Author Topic: The Great Convention of Magicks and Mages= a player organized event- can you hel  (Read 2494 times)


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Spring break!
:sweatdrop: As promised, we’re working on the planning for the first to my knowledge ever Domewide Convention of all things magical and all players, magic training or not!

And by β€œwe’re” I mean   :whistling: YOU!!!   :love: And me!   And anyone/ everyone who wants to help and participate!  :thumbup:

The ideas are still in the planning stages, so there’s lots of room for your suggestions. And as player organized, its another chance for anyone to help make this a great roleplaying opportunity for all.

TIME AND DATE: I’m thinking Sat March 24, 10 am to 2 or 3 pm PDT, which I think is GM-8 or -9 depending on daylight time zones in Europe.

LOCATION: Somewhere where there is enough space that lagging/ crashing from magic and items is minimized, somewhere close to a city so travel is easy for newer players, safe from mobs, and with room for a variety of activities AND social space for rping.
Like maybe right outside East Gate of Hydlaa on the grassy plane before the portal? Ideas?

People who know about lag and such (which isn’t me) please suggest the β€˜best’ spot

ACTIVITIES I’ve been thinking about.

 :sorcerer: The MASTERS OF ALL WAYS: A presentation panel featuring at least one full Master player from each Way.  The Masters will talk briefly about their magic, and why it’s the best. This isn’t meant as a debate, but instead, as a recruitment and informative discussion, with Q and A from attendees, and demonstrations of spells from each Way.

Maybe even a demonstration of the rarest of glyphs used in a spell, so those of us who will never find that glyph or train that high might see the spell in use, and hear it described?

 :sorcerer: The INNER SANCTUM of MASTERY : a time specifically for those in magic training, and especially on the master quests, to meet each other from different ways, to lend and borrow items we need to advance in our master quests, and come back quickly to each other.

 :sorcerer: THE GRAND FEAST OF MAGICK: An all day offering of food and beverages with lots of long tables to sit down and have conversations in a purely social rp environment.  Could include an offering of toasts, or special flaming desserts!

 :sorcerer: SPELL BINDING DEMONSTRATIONS of magic and magic lessons, alchemy, enchantments, for small group role plays and for those newer to magic ingame to ask questions, meet fellow magicians, ask for magical help in role plays, etc. Some can be scheduled – other lessons can combust spontaneously throughout the event, but perhaps not during the β€˜big’ community wide parts- the Masters of all Ways presentations, and the Tales of Magic storytelling.  This would be a great place for Guilds to staff booths or areas giving ongoing demos.

 :sorcerer: The Merchants of Magicks Market:  Stalls and booths by anyone who wants to sell magic related items- enchanted armor, potions and alchemies, glyphs, books on magic, well, frankly, anything folks want to sell, but with an emphasis on magick stuff.

 :sorcerer: Mage vs. Mage: For those who like dueling, there could be competitions and matches.  Again someone who knows about dueling and how to make it fair, we need your technical and rping expertise to organize and run such a tournament.

 :sorcerer: The Arts of Magick- Guilds and/ or individuals are invited to set up sculptures on the perimeters of the fair grounds (like those great β€˜palm trees’) made out of everyday items. Magically themed entries are encouraged.  Players view the sculptures throughout the event, and vote (in a public book) for their one favorite: the winning team/ artist gets some good prize.

 :sorcerer: Tales of Magick and Wonder: And ending the day, with the help of the weather goddess and the GMs, as darkness falls, the campfires are lit, and torches ring the circle of magic.  All gather for the great Tales of Magic storytelling!  The ale flows, and the listeners sit in the β€˜dark’ , under the enchantment of really good stories!  These short stories could come from rps, or could be fictions, whatever. The best tale teller will get a big prize, like maybe a rare glyph or rare enchanted weapon, or something!  \\o//

Other ideas????  ::|

There is room for all players of any skill levels from zero to High Masters to celebrate the Magic of our Dome.
Who would like to help?
   Be a High Master Way presenter/ speaker (what way are you master in?)
   Teach tips about magic and its uses
   Demonstrate and discuss alchemy
   Demonstrate and discuss enchanted armor, buffs

Town criers about the event, encouraging folks to sign up in advance for some events
Make flyers for IG passing out to everyone!
  Coordinate a magic duel tournament, or contest, or just little competitions, I don’t know!
  Bring food and drink
  Arrange the food and drink tables, with some decorations that won’t lag us all too much

Set up and clean up
Coordinate the placement for the sculptures
Coordinate the Arts judging
Coordinate and emcee the Tales of Magick
Recruit storytellers for the tales of Magick
Get campfires and torches and set up/’ clean up same

Overall timing coordinators- 2-3 stage managers who can be there for the whole event to keep things on course.

I know this is ambitious! But hey it’s SPRING  :sweatdrop: BREAK and I don’t have the bucks to go to  X-/ Cancun!!
Who wants to play?   :love: We need YOU!  :love:

Your Spellbinding Elf,

« Last Edit: March 12, 2013, 10:43:14 pm by Roled »
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Hmm, this sounds more extensive than the Ball, but I hope you can pull it all off.

However, I would say that people could start RPing about it now, say RPing getting their character prepared for it, and start building up the buzz and expectation of it. Even characters that aren't magically inclined or that can't make it themselves can start finding ways to work it into their RPs.

However, to assist in making things like flyers and spreading the word, who is ICly putting this on and what, if any, advertising lines would you like to use?

It can be used to fill in templates such as these:

ΒΈΓΈβ€’*`*β€’ΓΈΒΈGreat Convention of MagicksΒΈΓΈβ€’*`*β€’ΓΈΒΈ

[IC Event Oraganizers] is looking for mages of all ways and levels to attend a convention on the current issues regarding the Ways in the Dome Capital, Hydlaa. Come and learn about ways previously not explored, learn new techniques and tricks, recruit trainees, or merely come to socialize with fellow mages.

Events of the Convention:
[bulleted list of finalized events]

Come join us for [finalized time and date] in [finalized location]


ΒΈΓΈβ€’*`*β€’ΓΈΒΈGreat Convention of MagicksΒΈΓΈβ€’*`*β€’ΓΈΒΈ

Looking to join a way? Haven't decided which to follow or who to ask about such things? Come to The Great Convention of Magicks and Mages in the Dome capital of Hydlaa. Hear commentary from mages already trained in the various ways, exchange thoughts and learn new concepts from other trainees, come and socialize with your fellow mages.

Events of the Convention:
[bulleted list of finalized events]

Join [IC Event Organizers] in [finalized location] for [finalized Date and time] and jump into your future as a mage.


ΒΈΓΈβ€’*`*β€’ΓΈΒΈGreat Convention of MagicksΒΈΓΈβ€’*`*β€’ΓΈΒΈ

Enjoy seeing watching magic but have no ability for it yourself? Join us at The Great Convention of Magicks and Mages and watch as mages converge from across the Dome to display their trade and expand their art.

Events of the Convention:
[bulleted list of finalized events]

Come to [finalized location] for [finalized time and date] and see a grand display of all that is magic.


ΒΈΓΈβ€’*`*β€’ΓΈΒΈGreat Convention of MagicksΒΈΓΈβ€’*`*β€’ΓΈΒΈ

Have magical goods to sell but not the magical users to sell it to? Know that you have an item with magical properties but no clue who might want it? Just need to quickly get rid of magical items?

Then come join [IC event organizers] at The Great Convention of Magicks and Mages in Hydlaa where there will be a convergence of mages and magical goods. Ply your wares to mages of all ways an interested lookers on. Finally free up that shelf space that has been taken up by unsold magical goods.

Events of the Convention:
[bulleted list of finalized events]

Come join us for [finalized time] at [finalized location] in Hydlaa.


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Nice idea Roled. I have some questions/comments.

When you say 'A presentation panel featuring at least one full Master player from each Way.' I presume you mean an IC master so someone who has gained the rank by questing (and has masters items). As players use to confuse the two, I don't know how clear the difference is now amongst you all.

When it comes to time, do you mean Saturday the 23rd or Sunday the 24th? One problem with this is that it is only one weekend between now and then. I personally plan in terms of weekends as that's when most people are on and can learn about any events. So if you want this to go down well in 11or12 days you're going to need to get a move on with getting everything setup and advertise heavily this week(end) and get people signed up for doing things (you should also list them all here when you do so people can see how many are coming). You should pester sarva right now to get him to post this on the calender.

East Hydlaa is probably a suitable place for it. I can put the stage back there so it can be used. And there are already all the stalls/tables/chairs. The cooking/alchemy equipment can be moved back as well for anyone wanting to RP cook/alchemise(?) with.

Temporary KAs could also be added to archmages along with crazy levrus, if you want some more advertising. I can't do this directly as i don't have access so (unless Talad is nice and gives me access like I want) it needs a day or two to get added and then taken down after.

Locking stuff down to advertise is easy, any gm can do that.

Might (fingers crossed) have a selection of magic books released by then, if so ill turn up and sell em.

I think with all the activities if you get a good set of people to help you with each one it could go down really well.
« Last Edit: March 13, 2013, 01:16:41 am by Venalan »

Moja Aere

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TIME AND DATE: I’m thinking Sat March 24, 10 am to 2 or 3 pm PDT, which I think is GM-8 or -9 depending on daylight time zones in Europe.
(You meant Sun March 24, didn't you?)


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Wow Roled you really was serious =]

Awesome ! Count me in for any kind of help you might need for preparation.

+ Azure Way Master signing in ! :sorcerer:

Maybe a message on Hydlaa board ?
If each people advertise inside their guild already, it would spread the word !
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That's a great idea! :D
Congratulation Roled!
Maybe some GM's run char can auction/sell/RP gift some of the rarest glyph to the way's trainee (my idea is to allow a way student to gain access to the rarest glyph necessary to learn more advanced spells while those glyphs are not yet available through the related way quest chain).


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I may be hardly available in game until the event, but this gave me a deadline to finish outlining my character and get the hell back into the game, so thumbs up for doing this.
Can't wait to attend the convention and I really do wish you all the luck in making it happen. If you come up short a pair of hands feel free to drop me a PM, I may not be the most up to date player but an old dog still has things worth sharing.
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I like the sound of this. Will be there if I can be.

Mariana Xiechai

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Well this certainly sounds interesting! I'm willing to help out with anything from plasterin' up fliers to participating in the "mastery chatter" if it's needed. Count me in!


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Re: The Great Convention of Magicks - Update - ASAP VOTE! and sign up
« Reply #9 on: March 14, 2013, 04:46:55 pm »
Thanks so far to folks who are volunteering to help, and for the good suggestions all. 

FIRST TO CLARIFY TIME - /me facepalms . I meant Saturday.  Maybe Sat the 30th would give us more time to organize as Ven reminds me.... Who votes for Sat 23? Who votes for the 30th? 10 am to 2 or 3 Pacific Daylight time.  Voting means you can come then and will do your best to be there!

We NEED all of you, as Illy and Ven point out, not a lot of time to organize. Here's 1) specifically needed energy from you for a few pre-event organizing roles, and 2) answers to questions and unclear things from my little brain.  (I put some names in ? as suggestions and nudges only- no one has firmly committed yet so if you're interested in coordinating one of these areas but I didn't put you name in, VOLUNTEER!! there is room for all!!! I will attempt to act as liaison coordinator for all the activities within the event)

1)The Magicks Convention needs someone please in each of these roles, to start talking things up Now please!

A) Master Mage Panel Coordinator- find Masters (folks who have done the Quest series and have picked one Way and Mastered in it through the Quests) for each way and get them to commit to attending at least for that hour. (Gova? Herihi?)

B) STORYTELLING Coordinator: Recruit 5 or 6 folks ready to tell their stories and commit to attending at least for that hour.  One story focusing on each of the Ways would be tremendously superb! (Illy? Aleeana?)

c) GUILD ART SCUPTURE Coordinator: Recruit 4-5 guilds to commit to making a 'magical' sculpture to be ready by the beginning of the event. (Dannae?  Marianna?)

d) Merchant Coordinator: Recruit people to set up and sell some stuff (Taya? Derator?)

E) Coordinator of Cooks: Recruit people to bring foods and drinks of different types- 10 to 12 folks at least bringing food! (Lumi? Minks?)

f) Duel Coordinator Set up the system, make the duel schedule, oversee the matches (Bonifarza? )

g) In Game/ Forum PR Coordinator: Make ig books to announce events, once the schedule is set (by this Friday night PDT) ; make schedule postings on forums, help get the word out quickly to folks .
This is a need that anyone can help pass info around to everyone you play with and see this weekend... but making the flyers etc is not my skill. (Illy? maybe a Guild could do this too? Is there a magician focused guild?)  Venalan thanks for the KA as soon as we nail down the date I thank you in advance for having world announcements!! 
 \\o//  \\o//

THANKS!!!!!! This could be fun! It will be more fun if YOU are there!

Answering questions:

Date- VOTE for March 23 or March 30- SATURDAYS!

Master Mage Panelistsyes Venalan I meant Quested masters, not rp masters.. It doesn't mean you can't rp you are a master, but for the panel, actual skills and quests experienced people to help ICly talk about what Mastery of Ways is actually like to play.  Need to be able to cast spells as demonstrations.

Entevir- always a welcome to old dogs- wanna make hot dogs for the feast? heheh- Really you are welcome!

Ven-Eowind- thanks!!! I will get to you asap about potential prizes so we can advertize.  Sarva- thanks for correcting the posting to Saturday-- may need to change to the 30th when we see today's response to this notice.  Moia yes of course, welcome welcome!!

All newer Citizens- this is a low commitment event chance for you to meet folks, learn things that are both useful and lore related, and get tips from longer term players about how to do stuff-and a great chance for practicing in character role playing. 
« Last Edit: March 14, 2013, 05:16:03 pm by Roled »
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I'm not sure if I can make those times but we'll see. But, I will do what I can to try and find some other storytellers. However, next time you do an event this large in such a short period of time, please hand out the magic wands first. ;)

I'll see what we can do about flyers, but that's what the templates I posted earlier are for, we just need the specifics and then we can plug and chug in terms of forum posts. The words can also be used for in game flyers as well.
« Last Edit: March 14, 2013, 05:17:02 pm by Illysia »


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:sorcerer:    :flowers:   :flowers:    :sorcerer:

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Good luck with this, it looks promising. So the time window is about 10-15 GMT-7 if i got that right. Good that the events.php will give you a count-down timer to avoid time zone confusions once you have things settled.


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 :thumbup: Fantastic Idea.  The sooner you can get the times finalized for the specific events, the better, I think.  That way those of us who are helping out, and those of us who want to attend and have some fun can start trying to fit it into our schedules.  :)
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This sounds great, Roled.  :thumbup: I haven't quite made full master in cw, yet, but am close enough to grind it. It would be a good thing to meet other masters in all the ways and for those trying to make up their minds which way to chose.