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Re: US Election 2016
« Reply #135 on: February 02, 2017, 02:38:40 pm »
anti-Hillary propaganda (most of which was easily debunked by anyone literate)

debunk every piece of anti-Hillary propaganda the Russians produced

Whoa, buddy. Shilling for Hill much? Did she pay or threaten you with "disappearance under mysterious circumstances"? `Cause there is no way in Hell anyone sane would vote for that hag otherwise.


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Re: US Election 2016
« Reply #136 on: February 02, 2017, 02:47:33 pm »
anti-Hillary propaganda (most of which was easily debunked by anyone literate)

debunk every piece of anti-Hillary propaganda the Russians produced

Whoa, buddy. Shilling for Hill much? Did she pay or threaten you with "disappearance under mysterious circumstances"? `Cause there is no way in Hell anyone sane would vote for that hag otherwise.
One could say there's no way in Hell anyone sane would vote for Trump... :innocent:
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Re: US Election 2016
« Reply #137 on: February 02, 2017, 02:50:08 pm »
Calling Trumps win a "coup" is nonsense. If media were to tell you what party or canditate to vote for, it would also not be called a coup.

Here you can read what is refered to as coup:

I personally don't mind much that Trump is president of the US. As long as he doesn't start new wars and keeps his promises against new foreign state interventions - apart from fight against Islamic State, I actually think it is the lesser of the two evils.


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Re: US Election 2016
« Reply #138 on: February 02, 2017, 03:03:13 pm »

Whoa, buddy. Shilling for Hill much? Did she pay or threaten you with "disappearance under mysterious circumstances"? `Cause there is no way in Hell anyone sane would vote for that hag otherwise.

Why not?  Do you have anything bad to say about her, anything at all, that isn't easily debunked?  Because when you look at all the reasons people have for hating her, the vast majority of it is baseless.  I have yet to see a solid argument against her that some quick research won't disprove.

And it's a coup because Trump worked with the Russian government and the head of the FBI to knowingly spread misinformation about his opponent and to wrongly bring about suspicion of her in the week prior to the election (again, the feds admitted they had nothing on her, but by then the damage had been done) in order to subvert the will of the people (remember by at least 3 million popular votes) and steal the election.

It gets frustrating making well-articulated, carefully crated posts only to see people spew the same baseless garbage, so please don't expect a response if your next posts are of the same quality.
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Re: US Election 2016
« Reply #139 on: February 02, 2017, 04:18:49 pm »

Whoa, buddy. Shilling for Hill much? Did she pay or threaten you with "disappearance under mysterious circumstances"? `Cause there is no way in Hell anyone sane would vote for that hag otherwise.

Why not?  Do you have anything bad to say about her, anything at all, that isn't easily debunked?  Because when you look at all the reasons people have for hating her, the vast majority of it is baseless.  I have yet to see a solid argument against her that some quick research won't disprove.

And it's a coup because Trump worked with the Russian government and the head of the FBI to knowingly spread misinformation about his opponent and to wrongly bring about suspicion of her in the week prior to the election (again, the feds admitted they had nothing on her, but by then the damage had been done) in order to subvert the will of the people (remember by at least 3 million popular votes) and steal the election.

It gets frustrating making well-articulated, carefully crated posts only to see people spew the same baseless garbage, so please don't expect a response if your next posts are of the same quality.

[citation needed]

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Re: US Election 2016
« Reply #140 on: February 02, 2017, 04:35:06 pm »

It gets frustrating making well-articulated, carefully crated posts only to see people spew the same baseless garbage, so please don't expect a response if your next posts are of the same quality.

If someone told you Hillary was a virgin you would believe that, too.


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Re: US Election 2016
« Reply #141 on: February 02, 2017, 05:06:16 pm »
It gets frustrating making well-articulated, carefully crated posts only to see people spew the same baseless garbage, so please don't expect a response if your next posts are of the same quality.
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Re: US Election 2016
« Reply #142 on: February 02, 2017, 07:56:55 pm »
There was in fact a coup.  Trump has essentially admitted to collaborating with hackers who were working for Putin.  The Russians released their "dirt" on her and spread anti-Hillary propaganda (most of which was easily debunked by anyone literate).  Trump also collaborated with Comey to to re-open the investigation the week of the election, thus reminding the public of the whole emails "scandal," only to then admit that there was nothing there.  All of this was intentional to lead the sheep who have been hearing Hillary slandered for so long that they don't question it anymore into voting for the most unfit candidate of all time.

I'm going to agree with Calmus that this was not a coup by definition. Your point is that the FBI was involved. I get that, but I would counter that by pointing out that she had been under  investigation by the FBI well before she decided to run for president. Her email problems go back to the Benghazi incident. Was it fair for the FBI to get involved as they did? I don't know. I think the timing of that was unfortunate, but it she wasn't under criminal investigation in the first place, this would not have happened.

Muslim Ban Executive Order, Anti-gay, "religious freedom" executive order, Bannon (a KNOWN anti-semite) having anything to do with the presidency whatsoever, DeVos, an anti-education person in charge of education, a climate change denier in charge of the EPA, refusal to obey court orders declaring his executive orders unconstitutional, the prohibition of government scientists speaking out (seriously, follow the rogue nasa twitter)... The list goes on.  The point is that Trump scapegoated  Muslims and Latinos to gain favor.   Because the "us vs them" mentality is simple and appeals to the simple-minded.  Remember who else used it?  If you don't think this constitutes fascism then you need to look the word up.

1. The countries in question were selected by Obama. They are countries that pose a significant risk to us. There are many other countries where 95 to 100 percent of the population is Muslim, so to argue that it was a ban against Muslims does not hold up well there. If it was a ban against muslims, you would see all Muslim countries blocked. I will however concede that we cannot know his personal intentions and there could certainly be some overlap in intentions.

2. Trump is not anti-gay or anti-lgbt. If you believe this is so, then please provide a citation of some sort. I can understand however, how being that he is a Republican and christian, people would assume that he is therefore anti-lgbt.
3. Religious freedom EO - I'll side with you on that, Ralas. I'm agnostic and truly detest religious folks exerting their ideology based moral superiority over others. However, I do find some common ground when it comes to protecting individual freedom. I don't want to sidetrack too much here.
4. Bannon - On the surface, he makes me cringe. I don't really know enough about to him to comment for or against. I don't read his website because it looks way too sensationalist for my taste. I am aware of his fallout with Steve Shapiro who's views and logic I respect, but have yet to deep dive into that controversy.
5. DeVos comes across as an idiot. I like the fact that Trump is pulling in successful people but I don't know if she's responsible for her own success or if she just spends her husband's money on shit. I'll refrain from commenting on her for now.
6. Regarding the EPA, I haven't followed this closely. In business, it's common to limit public communications to company officials who are vetted to speak on behalf of the company. I don't know if that's where he was going or not with this. If he was trying to silence those who disagreed with him, then I'll agree that that is bad.

The point is that Trump scapegoated  Muslims and Latinos to gain favor.   Because the "us vs them" mentality is simple and appeals to the simple-minded.  Remember who else used it?
Hillary Clinton? Ie. "Basket of Deplorables", "uneducated white people"
Bernie Sanders? ie. "The One Percent"
If you don't think this constitutes fascism then you need to look the word up.

I have a different point of view on this. Yes, Hitler scapegoated the Jews, Romanians, and other minorities  at a time when a lot of people were impoverished and that was indeed a part of what made his movement fascist, but there's more to fascism than just that. Do you think Hitler would have made traction if it wasn't for the circumstances that lead up to that point?

If we didn't have a problem with illegal Mexican immigration and with terrorists who come from a hand full of countries that happen to be Muslim, then his argument about strengthening our borders and clamping down on immigration would not have had any traction. He did not manufacture a false idea that we have these problems, we have had these problems for a long time, but they have not been addressed effectively.  Obama deported more illegal Mexican immigrants than any other president in US history. Does that make him a racist or an institutional racist? No. But if Trump did that, people would be screaming "racist". What is wrong about Obama's solution is that he failed to slow the flow of them into the country and in addition to that, whatever has been causing them to flee Mexico has not been fully addressed either*. If these two issues were properly addressed they we would not need to send so many illegal immigrants back home.

*recently, the flow of immigrants has slowed down due to us jobs moving to Mexico... but let's not run in circles here. We need those jobs back for fellow Americans.

(revised after spotting a fallacy on my part)
Hitler didn't just scapegoat Jews. He deliberately demonized all of them by claiming that they were sub-human and thus not redeemable. As we know, this went far beyond name calling. This is not the same as limiting or blocking immigrants from enemy territory into the country. In the case of Mexico, we do allow immigrants in but they need to wait their turn, and they need to be properly vetted first. In the case of Syrian refugees, many cannot be vetted as a result of not having documentation through no fault of their own. Equating Trump with Hitler will certainly evoke an emotional response with torches, pitchforks, gas masks and rocks, but it's not a good comparison.

Have you been to Israel/Palestine?
No, I only know what I see on the news and when I read about online. I also struggle to understand what's going on over there.
As a Jew I have.  I'm as pro-zionist as anyone but the only solution is a two-state solution.  I saw barely clothed people on dirt settlements among ancient buildings behind giant barbed-wire fences.  Palestine is not a country and thus you cannot call them Israel's worst enemy.  It is unfair to let the worst of them (Hamas, the PA) speak for them.  Yes, those two organizations are evil.  But that wouldn't stop me from feeding emaciated children either.
I'll defer to you on that point. I was under the impression that Hamas and Hezbollah were terrorist organizations who were working with or funded by Palistine and that Jews and Palestinians hated each other with a passion. Given this, I would think that giving the Palestinians a ton of money would only fuel the conflict, but I could be wrong.
As for all the fake charity stuff--I would appreciate sources.
Fair enough. Let me see what I can find.
  I've heard these claims quite a bit, but it grows tiresome having to google and debunk every piece of anti-Hillary propaganda the Russians produced.
Can you give some example of propaganda that the Russians produced? There's a difference between propaganda and truth. If they pointed out some wrong doing of hers, that's not the same as trying to defame her with lies.

So far nothing has  held up to a simple googling, but i'm gonna give you a bit more credit and assume you have a credible source, of which I would appreciate a link.  It hardly matters now anyway.
The majority of the information about her charity comes from the Clinton and Podesta emails that were leaked by Wikileaks. I'll try to dig up what i can without relying too much on Wikileaks. I believe some of her email was released by the FBi in redacted form. I really don't want to spend hours and hours on this....

One of the problems with all of this is that unlike science, we have to work with both facts and information of lesser value. We need to look at what is likely and unlikely and we cannot always come out with a conclusion that is absolute or testable. I hate that about politics.

« Last Edit: February 03, 2017, 01:04:40 am by Rigwyn »


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Re: US Election 2016
« Reply #143 on: February 02, 2017, 08:12:29 pm »
Dude, it sounds like you are reading a lot of news from the political left. In the us, the vast majority of the mainstream news outlets are heavily biased towards the left. To get a balanced view, you need to read news from the right too.
Let's prove us you read/watch/listen to news from the every political opinions. Then you'll have the right to give that argument again.

I do read and listen to news from both the left and the right. For political news, I follow Fox, TheHill, CNN, France24, CSpan, Reuters, NPR, Wikileaks and a few other sources.  I chose to use a few sources only since
A. there are just too many sources to follow.
B. Most of the news is the same stuff just printed under a different website.

But oh well... I'm sure you don't, and it would be nonsensical to do that anyway. It doesn't make sense to try reading just every newspaper you can get. And the result would be that you get several people sharing divergent opinions... You'd only get a bunch of contradictory more or less biased opinions on facts, and no clearer mind on the things...
What I find is that not all news sources will report all the news. Some sources deliberately do not report certain events. It's sometimes stressful to read lots of opposing views.

What can you do to get a pure, absolutely neutral viewpoint ? Nothing.
I agree with you %100. That's why i use multiple news sources. They are all biased one way or another.

To try determining what is honest and what is biased, people can only use objective facts (like that), and logic.

This is something I absolutely hate about politics.I assume everything is biased and then try to deduce what is truthful using my own judgment and the judgment of journalists who I think are good.

Where possible, I try to find direct quotes and video footage on Youtube. I don't trust the opinions of news commentators and unfortunately, most of the news is just the reporters opinion about this news. CNN is very guilty of this.

My courses include English oral tests every two weeks. Those are based on US or UK newspaper extracts, on which we have to react. We don't always have left-winged newspapers. Nor always right-winged newspaper. Does that mean every info we get is neutral ? Of course no. And we have to use our own mind to make up our own opinions on the various subjects.

Yes, we call this "Critical Thinking."  :)  I wish more people would do it instead of just reacting to buzz words and celebrity rants.


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Re: US Election 2016
« Reply #144 on: February 03, 2017, 02:31:43 am »
Why are we still arguing about this?  The US has been overtaken by a treasonous, fascist coup.  Even those of you who were pro-Trump prior to the election must see that by now.  Now there is nothing left to do but civil disobedience.

I'm surprised that you've actually come to believe this. Wait, no, I'm not. You live in one of the most progressive areas on the West coast.

Ironically, the closest thing we have to fascists in America is Antifa.

Apropos trendy ... "he did not lie, we just didn't (want to) believe him" worked in Germany in 1933 just as well as in the USA in 2016. Let's hope the result won't be the same. Or ... no. Not hope. Prevent it.

The United States is not at all right now similar to the way Germany was then. You're undermining your own cause with ignorant rhetoric.

Trump has essentially admitted to collaborating with hackers who were working for Putin.  The Russians released their "dirt" on her and spread anti-Hillary propaganda (most of which was easily debunked by anyone literate).  Trump also collaborated with Comey to to re-open the investigation the week of the election, thus reminding the public of the whole emails "scandal," only to then admit that there was nothing there.

He didn't essentially admit to anything. And, as far as I know, there's no hard evidence that Russia was the one that did the hacking. Just because an IP is located in Russia doesn't mean that you're being hacked by Russia as a state. I've even had a Russian IP before. I guess everything I did while using that address was logged under "probably Putin!" Also, all we have about Comey collaborating with Trump is a letter from a Democratic senator. You're stating things as facts even though you have no proof for them yourself.

Muslim Ban Executive Order, Anti-gay, "religious freedom" executive order, Bannon (a KNOWN anti-semite) having anything to do with the presidency whatsoever, DeVos, an anti-education person in charge of education, a climate change denier in charge of the EPA, refusal to obey court orders declaring his executive orders unconstitutional, the prohibition of government scientists speaking out (seriously, follow the rogue nasa twitter)...

There's no Muslim ban. There's a ban on certain countries for immigration. Trump is pro-LGBT. Bannon isn't an anti-semite. He hires Jews about as much as any other businessman, and the woman who started that rumor was his ex-wife who was trying to collect alimony. Mainstream and progressive news outlets latched onto it so they could pin Trump. I take issue with the way his administration is handling climate, energy, and education, so that's not a point of contention for me. I haven't seen him make any unconstitutional orders, but I may be ignorant of a recent development. The rogue Twitters are "rogue" because they are afraid of reprisal from their bosses, not Trump specifically. In no way is any of this particularly fascist, unless you're using the term in the way a grumpy teenager who just discovered anarchism would.

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Re: US Election 2016
« Reply #145 on: February 04, 2017, 01:59:44 pm »
*steps back in...

That was a good bit of reading! Enjoyed it too, somebody mentioned a few pages ago about this being a good political discussion... I tend to agree.

A few months down the road I guess my feelings are in the realm of "hoping for the best"... I did my 3rd party thing, but I think that I am glad that trump got in, regardless if he crashes and burns or not.

The way I see it is that our history got us to where we are... and where we are feels significant, the majority of the states felt that we are headed in a bad direction... and Hillary was a part of that history leading to here. If you are heading in a bad direction the only way to change course, I feel, is to take some risks. Trump is the risk... Hillary was staying on the same path... I hope the risk turns out good in the long run. I cannot predict what that will look like or how messy it'll be along the way.

I am ok with the US choosing the risky option to try and institute some change... it could turn out bad, as is part of a risk, but at this point, I still fear where we would have ended up had we stayed course... the reaction, I believe, would have been even more intense down the road. That scares me more than the risky choice we are dealing with right now.

deep down I think the current way of life is not going to stay no matter what choices are made, so we had better get started figuring out what the next is. Steady State Economics has recently peaked my interest, but I remain too ignorant. Adam Smith seemed to make it sound really bad but inevitable... some more modern writers seem more optimistic. I'll need to learn a lot more.
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Re: US Election 2016
« Reply #146 on: February 05, 2017, 06:25:22 am »
Stop blaming Trump. Since this so-called "Freudian Slip" (which I saw on TV, but cannot find any video clip with it via Google?!), we know the truth now:


P.S.: Joseph Crowley said it in a speech on the House Democratic Agenda (right in the introduction).
« Last Edit: February 05, 2017, 10:37:45 am by LigH »

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Re: US Election 2016
« Reply #147 on: February 06, 2017, 03:01:36 am »
These are democrats, of course they are against Trump.

Instead of arguing about if it's a Muslim ban or a country specific ban, it would be better to debate if the ban should be in place.

It's also good to ask if your choice is based on how you feel or if it is a rational decision. Some rational decisions don't feel good, and that's ok.


If you argue that the ban is wrong because telling people that you are open to letting the Syrians in makes you feel good or morally superior, then your criteria for deciding is flawed.

This isn't about making ourselves feel good, it's about doing what makes the most sense.

I don't think liberals get that.


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Re: US Election 2016
« Reply #148 on: February 06, 2017, 03:09:05 am »
Well, I hope the decision of a Federal Judge that this declaration was unjust was based on rather objective than subjective arguments. You know, constitution, the written law, and such.

The reply about a "so-called judge" was surely the opposite...

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Re: US Election 2016
« Reply #149 on: February 06, 2017, 05:41:54 am »
We shall see...

There's an interesting article about the constitutionality of the ban here. It argues both for an against the ban.