Author Topic: Traveling Time gets old fast.  (Read 4320 times)


  • Hydlaa Notable
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« Reply #45 on: October 08, 2003, 06:02:17 am »
Wedge, I am sorry you did not see the humor in my post.  you are correct, the example I gave could be fixed in a number of ways.  I had imagined large mountains, but in PS there does not have to be mountains.  

I still have my doubts about how a world with guild housing, a big round hole in each level, and groups of 50 or more players will have short cuts to different places.  Rather than get into some sort of taste great/less filling debate I will refrain from making anymore examples of what could go wrong with your concept of a PS world.


Paxx,  I love the Red Rover Spell.  What do you think? Should it be a \"red\" spell?


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« Reply #46 on: October 08, 2003, 09:01:05 am »
What I don\'t untherstand is why every one makes so much fuzz about traveling. I\'m sure when traveling get\'s realy bad that the dev team will make a solution for it. I also think that teleporting is boring. Because you only travel to the same places over and over again. It\'s like playing music. When you have heard a song 80 times a day the 3th day you hate it. But when there are enough songs (enough areas you have to walk trough) than the songs (landscape) keeps sounding (looking) great.


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« Reply #47 on: October 08, 2003, 11:06:09 am »
I like Vengance\'s idea, and Red Rover is funny too.

I get confused with just how realistic the game will be. I would think a Red Rover spell would be a bit cumbersome. I imagine that most groups will want to start a party in or near a major city, to stock up on supplies and such, e.t.c... now lets see.. If my friend who walked to the fourth level summoned 5-10 people from the first level and started charging, we would have a teleport spell to ruin PS.

This is how I see it working:

A teleport pad in each major city, I am talking big, bustling. So usually only one per level.

Certainly no teleports in the lower levels, the lowest being the level where the lake \"usually\" is. maybe 5? 6?

Anyways, some levels do not compromise of any major cities and do not have a teleport pad.

You, yourself have to find the pad in the city, or you can buy a one-way gate pass to the next level for a large amount of money, think, $250 American, so it will be thought of twice, and put a dent in Joe Schmo\'s wallet that he might regret.

The Gate Passes are more expensive the closer to the bottom. i.e. 1000 Tria Level 1 to 2; 1500 Tria Level 2 to 3; 3000 Tria Level 3 to 4 ; 3500 Tria Level 4 to 5; and 4500 Tria to level 5 to 6.

The hitch is that you can\'t use the gates normally by paying for them. You still have to walk, or ride something, physically from gate to gate so you are able to use them charge free.

No group teleports, and no one really gets the money from the gate passes, which removes explotation or the gates, or a person buying his way down the stacilite. Maybe they are put into a lottery, I dunno.  

---I see this way, I can call my friend to go on a quest to the stone labyrinths in the second level, and we can make it to the second level by first going to the only city the first with a pad, then appearing in the city, and then walking to the bronze doors.

Then this gets me thinking that the teleporting should be like a bus? Taking time, like a bus and not being at all instant? Putting a price on it will definetly keep people from pouring into the hardest zones and bringing the game down.

We can call the teleport pad Red Rover.
« Last Edit: October 08, 2003, 11:08:21 am by Harwen »


  • Hydlaa Notable
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Sounds good
« Reply #48 on: October 08, 2003, 11:57:43 am »
Jeh, i agree for two-ways teleports expensive and only in some places.

I\'m also for a return-only spell. After you have completed a quest in a far-away area or having gone in never-explored area, it\'s boring to walk back to the city. So my suggestion is to allow spells (Red Rover sounds a good name, no? :P) or scrolls that teleport back the player to the nearest city
« Last Edit: October 08, 2003, 12:11:15 pm by elscouta »
High Loremaster of the Arcane Order.


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« Reply #49 on: October 08, 2003, 04:49:50 pm »
What i would like to prevent borring travel is a living environment. For example seasons you can see at the plants, lake and rivers with differing deepths, tides and inundations, atmosphere mobs.


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« Reply #50 on: October 08, 2003, 06:10:57 pm »
How about those flying things? I mean, flying\'s fast, right? So what\'s wrong with flying?
And if it\'s Planeshift, shouldn\'t some of the places be in other universes? And shouldn\'t interplanar portals exist? I mean, if it\'s Planeshift, \"A universe is not enough\", you really can\'t have just one universe can you?
Originally posted by Evanchild
hes a really talented squirrel.


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« Reply #51 on: October 08, 2003, 09:29:54 pm »
Yes, there will be \"flying things,\" but they are slated to be quite expensive, and meant to be owned either by the wealthy or by a business of sorts.  If you happen to fit into one of these categories then that\'s just fine for you.  Perhaps some people will run a \"flying taxi\" service to charge other people to fly them around, if the game allows more than one person to ride, that is.

How I set my timezone:

ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/Antarctica/Davis /etc/localtime


  • Hydlaa Notable
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« Reply #52 on: October 09, 2003, 05:28:19 am »
I had an idea...

Guild teleporting, err sort of anyways. It could be a guild command.  A guild leader could \"teleport\" players if that person issued the command a day in advance.

Wait! don\'t go! it is not that bad.  Guild leader would issue a /gather command followed by the date and time.( /gather 311003:2300 for Halloween) then at that time all guild members would have the option of being summoned to the guild leader.

Well it is just an idea. It might not be original.


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Offline movement
« Reply #53 on: November 26, 2004, 12:53:19 am »
An interesting solution to travel time that is beginning to become favourable is that of offline movement.  Basically when you log in the game gives you the option of where your character should appear.  If you\'ve been logged off for 5 hours then you can appear anywhere within a 5 hour radius (which in PS would be pretty much anywhere).  This can also be used for crafting.  You could choose to spend 2 of the 5 hours you\'ve been logged off creating hammers, 1 hour travelling to a neighbouring town and 2 hours selling the hammers to passing npcs.  The server takes your options and applies them to the world (so you appear in the next town and all them hammers appear in the inventories of npcs in that town).  There\'s some suggestions that things should actually take twice or three times as long in offline play than they do in online play.. this gives an advantage to players who are online.  Alternatively, we might prefer to go the other way, and encourage players to do all the \"boring\" stuff offline and only come online when they want to do something fun (therefore increasing the enjoyment for other players).

It could be possible to provide a web interface to the game where players who are offline can spend their banked time or set up an action queue for their offline activity.  So if you\'re one of those unfortunately people who has to work from 9 to 5 and can\'t log into the game at work, you could conceivably sneak some time in on the web interface to make sure your character is doing something useful.


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« Reply #54 on: November 26, 2004, 02:55:37 am »
Yea offline travelling/working/whatever is great!
Also I wouldnt make it less effective than the onliners, I dont see a reason for that.


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« Reply #55 on: November 26, 2004, 10:34:50 am »
Originally posted by QuantumG
An interesting solution to travel time that is beginning to become favourable is that of offline movement.  Basically when you log in the game gives you the option of where your character should appear.  If you\'ve been logged off for 5 hours then you can appear anywhere within a 5 hour radius (which in PS would be pretty much anywhere).

I don\'t think it\'s a good idea. You can\'t always count on a safe and peaceful journey, something may interrupt it. Even if it would be done, you should decide what are you going to do before you do it, not after.


Alternatively, we might prefer to go the other way, and encourage players to do all the \"boring\" stuff offline and only come online when they want to do something fun (therefore increasing the enjoyment for other players).

Well, nothing should be boring in the first place. ;) I would like the crafting jobs to be interesting too, though I\'m aware that it\'s easier to say than to do.

There is another problem - how to prevent cheaters from making many characters and using them as money-makers?


  • Hydlaa Notable
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« Reply #56 on: November 26, 2004, 02:34:22 pm »
I don\'t mind travelling around as long as i can see new things. For instance in Gothic I loved to travel trough, because of mountains, forests,swamps, planes, etc. pp. . A bad example is Morrowind. Nearly all of the world is Ashlands, the rest doesn\'t really differ from each other, that really becomes anoying, because three quarters of the game is just travelling. In a MMORPG it is a bit different. There are PCs who flesh out the world. You don\'t know if there was someone on the next crossroads or not. But a bit difference in the landscape is always good.

Just a stupid question: What color will have the \"Sunlight\"? (Blue or something?)
I want to be a flame, to crumble to ash, but never ever burnt.

I want to rise higher, rise up to the heavens, but sink, just sink down deeper and deeper into nothing,

I want to be an angel, a chosen, a devil, but I am just a creature that ever wants what it wont get.


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« Reply #57 on: November 27, 2004, 11:39:27 am »
I cant think of anything worse than finding a place I really enjoy going to and having to walk there time and time again because of some stubborn decision to not allow teleportation.

I mean sure exploring is great but how long can one explore for? Its like driving to work in the car and taking the same route over and over again. The journy is more often than not plain boring. Half the reason people make macros for games is so they can leave the game running in a travel mode with minimal input and do something else until they arrive at their destination.

Offline travel is an interesting concept. It definately needs to be explored.

In reference to the suns colour I imagine the colour of the crystal will influence that.


  • Hydlaa Citizen
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« Reply #58 on: November 27, 2004, 12:03:58 pm »
I think that you should only be able to offline travel to places which you have been to before. I think that crafiting offline should not be allowed due to possible cases of cheating. Although I think you should be able to sell things offline.
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« Reply #59 on: November 27, 2004, 03:10:53 pm »
Offline movement sounds promissing, though I would also have to agree that actions shouldn\'t be done offline due to possiblilites of people who have a character on offline mode make hammers 24/7(I feel sorry for the anvil which the hammer was being shaped on).

Maybe there can be long winding peaceful routes between town. A player could conceivebaly get a pass and then logoff at the station/boarding area. With trips leaving once an hour/day in real life time, or maybe some to be determined time in game time. the time it\'ll take to travel to the next destination will probably be determined by how much time it takes to \'walk\' to that next area with a certain multiplier attached to it.
This I believe will help those players who want to travel but don\'t have that much time to play. And to be semi realistic, players cannot getoff mid-way without loosing some progress, perhaps if they forcefully getoff then they\'ll end up on the last town that the transportation departed from.

I can\'t decide whether or not to let people travel to place they haven\'t been to before, it sounds viable, it\'s not like they can cause too much harm, assuming that this travel is only use on city to city so that there will me no such trips to places like \"The forgotten underground lair\".
I like taking things literally, going overboard is fun! Now... why do I keep getting odd looks?