly!"
Waesed says: thanks
Fyrre says: Figured I don't sound this much like a menki most of the time.
Seazu turns again to the Nolthrir next to her "That's a beautiful dress"
Teshia shakes her head again, not inclined to speak, and not seeming to be happy to be here atall.
Semutara smiles "Thank you"
Zalya looks up at Fyrre and Burrt "Do you two know eachother?"
Areceus says: Um, a man in upper Hydlaa... He wants me to solve it so that he can give me the "Brew of Brews"
Burrt looks at Zalya and says quietly "I... guess..."
Fyrre replies quickly with a rather joyful "Yeah."
Areceus says: I dont even know what it is...
Waesed says: I have not met him yet.
Zalya says: You don't sound like a menki! in fact thats what through me off at first.
Stellan says: Ah, a toast to you, Bavera, and to you, Netrhys. Endowed in all the right places.
Bavera giggles. She picks up a mug and raises it, then takes a sip.
Waesed finishes his drink and stands to play
Ketta looks at the feathered creature next to her "hmmm...that's a voice I should know...."
Areceus says: Well I'll be going
Areceus says: Goodbye!
Stellan downs his drink in one long gulp.
Waesed says: You can stay and enjoy
Zalya smiles at Fyrre and Burrt "Well then I suppose I'll leave you to it. You two arn't... together are you?"
Masaro takes a seat and continues to look around at the crowd, trying to pick out people
Burrt looks down
Fyrre says: Whaddaya mean?
Areceus says: No, Ive got to dig some ore...
Waesed says: good hunting, then
Areceus says: Farewell!
Netrhys says: [back - conn failed]
Telena grins to Stellan. "So you are returning here. Did you get bored?"
Zalya chuckles at Fyrre "You know what I mean! You two are so cute together! Good luck!"
Netrhys nods to Bavera, then lifts her mask over her mouth and takes a few gulps off the liquor "Good stuff, this!"
Icerra takes notice of Masaro as he takes a seat, holding her breath as she finds something familiar about the menki despite his mask, or because of it. She takes a couple of steps back, away from his direction.
Fyrre says: No I don'---Huh?
Stellan plumps a cushion for himself and points to the space beside Telena. "Tial, over here."
Burrt blushes more "What... no! Ya're weird!"
Fyrre asks in confusion, "Good luck with what?"
Stellan grins at Telena. "Bored? In the company of beauty? Never!"
Tial looks at Stellan, smiles and sits.
Netrhys says: So, what was on the show earlier on?
Tial says: Thank you.
Ketta smiles at the person wearing musical notes "Aha....that con oly be you, Dharah!"
Telena chuckles at Stellan's comment and looks to Tial. "Greetings."
Masaro snickers at Icerra's reaction
Dharah chuckles
Dharah says: Perhaps
Zalya opens her mouth but dosn't know what to say. She looks between Fyrre and Burrt "So your not dating?" she finally asks.
Stellan reaches across Tial to poke Telena gently in the knee. "The lemur. Likes you huh?"
Dannae grins, "Sounds like Dharah"
Ketta giggles "Now I know I recognize the voice..>"
Tial says: Hi, Telena
Monala looks at Teshia again after remaining silent a while. "I think I'll rejoin the circle. If you'd like a dance or anything later, don't hesitate to ask me!" She smiles at the masked figure and gets up.
Dharah says primly "I am Calliope"
Teshia merely watches Monala walk away, and after a moment, she rises and walks away.
Burrt stares at his feet
Telena chuckles and tries to look innocent, failing at that. "Not my fault. All I did was being me."
Icerra straightens her composure in sight of masaro, trying to stand elegant and proud, she holds her chin aloft as she turns her gaze to the rest of the crowd, sneaking the occasional glimpse his way from beneath her mask.
Stellan turns to find Monala nearby. His face brightens even more.
Monala smiles at Stellan and bats her eyes.
Masaro turns over and looks at Icerra, and can't resist the urge to get up and take a few steps closer
Fyrre looks away. "...No," she replies with a bit of unsureness and embarrassment in her voice.
Netrhys says: Well, I guess I'll see you! *turns to look around*
Dharah takes a sip of her cider
Icerra freezes at his approach, but continues to try and act as if she hasn't noticed
Zalya bites her lip again. She continues to look back and forth at Fyrre and Burrt "Oh... Well I just thought that... With you two.... I mean you make a good pretend couple..."
Stellan sets a mug down in front of Tial. "For you." And looks at the ladies delightedly. "Seems my hands are full."
Netrhys grabs herself a pillow, takes a few more gulps off her mug and listens to Weased playing.
Tial says: Oh! Thank you, kind sir.
Dannae says: I hope things went well yesterday for you Dharah and Onilise. I really hoped to be here too, but some things came up and I just couldn't
Burrt looks up at Zalya and hesitates, before asking "Why?"
Dharah says: We missed you
Zalya adds quickly "Not that you are pretend! I just- just" She sighs towreds Burrt and Fyrre. "You know I better stop talking now..."
Travosh decides to repurpose the clearned off table as a personal seat
Telena chuckles and glances to the sitting round. She looks back to Stellan. "Seems like you choose a really good place."
Fyrre laughs quietly.
Stellan admires Monala's costume. "My, you're thirst-quenching today. I'm sorry I missed your story."
Dannae looks down a moment, """""""missed everything yesterday... my sisters too" she looks from Seazu to Dharah
Burrt looks half-down, unsure what to say
Monala giggles and replies to Stellan, "Well, perhaps I'll tell it again. Some day."
Dharah says: Will you be here tomorrow night?
Zalya points off to the side "Well I better- I better go over there and stop making a fool of myself."
Waesed bows to the rat queen
Dannae looks up once more taking in the circle, "I can't help but think this reminds me of our guild house" then nods to Dharah, "I plan to be, yes"
Masaro chuckles a bit, trying to keep his voice deep, and just keeps approaching
Fyrre offers, "Think I already did that more."
Netrhys chuckles, then leans back and closes her eyes, obviously enjoying the music
Dharah says: Oh, good, I'd hate for you to miss too much of the fun
Burrt nods quickly "Me too"
Dannae's eyes brighten, "Oh, did you see the tree I decorated for Xiosia?"
Stellan admires Ketta's costume, and Dannae's too.
Dharah says: No, where was that?
Zalya laughs stiffly "Then a guess we're all alike huh?"
Dannae says: In our house of course
Icerra finally turns to look upon Masaro, her eyes searching the lines of his mask for any inclination that it is indeed him. After making a final deision, she states flatly, "Yer back."
Burrt chuckles, but says nothing.
Masaro snickers a bit, this time in his normal voice, "Yeah, I am"
Telena picks her empty mug up and stands up. "I guess I better get some sleep. Have fun you all."
Dannae's face shows a momentary frown, "Oh, you don't have a key yet... well, soon"
Dharah says: I'm sorry you missed my initiation
Stellan looks up, disappointed. "Oh, Telena."
Dannae offers Stellan a playful smile noticing him looking over the costumes
Fyrre says: Do you know if there will be any more stories?
Stellan says: I can't argue with sleep, but still. I'll miss you.
Icerra lowers her visage and contemplates some things before raisng her eyes again to meet Masaro's, "What fer?" she asks with a tils of her head
Zalya looks to Burrt, and tries to change the subject "So who are you? Your not someone I know, right?"
Dannae again looks to Dharah, "Initiation?" eyes widen
Stellan tries not to notice too much bluish skin.
Dharah says: Oops
Dharah says: I thought Seazu would have told you
Dannae says: Um... nice to meet you too Telena
Ketta sdmiles at the Diaboli, trying to hide her interest in the intricate figurines
Dannae looks to Seazu, "Initiation?"
Telena chuckles lightly. "I will be here again tomorrow, Stellan." She smiles to Dannae. "It was my pleasure."
Netrhys dreamily sways her head to the music
Burrt looks at Zalya and shakes his head "Dun' think so. I dun' usually go in cities", not thinking of mentioning his name
Stellan says: Furs and fabrics, Telena, I remember. May I come inspect your goods some time?
Dannae waves to Telena, "Til the morrow then"
Masaro says: .... it's a long story, perhaps after the masque... once there's no point in keeping the masks on, I'll tell you why I was gone, and came back."
Telena smiles at Stellan. "Of course, of course. Though a small notice of what you wish to see will help, since I don't have all my goods here in Hydlaa." She winks at the Diaboli. "I hope I will see you all tomorrow."
Monala looks up at the sky and mumbles something about time as she gets up and smooths her skirt.
Telena turns around and walks to the drink stall to return her empty mugs.
Icerra looks among the crowd, "I don't mind the masks, actually I think I prefer it this way... just one more layer, ya know?"
Stellan says: What, Monala? Not you too?
Dannae turns her attention again to her sisters, "Now tell me... Dharah...Seazu... there was..." she stops and looks at Dharah, "You took the oaths?"
Monala says: Seems I must be off, as well, yes. It was a pleasure seeing you again, Stellan.
Dharah says: Ellessa seemed to think it was a good idea.....
Zalya nods to Burrt "I understand. The cities are choatic sometimes. I grew up in the city. Not this one though. It was in Ojaveda."
Stellan winks. "Next time, a private audience for your story."


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Re: Becoming the Masque - Logs
« Reply #20 on: January 02, 2012, 07:50:35 am »

[And this log is from Nightflyer0ne. Also thanks for providing it]

Travosh says: I'd demonstrate, but I don't think anyone here would like to act as a target.
Netrhys shakes her head, looking down "Probably not, I will likely be having to fulfill some, err, contracts outside Hydlaa tomorrow."
Derator looks at baruden "i bought two songs here yesterday"
Three angry hisses come from behind the stage, as three fire trails blaze in a diagnol trail from the right side of the backstage area toward the skies over the city wall to the left of the stage. As the firetrails wink out in the night a moment later they are replaced with three brilliant globes of light aligned vertically, red over blue over yellow. A deep concussive boom resounds off the stones of the wall. Before the globes can wink another set of three fire trails leap into the sky from the left side of the back stage area, they angle out over the skies over Jayose's Library.......
Netrhys says: Actually, I didn't think I'd make it today, even.
Travosh says: Well now
Netrhys says: Whoa, look at this! The fireworks's starting!
Travosh says: impressive.
Jjairr says: That's a shame. If you're ever in the area, though, don't hesitate to find m-
Evirea glances up again and raises her scaley brow once more. She gets up smoothly and walks over to Travosh, proferring the quill to him, since it's been rendered essentially useless anyway. "Why don't you give a demo..." She starts, before turning her attention to the stage with widening eyes.
Jjairr says: Fireworks, really?
Travosh turns his head towards Jayose's scratching his chin.
Waesed says: Dharah has some nice music for sale.
Dharah turns from the fireworks at the sound of her name
Netrhys gazes at the firy display "This must've been Levrus!"
Burrt stares in amazement
Travosh says: Seems someone else knows the art... I'll return shortly.
Derator looks at waesed "what songs have you got?"
Another set of globes ignite and cast a multicolor cue over the crowd. They glimmer in purple over purple over yellow. They slowly transform and melt into each other as they melt toward the roof tops fading out before any danger is caused. 5 angry hisses are heard as nothing appears to enter the night.
Waesed says: all of them
The sky explodes in a rain bow of colorful star shapes.
Derator grins
Evirea keeps her head tilted back to watch the display, her hands hanging idly at her sides and her mouth open, though her expression of amazement is impossibly to see. The lights reflect off of her starkly white, pupil-less eyes, and she appears totally fixated on combination of sound and brilliant color.
The stars continue to expand out into shapeless masses. A quick sucession of fiery trails launch into the sky. Shortly after they wink out there is a shower of yellow and blue trails that crackle and pop in the sky.
Travosh says: Seems whoever did it ran off!
Burrt continues to stare
Travosh says: Damn, thought I'd found some else who could project that.
Evirea forces her attention back to Travosh, tearing it off of the star-strewn sky. "Mm?" She inquires, distractedly.
A set of 3 large balls float into the sky from behind the stage area. They rise into the air and circle each other. Slowly they shift into shapes of Laanx's temple, a large eagle head, and the facade of the Stonehead tavern.
Travosh says: Nothing that would concern you.
Quinn says: Greetings Dharah!
Travosh says: Unless you're able to tell me who set up such enchantments.
Burrt mutters "Wow..." as he watches the fireworks
Dharah watches the fireworks with glee
Dharah says: Hello Quinn, it's been a long time
Quinn says: Yes it has
Travosh says: Perhaps they got the archmage to take a detour out of Ojaveda to do it.
Evirea shrugs, moving to take a seat and fixing her eyes back on the sky. She remains like this as she answers, "Just ask the patrons of the event, surely they know who is in charge of it."
Travosh says: If I see them around I plan to
Dharah takes a gulp of her cider without really noticing
Evirea says: And what, may I ask, would you do with such displays, if you figured out how to learn them yourself?
As the shapes fade into oblivion, the loud popping comes from behind the curtain of the stage. Little colorful balls shoot into view and arc back down behind the curtain. Yellow, red, blue, red, purple, green, yellow, green.
Travosh chuckles. "I DO know how to do them, albeit not to such an extent."
Burrt continues to admire the colors and lights
Dharah takes another drink as she watches
Fyrre laughs in awe at the colorful shapes.
Dharah says: So, what have you been up to, Quinn?
Evirea looks down once more from the display, and her fingers tap at her mask slightly. "Hm. You don't strike me as the entertaining type, forgive me if the observation offends."
Quinn says: Not too much, Dharah
From behind the curtain comes a startled yelp followed by a clatter of wooden objects. A gruff voice mutters: Nice job you just smashed the box with the last of the fireworks. A whiney voice in a poor stage whispers whimpers, Sorry.
Fyrre gives another laugh, this time one of amusement.
Burrt chuckles at the noises from behind the stages, then looks around and notices all the people that have gathered around
Travosh says: Aw... Seems that will be the last of them.
Dharah drains her cider and looks around for more
Burrt looks at Fyrre and smiles "Yer friend was right."
Waesed takes a drink of liquor
Dharah says: Thish is fairy...very nice!
Evirea nods, laughing at the clamor. "It does indeed appear that way, but it was quite nice, while it lasted."
Fyrre says: 'Bout what?
Travosh says: Fraid i've none of the materials I'd need to do my own, smaller as they'd be.
Dharah tries to take a drink, then realizes her mug is empty
Dharah says: Oh rat's tails!
The same gruff voice calls out from behind the curtain: We had a malfunction for tonight. Do not worry the supplies for tomorrow's finale will be here by then.
Burrt says: She said, you'll be back. 'n so I waited here, an' now yer back.
Dharah sings to herself as she sways back and forth
Dharah sings "All things shall perish from under the sky..."
Dharah sings "...Music alone shall live, music alone shall live..."
Dharah sings "...Music alone shall live, never to die."
Fyrre says: "Oh." She looks down at the pie in the center of the table, "Got the glyph unpurified somehow."
Evirea laughs once more at the announcement. "Hm," she muses. "Perhaps then what you were seeking was the list of supplies used to generate such a kaliedescopic display?" She waves her hand vaguely at the smoke-filled sky.
Dharah staggers to her feet
Travosh says: Ah, while it requires materials to create, it requires magic to set off.
Burrt looks confused, having no clue of magic or glyphs "Huh?"
Dharah twirls in happy circles across the courtyard
Evirea says: Magic that you happen to possess, I'm assuing, if your demonstration with that fenki is any indication.
Dharah collapses in a dizzy heap, giggling
Travosh says: I lack the knowledge of how to create such an intense display. Little blasts of color is all I'm capable of.
Dharah stands up unsteadily
Dharah notices the cooler breeze from beyond the gate, and starts to move out toward it
Dharah turns back towards the others and tilts her head a little. One gets the impression that she is smiling behind her mask.
Dharah says: I love the cooler air, it reminds me of home


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Re: Becoming the Masque - Logs
« Reply #21 on: January 02, 2012, 07:51:20 am »
Third Day


Onilise laughs
Onilise says: I think it's gone very well
Voron flicks a wave at Edaru
Lillia giggles "There you are Edaru."
Edaru walks to the people sitting at the pillows then bows his head. "Greetings Ladies." Then he turns to Waesed and adds quickly "And of course greetings you too."
Waesed bows
Edaru chuckles. "I see you already have fun without me Milady"
Voron smirks unseen. "I heard that, Edaru. You can save yourself if you brought your Lady a present."
Lillia giggles "I always have fun Edaru. But I am ready for the Ball to start. Today is the special day, remember?" she giggles happily
Onilise smiles and looks over at Voron "they're so romantic"
Edaru quickly turns to Voron and gives him a short glare. "Present? WHo said anything about a present?"
Edaru looks back to Lillia and nods. "Indeed, a very special day Milady."
Voron laughs.
Lillia tilts her head and look between the two but then she just shrugs and starts to giggle
Telena chuckles. "Today is a special day? I thought those last two were special already."
Onilise looks up to the crystal, smiling. "I think it's been a great week"
Lillia giggles "Well, today will be even more special."
Edaru then looks down to the floor and lowers his voice. "But Voron here is right..There is something I want to give you later on Milady."
Onilise raises an eyebrow at Lillia with a curious expression
Telena glances to Edaru and grins.
Lillia giggles and claps her hands together "Really?"
Lillia squirms excitedly on her pillow "I can't wait."
Onilise looks over at Edaru curiously then smiles at Lillia with squinty eyes
Edaru nods slowly to Lillia. "I think for making this ball possible..." The next words he mutters almost inaudible. "..and giving me the honor of a dance...". Then he raises his voice again and goes on in his normal tone. " should get something to express my gratitude."
Lillia says: "Aww... So sweet Edaru." she giggles softly
Telena chuckles, obviously amused by Edaru's shyness.
Onilise motions to Waesed to keep up the romantic music for the couple and giggles
Edaru takes a deep breath then looks around the people. "Maybe I should give it to you right now...the longer I wait the more people will come."
Waesed says: don't have my drum so...
Telena grins. "Go on, go on. She looks like she would want it now anyway."
Onilise gasps and looks to Lillia with wide eyes
Lillia grins and gets up
Laspeyresia says: Hello there! How are things here today?
Lillia says: Oh what is it Edaru?
Onilise motions for Laspeyresia to take the cushion next to her
Lillia looks at him eagerly
Laspeyresia smiles at Onilise and sits down.
Onilise regards Laspeyresia in a low voice, "Edaru is about to give Lillia a gift"
Telena smiles to Laspeyresia. "Greetings."
Lillia dances in spot a little in anticipation
Edaru nods slowly to Telena's words then looks to Lillia. In an last attempt of not looking too nervous he starts to chuckle." Impatient...aren't we? Nobody has even invited me to sit down yet."
Onilise nods and smiles to Karumak
Lillia waves quickly to Edaru
Waesed says: Hydlaa's favorate bard has arrived!
Edaru rolls his eyes and mutters softly. "Thanks you Onilise...we could make a poster and put it on the message board. THat way even more people would know."
Lillia giggles "Then sit Edaru."
Korumak smirks, "Had to mine out some pocket change
Telena grins at Edaru. "Some people are able to do that on their own." She winks at Laspeyresia, then motions him to sit down. "But take a seat. It would be a pleasure if you sit with us."
Edaru walks around the others to the pillow next to Lillia then sits down slowly.
Onilise giggles and winks "uh anytime"
Lillia quickly sits on her knees next to Edaru
Laspeyresia waves to Haraun. "Hey there!"
Haraun smiles under the mask and waves
Lillia wiggles in anticipation on her pillow
Onilise pulls a bottle of seaweed juice out of her bag and shakes it up
Edaru sets his bad on his lap then has his fingers play casually with it while looking to Lillia. "I thought...I mean...You arranged this incredible ball for all of us. So I thought I should try to find something fitting for your position..." Softly he adds "Princess."
Haraun looks as thoughtful as possible with his face hidden, then comes to a conclusion "Will quickly open the stall for the chance that someone needs an animal part."
Lillia says: "Oh? what could it be?" she giggles and squeals happily
Korumak drinks his beer
Haraun returns with some looks back at his stall "Are some cushions free?"
Edaru keeps his eyes on Lillia and his hands playing with the bag. "Nothing big Milady...I just hope you are not disappointed afterwards."
Laspeyresia grins. "Sit down, and if someone complains you'll know what one wasn't free."
Onilise laughs
Haraun chuckles and talks quietly "Well, that's a way, too."
Telena rolls her eyes. "Edaru I don't think she will be disappointed."
Laspeyresia says: ...well, or someone might sit down on your lap all of a sudden.
Lillia watches Edaru intently "Oh I am sure I will love it Edaru."
Korumak says: i had one fenki appear 3 inches from my nose, granted i was sitting at the time so there was no complaints, at least on my end
Onilise drinks some seaweed juice then looks at Korumak with green on her lips and laughs
Edaru sighs loud then opens his bag. Reaching inside he produces a small package warpped in linen cloths from it. After starring at it for some time he takes another deep breath before handing it over to Lillia without a word.
Haraun chuckles and watches the apparently importand discussion.
Telena watches interested, trying to see what is in the package when Lillia opens it.
Lillia carefully takes the package with wide eyes and begins to unwrap it
Lillia says: "Oh... what is this?" she carefully unwraps the contents
Edaru quickly turns his had back and intensely stares to the floor in front of him.
Haraun's claws unsheath a few times and a bit like it would help getting it unwrapped
Onilise straightens her back to see better
Waesed waits
Lillia gasps "Edaru it is beautiful!. And such a pretty stone."
Onilise jumps in her seat and makes clapping motions quietly
Haraun sits straight and moves a bit to one side and the other in his try to take a closer look at it.
Lillia pulls the silver diadem out of the linen and holds it up in the light
Edaru keeps on starring at the floor as he mutters. "I's something that reflects you status..." Without making any sound his lips form " my heart."
Laspeyresia says: Oh, shiny! And very appropriate for a ball.
Lillia admires the emerald set in the top of it and the little leaf shaped ornaments around the sides
Telena looks closely at the diadem. "Wow. Beautiful. How could she not have liked it?"
Haraun smiles, with still narrowed eyes though while trying to see it "Indeed nice."
Onilise looks over her shoulder and smiles at Kelan
Lillia looks back with teary eyes at Edaru 'Oh Edaru!"
Laspeyresia says: Kelan! Hey there!
Onilise says: Join us Kelan
Edaru looks up for the first time since he handed Lillia the package. In an uncertain voice he asks. "You like it Milady?"
Lillia leans over and embraces Edaru with the tiara in hand "oh thank you Edaru.... My wonderful knight..."
Kelan smiles "Hello all"
Lillia rests her head on Edaru's shoulder
Telena smiles at Kelan. "Greetings."
Onilise smiles and hums along with the music
Waesed says: I turn the music over to Koru. I've been playing for hours.
Edaru's body twitches slightly at the unexpected touch of Lillia. "I will always be your knight Milady."
Lillia hugs Edaru tighter
Onilise says: sit by me Sis
Edaru nervously run his left arm around Lillia's back, pulling her a bit tighter himself.
Korumak says: oh?
Laspeyresia nods to Seazu. "Hi!"
Korumak takes another sip
Korumak says: Alright
Onilise grins at Seazu "I wonder if Xiosia will show up this year?"
Waesed whispers to Koru, "Play something romantic"
Seazu waves to the silver Thloke "Hey"
Korumak says: romantic... lets see
Seazu says: Do we have some dwarf to be jinxed?
Lillia looks up at Edaru and places the silver tiara on her head
Waesed takes a long drink of beer to quench his thirst.
Onilise bursts out laughing and almost spills the seaweed juice
Seazu giggles "Easy way to get a ball dress."
Mordaan says: Greetings.
Onilise looks over her shoulder and smiles at Mordaan
Lillia says: What do you think Edaru?
Edaru leans his head to the side to get a good glance at Lillia. "It looks marvelous on you."
Laspeyresia waves at Mordaan. "Hello there."
Seazu waves to the clacker
Despaira carefully steps out into the plaza, curves her feet as she walks across the stone and her costume makes ruffling noises.
Lillia says: "Oh Edaru." she looks lovingly into his eyes "You are wonderful."
Lillia happens to look around and notice all the people sitting "Oh! So many more people here." she looks genuinely surprised
Onilise smiles around at everyone and sways to the music
Telena winks at Lillia. "As I said. They were probably still asleep or fixing their costume as you suggested."
Despaira scans the circle of people for a moment, her mask oscillating slightly as she does.
Edaru swallows at Lillia words. Softly he mutters while looking at her. "No, you are Milady." hen he bites his lips under his mask and nervously turns his head away. After a moment he says. "Maybe someone should get the bar ready."
Lillia giggles "Oh... I almost forgot about the ball."
Korumak says: Than you, any other requests or just go with it?
Despaira clears her throat, "Is there room for another in this gathering?"
Lillia says: Oh, is it time to start now Edaru?
Korumak nods to Despaira
Onilise looks overat the skeleton mask and waves a little
Telena says: "Sure come over here. She slides a bit to make some space on her pillow. "If you don't mind sharing a pillow with me I mean."
Seazu turns around and admires Despaira's dress
Laspeyresia smiles at Despaira and pats the pillow to her right. "Hi! Sure, still some space here!"
Onilise laughs "squeeze it in!"
Despaira tiptoes over to the circle and takes a seat between the nolthrir and the enkidukai.
Edaru looks back to Lillia then says in an uncertain voice. "At least it seem we already have some guests. I just wanted to make sure we are able to offer them something to drink."
Telena shrugs and slides back to the middle of her pillow again.


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Re: Becoming the Masque - Logs
« Reply #22 on: January 02, 2012, 07:51:58 am »

Lillia nods and looks around "Ok, I think it is time to start though. I must get on the stage."
Lillia gets up and pulls on Edaru's hand to raise him up as well
Edaru sighs softly then nods to Lillia. "Should I light the incense Milady?"
Lillia says: "Come! Today is the special day!" she giggles happily "Yes edaru. Please."
Edaru quickly stands up as well as Lillia pulls him. "I'm coming, I'm coming..."
Korumak takes a sip of his beer
Lillia says: Come everyone! It's time to start!
Korumak nods to Mordaan
Lillia bounds happily for the stage
Haraun looks around "Start what?"
Korumak says: Already started drinking so thats not it
Onilise tries to grab her sisters hand and pull her toward the stage "cmon!"
Laspeyresia says: Umm, no idea. But I'm not about to miss it.
Edaru quickly follows Lillia while muttering in reply to Haraun. "The fun."
Haraun says: It'd be a good idea though...
Mordaan gets a refill for his drink
Lillia giggles and pops excitedly through the curtains
Edaru grabs a torch from under the stage then lights it.
Lillia prances around on the stage she she waits for everyone to gather
Korumak plays for Lilia
Lillia "Welcome everybody to the final day of the Festival of Dreams!"
Haraun watches the stage and starts to take small sips from his mug
Onilise claps
Edaru heads to the first vase next to the stage then gives Lillia a short glance before bending down to light incense in the vase. Soon after the vase disperses a sweet smell.
Lillia shouts: I hope that this has been as wonderful for you as it has been for me. But we have one last day and one last gift for everyone.
Despaira looks down at the corner of the bench and grabs one of the thin roots that has fallen off her costume. She twirls it with her index finger.
Edaru heads to the other side of the stage and repeats the procedure with the other vase there.
Telena watches the stage and the people she can see with interest.
Onilise moves her tail out of the way of things and drops it straight back.
Lillia giggles "I hope that this last day is the start of wonderful dreams for you and I hope that you will all be able to always live your dreams! Live laugh and enjoy yourself. And leave your name in the guestbook to record your presence today." she giggles some more
Minou says: Hey there! Anybody something to drink?
Haraun lifts his mug "Just got something, but thanks."
Edaru walks to the next vase then bends down to also light it. Quickly it spreads the same sweet smell as the others.
As the incense in vase container is lit a light smoke starts to rise from the vase and starts to fill the air surrounding the vase. The smoke is very light and has a sweet ad pleasant smell to it.
Minou says: I go get some beer...
Mordaan breathes in deeply
Onilise raises her nose to take a whiff and flexes her gills, smiling
Edaru heads to the last vase to light it as well.
Despaira 's mask turns to her right shoulder.
Korumak backs up from the scent
Lillia shouts: "Now enjoy yourselves." she curtsies and leaves back through the curtains
Laspeyresia claps politely.
Telena chuckles. "That was all?"
Waesed says: Play for us, Koru!
Onilise starts to clap then stops with a confused expression on her face
Haraun starts to clap, but a rather loud sneeze interrupts it. He then looks around and claps slowly, pretending it never happened.
Minou says: I have to watch this... Hey Noltrir! Start your show!
A light breeze drifting through the area concentrates the smoke in some areas and makes it lighter in others moving the smoke into different patterns
Onilise looks around at all the smoke and scratches her nose
Despaira faces forward again, staring at the feathers of a costume in front of her.
Haraun more or less secretly waves with a hand as the smoke gets closer to make it go away again, suppressing another sneeze.
Minou chuckles
Telena says: "I wonder if my clothes still smell like lavender after bathed in the smell of this incense all the time." She glances around.
Onilise speaks in a low voice to her sister "I'm not sure if there's supposed to be some sort of performance or not"
Haraun sticks his nose into the mug, then sips from it and seems to be doing fine again with the scent.
Seazu shrugs, still following the smoke with her eyes
Minou says: What's happening? Just incense smoke? Is that all you can do?
Telena grins and takes a seat next to Haraun. She winks at him. "I hope you don't mind."
Haraun licks the tip of his mask, then smiles and shakes his head, moving a bit to the side "Welcome!"
Aschatan whispers "Excuse me ladies"
Laspeyresia looks at Aschatan. "Oh hi there!"
Minou says: Hey Oni!
Onilise says: Hi Minou
Onilise says: Did you get to the gold mine?


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Re: Becoming the Masque - Logs
« Reply #23 on: January 02, 2012, 07:53:04 am »

Edaru heads to the crowd. While extincting the torch he raises his voice. "Do we have any musican who wants to play a bit for now?"
Seazu whispers to Onilise "How did he know it was you?"
Lillia giggles "If not. I want to read a story I found." she bounces happily "It's a good story."
Onilise grins "I saw him earlier"
Despaira turns her head, just enough to see the Ynnwn through the left eyehole of her mask, nods, and then returns to her forward gaze.
Mordaan claps for Korumak
Onilise says: [Korumak is playing]
Waesed says: Aren'tyou playing loud enough, Koru?
Minou says: What are you up to? I could use someone to travel with me to that place... At least, I don't think Xiosia will show up
Haraun continues to watch the stage as if there was a performance going on. Every now and then, he tries to have a peek no Telena's writings.
Onilise turns and motions Korumak to the stage and laughs
>Korumak Vladious makes a bow.
Korumak says: alright....
Thidin smiles a bit before crossing her arms
Minou says: Yes! Play some music Korumak!
Telena looks to Korumak, hoping for a nice performance.
Onilise looks back at Minou "do you have a mount?"
Korumak grins, "Anyone want to dance?"
Edaru looks to Lillia "A story? Do I know it already?"
Haraun pulls at the clothes on his knee and wriggles a bit, then sits normally again and listens.
Lillia says: "I don't know... but it is a good one." she giggles
Minou looks slightly confused at Onilise "A what?"
Onilise says: a rivnak or a drifter
Minou says: No, I don't own any creature.
Edaru chuckles. "I would love to hear it Milady."
Onilise says: Oh okay. Did you want me to show you the way there now or later?
Mordaan says: [wow]
Onilise says: You should stay for a beer while you're here *she smiles at Minou*
Minou looks at Onilise thankfully "Whenever you want to"
Onilise shrugs "it's all up to you"
Lillia giggles as she waves to lace
Minou says: Yeah, I already have some. You want some too?
Despaira lets go of the thin root, uncoiling the fiber from her finger.
Edaru turns to Lace ." favorite bard. Are you going to play for us today again?"
Onilise grins "Sure" she turns to Seazu "are you thirsty sis?"
Minou says: Well, Oni, I'll finish my drink and then we can go if you want to
Onilise says: Okay
Seazu giggles "Makka Lakka Lakka.... oh, sure"
Lace bows elegantly to lillia as he steps trough dark portal to festival area "hmm perhaps "
Minou says: I'll get something for both of you!
Onilise laughs at Seazu
Mordaan claps for Korumak
Minou says: Here, have some beer Oni!
Despaira adjusts her mask, and flakes of dried leaves fall onto the ground.
Onilise takes the cold mug "ooh thanks!" she sips the foam off the top
Minou says: And some liquor for you!
Lace smiles telena "i managed to arrange free time beetween my duties "
Seazu sniffs at her mug "Oh, Liquor. I don't know how you knew I'd prefer it over beer."
Korumak clears his throat and says, "And now the Story of Kisoji"
Korumak sings, "There once was a smelly Menki boy, Kisoji was his name. He slayed three inicent folk and kidnapped a fenki, his evil secound to his flea's! He was a shame to the SPC, The Dark Ones pride and joy, and dearly did his BO smell that tailess and flee infested Menki boy."
Seazu smiles at Minou "Thank you"
Mordaan starts to take a sip from his mug forgetting about his mask
Thidin looks to Korumak as he tells the story.
Minou looks at Seazu "I'm sorry, I don't think we had the pleasure yet... My name is Minou."
Lace grins a bit korumaks sing
Korumak sings, "and though he slew a few more, justice finally at last, he had his ears removed, his tail lopt off, and his furr burned to the root. And dearly did all of Hydlaa laugh, and and the wild furless boy."
Mordaan lifts his mask and takes a proper sip
Telena grins at Lace. Good. Good. I regret that I had to leave that suddenly on the first day and didn't see you again when I was able to return."
Onilise starts to laugh at Korumak's song and almost chokes
Mordaan chuckles
Telena chuckles at the song.
Onilise looks then to Minou "I'm sorry. This is my sister Seazu. Seazu this is Minou the Kikiri"
Korumak sings "So now the tale comes to and end, of Kisoji the smelly one. X He wanders round and if you see him, be sure to laugh at him. Its only through these hard lessons, for that poxed ridden evil boy."
Lace smiles "well i had household take over to scheduled that day "
Onilise giggles
Edaru chuckles softly at Lace's comment then takes a step closer to Lillia.
Seazu snorts "So Kikiri learned how to swim Sis?"
Seazu giggles
Onilise laughs
Thidin looks around at thee people who are laughing and smiling from the song.
Seazu says: I'm a water bird!
Korumak gives a sweeping bow
Minou looks confused
Lace laughs a bit and claps korumak
Onilise turns to the side and pours green liquid into her mug then stirs it with her pinky
Korumak sings "Alas my love you do me worng to cast me off so discurtiously: and I have loved you for so long, De-lighting in your company"
Korumak sings, "Green-sleaves was all my joy, Green Sleaves was my de-light. Green-sleaves was my heart of gold and Who for my lady Green-sleaves?"
>Korumak Vladious makes a bow.
Onilise says: And a beautiful one! *she smiles at Seazu*
Minou says: Your costumes look very nice!
Seazu says: Awe, thank you! I've never seen a fish as pretty as you either. haha
Haraun listens silently
Onilise laughs
Telena smiles. "So we were both working even though we should have enjoyed some free time." She smiles and winks at Lace. "But let us forget it for now. We still have today, don't we?"
Korumak sings, "Some where over the rainbow, way up high, theres a land that I dream of, once in a lulla-bye."
Korumak sings the chorus a secound time.
>Korumak Vladious makes a bow.
Lace smiles charmingly to telena " yes we have "
Minou smiles happily and turns red
Mordaan says: Ooh, that was a good one.
Korumak sings "Oh Fidlers green is a place I heard tell, where the fishermen go when they dont go to hell, where the weather is fair and the dolphins do play...."
Korumak sings "And the gold coast of greenland is far far-away. Wrap me up in my oil skin and jumper. No more on the docks I'll be seen."
Korumak sings "Just tell me old ship mates, I'm takeing a trip mates, I'll see you some day, on fiddlers Green."
Thidin rolls her eyes "Stupid songs."
Mordaan gives a gentle elbow to Haraun "Say, this guy's pretty good."
Onilise wipes glitter off her mug and fusses over Seazu's feathers
Lace grins at korumak song "thats pretty good one "
Telena chuckles. She glances to Korumak, then back to Lace. "Seems like you have some serious competition over there."
Minou takes out some herbs and puts them into his pipe, lightens it and breathes thick smoke into the air
Lace smiles and nods "yes it seems so i enjoy good entertainment and im lady lillias service today so i shall be good bard in once " wink eye
Onilise sees the fire and backs up a little
Seazu grins and rips out a golden feather and puts it into Onilise's hair.
Korumak says: Thank you... break time
Onilise giggles and kisses her sister's cheek, getting glitter on it
Despaira 's right arm twitches, and she swats it with her left hand, sending a few fibers to the ground.
Korumak sips his beer and comes down off the stage
Lace his eyes softens a bit "its my final chance to bardin before ... "
Haraun chuckles and nods to Mordaan "Haraun thinks so at least... not much into music actually." He grins then "Fortunately, Haraun doesn't have to dance."
Mordaan cheers for Karumak "Well done!"
Seazu giggles even more
Korumak looks to Mordann "Thank you"
Minou claps his hands loud for Korumak
Korumak says: Ah the sleeping minor (To minou)
Lace smiles bit sad and strangely "well ..heh i think i just enjoy this evening "
Haraun sips from his mug, then looks a bit weirdly into it, shrugging then.
Lillia claps for Korumak
Lace claps korumak
Minou says: Hey there!
Telena smiles at Lace. "Everyone should. And I think I will, since I already enjoyed the last two days."
Korumak bows to Lilia and Lace
Minou says: Sorry, I was just to exhausted
Edaru applauds then touches Lillia's hand causally after lowering his hands again.
Lillia says: Wonderful! Who next?
Korumak says: You were looking for informinformation on gold mines?
Lace smiles telena "so want to hear something ? "
Telena nods. "Sure!"
Lace smiles and flinches like shadow appearin at stage
Minou looks at Korumak "Yes, sure. I just talked to Oni, she'll bring me there after we finished our drinks
Korumak says: Theres not much money in gold these days unless you know how to make stock
Despaira rubs her throat for a moment. Her muffled breathing becomes louder.
Onilise slowly traces a "O" into the condensation on her mug then takes a drink and turns to face the stage
Korumak says: Just mining the ore is a bad investment
Minou says: You want something to drink Enkidukai?


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Re: Becoming the Masque - Logs
« Reply #24 on: January 02, 2012, 07:53:39 am »

Lace smiles elegantly with noble grace smiling charmingly "ladies and gentlemans since its probably my last chanches to entertain you .. i wish to offer you something special to hear "
Korumak says: Already working on the beer
Telena turns to Lace, watching him.
Haraun tilts his head, listening to Lace
Despaira turns her mask to face lace.
Onilise looks up at Lace with one eyebrow raised, as if suspicious
Minou says: Well, in fact I only need some gold to forge an ingot...
Korumak says: Ah... a certian quest?
Lace shouts: smiles bit halfsidely "many of you know me as a bard .. well that i have been these past 3 years "
Korumak says: Your going to need someone with a good amount of metelrgy to make the ingot
Lillia listens intently to lace
Korumak says: its not like iron ingot, I had a passer by help me
Edaru looks to the stage and listens to Lace as well.
Haraun shakes his head as trying to get rid of something, then takes another sip from the mug.
Telena shakes her head, not believing that she actually hears someone talking about work here.
Thidin smiles, listening to Lace
Minou looks back at Korumak "Yeah, Trasok wants it to make a token."
Lace continues lookin his left hand "well before it i was ... lets just say i didnt understand love and compassion well perhaps only halfly "
Onilise picks up a feather from someone's costume and runs her webbed fingers through it absentmindedly
Korumak nods understanding
Minou looks at the stage
Minou gives his pipe to Korumak. "Want some?"
Korumak says: no thank you, tobacco is hard to come by
Lace shouts: smiling a bit "when i first arrived here for assignment as a shantae of mevangos darkhousehold ...bardin was last thing my mind at that time "
Minou grins. Well, its no tobacco as far as I know...
Waesed looks at Minou, "You need a gold ingot?"
Onilise repeats some of the shouted words as if they must be a foreign language
Minou turns to Waesed. "Yes, that's right! Nice to meet you again.
Waesed says: "Hang around and I'll get you one"
Lace shouts: lookin calm eyes at everyone "only thing my mind was revenge .. makin some certain one to pay what he had did ,,and loss my mentor ,, i gues that reverted me back my dark old self"
Minou says: That would be nice. Suggest your price! I'd be glad to get it!
Despaira mumbles under her mask, "Reverted..."
Onilise pulls her amulet of Xiosia out of her costume and fiddles with it, murmering what could be a prayer.
Lace shouts: smiles a bit " i met royal house purty ,,aiwe and lhaa ,, myshka and dannae slowly these peoples made me remember something i had forgotten and slowly my purpose here started to change "
Minou turns to Onilise. "Well, lucky as I am, I just met Weased again and he will get me a gold ingot... So you don't have to accompagny me to the gold mine any more.
Onilise winks at Minou "Okay I'm glad you found it"
Minou takes a deep breath from his pipe
Mordaan nods in regocnition of the names
Minou says: Me too!
Onilise waits to hear more from Lace
Minou says: Thanks for your help again!
Thidin tilts hher head a bit
Haraun nods slowly
Voron looks around calmly
Onilise nods to Minou politely then takes a long drink
Lace shouts: looks toughtfull "year after i arrived here i had already aknowledged dannae as xioshias highriestress at this level and some degree worked at shadows lookin after her and prietresses i guess that was when i decided start bardin again "
Waesed says: free
Minou says: Hey Weased, how much do you want for it?
Waesed says: nothing
Onilise listens closer to Lace and looks at Seazu, then back to the stage
Minou says: Well, let me give you at least some mushrooms!
Korumak says: A dwarf giving away gold.... I need more beer
Onilise giggles
Minou says: Thanks a lot Weased!
Minou picks up hs empty mug
Minou says: Want something to drink?
Seazu shakes her head "Always in trouble our Dannae."
Waesed says: I don't need anything, just glad to help
Lace shouts: smiles "aiwe and lhaa offered me job at red crystal den despite the fact that they have their suspicions me being dark ranger and perhaps something more .. after i had performed there couple times it feeled like i had found some kind of second home there "
Minou drinks some Cider and listens to Lace
Haraun looks into his mug once more, then sniffs closely at it.
Minou says: Well, Oni, do you think Xiosia will appear tonight?
Lace shouts: fixes his hair out of his right eye "i have been performed as a bard since then around yliakum and its levels slowly finding other things to look for and find than hollow revenge that dont bring my mentor back altough it ease other common peoples mind "
Onilise shrugs
Voron walks around a little
Seazu says: It would be the first time I see our goddess.
Edaru looks around then chuckles softly, casually touching Lillia's side with his.
Onilise looks over and sees Voron in the distance and smiles at him then turns back toward the stage
Minou says: What do you eypect her to be like Seazu?
Lillia giggles as Edaru slightly brushes against her
Lace shouts: bows elegantly with noble and deadly grace smiling charmingly " i have enjoyed this ball verymuch and i wish to thank lady lillia this chance to perform it im her and yours service this night so lets enjoy the evening "
Despaira stiffens as a leaf falls off her mask and reveals her cheek behind the metal lattice.
Voron nods a greeting at Onilise
Lillia giggles and nods her head at Lace
Seazu shrugs "People tell stories about great deeds. But I don't have a picture in mind or something."
Mordaan applauds
Lillia claps for Lace
Edaru bows his head slightly in direction of the stage and Lace.
Onilise claps
Minou claps for Lace
Despaira hears clapping and joins in.
Haraun applauds to Lace and decides to take another sip, then sniffs a bit around.
Telena claps to Lace. "Very nice."
Korumak applauds
Seazu claps for Lace
Lace smiles telena "thank you i guess its just fair to tell truth since it cant stay hidden much longer "
Telena says: "Why not? Too much changing for you?"
Minou looks around "Who's next?"
Voron calmly watches the crowd
Lillia giggles "Wonderful!"
Edaru claps fot Lace then turns to Lillia. "Looks like the stage is free now for some story telling."
Lace smiles bit softly "no .. it just .. final clash is near and i just wanted to offer some special story as a bard one last time before it "
Lillia says: Hmm... Do people want to hear me read the story now?
Lace turns to lillia and smiles "i would very much like to hear it "
Lillia giggles happily
Lillia says: ok.
Telena says: "Hmm... I guess so." She smiles to Lillia. "Me too. I would love to hear it."
Edaru turns to Lace and chuckles. "I think such a story was very appropriate for a masquerade ball in which you can be whatever you want."


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Re: Becoming the Masque - Logs
« Reply #25 on: January 02, 2012, 07:54:23 am »

Lillia runs around the stage
Lace smiles and bows to edaru "thank you "
Mordaan looks to the stage
Lace says: it wasnt just story tought ..
Lillia giggles and pops her head through the curtains
Thidin goes and takes a seat on a nearby bench
Edaru quickly turns his attention to the stage and watches Lillia.
Lace turn his attention to stage and his eyes softens a bit
Lillia comes fulling through the curtains with a book in hand
Haraun narrows his eyes as he looks at the moving courtains, then chuckles as he spots Lillia's head popping through it first.
Telena changes the place to try to get a better look at the stage.
Mordaan nods at Thidin not having any idea who she is under the mask
Lillia opens the book and begins to read
Waesed says: enjoy it, it's all free
Thidin smiles to Mordaan as she straighten out her dress "Hello."
Despaira stretches her arms into the air, raining particles from her costume, and stands up. Leaf fragments and roots dust the bench.
Lillia shouts: "The Girl and the Beast an Enkidukai tale."
Laspeyresia looks surprised and hurriedly dusts herself off.
Korumak says: I had nothing to do with it... thats my story and I'm sticking to it
Onilise points toward Sasigher then whispers something to Seazu and giggles
Lillia shouts: "Long ago when wandering packs of Enkidukai roamed vasts plains..."
Seazu's eyes follow Onilise's and starts giggling too.
Voron stands quietly and not moving from the same spot for a while, but it seems he is quite aware of what is happening around him
Haraun smiles dreamingly
Lillia shouts: They were lead by strong, valiant men and everyone was happy. The leader of the strongest pack had a beautiful, little girl which he took much pride in.
Lace listens closely calm look has returned young ylians eyes and smile appears at his lips which are visible since his mask only covers his upperface tbut not mouth
Despaira shuffles herself closer to the stage. She wipes her bottom quickly, making sure it's still covered, before adjusting her mask to uncover her ears.
Lillia shouts: She had smooth, shiny fur and large, bright eyes. When she sang, everyone stopped to listen. The whole pack loved her.
Telena listens closely to the tale.
Voron rests his left hand on the pommel of his long sword and looks over the crowd slowly.
Lace rest his left hand at his darksword hilt relaxed and let his senses freely scout his surroundings
Seazu listens to Lillia's story excitedly.
Onilise takes a long drink from her mug, then straigtens her dress
Lillia shouts: One day, when she was out playing, A wild beast came and snatched her away. Her father pursued the beast tirelessly for many months hoping to get her back, but he did not succeed.
Seazu gasps.
Thidin frowns
Edaru sighs out.
Lace smiles a bit "it sounds ...bit familiar .. "
Onilise's eyes widen
Haraun's eyes widen and he takes a quick look to his stall with some animal parts, then looks back at the stage
Lillia shouts: Eventually, with a heavy heart, he gave up the hunt. However, every year he gathered his best warriors on a special hunt to once again look for the little girl with the bright eyes.
Telena smiles slightly.
Despaira widens a grin underneath her mask. A dried leaf falls off and reveals a bit of her chin. She catches the leaf in the air and crumbles it in her hand.
Mariana turns her head slightly and looks to Ubati. A warm smile spreads over her lips, and her eyes twinkle with warm welcome as she studies the familiar kore. "Hello," she says.
Onilise pats her ear to see if the feather Seazu gave her is still there
Lace whispers lowly "murdereous sword at back ,,the joy of hunt ,, darkblade at mist ,,its all start coming back to me "
Mordaan focuses on Lillia on the stage and again tries to take sip from his mug only to be blocked by his mask
Lillia shouts: Many yeats passed and no one was able to find the leader's daughter. However, one day, a brave and handsome, young enkidukai warrior joined the hunt for the lost daughter. He was strong and he stood tall and proud.
Lillia shouts: He vowed that where the others may turn back he would continue until he found the leader's daughter.
Mariana looks Ubati over as a mother might her child, a gentle and fond appraisal. She smiles once more, making her eyes crinkle behind her mask. She moves a finger to let it hover just over the kore's chest and repeats the word back to her, "Pretty."
Lillia shouts: The hunting party searched for many days, but,as before, they found nothing....
Haraun looks rather caught in the story now.
Eonwind walks next to Telena and greets her with a bright smile
Pamal raises an eyebrow
Lillia shouts: As the young warrior said he would do, he continued the hunt on his own, even after the rest of the party turned back. for many days and nights, he traveled and he braved the treatcherous land and wild animals.
Lace listens silently as memories something similar appears his mind carefully concentratin lillias story young ylian keep his attention to her
Telena doesn't notice Eonwind's approach, only having eyes for the story teller on the stage right now.
Lillia shouts: "After searching long and hard, he came across a cave near the ocean... The lair of the beast!"
Seazu gasps even more.
Lillia shouts: "Cautiously, he enterted the lair searching for any sign of the leader's daughter...."
Edaru twitches and keeps on starring to Lillia as he listens.
Mariana purrs soothingly, a rumbling iin her chest that makes her whiskers quiver. "I only get to be pretty if you agree that you are pretty," she says, winking, her tone sounding as if she's issuing a dare.
Lace remains calm and emotioneless listening carefully lillias story
Onilise flexes her gills
Lillia shouts: Before he had made it in very far, he spotted the most beautiful woman that he had ever seen! Although she was a bit rough from having lived in the wild, she had smooth shiny fur and large, bright eyes.
Despaira looks away from the stage for a moment and her shoulders quiver when she looks at her elbow. She shakes her head a little and looks back up.
Mariana chuckles quietly. She arches a brow at the fenki's choice of food, but makes no realy remakr upon it. "Enjoying yourself?" She inquires.
Haraun cider drips slowly on the ground while he listens.
Lace has now calm nonchalant and cold eyes as he listens lettin sametime his senses scout surrounding are near her standin relaxed and cautious at sametime
Seazu folds her wings making no noise as if it was her crawling through the cave
Lillia shouts: He knew immediately that this was the leader's daughter. This was the one he had been looking for!
Telena looks amused, knowing that that is something which can only happen in a story.
Mariana nods in agreement. "You look a bit better," she says, encouraging the kore. "I'm glad you decided to come to the city. Nice people put the food out to be eaten. The city has lots of nice people in it."
Lillia shouts: He approached the young woman slowly, so he wouldn't scare when when, suddenly, a large beast came from behind her and roared at the young warrior!
Lillia shouts: It was not going to let the young woman go!
Haraun's fangs are visible a moment while he listens, then he remembers his cider and takes a sip.
Pamal says: Hopefully the beast won't eat the young warrior...
Lillia shouts: Readying himself, the young warrior stared the beast down and waited for it to strike.
Lace smiles a bit "dark guardin ,,,at shadows many times i have been that monster position at lillias story "
Lillia shouts: The beast attacked and the warrior fought valliantly! All day they fought and it looked as if the warrior would tire before he would defeat the beast....
Lillia shouts: After a powerful blow from the beast, the warrior was knocked down on one knee, bracing himself upon his weapon.
Waesed pulls out his pipe and fills the bowl, then lighting it and lets the smell mix with the incense.
Pamal listens now even more carefully than before...
Mariana tilts her head in a curious fashion, her eyes flitting to the far-away groupand then back to the paranoid fenki kore. "Who is theis lady, Ubati?"
Pamal says: no, don't eat the warrior...
Seazu covers her face with her hands
Korumak sipps his beer
Haraun suddenly blinks "Indeed..."
Telena looses her interest at the fighting part of the story and smiles to Eonwind before looking back to the stage.
Lace listens lillias story recallin some assignment at his past
Lillia shouts: The beast loomed over him, ready to strike the brave young warrior dead. With his last act, the warripr defiantly dared the beast to strike, for he was not afraid of it or of dying..... With a great downward swipe, the beast struck.
Lace says: how many nobles..i have brought they knees ... in horror at their face ..
Voron chuckles in an odd fashion for a moment, but it is not clear what is amusing him
Lace smiles a bit and continue listening lillias story
Dalmurr walks towards the dance floor area, looking slightly lost
Mariana crosses her arms over her chest, considering this statement. o you mean she literally came down from the trees, or that you relate her to...trees?"
Lillia shouts: The warrior never flinched, nor did he blink as the paw of the creature passed within a hairs breadth of him. With unwavering determination, he stared the beast in the eye.
Lillia shouts: With this last act, the beast bowed its head and stepped back. It has been testing the warrior to see his worth. With the warrior's valor proven, he was now free to take the leader's daughter back.
Haraun sips from his mug thoughtfully and shakes his head a little.
Seazu flutters her wings happily.
Mordaan narrows his eyes
Thidin tilts her head
Lillia shouts: With great celebration, the warrior brought the leader his daughter and fufilled his vow.All the packs celebrated and were happy. The Leader's family was whole again!
Seazu says: Did they marry?
Lillia shouts: In a grand ceremony, the warrior was married to the leader's beautiful daughter and he was named the heir.
Lillia giggles
Pamal cheers with his beer saying " Great the warrior survived"
Lace smiles this part at lilias story memberin times when he were at beast shoes familiar lookin situation same similar situation as memories finally flowns his mind and his past and present personality smeld together
Seazu says: Awe!
Korumak claps
Pamal claps
Edaru chuckles then applauds.
Despaira moves her hands close together and claps gently. She allows only her middle phalanxes meet producing a quiet noise: tat tat tat tat.
Mordaan claps
Lace claps
Lillia giggles "wait... there is more!"
Haraun puts his mug away to clap aswell, looking now around and to his stall more often though.
Telena claps
Thidin claps slowly, a bit disapointed but then smiles when there is more
Haraun turns back to the stage and chuckles.
Edaru instantly stops applauding and looks back to Lillia.
Lace smiles lillia
Voron looks at the crowd but is otherwise unmoved
Lillia shouts: "From that day forward, there was much peace and happiness among the packs And the warrior and his wife lived happily and had many children!" she giggles "Ok... now it is over!" she closes the book
Despaira 's fingers ball into fists for a moment after she stops clapping. She loosens them slowly.
Korumak claps again
Seazu grins below her mask.
Despaira doesn't clap this time.
Pamal claps as loud as he can
Haraun laughs and applaudes louder.
Thidin sighs
Telena chuckles and claps again.
Lace smiles genuily first time at evening and claps
Voron chuckles and claps politely
Mordaan claps some more
Lillia giggles happily "isn't that a nice story?"


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Re: Becoming the Masque - Logs
« Reply #26 on: January 02, 2012, 07:54:59 am »

Korumak says: I have a story as well, about a bard
Mariana's face shows no real understanding of what Ubati is attempting to describe. "She sounds quite nice," she replies, the furrowing of her brow mostly hidden behind her mask. "Are you one of her daughter's daughter's then?"
Seazu says: Marvellous!
Lillia giggles "Come up then."
Edaru laughs then applauds again.
Lillia motions for Korumak to get on stage
Pamal shouts: Magnificent
Lillia disappears behind the curtains
Thidin shakes her head "Oh dear..."
Laspeyresia claps.
Dalmurr notices the guest book and takes a look at previous entries
Haraun empties his mug while he watches the stage.
Lillia giggles and stands by Edaru
Despaira moves her foot, looking at one of the empty benches, but instead stays where she is.
Korumak says: The story takes place in a land far from here
Lace walks bit closer the stage
Eonwind claps his hands at Lillia
Korumak says: A place with great and not so great chieftians
Korumak says: Where a bard's measure knew no bounds. There existed a chieftian who though a bard not worth a meal
Edaru bends to Lillia and whispers. "You were great. I love to listen to you."
Mariana smiles in understanding at that. "Oh," she says. "Well, I am very glad that someone has been looking out for you. But, if you ever need more...remember that you can come to me, I will help y ou."
Hallucination says: Ab theebno Ektllop Seevnith
Solita says: Haa?!
Dalmurr frowns upon finding his own name in the book
Solita says: Have you seen this?
Korumak says: Bards in thoes days wondered from chieftian to chieftan bring the songs, stories and legands, all for the price of dinner
Voron says: Seen what?
Haraun rubs his eyes as well as possible with the mask and stares into his now alomst empty cider mug. He then puts it away.
Korumak says: It was a point of pride to make sure the bard ate and slept well
Solita points at the place where a hallucination appeared
Lillia blinks for a moment as she stares at the dance floor
Despaira quickly turns around, causing a few leaf fragments to fall off her mask and a few branches to rain onto the ground.
Korumak says: But alas one chieftian thought other wise.
Korumak says: While he feasted, the bard had only to eat the left overs
Edaru looks around then chuckles slightly and pokes Lillia softly with his shoulder.
Korumak says: The bed cold, and flea ridden
Solita says: Hmm. Only me?
Telena looks a bit confused around, then looks back to the stage.
Voron raises an eyebrow under his mask. "I don't see nothing, Ma'am." He says to Solita.
Lace turn his head bit towards illusion observing it calm eyes
Lillia turns her attention back to Edaru and giggles bfore listening to Korumak again
Korumak says: Dispite the bards tales, and songs which thoes there enjoyed
Haraun watches the stage again, interrupted by looks towards his stall and sometimes the ground.
Despaira 's mouth can be seen now. Her lips make what might be called an upside down smirk.
Edaru looks back to Korumak to listen to him.
Korumak says: He gave his exuses to leave, and when then chieftian saw him to the door, made sure to tell him his throughts on his career choice, "Pick up a sword and get a real job" he said
Lace speak low pleasant bit dark tone almost like a whisper "this ball is under darkhousehold of mevango protection you are welcome as long as you behave yourself so why not enjoy the festival "
Korumak says: This angered the bard, the bard then turn to him, "You sir are a poor host, a weak man, and the sickness in your realm is all but the blind to see. One day your actions will come at a cost."
Korumak says: The chieftian then replied, "What do you know your just a stupid bard."
Thidin narrows her eyes.
Korumak says: So the bard went on to the next chieftian, who welcomed him, and fed him well
Lace smiles a bit korumak part of story
Korumak says: He had the best of drink, the best of food, and the best of sleep
Korumak says: So he freely told the tail of his last encounter, and the Chiftien all hungry for the news of the naboring chieftians listen well.
Despaira reverts to a stoic expression as she returns her attention to the stage.
Korumak says: He was given his due when he left, and he moved on to the next one. Again he was welcomed well
Korumak says: And thus he told his tail.
Korumak says: This contined on through out the year.
Korumak says: In the spring the Dark chieftian, who rendered no respect was invated by an alience by the other chieftians, removed from power and his people welcomed them
Korumak says: Thus a new story was born.
Lace smiles
Korumak says: As well as song.... and the moral.. A bard may not be strong with weapons, nor magic.... but a bard is strong where it counts most... in the tales he or she tells. Never understomate a bard"
Haraun chuckles and claps.
Korumak bows
Mordaan smiles and claps
Despaira nods a few times.
Eonwind claps his hands
Lace claps korumak noddin aprovingly the end of his story
Dalmurr smiles slightly beneath his mask and claps as well.
Edaru giggls and claps.
Korumak says: and now more beer!
Korumak chuckles
Pamal claps enthusiastically
Edaru nods to Korumak. "For this performance you earned you one for sure."
Waesed claps for beer!
Haraun chuckles again "Cider... " and looks at his put away mug "Or maybe better not today...?"
Korumak refills his mug
Pamal cheers to Korumak with his beer
Waesed toasts Koru
Pamal says: very good story.
Waesed says: To the bard!


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Re: Becoming the Masque - Logs
« Reply #27 on: January 02, 2012, 07:55:38 am »

Edaru looks around then raises his voice. "Anyone else who wants to tell a story? Or maybe some bard who wants to play?"
Dalmurr walks over to the drink stand to get himself some liquor
Lace smiles lillia "you told great story "then bows to korumuk "yours was good too sir "
Dalmurr takes a mug and returns
Korumak says: Needs a bit of work, but thank you.
Lace smiles edaru"i would ..but im afraid i cant anymore .. my left hand it .. only can be used the dark arts now .. it takes a while before i can play it again "
Edaru turns to Lace then nods. "It's fine did a great job already so far. I'm sure there are others who also want to show their skills."
Waesed finishes his beer and takes to the stage
Telena smiles to Edaru. "I think I am just going to enjoy myself today. I am not in the mood to tell a story or a riddle."
Lillia giggles and says "Thank you." to Lace
Dalmurr sees Waesed entering the stage and takes a large sip from his liquor
Eonwind waves at Lillia and Edaru
Hallucination says: Oh dear I'm late so late.
Mordaan sees a tloke and jumps back
Haraun's claws unsheath and he gets up to the half.
Seazu gasps
Laspeyresia says: My drone!
Dalmurr blinks "What the dust..."
Kelan says: a speaking tloke
Eonwind says: By Laanx mercy! what's that... Tloke
Mordaan looks around to see if he was alone
Laspeyresia says: Where'd my drone go?
Lace bows lillia elagantly with noble and deadly grace smiling charmingly like the bard at his tale "i spoked only truth your tale my lady lillia was entetaining "
Despaira doesn't hear anything, and only looks at Waesed expectantly.
Telena looks after the tloke, with big eyes.
Haraun looks around, then at his stall. He mutters rather like to himself "It was hunted down already...."
Mordaan shakes his head rapidly
Lillia giggles "I am glad. I liked it and I just found the story"
Eonwind looks at Telena "Excuseme for moment"
Edaru chuckles then nods to Eonwind. "Good to see you here."
Haraun sneezes again rather loudly what seems to make his eyes more clear for some moments.
Laspeyresia says: Oh hey again kelan? Did you see a tloke pass by here?
Telena looks to Eonwind. "What are you up to?"
Lace dark claw which has appeared his left gauntlet disapeared swiftly as it has comed as young ylian saw that tloke wasn dread
Kelan says: Yep, it run out of the gate
Dalmurr watches Laspeyresia with mild interest
Edaru turns to the stage and listens to Waesed.
Seazu says: Oh, don't kill it!
Laspeyresia says: That's what I thought.... I didn't see it anywhere though.
Laspeyresia shrugs. "Ah well."
Thidin says: now we only need some dancers.
Eonwind bows to Edaru and Lillia a little unsettled "Greetings Sir, your Majesty... have you seen the running Tloke?"
Edaru twitches as he hears Thidin mentioning dancers.
Voron blinks. "Saywhat?"
Despaira lets out a sigh.
Lillia giggles "What tloke?" she turns to Edaru "What is a tloke edaru?"
Edaru gives Eonwind a confused glance." Tloke? I don't think so...But a nice idea for a costume."
Seazu says: The Thloke. Let it live.
Kelan whispers at Laspeyreasia "It has spoken"
Lace smiles a bit
Voron says: We're not killing any ... tlokes, Ma'am, talking or not
Laspeyresia gives Kelan an odd look. "Wait, what?"
Eonwind shakes his head looking at Edaru a bit confused
Seazu smiles content "Good"
Thidin looks around
Lace says: it seems that xioshia herself honored us her presence twice perhaps ..
Despaira leans her head down, and suddenly gasps when she sees the roots of her costume moving.
Telena glances to Eonwind. "Are you sure you saw a tloke? This is a city. It can't be that there is one alive in here."
Despaira freezes in place, aside from slowed blinking.
Kelan shakes his head "Perhaps it is my tea. Tlokes cant speak"
Lace smiles a bit "and dakkru as well is presence .. "
Laspeyresia says: Haha, and what am I, chopped rat meat?
Korumak smirks, "Its when the rats start to speak... thats when I give up beer"
Dalmurr tries to keep track of all the tloke talk around him, silently and invisibly grinning beneath his mask
Voron shakes his head at Despaira. "There are tlokes in this city, Miss."
Eonwind shakes his head looking at Telena "If it was real at all it could not be a Tloke since it said something... have you seen it too?"
Despaira turns to Voron, "'s nothing. Nothing."
Lace laughs a bit lookin tlokes "they dont harm anyone you can all relax "
Despaira says: Tlokes?
Voron studies her with a bit of worry.
Eonwind tell Edaru Excuse me I missed the beginning, is there incence scent in the air at the moment? thank you.
Mordaan says: I saw a tloke too.
Kelan looks at his mug and sighs
Telena shakes her head. "No. I just heard someone saying that he needs to hurry." She smiles. "Or was it the voice of a woman?"
Mordaan says: Glad it wasn't just me.
Despaira stares Voron in the eyes and squints.
Voron stares back without blinking.
Laspeyresia says: I think I lost my drink somehwre... time to get another.
Despaira blinks, and then turns to the crowd.
Lace smiles a bit "my lady xioshia ,, i tought i felt her presence ,,and dakkrus too ,,my lady dakkru has her sense of humor as always "
Lace laughs a bit
Dalmurr watches Laspeyresia
Thidin frowns at all the talking
The smoke from the incense seems to be getting thicker. The smoke twists about seeming to form into various images.
Voron frowns at the sight of the smoke
Laspeyresia notices Dalmur watching her and walks up. "Heyw there!"
Haraun sneezes and looks at his stall once more, eyes narrowed.
Lillia giggles "Edaru look! It is a fluffy kikiri! It is so cute." she giggles and points like a child
Telena shrugs and looks at Eonwind with a smile "Do you want to drink something? I was about to get one for me."
Lace looks images little smile at his lips
Edaru follows Lillia's glance then chuckles himself. "Yes Milady."
Seazu looks around anxiously grasping her amulet.
Dalmurr nods back at Laspeyresia "Hello lady. Nice mask you have there."
Despaira shivers, lifts her arms in front of herself, and begins to shake them until all the roots fall off and expose her bare skin.
Laspeyresia says: Haha, you're not just saying that because of the commotion just now, did you?
Voron slowly walks up to Despaira. "Are you alright Ma'am?"
Eonwind nods at Telena and with a smile "Of course, I think I need one as well"
Despaira looks at Voron as she wraps her arms around her waist, "I'm not all right, I'm not all left."
Telena chuckles. "Which one? Liquor, cider or something else?"
Dalmurr chuckles "It does fit the situation, but I think it is well crafted too."
Waesed says: Where is Solita? She plays beautifully
Lillia says: I need to make an announcement.
Laspeyresia blushes. "Ah, ehm, thank you. I kind of rushed it at the last minute."
Voron raises an eyebrow under his mask and looks at her carefully again if she seems to have medical conditions
Lace turn his attention to stage


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Re: Becoming the Masque - Logs
« Reply #28 on: January 02, 2012, 08:02:01 am »
More madness - Lillia 1

Lillia giggles and pops out through the curtains again
Edaru turns to Lillia and looks curiously to her. "You do? DO you need me for anything?"
Strange sounds seem to be carried on the breeze. The source of the sounds doesn't seen to be something a person who hears them can determine.
Dalmurr winks at Laspeyresia, only then realizing it can't be seen well through his mask, and says it in words "You're welcome", then turns at Lillia
Haraun's mask turns again from his stall to the stage to watch what is going on there.
Korumak raises an eyebrow trying to locate the source of the sounds
Mordaan shakes his head again, like he's trying to regain his senses
Eonwind seems to be quite nervous his hans slip under the costume tunic grasping something
Lillia looks around like she hears something for a moment and then look back at everyone with a confused stance
Lace turn his half covered face toward the lillia and smoke
Seazu shivers a little
Despaira rubs her arms together, "I can't understand you sir, perhaps it's your mask...muffling your voice."
Thidin looks around beore looking to the person on stage.
Solita shouts: Extinguish that smoke!
Telena looks a bit irritated, but tries to ignore the weird things happening around her. She grins and leans closer to Eonwind, lowering her voice. "Darling, what do you like to drink? Liquor, cider or something else?"
Lillia giggles "I'd like to make a moment to thank everyone for coming and remind everyone to the sign the guest book."
Haraun pulls a bit around on his clothes, waiting for what's going on at the stage.
Lace walks silently more close to lillia restin his left hand at his darksword hilt lookin around
Edaru watches Lillia, ignoring most of his surrounding.
Lillia shouts: "I would say to also visit the merchants but their don't seem to be any at the moment" she giggles nervously at that
Masaro's ears perk up at the sounds, tilting his head, expression unreadable through his mask though he's curious
Seazu goes down to her knees, hands on her amulet she whispers a prayer.
Eonwind turns to Telena "Yes darling, a liquor will do, let's get away from this smoke"
Haraun raises his paw "There's a stall with animal parts... but maybe not a good idea to visit today" he adds.
Waesed finishes his beer and fingers his broadsword.
Lillia shouts: "Well please continute to enjoy the Ball." she pops back through the curtains
Despaira turns her head to the empty stands across the plaza and another leaf fragment falls off her mask, creating a hole small enough to reveal the yellow iris of her left eye.
Lace observes his surroundings calm eyes and same time scout with his senses nearby area where lillia is
Dalmurr puts the mug on the ground to clap shortly, then picks it back up
Telena shakes her head and turns around to get some liquor. She stops and stares at the smoke from the vase and walks around it, leaving quite some space between it an herself.
Kelan whispers at Waesed "I feel a bit uncomfortable here"
Eonwind says: I don't like that I really don't like that
Seazu continues her prayer to Xiosia
Laspeyresia looks up at Dalmur and smiles. "What's all the fuss about?"
Telena blinks. "I thought, I said I will get the drinks. What is it that you don't like?" She smiles at Lillia. "Thank you."
Waesed replies quietly, "Me too, something is in the air"
Despaira walks over to the table where the guestbook sits.
Haraun seems to be watching the ground, having a paw with claws a bit out, holding the bench or himself on the bench.
Lace walks silently lika a shadow next to seazu and touch lightly and calmingly with his hand bit her shoulder for a moment
Edaru watches the people around, smilling weakly unseen under his mask. Then he turns around and heads to the bar.
Masaro scratches his ear and goes back a bit, not sure what he walked into, appearing to tense up a little
Eonwind bows slightly to Lillia he seems a little nervous "Majesty my greetings" than turns to Telena "have you seen, the smoke act ... strangly ... I fear something is behind it "
A fain rumbling of the ground might be felt almost as if a heard of Ulbernauts are running by
Lillia looks at Eonwindand tilts her head
Eonwind says: *strangely
Lillia says: 'Hmm... I saw a fluffy kikiri! It was cute." she giggles
Voron clears his troat. "I would like to know what you are all talking about
Dalmurr turns back at Laspeyresia "Uhm... do you feel thet?"
Seazu seems to calm down even though hearing the herd of Ulbernauts rushing by.
Despaira signs her name and mutters to herself, "Who the heck is the masked go-" She stops talking to herself as she feels the ground shake.
Telena picks a mug with red liquor up. "You are just anxious." She chuckles. "There is nothing wrong."
Laspeyresia says: Ehm, what?
Masaro grumbles a little and reaches for his battleaxe, to find he left it behind since bringing a weapon to a party isnt' a good idea usually
Korumak sighs, "Mages"
Lillia looks back at Voron "I think Eonwind is worried about smoke."
Edaru steps the the bar and starrs looking around. Once he founds a mug with beer the takes it then raises it to his lips to drink from it.
Lace smiles seazu calmingly and charmingly
Sasigher looks to the sides wondering why the earth is shaking
Voron shrugs. "I am as well. People see appearances, or talking tlokes, or kikiris
Lillia says: Oh?
Lillia giggles "What is a tloke?"
Sanrai says: um.
Laspeyresia shrugs. "I didn't feel anything."
Voron says: An sort of insect, Miss.
Despaira backs away from the table and begins to tiptoe around the plaza.
Eonwind shakes his head looking at Lillia "milady, there's no kikiri around... don't you find it a little unusual?"
Telena grins to Lillia. "Tiny cute creatures."
Eonwind nods at Voron
Laspeyresia takes a swig from her drink. "It's just people getting drunk? Heh, like me, pretty much."
Lillia tilts her head "Umm.. no. I just think it left on its own."
Telena drinks some of her liquor, faster and more than she usually does with one sip.
Edaru turns around and looks at all the people around trying to figure out what they talk about.
Sanrai sips on her wine, and looks around.
Voron frowns.
Eonwind takes a mug of red liquor shaking his head and than taking a sip from the mug
Laspeyresia says: So... any idea what's the next thing on stage?
Laspeyresia says: Oh hey there Waesed!
Laspeyresia says: Meet my new friend here... ehm... what was your name again?
Eonwind turns to Telena "I am no anxious, I am just vigilant, half of Hydlaa citizen are here"
Laspeyresia says: Haha, I'm laspuhresia, nice to meet you...
Darthar says: HI!
Edaru turns to Lillia and says in a warm tone. "Looks like everybody i having fun."
Lillia says: Wonderful!
Lillia giggles
Voron pulls out his broad dagger and holds his breath while poking around in the burning incense for a bit
Eonwind turns to Darthar "Please Sir sheat your weapon!"
Telena grins at Eonwind. "It's alright. It's alright. There is no threat here. Or I would've been the first to vanish." She winks at Eonwind.
Laspeyresia says: Hah, thank you!
Laspeyresia says: Eh... what feels strange? Don't tell me you never had too much too drink before!
Voron shrugs, makes a step back and cuts himself with the dagger into the palm. Then he cleans the dagger on a clean piece of cloth and stored both safely away.
Laspeyresia promptly takes another swig from her mug.
Eonwind grins at Telena making an elegant bow and trying to take her hand to kiss "Surely they would steal one of the most precious jewel here"
Korumak refills his mug
Despaira walks up to the kiosk, and asks the enkidukai, "is the snowbud for sale?"
Laspeyresia says: Ground shaking? Now that you mention it... I feel a bit...
Despaira says: How much?
Voron looks around for a while, as if looking for something specific
Laspeyresia says: Haha, I'm a bit dizzy... woooo...
Telena chuckles at Eonwind and makes a curtsy, exaggerating it a bit. "That is why I have to be careful." She winks. "Come on. Let's go back over there."
Despaira mumbles under her breath, "what a high price for a flower..."
Edaru takes a sip from his mug then looks back to Lillia. "I go and see if I can find some bard to play music for us."
Despaira says: Sure, I'll buy it.
Lillia says: Ok, thank you Edaru
Voron sits down in a relaxed manner, breaths calmly and begins to meditate
Edaru nods slightly then heads off towards the stage.
Laspeyresia looks around. "Haha, I did! Where'd Waesed go?"
Lace nods and walks silently closer the smoke observing it calm eyes
Dalmurr moves a bit closer to Laspeyresia "Where did who go?"
Qed says: yes, sir Waesed, i noticed that *smile* but the spirit of Ulbers might have stayed?
Laspeyresia says: My other friend, the dwarf!
Laspeyresia empties her drink.
Dalmurr says: Oh... I don't know... didn't see him leave.
Waesed says: The spirit of a Maulberlord! He will soon pay.
Gonger looks at Waesed. "Brodr, what are you up to with that shield of yours?"
Dalmurr looks at his half-full mug, and then, in a daring attempts, empties the rest of it.
Laspeyresia waves her mug around. "I'm out... I'm gonna gp get some more."
Lace looks the smoke smiling a bit "it seems that my duties as shantae start sooner than i think ,, heh it time for bit work at shadows "
Qed laughs "leave these poor animals alone tonight, sir Waesed! maybe it's some magic only"
Edaru looks around all the people then raises his voice. "Is there any bard who would be up for playing some music." Letting out a soft sigh he adds "I would like to...I guess I should aks Lillia for another dance."
Laspeyresia looks at Dalmurr. "You want anything?"
Despaira looks down at the mess she made earlier and decides against sitting down.
Lace stretches with deadly grace
Voron's pupils widen as he stares at the plaza in front of him. "Now that..." he mutters.
Laspeyresia pulls herself up by the table.
Dalmurr looks at Laspeyresia "Let me get more"
Waesed says: Keeping the ladies safe. Kiso only managed to kill me for I had no armor on.
Laspeyresia says: Haha, I'll go with you1 Strength in numbers!
Seazu says: Kisoji was there?
Dalmurr chuckles "All right"
Telena chuckles, heading to the dancing place with Eonwind. She gives the smoke a strange look, then bursts into hearty laughter at the figure she sees in there.
Thidin sighs after Lace leaves, looking to Mordaan, "Sorry."
Voron says: Yes, you can say that
Seazu looks even more afraid now.
Gonger nods sadly. "Yes, the Stillwaters kill quickly. Luckily they get killed quickly, too."
Voron stares at Sanrai and Solita briefly, staring through them. "It's quite some stuff."
Mordaan looks at Thidin "Hmm?"
Lace bow edaru "it was pleasure to meet edaru it seems that my duties call me lets meet again sometime "
Waesed says: He showed up after I caught up to Dharah's kidnapper and shouted for him to kill her!
Faint sparkling spheres might be seen drifting lazily through the air.
Lillia giggles "No one else wants to get on stage?"
Seazu takes her head down again and prays to Xiosia with an unusual deep voice.
Edaru looks to Lace then nods slowly. "It was a pleasure to have you here. I really enjoyed your music. Are you still around tomorrrow so that we can pay you for your effort? Or prefer to do that right now?"
Kelan rubs his eyes
Qed lifts an eye
Haraun puts a hand under the mask to rub an eye, but seems mainly waiting for something going on on the stage.
Thidin waves her hand, dismissing it.
Mordaan looks up and sees more odd visions
Lace turn to weased "ill look what i can do this situation tought i cant involve it directly ..i might be able to do something "
Masaro looks around at the spheres, wondering what all is going on, looking around to see if others see it too.
Telena still laughs laughs, as she stops at the edge of the dancing place. She puts her book into her left hand and rubs her eyes, rubbing some laughing tears from them. "This isn't half bad."
Voron nods at Sanrai. "Directly into the bloodstream. It's not dangerous so far...but it has nice effects. Oh boy." He grits his teeth. "That'll give me quite som headache."
Waesed says: I then killed the kidnapper as he slit her throat, but I failed to save her as Kiso attacked me before I could heal her.
Gonger says: What is that stage for?
Seazu says: Someone got killed??
Edaru turns to Gonger. "To perform. Want to get up and tell a story..or maybe sing us a song?"
Waesed says: For the preformers and bards
Voron focuses solely on his breathing for a while. "That would explain the mood here."
Lace smiles edaru"i had nice time here and as for pay ,,dont worry that the price since it is already paid i had the chance meet lilliah "
Qed says: ah... so the dame has... disappeared sir Waesed?
Eonwind try not to look at the strange vision he has he smiles at Telena while trying to mantain his composure
Gonger scratches his head. "Let me think for a moment."
Despaira looks at Eonwind's mask and mistakes him for a trepor for a moment, and grabs the crystal dagger that hangs off her neck, but releases it a moment later when she shakes her head a few times.
The curtains behind the stage seem to move as if someone is trying to get through them.
Waesed says: Seazu, don't you remember last night?
Qed says: seems you lost both a dame and a costume then...
Seazu shakes her head
Mordaan refocuses on the stage
Thidin turns her attention to the stage, twisting her head to look at who is there
Seazu says: Must have been after I left for bed.
Gonger adresses Edaru. "I just came up with a little rhyme for the occasion. Nothing big, but something I like to do sometimes."
Despaira backs away fromEonwind and walks to another bench.
Haraun gets more upright again and watches the stage. A short glance to the ground, then his look goes back to the stage again to rest there.
Waesed says: There are times when Dakkru can be a help.
Eonwind turns to Despair looking at her masked face whispering to himself "By the gods Drakkru's precence here"
Telena looks around, certainly more and more amused by what she is hallucinating.
Lace smiles lillia and bow her "it seems that i need to go after the lady in the deadrealm im glad we had a chance to met lilia "
Kelan looks into his mug and then onto the stage and shakes his head
Edaru gives Lace an uncertain glace.-" Are you sure? I main..I won't complain but you for sure earned some compensation."
Voron looks at Sanrai briefly. "It's not nice, but I can stand it."
Lillia nods "Ok, thank you for coming and tellign stories for us." she giggles and waves
Gonger rushes towards the stage.
Waesed says: Seazu, your sisters and I were speaking of it when you joined us.
Haraun finally gets up and mutters "S'cuse Haraun..." and walks to his stall wearily.
Eonwind looks at Despaira leaving and seemed relieved muttering to himself "Drakkru flee from me tonight"
Despaira 's hand writhes and she rips the snowbud head out of her eye's way.
Gonger jumps up on it. After the coal dust from his clothes has settled, he clears his voice and speaks.
Telena laughs at Eonwind. "There is no god here. They can't be as fun as all that is happening here." She spreads her arms wide, spinning on the place she is standing.
Gonger says: We all came here to party.
Lace nods edaru "im sure my main assignment was look after lady lillia since it was asked my household by one of her noble friends "
Gonger says: For this is fun to do.
Gonger says: We should do this more often.
Gonger says: And incite others, too.
Edaru bows his head to Lace. "Then I say thank you for your effort. It was an honor to have you play at our ball. I hope we will meet again."
Voron says: Yoo. Travosh.
Voron grins slightly.
Seazu looks to Waesed sorrily "I must have missed it."
Waesed says: Here here!
Voron looks drugged, but still in control of himself.
Lace smiles and nods edaru "im sure we will meet someday at some level or this my duties often requires me travel level to level "
Gonger bows ironically. "Thank you, you are marvelous crowd."
Waesed says: Dharah was kidnapped and had her throat slit!
Seazu says: NO way!
Despaira claps one time for Gonger and walks over to the inscence.
Haraun doesn't seem to feel to save on the ground as he returns and sinks back onto the bench
Edaru replies warmly to Lace. "I would like that. So take care for now and have a save travel."
Eonwind turns to Telena trying to recover his composure "My beautyful lady, why we just can't loose ourselves in a dance?"
Seazu is all in sorrow for her sister "Did she recover?"
Gonger says: No wonder that spontaneous poetry is a dying art.
Waesed says: I am very sorry that I could not stop it.
Voron shudders, rubs his temple and gets up. "That'll be the mother of all headaches..."
Thidin looks down "Must have been the wind..."
Waesed says: Had I had my armor on, I could have withstood Kisoji long enough to heal her
Lace nods edaru calm nonchalant look return his eyes and dark dreadful and deadly aura surrounds him young ylian seems now completely difrent person
Despaira wafts the inscence, and lets out a heavy breath.
Despaira says: What a smell, I wonder what the ingredients are.
Voron says: Whatever it is, it is good stuff.
Despaira nods to Voron, "Do you know who crafted this scent?"
Edaru watches Lace with an slightly confused expression. "That was...I mean...take care Lace."
Lace dark circle appears under his feets and you could see image of death realm reflects at it young ylian makes calmly little move at his hand and floats deadtly smootnes down "
Voron shakes his head. "But I can tell you that it's not wise to get it into the bloodstream unless you are hooked on the mother of all headaches."
Telena sticks her tongue out at Eonwind and twirls off between the people, not caring that she is spilling some of her liquor. "This is much more fun, then dancing. Look! There are talking animals everywhere!"
Lace smiles lillia a bit before closinf circle behind him "it was nice to meet you lets meet again someday "
Despaira loses the slight smile she had grown and looks over at Telena.
Waesed wonders about hitting Lace with Ray of Faith, but thinks better of it.
Edaru waves to Lace. "The was a pleasure to meet you."
Eonwind looks at Telena as she walks away and then looks around himself as if he was lost
Haraun holds himself on the bench with his both paws and watches the ground, interrupted by looks towards the stage.
Telena stops and looks at Despaira a moment, before returning to spin around her. She whispers to her. "Tentacle woman."
Despaira stumbles forward and gasps as she loses sight of the ground for a moment, falling on her knees. Half the roots fall off her legs.
Despaira stares at the ground with widened eyes.
Voron reaches out to carefully touch Despaira. "It's alright."
Waesed says: No
Lillia looks around "Is that all everyone is going to do? Stand around?" she giggles
Despaira feels something and looks down at her self. She stands up and begins to shake her body, panicking her arms and legs.
Waesed says: Excuse me for a moment
Despaira says: The...they'll devour me.
Edaru looks to Lillia then sighs. "I was trying to find a with you again. But I couldn't find one."
Telena stops, eyeing Dannae. She giggles. "A walking bouquet."
Lillia looks at Despaira "Are you ok?"
Voron holds Despaira by the shoulder and shakes her a bit. "No they don't." There is authority in his voice. "This is a test of your perception."
Lillia looks back at Edaru "Oh no..."
Eonwind walks aimeless for a bit than heads to the door to take a deep breath than turns and stares at Telena for sometimes .. he seems confused and unable to decide what to do"
Despaira begins to run away as the roots fall off her body and expose her stomach and a part of her breasts. She covers herself up, only stumbling as she tries to get away.
Edaru pretends to concerned look. "Yes...and I so wanted to dance with you again. What a shame."
Dannae watches Despaira run off
Despaira shouts at herself, "Ge-! ...G..."
Mordaan looks over his shoulder at the commotion
Voron frowns.
Seazu says: There you are!
Sanrai says: Hi, Dannae.
Dannae says: Awe... you recognize me already?
Sanrai says: I think it is the blossoms, hehe
Telena raises her mug and drinks from it. She looks at Eonwind, needing a few moments to recognize him as a person and not a trepor and giggles.
Sanrai says: Mavelous, Dannae!
Dannae grins to Sanrai then seazu, "My secret is out already...hhmmph"
Seazu says: heehee. The starphire is for priestesses.
Sanrai says: Not from me!
Seazu says: Easy one.
Sanrai grins.
Dannae says: You look so pretty Sanrai
Voron steps beside Masaro. "How're you? Drinks are free, Shadow."
Sanrai says: Thank you...
Seazu walks around Sanrai
Seazu says: Awe
Thidin goes to get a drink
Eonwind trys to put his arm around Telena's hips he lift his mask and trys to give Telena a kiss on the lips
Sanrai says: um?
Sanrai says: That bad?
Dannae nods to Seazu "How are you my sister?"
Seazu says: It's beautiful!
Seazu smiles "Fine. Now that you both are there. It's really spooky here."


  • Hydlaa Citizen
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Re: Becoming the Masque - Logs
« Reply #29 on: January 02, 2012, 08:02:58 am »
More madness - Lillia 2

Hallucination says: Excuse me sir do you have change for a circle?
Sanrai says: Seazu, your dress is magnificant!
Telena looks like she is completely taken by surprise. She wraps her arms around Eonwind, returning the kiss.
Dannae says: Spooky?
Kelan says: ther it is again
Hallucination looks at Dannae " Nice outfit"
Hallucination says: excuse me
Seazu says: Yes, spooky! The incense is... hallucinating.
Dannae jumps as a small package is thrown at her from a quickly passing groffel
Voron chuckles for no appearant reason
Seazu says: There
Mordaan follows the groffel
Seazu says: There it is again!
Solita says: Hello, Groffel?
Dannae says: Huh! What's this?
Sanrai says: A package?
[Editor's note: Another crash, probably missing a few lines]
Thidin steps back, seeing the Hallucination, not seeing what others recalled seeing.
Dannae stoops to retrieve the package and partially lifts her mask to read an attached note
Sasigher smiles looking at Leraider
Sasigher says: So you made it?
Voron wanders around aimlessly
Leraider says: yes and i'm not getting in such a thing again! *grins
Dannae sighs and folds away the parchment with no comment on it's content
Lillia giggles "Oh! Don't forget to sign the guest book"
Edaru steps closer to Lillia then takes a deep breath and reaches for her hand with his.
Sasigher says: but it suits you well
Dannae turns to eye Lilia with a nod
Lillia looks back at Edaru as he grabs her hand
Leraider says: if you say so *grins
Eonwind keeps his arm around Telena's hips trying to gently bring her body next to him then he takes a snowbud flower from his sack and trys to put in in her hair "You are the brigthest crystal tonight" then he trys to kiss her again
Sasigher chuckles
Edaru quickly lowers his head at Lillia's glance and releases her hand again. Softly he mutters. "Sorry."
Leraider says: but i still prefer normal clothing i feel also clumsy with this thing
Lillia tilts her head "For what?"
Sasigher turns around and watches Eonwind amusedly
Edaru looks down to her hands. "I just...I didn't meant to upset you."
Lillia giggles "Why would I be upset?"
Leraider keeps his beak closed as he laughs in an hidden way
Edaru shrugs his shoulders. "I..." Then he takes another deep breath and reaches for her hand again. "May I?"
Telena chuckles and whispers to Eonwind. "You are one weird trepor." She returns his kiss.
Lillia giggles "Yes you may."
Voron bows towards Dannae and then continues to walk around
Dannae sends a smile to Voron dipping her head in return
Leraider whispers to sasigher "well it seems he's reaching his goal even though i'd never kiss a trapor" giggles
Dannae offers Edaru and Lilia a smile as she peers through her mask at the pair
Dannae says: I recognize the one mask
Sanrai waves at Haruan.
Dannae says: Edaru I believe was the name?
Voron stands nearby, watching them all carefully
Eonwind is not aware of anything but Telena he stares at her eyes with the most charming smile he's able to, winks and whisper "And you don't know how much"
Sasigher claps for Eonwind and Telena
Sanrai says: What? Waesed?
Lillia giggles "Yes, that is Edaru."
Bilbous burps and stumbles off
Dannae says: And you then would be miss Lilia then, your costume is lovely
Lillia nods and giggles "Yes and thank you. What do you think of the tiara that Edaru got for me?"
Telena smiles charmingly at Eonwind. "I told you this night is fun. Talking animals and... " She laughs. "even kissing ones."
Edaru nods to Dannae. "Indeed. That it was. We only met shortly in Kada El once I think."
Dannae says: The elf has a fine eye for such things I would say
Sasigher grins looking at the monochrome trepor and the fireball
Travosh looks over at Voron. "Eh?"
Leraider whispers "i'm curious of the results"
Lillia says: "It's so pretty!" she giggles and leans on Edaru while holding his arm
Voron steps beside Travosh. "got anything out of Waesed about the unenkied menki?"
Edaru lowers his head hearing Lillia's words then mutters. "I'm really glad you enjoy it Milady."
Travosh says: He dodges questions and seems suspicious overall, but I can't know whether he's lying until I talk to Dharah
Voron nods." He's telling the story over there, to the other people."
Travosh groans. "The idiot is going to make everything more complicated."
Travosh says: Kiso's going to have an unjust mob after him, and people are going to spread false rumors.
Voron shrugs. "Yes."
Eonwind smiles as he try to grasp Telena's hand to take her to a less crowded spot of the plaza where two empty pillows lies on the groun
Voron nods towards Waesed
Travosh says: So much work, so little time...
Voron says: What's your worry now, Travosh?
Edaru looks back to Dannae. "But I'm glad you made it here. And your costume is marvelous. I hope you will have a good time here.,"
Telena follows Eonwind to the pillow, trying to drink from her liquor without a mess while walking.
Dannae grins and bows low, "Thank you, I intend to have a better time than yesterday even"
The light sweet smoke form the incense continues to fill the air inviting people to breath deeply and enjoy the sweet fragrance
Sasigher shakes again and flees outside the gates.
Travosh says: My worry is exactly what I said. It's going to be a lot of work cleaning this up
Waesed shouts: Dannae, please come over here.
Lillia giggles "I hope you will."
Travosh groans
Travosh says: Great, Dannae's too trusting and he's going to fill her head with nonsense.
Edaru looks up at the shout then nods to Dannae. "But if I remember right your name was just called...Looks like someone is very eager to see you."
Voron scratches his left ear. "Not saying anything about that. What is your current stance on this, Travosh?"
Travosh says: I feel the full story is utterly fragmented, and that Wasead is hiding something.
Travosh says: I'd like to think in his assault on the menki that he just hit Dharah by accident
Dannae glances back toward the direction of the shout but seems to ignore it
Travosh says: But who can know till I speak to her?
Telena takes a seat, grinning to Eonwind. "So what is a cute trepor like you going to do now?"
Nevis smiles as a thicker patch of incense smoke passes by him
Voron nods. "Would be best to wait for that indeed."
Travosh says: I'll have to get Dannae to send Dharah my way. She'd see her more often than me
Eonwind sits on the pillow and try to put his right arm around Telena's hips and also try to take gently the mug from her
Dannae rocks back and forth on her toes as a euphoric look settles on her face
Voron nods. "I'll pay her a visit."
Voron says: If she is...accountable.
Travosh says: Good, I worry she'll take what I say the wrong way. You're a demorian, use those charms your race has!
Edaru says in a warm voice "To bad he don't have a bard at the moment. I'm sure a lot people would ask you for a dance otherwise."
The breeze picks up a little spreading the incense smoke over the ball area.
Telena says: "Hey... that is mine." She finishes her mug, then lets Eonwind take it. She laugh's overhearing Travosh's comment and raises her voice. "Diaboli have much more charm than Dermorian."
Wolferz looks at the damaged mask on the klyros' head
Travosh flaps his wings, mostly the right one, trying to dispell some of the smoke around himself
Haraun sneezes again while he reads, then shakes his head again and looks towards the Lair.
Eonwind looks at Telena' s eyes and grinning answer "A Trepor like me would kidnap a bright crystal like you"
Voron walks around for a bit until he finds Dannae again.
Dannae begins turning around but doesn't seem to notice anyone nearby
Travosh turns his head to face Wolferz, grunting as it works his injured side. "Need something?"
Voron touches her briefly at the shoulder. "I'm here."
Haraun nods smiling at Sanrai and almost whispers "Wishes a nice evening."
Wolferz shakes his head then hesitantly asks "is that bandage part of your get up or...."
Travosh says: No. Work related accident.
Haraun shakes his head "Probably nothing... will return to the Lair and get some sleep." He waves then.
Wolferz says: my simpithies
Travosh says: Aren't needed.
Sasigher says: Ok, guys. sorry for being a party pooper but it has been enough incense for two days already.
Telena laughs and leans towards Eonwind. "So you would kidnap me? And I am weak, so I can't even resist a trepor." She winks at the lemur.
Jjairr grins. "Hello Haraun. Leaving so soon?"
Wolferz chuckles
Dannae appears to see something and starts walking forward as if she Lilia isn't there stumbling a bit as she bumps and passes
Sasigher starts to rinse the first vase
Voron chuckles
Travosh says: And there Dannae was telling me to watch the smoke. Ha!
Jjairr says: Oh, I just arrived. Must've slipped past you.
Edaru looks to Voron and says amusedly. "Having fun today?"
Eonwind looks at Telena's comment like not understanding what she means, than takes the empty mug, turns it upside down and trows it away "Too bad it' over"
Voron chuckles. "Loads. Your incense is nice stuff in my blood, and I would be terrifingly happy if I get a certain Nolthir clear-headed."
Jjairr says: Oh? Is everything all right?
Lillia giggles and looks around at Sasigher
Wolferz says: sounds like your skull is thick enough to keep you safe
Leraider flaps to get the incense fumes away
Eonwind turns to Telena smiling and then after winking at her try to lift her with his arm and stand up
Travosh says: Because my skull protects my shoulder
Wolferz snickers and scammpers off
Sasigher looks back at Lillia
Travosh grumbles something about a 'typical menki'
Edaru gives Sasigher a suspicious glance
Sasigher says: I do hope I'm not acting against your intentions?
Lillia says: "Hey!" she tilts her head "What are you doing?"
Edaru quickly follows Lillia and steps next to her.
Travosh says: Clearing the air it looks like
Hallucination looks at Haraun and squints and then shakes his head " Must have been a horrible accident to do that to your face sonny."
Telena stands up, trying to pass an arm around Eonwind. "Where are we heading to?"
Dannae says: Hello?
Voron looks at Travosh, then at Dannae. "That settles that."
Sasigher says: Don't you think yout mixture is a little too overdosed? giving hallucinations and stuff
Lillia looks back at Travosh "What? Why?"
Dannae says: Is anyone here?
Travosh says: Settles what? It looks like you failed to contact her.
Kelan shivers
Voron says: She's in another sphere now, I'd say, Travosh.
Lillia looks over at Sasigher "What? No... " she look genuinely concerned about what Sasigher is doing
Travosh says: I've got just the thing for that.
Hallucination reaches a shaking finger out and gently pokes Edaru's mask
Travosh trudges to his feet
Edaru quickly shakes his head, looking to Sasigher. "Not at all Sir."
Hallucination makes a tisking sound then moves on.
Edaru twitches as the poke, turning his head to face Hallucination.
Travosh says: Oi, Dannae! Step off of there before you hurt yourself!
Onilise sees Dannae dancing and claps, giggling
Edaru starts to chuckle.
Sasigher looks back at Edaru smiling "Then tell me what's poking you right now."
Dannae says: Is someone there?
Jjairr says: Well, Haraun, I hope you have a lovely evening.
Laspeyresia says: Oh hey look, it's Kelan!
Voron raises an eyebrow under his maks, then chuckles.
Travosh grunts in pain as he gets himself onto the stage, too focused to notice the hallucination
Jjairr says: I suppose I'll wander around here.
Lillia looks around "Huh?"
Dannae looks all around not seeming to notice anybody
Leraider wonders what sasigher is talking about
Eonwind stands up letting Telena's arm around him and trying to do the same he whisper something at her ear
Kelan says: Hello Laspeyresia
Travosh attempts to poke Dannae with his claw
Lillia looks back at Sasigher "What are you talking about?"
Laspeyresia stumbles into Kelan. "Kelaaan! How are... things here?"
Dannae says: Gah!
Telena listens closely to Eonwind's whisper.
Edaru turns back to Sasigher, still laughing. "What touched me? Reality touched me"
Hallucination looks at Dannae and digs into his pocket and takes a couple of circles from his pocket and tosses them on the stage " So you can buy yourself some clothes dear."
Dannae says: What are you?
Dalmurr follows Laspeyresia to the dance floor and nods to Kelan
Travosh says: Someone with something you should drink.
Kelan grins "Hey, seems you have fun"
Laspeyresia says: Who'se the grandpa?
Voron says: Use those klyros charms of yours, Travosh.
Sasigher shakes his head "Bah, screw it." and runs out of town again.
Kelan says: Who?
Leraider says: reality as a side effect after the unreality of being? *grins
Dannae reaches out her hands as if trying to see if anyone is there
Korumak grins
Hallucination looks at Onilise " Poor girl cursed with a fish head." Shakes his head and moves on.
Dalmurr laughs "Would love to see HIM dance!"
Travosh holds out his good arm for Dannae
Laspeyresia stumbles and holds on to Kelan. "I am sooo drunk again."
Dannae says: I don't...
Edaru turns to Lillia then whispers. "I get the torch light the vases again."
Onilise giggles and looks around but doesn't see anything
Dannae's hand hits Travosh's and she grasps on
Lillia says: Ok Edaru
Telena giggles and tries to give Eonwind a kiss on the cheek. "Of course."
Travosh grunts with the effort, but holds out his potion to Dannae. "Think you can get most of this down your gullet?"
Kelan grins "Yes, you are. But you found someone to take care about you"
Hallucination looks at Seazu " Humph someone's clean sheets seem to be blowing around."
Dannae says: Why don't I see you..I only see a
Edaru bends to Lillia again. "DO you still have some incense left to fill the vases again?"
Lillia giggles "I have a lot left... I couldn't hand it all out."
Lillia says: Go look for it behind the stage.
Edaru chuckles. ""Good..I get the torch then." He turns around and heads to the stage.
Jjairr says: Anyway, Haraun, it was good seeing you. Lovely costume, by the way.
Laspeyresia grins. "Oh, yeah I did! Meet my new friend!" [ crashed ]
Haraun chuckles "Thanks - wishes a nice evening."
Jjairr says: You too, Haraun.
Haraun waves and turns to walk towards the Lair.
Travosh says: You don't have to see me, just drink this
Edaru bends down the reach under the stage then produces a torch from it which he lights.
Lillia watches the vase carefully
Travosh tries to push the potion into Dannae's hand
Laspeyresia points at Dalmurr. "This is Dalmud, Dalmud, this is Kelan!"
Eonwind try to take Telena's hand to run away after whispering to her ear
Kelan says: Hello Dalmud
Dannae says: "What..what's this?" her hand closes over the offered potion, "WHo... what are you" she giggles, a talking charmflower?
Dalmurr walks up to Kelan and bows slightly "Hello." he chuckles "It's Dalmurr."
Korumak says: [wonders why the server allways seems to log me in naked but my helm]
Laspeyresia claps a hand before her mount. "Oh! I am sooo sorry..."
Travosh says: A helpful talking charmflower, sure. It'l help your vision.
Dannae grins wider reaching for Travosh, "Dance with me mister flower"
Kelan says: Oh, Dalmurr
Travosh dodges the arm. "Drink first, dance second."
Korumak snickers
Voron frowns and tries to carefully grab Dannae by the arm.
Leraider says: now that's an interesting duo
Dannae giggles even more as she dances around Travosh
Dalmurr looks as Laspeyresia "That is alright, I don't think I can remember your name well either."
Voron mutters. "Oh for the Lady's sake..."
Travosh says: Just do it as a favor to me Dannae, you're a xiosian after all, do as the flower asks.
Dannae stops and frowns as her arm is taken by Voron
Laspeyresia grins. "My name is pretty L... ehm, long."
Evirea glances over towards the stage, squinting at the commontion.
Kelan grins "I have got my problems with it too"
Evirea says: *commotion
Dannae says: Did you want to dance too mr nightlantern?
Korumak says: If he starts singing "I'm a lovely tea pot" next, he's getting cut off
Travosh says: I lack the arm avalible to get that potion down her Voron, but if you can I'd be much obliged.
Voron shakes his head and tries to hold her. "Yes. You need to drink this nectar first."
Edaru stpes beside Lillia then look to the vase.Letting out a loud sigh he says. "I knew I forgot something...I'm right back. With these words he turns around again and wlaks back to the stage.
Dalmurr nods "And it's pretty poetic, too."
Lillia giggles
Dannae looks at the bottle in her hand seeming puzzled by it
Edaru parts the curtains of the stage with his free hand then walks through than taking care to not light them with the torch.
Dalmurr says: Is there some short form for it?
Laspeyresia pokes Dalmurr and smiles. "How would you know that when you can't even remeber it? Huh?"
Voron sighs. "It tastes good. Makes you fly."
Dannae says: This? I don't want to fly. I want to blossom
Dalmurr grins "It remember it sounded poetic when you said it."
Travosh says: It brings bloom as you fly.
Travosh says: Closer to the crystal.
Laspeyresia smiles brightly. "Ah well, I guess that's good enough for me."
Dannae says: Are you sure?
Edaru bends down and grabs a small sack from the floor behind the stage then steps back on the stage through the curtain.
Lillia watches the vase as if it will sprout legs and walk away
Marinel looks through the crowd for the girl but doesn't see her. She turns back around and wonders where to look next.
Voron says: Very, yes.
Dannae says: It is a pretty bottle
Edaru offers the sack to Lillia. "Here you are."
Dannae relents tilting the bottle up and drinking
Lillia says: "Oh thank you Edaru." she giggles and takes the sack over to the vase
Voron smiles.
Lillia refills the vase with incense and then steps back so Edaru can light it
Marinel attemps to tap the shoulder of the woman in the feathered costume
Dannae giggles looking between the two giant flowers before her
Edaru steps to the vase and quickly lights it again.
Kelan smiles "I will leave you two alone. Dont drink more than neccesary"
Laspeyresia waves at Kelan. "Too late!"
Edaru turns around and looks to Lillia. "Only this one...or should we check the others too?"
Dalmurr chuckles "A bit late"
Dannae says: How long will it take?
Kelan laughs an d walks away
Lillia nods "we should check them all."
Dalmurr says: Nice meeting you.
Marinel speaks slowly and her old voice cracks as she tries to hold back a tear
Voron looks at Travosh
Dannae blinks her eyes and pulls off her mask
Seazu says: Yes, ma'am?
Marinel says: I'm looking for a Nolthrir girl named Onilise. Do you know her?
Laspeyresia holds her mug up and looks into it. "Speaking of which, I think I need another..."
Seazu holding her wings proudly nods slowly.
Voron puts his mask down briefly and moves his index finger in front of Dannae's eyes.
Edaru nods to Lillia then motions her to lead the way.
Dalmurr nods, realizing he has left his mug somewhere "Me too..."
Dannae appears transfixed as her eyes follow the finger with difficulty
Marinel says: I have a message for her. I heard she lived here now but haven't been able to locate her.
Laspeyresia says: There'd better be some left!
Voron snips his fingers. "Dannae?"
Lillia checks the vase and pours a little more into it
Seazu says: May I take it for my sister?
Dalmurr scans the different mugs for a reddish fluid
Lillia says: Ok, you can relight it Edaru.
Laspeyresia scans the tab;e as well. "Is that just beer beer beer?"
Lillia steps back
Edaru steps to the vase and stick the tip of the torch in it to relight the license.
Laspeyresia says: Ah! Good stuff was in the back, I think!
Dannae blinks once more and looks perplexed at Voron
Marinel wipes her eyes "I"m afraid I don't know how to write but... if you could, just tell her that I'm looking for her. And that I have something for her from her mother."
Voron smiles at her. "Hello."
Edaru follows Lillia to the next vase and waits for her to finish her work.
Travosh says: Are you feeling better?
Lillia checks the next vase and adds some more to it as well before stepping back
Seazu says: From her mother? Oh certainly.
Seazu says: Where can she find you?
Edaru examines the vase then stick his torch n it to make sure the incense burns well.
Marinel says: I'll come back here tomorrow at this time... and every day until I find her.
Dannae shakes her head as if coming out of a fog, "Travosh... Voron... what are you doing here?..What am I doing here?"
Lillia walks to the last vase
Travosh says: Helping your vision.
Voron smiles. "You had in your head what is running through mine. Fun stuff."
Lillia looks at this vase for a moment then giggles and says "This one is good."
Marinel winces and grabs her lower back, bending over a bit.
Korumak says: false alarm
Dannae says: My vision is fi... um....fine
Lillia says: You can put the torch out now.
Dannae says: I feel funny
Travosh nods. "Perhaps you should sit down for a bit?"
Edaru nods to Lillia then extincts the torch again and puts it back under the stage.
Dannae says: "mmm, I'm... I'm alright" she stumbles a bit
Evirea places a hand on her hip and tilts her head slightly, striding a pace closer to the stairs and examining the nolthrir with benign intent. "Rough evening?"
Travosh holds out his arm again
Marinel looks up at the feathered mask again "thank you so much. I've traveled very far... I'm afraid I must find a plce to rest.
Dannae holds on to Travosh, "Ugh..m..maybe your right"
Voron smiles.
Travosh nods and begins backing up slowly towards the bench behind himself
Dannae follows somewhat reluctantly
Dannae says: Thank you Travosh... I don't know what came over me
Travosh gestures towards Evirea. "Got anything for hallucenogens?"
Voron says: Stay away from the vases.
Travosh says: Thank Voron as well, I'm hardly in a state to catch you
Dannae casts an embarrassed glance to Voron, "You too..thank you"
Voron smiles. "It's fine."
Waesed bows to Dannae,"Please tell Trav what Dharah told you last night."
Dannae says: One moment... I was speaking to Edaru and Lilia...then...then... I don't remember
Waesed says: He believes I killed her.
Travosh says: I'd rather get it direct from the source. But this is hardly a time for another interrogation dwarf.
Dannae says: "Huh" she looks up surprised at Waesed
Jjairr looks over at Korumak and looks over his costume. "That's an interesting costume, darling. What are you supposed to be?"
Evirea laughs quietly. "I've something for everything," she says. She waits for Dannae to be seated, waving at the bench. She stretches out a hand to her. "Here. Let's see about that."
Korumak says: A pirate, i know "Whats a pirate?"
Jjairr grins. "Well, what is it?"
Korumak says: Back home whe had great streaches of water, and people who made their living stealing gold and jewels from an enemy's ships.
Korumak says: They where pirates
Dannae turns to Evirea with a puzzled look but accepts the offered hand anyway
Jjairr says: Back home? You mean you aren't from Yliakum?
Waesed says: If your mind is clouded, you;ll not bea help. Thanks anyway
Korumak says: Seems no ocean here, so no ones heard of them
Korumak says: Nay, I'm one of the ones who came through the portal from somewhere else
Voron says: Take your time, Waesed
Voron says: No need to be hasty
Dannae says: I..I'm alright Waesed... ju..just give me a moment
Evirea moves to guide Dannae carefully over to the bench. "Let's see about getting that cleared up a bit, mm?"
Jjairr dips her head at Mordaan. "Hello, darling," she says, before turning back to Korumak. "Through the portal? That must be terribly exciting. Did you come through on purpose or on accident?"
Dannae says: Wha... but I'm already on the bench miss
Korumak says: By stupidity...
Waesed says: Even Onilise hear Dharah's own words.
Dannae says: "And ... aren't I?" she looks around
Onilise says: I heard what?
Dannae says: Oni... is that you?
Korumak shruggs, "Guards tried to warn me not to go to the Sirpants inn, but I heard the goddess her self some times was there, so I went anyways, next thing i knew i was in Hydlaa, and no way back"
Onilise says: Yes it's me! Are you okay?
Waesed says: Seems that Trav believes Kiso and that I killed Dharah last night.
Travosh says: I believe my own eyes.
Dannae says: I um...yes, I think
Evirea digs around in her pouch for a moment. She looks at Dannae, holding a pouch of something in her hand, tearing it open slowly and letting the powder dump out on her open palm. Without warming, she stoops and blows it right at the nolthrir's face.
Jjairr says: Guards, goddesses... Sounds quite complicated. Have you found your stay in Hydlaa enjoyable, at least?
Dannae says: I was hallucinating
Travosh says: But can we make sure she isn't going to pass out before you begin hovering over everybody dwarf?
Onilise looks over at Travosh "You told me yourself that Waesed tried to help her"
Voron makes room and organizes something to drink for Dannae
Korumak says: It is quite... different, a lot of changes to get used to
Waesed says: Perhaps I can help as an adept in CW
Korumak says: Where are you from, if that isnt too forward
Travosh shakes his head. "Keep your infernal blunt magic out of here."
Dannae startles backward nearly pitching herself off the bench as the powder is blown into her face, "GAH!!!"
Travosh chuckles "Her methods are bitter but they work Dannae."
Jjairr says: Oh, a little town on the second level. Nothing too special. It was mostly a farming town, but a lot of different races lived there.
Lillia says: Oh I should remind everyone to sign the guestbook!
Korumak nods... "On my birth world, the humans dint take kindly to us, I'm still getting used to seeing them with out pitchforks
Dannae peers at Evirea darkly, "YOu could have warned me"
Evirea smiles beneath her mask, a light laughter heard. "Relax," she says. "A bit shocking, I know, but the sharper inhale you just took will make it work all the faster. Your head should be clearer in a few minutes now, all you need to do is relax."
Edaru nods to Lillia then adds softly. "And ask if someone is up for playing a song."
Jjairr chuckles. "Well, for all of its faults, Yliakum certainly doesn't take well to racism. You know, the Enkidukai and the Ylain here used to not get along. That was many years ago though."
Lillia nods leaves Edaru's to run around to get on stage
Evirea only laughs once more, shaking her head. "You'll be no more worse for the wear, nolthrir."
Seazu waves to Onilise
Seazu says: There you are Sis!
Lillia runs through the curtains giggling as she goes
Edaru walks to the other side then turns around to face the stage and Lillia.
Onilise's eyes brighten when she sees Seazu "Hi!"
Mordaan turns his attention to the stage
Seazu motions Onilise to come with her.
Onilise shrugs and follows
Lillia shouts: I'd like to take a moment to thank everyoen for coming again and to remind people to sign the guestbook.
Dannae casts a dubious expression to Evirea, "I think I'd rather be dancing with giant flowers again"
Jjairr looks toward Lillia.
Seazu takes Onilise's hand and drags her out of the plaza.
Voron watches them all with distant eyes
Travosh says: God's only know what might occur if you huffed to much of those fumes
Voron says: I can tell you, you won't like it Travosh
Lillia shouts: "Also, if any more musicans would like to play. Please come and take the stage. Thank you" she giggles and disappears back through the curtains again
Travosh nods to Voron. "It's why i've been dispersing the clouds around myself."
Dannae gives Travosh a glance now turning to a worried expression
Laspeyresia looks around at the people.
Korumak says: Aye, at least there able to walk in the cities, and I have made friends with a few
Evirea takes a long look at Dannae's rather revealing outfit made up entirely of flora. "Well, it seems either way you'll have that wish to some extend. Interesting garb I must say. You better hope it doesn't rain too hard, though. You'll come into full bloom, and that could be an awkward situation considering where some of those flowers are precariously placed." She chortles to herself. "Anyone else hallucinating?
Laspeyresia elbows Dalmurr and whispers. "You ask."
Jjairr smiles. "Most people in the city are quite friendly. Some may even be a bit too friendly. I do have a bone to pick with one, however."
Dalmurr walks up to the people "Hello there, would somebody happen to have a kitchen knife we could borrow?"
Voron grins at Evirea. "Me. I can handle it. It's interesting."
Jjairr looks at Mordaan. "Mordaan, darling, I'm afraid Ralas stood me up. As he's in your guild, I don't suppose you could give him some grief for me?"
Dannae reveals a smile then giggles at Evirea's comments
the vase at the edge of the stage starts to shake and bounce around a little bit.
Dalmurr looks past the three and at the vase "Eh?"
Evirea smirks at Dannae, and turns to study voron. "Ah hah, yes, slightly dilated pupils, paler complextion...even for a dermorian." She reaches up to snap her fingers right in front of his face, ignoring the vase for the moment.
Laspeyresia says: Hmm? What is it?
Lillia looks curiously at the vase
Dalmurr suddenly forgets about his question and walks up to the vase
Voron stares at Evirea, studing her with an reserved glace. "I know. I can see you perfectly."
Mordaan turns to Jjairr after awhile "Oh, sorry, yes, I haven't seen Ralas today."
something seems to start rising up from the vase
Mordaan says: I shall give him much grief on your behalf.
Laspeyresia looks confused. "Dalmurr? Don't tell me there's a knife in there! You've had too much!"
Mordaan says: He was here on the first day of the event though. He mentioned something about a date.
Mordaan smiles
Edaru turns to Lillia and sighs. "No bard it seems."
Dalmurr looks back at Laspeyresia "What?... no, it's moving!"
Laspeyresia says: Nonsense, knives don't move by themselves.
Evirea gives Voron a dubious look, one that is entirely missed beneath her full-faced mask. "Do you now?" She says. Her eyes crinkle to expose that she is smirking. "Do you, really? I doubt that." She laughs lightly. "After all, that's the point of a masque." Turning her attention away from the elf, she looks to the vase in almost bored curiosity, not seeming overly concerned.
Jjairr smiles. "Yes, I'm afraid we didn't really establish a time or place to meet up... I missed the first day of the ball, as he appears to be missing the last. Not too much grief, now. He's a good friend."
Lillia says: Oh well..
Mordaan gets startled
Dalmurr startles "Wooaah"
Laspeyresia shouts: Argh!
Mordaan shouts: Uuuulllllllberrrr!
Laspeyresia falls over in surprise.
Voron blinks
Edaru chuckles softly then lowers his head and whispers. "Do we need music at all for dancing?"
Lillia looks over at Mordaan and Laspeyresia "Huh?"
Hallucination looks around at all the people around " Oh sorry I fell a sleep in there. Didn't mean to disturbe you."
Dalmurr shouts: Told you there's something in the vase!
Laspeyresia scrambles away from the ulber.
Dannae studies Evirea a few moments, "It is a quite lovely mask you have on, nicely carved"
Mordaan looks up
Laspeyresia says: Wha... what the...?!
Voron laughs. "You have a lot of patients today, Miss."
Celizan greets everyone "What did I miss?"
Mordaan rubs his eyes
Mordaan says: It -- it flew away!
Korumak glances at the apperition, "They wonder why no one trusts mages'
Dalmurr says: What the flying dustbag... did it just talk?
Sasigher shouts: I told you it was a good idea to stop the smoke.
Laspeyresia looks around perplexed. "Uh, n-n-n-nothing... y-you didn't miss... anything?"
Sasigher says: but no, nobody listening.
Voron shouts: It's fun Sasigher!
Korumak says: Now if Talad pops out... I'm going to stop drinking
Mordaan sits down and breathes heavily
Dalmurr looks at Laspeyresia "You all right?"
Laspeyresia clutches at Dalmurr. "I... I think I need to sit down for a bit."
Evirea sneezes lightly from behind her mask. She pulls something out of her travelsack; a bit of white cloth, some sort of webbed pattern designed like a filter, and turns away from the others present just long enough to lift the mask and slide it over her mouth and nose. She uses her detailed wings as a convering to further conceal her identity, and only straightens when the mask is firmly in place once more.
Korumak says: hows my favorite rat burner
Mordaan says: That's some very funky incense we've got here.
Celizan laughs
Dalmurr nods "Of course," trying to calm her
Laspeyresia sighs.
Celizan says: I have been learning the bow so now i can flame them and shoot them hehe
Voron says: How are you feeling Dannae?
Korumak says: Oh? I been waiting for them to discover flaming arrows
Celizan says: a wonderful idea!
Laspeyresia suddenly starts laughing.
Dannae says: Fine Voron.. fine. I think I can stand now without toppling everything over
Dalmurr talks quietly "It's okay, we all had a little much to drink, there's nothing to worry about", looking worried
Korumak says: Just make sure they can hit the broad side of a barn before you attempt that
Korumak says: An arrow in the tush is bad enough, but a flaming one...
Laspeyresia says: Haha, a flying hah ulber? That's just ridiculous!
Evirea looks back to the sitting nolthrir and stoops slightly, meeting her face with her own wooden mask, the ever-present smirk of arrogance fixed upon its surface. "You're looking better, let me get a good look at your eyes."
Celizan laughs
Voron chuckles. "Great. You need a drink? Want to calm the people down?"
Dalmurr slowly grows a smile as well, and then fades into a hearty laughter
Dannae frowns but consents and lifts her mask away as she peers at Evirea
Korumak says: Been lots of things going in since you where last here Celizan
Jjairr slides off the bench and offers the seat to Celizan. "Sit here, darling. Talk to your friend. I'll sit somewhere else."
Celizan says: Did I miss something important?
Fyrre tilts her head at Dannae. "...What happened?"
Sasigher says: everybody intoxicated already?
Dalmurr tries to sip from his mug, but realizes he spilled it when running from the ulber, and throws it away
Evirea studies Dannae's slightly constricted pupils with satisfaction. "Hm, good, you're doing better, the balance between your parasympathetic and sympathetic systems is rectified." She clears her throat. "That is, you should be feeling a bit more alert and considerably less...foggy."
Laspeyresia takes her mask off and wipes her eyes. "haha... heh.. a... heh.."
Korumak says: Dharah got kidnaped by Kisoji and his friends, she was returned of course
Mordaan tries to shake off all the hallucinations
Jjairr takes a seat next to Mordaan instead.
Mordaan says: Maybe another drink will help.
Onilise raises her mug "to sisters!" She drinks a loooong drink without even waiting to see if anyone drinks to her toast.
Korumak ears wilt watching the fenki go
The light smoke of the incense keeps drifting up out of the vases and filling most of the ball area with a sweet aroma
Mordaan says: Yes, large quantities of alchohol...I'm sure it's a fine cure to seeing things.
Dannae smirks, and turns to Fyrre, "What she said if you understand any of that"
Celizan says: I was rude, Korumak, I should have introduced myself
Sasigher says: Mh. it stinks.
Jjairr looks at Mordaan. "How much time have you been spending with Ralas, Mordaan?"
Korumak says: I never got her name either
Dannae says: I think she said I'm better though
Jjairr says: "Large quantities of alcohol"... It's a very Ralas thing to say.
Travosh tires of this and snaps his fingers, a small burst of hot air beginning to swirl around his vincinity, clearing up the air
Mordaan says: Until the other day, I hadn't seen Ralas in awhile.
Dannae smiles to Evirea
Travosh says: I'd rather where I sit not be toxic.
Icerra walks over and seats herself next to weased, looking him over with some curiousity
Dalmurr looks at Laspeyresia and grins "We definitely had too much."
Onilise watches the air around Travosh and spills her beer then tips it back upright quickly
Seazu smiles and takes Onilise onto the dancefloor
Celizan says: Perhaps you should sing a song for her?
Mordaan says: If you'll excuse me, I'm going to refresh my drink. Would you like anything, Jjairr?
Evirea returns the smile, of course, because she literally cannot stop smiling. "I am glad it worked well enough. You can stand now, by my estimation. To try to hold something over your nose though, don't breath the air directly, filter, a cloth will do." She gestures to Travosh. "Or just stay close to him."
Korumak says: Well so far no ones thrown anything at me, so its a good thing
Jjairr says: Oh, a glass of red liquor, if you don't mind, Mordaan.
Fyrre begins to purr and approaches a vase, peering into it.
Mordaan says: Sure, no problem.
Korumak says: Did you want to hear the new song of the day?
Laspeyresia grins and nods. "Definitely, although I don't think it ever happened like that..."
Mordaan says: I'll be right back.
Laspeyresia says: Normally I just get rally, sleepy.
Celizan smiles happily, "Yes, please!"
Laspeyresia promptly yawns.
Korumak says: No problem then
Voron watches quietly, his left hand resting relaxed on the pommel of his long sword
Travosh says: Someone should probably smack the savage away from the vase, I'm not wasting my potion on her.
Dalmurr chuckles "And you're sure you aren't, now?"
Onilise smiles at Seazu and shakes her bottom then laughs
Icerra lifts her chin after her investigation and asks flatly, "You killed that menki yesterday?"
Onilise points at Mordaan and whispers in Seazu's ear, giggling
Seazu grins impishly as she pulls Mordaan onto the dancefloor too.
Laspeyresia says: Not at all, not at all!
Mordaan says: Oh
Laspeyresia says: Only a little bit!
Jjairr says: Thank you Mordaan. You're an absolute angel.
Dalmurr laughs
Seazu says: Yes, I mean you, strong Ylian
Seazu giggles
Mordaan looks back at Jjairr, slightly embarrassed
Evirea studies Travosh's shoulder for a moment, assessingly, before looking towards Fyrre. "Hm, doesn't appear to be terribly harmful," she mumbles, and remains where she is, perhaps not motivated enough to tug her away.
Onilise drinks and laughs helping pull Mordaan out to dance
Fyrre's rusty purr grows louder as she leans over the vase and reaches a hand into it. Her tail unsteadily twitches.
[Editor's note: Another crash]