Author Topic: The legend has wings  (Read 11614 times)


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« Reply #30 on: December 04, 2003, 12:01:33 am »
They call it the \"azure sun\".

The Incorpereal Thief
   shadowmancer was in his apartment, practicing shadowmancing (shadowmancing is a form of high art involving the mancing of shadows) when suddenly, he heard a knock on the door. He said \"Who is it?\" There\'s no answer. He said \"Who is it?\" There\'s no answer. He said \"WHO IS IT?!\" They\'re not saying anything! So finally, he goes over, and opens the door, and just as he suspected, its some guy in a mask with a knife.

   He starts going through his possesions.
shadowmancer takes his favorite knife and tries to stab him; his knife goes right through. But if the apparation is carrying things, then his hands must be solid... shadowmancer drives his knife through one of the robber\'s hands. It bleeds; the robber drops a bunch of stuff, but wescapes through the window.  

   shadowmancer assesses the damage, and sees that his newly \"earned\" jewelry was gone, including a particularly large gemstone he had taken from an uptown mansion of a powerful sorcerer...

Notes on continuation (important):The stone may have been stolen by a servent of the sorcerer, but the servent is attacked along the way, leaving the stone for a common person to find (letting an undeveloped character like the sorcerer simply get it back would be boring). Maybe the apparation was a servent of the demon. It is unlikely that he was acting independantly, or else he would not have the required spells and would not know where to go to get what he was looking for, or what it was worth. It could be an enemy of the Rangers, too. It shouldn\'t be one of the Rangers themselves, though, them being the \"good guys\" of this story, it would dispell the mystery. It is NOT the same ghost as in Wedge\'s section.
« Last Edit: December 04, 2003, 12:15:06 am by shadowmancer »
Originally posted by Evanchild
hes a really talented squirrel.


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Oh look a wall.......
« Reply #31 on: December 04, 2003, 06:10:27 am »
CRASH!!!...!!! Seperot flys straigh though the cell wall and landed on the next wall and slid down. The rogue stumbeled to his feet. He was amazied he wasent dead yet but he felt his rib cage was smashed but that wasent a concern yet. he heard something epp in the corner and saw moogie chained and very frightend like she just woke up. he saw a chance and sayed \"Moogie\". Moogie looked shocked at The feline that he direct the beast at her. \" gotcha\" The beast looked back at the rogue to see him juming towards him. Seperot landed closely folloed by the demons head. Seperot staggerd over to moogie unlocked the chains then fell unconcuse on the floor.

« Last Edit: December 04, 2003, 06:13:57 am by seperot »


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« Reply #32 on: December 04, 2003, 06:46:27 am »
Moogie stared at Seperot\'s body lying on the ground before her. Her eyes glanced backwards and forwards between him and the beast\'s bloodied, dismembered head. The Ranger\'s noisy appearance had startled her out of her sleep, and while he faught she desperately tried to escape. A few times she thought he wouldn\'t come out of the fight alive and she wished she could get free to help him.

Now she was free, but at a cost. She knelt down to her companion slowly, her hands hovering over his body as she closed her eyes and began reciting age old prayers to the Gods. Moogie never knew how she knew such things. She assumed she was born with her healing abilities, although her amnesia meant she could never be sure.

Seperot\'s body began to glow. Moogie concentrated hard on awakening him; she knew they didn\'t have much time. Who knows if the guards had heard the fight. Somebody must have heard the feline crashing through the wall. She had to get him up and escape from this dungeon immediately.

Little orbs of light danced around the rogue\'s limp form. They seemed to be singing in unison, a strange, ethereal melody that was both soothing and empowering at once. His eyes flickered open. Sensing this, Moogie opened her own eyes and smiled. Success! Now they could escape before-

An authoritive voice interrupted the scene.

\"Stop right there.\" It commanded. The girl lifted her head and turned to the source. He stood there, dressed heavily in ornate platemail armour, a long, silky crimson cape hanging heavily behind him. A longsword was sheathed by his side, with only a jewel-encrusted hilt showing outside the sheathe. Moogie guessed he must be the leader of this cult, if not some incredibly wealthy right-hand man or personal guard.

Whatever his rank, he was certainly above the two guards that stepped up beside him, pointing their halberds at the two felines menacingly. Seperot sat up slowly and saw the speaker for himself, cursing himself for being so careless in that last fight. Now the entire building must know of his presence.

\"You.\" The Ylian man spat. He obviously knew who Seperot was. \"Get up slowly.\" He commanded. Seperot eyed him cautiously. His mind raced to formulate an escape plan- a way to attack- a way to flee- anything! But they were cornered. Even the hole in the wall was now blocked by more guards brandishing halberds and lethal looking maces. He decided to go along with it... for now.

\"That\'s it... nice and slow. No funny business from you, cat, or I\'ll have your head right here.\" The man grinned as Seperot picked himself up from the ground. The rogue was pleasantly suprised at how well Moogie had healed him. Perhaps this would grant them an advantage, if ever an opportunity of escape would present itself.

Moogie looked at everyone in turn. She was terrified. If Seperot was taken away, their hope of escaping was next to nothing. The cult would find out about her crystal and get the other two from her friend.

She prayed for a miracle.


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« Reply #33 on: December 04, 2003, 10:21:44 am »
Draklar was wandering around the Hydlaa for few hours now. Checking every tavern around, he still couldn\'t find any Ranger. It seemed like going to the Zolokand Forest was only chance to get some info. Would it be true or false didn\'t matter now. It was a chance and he had to take it. Draklar knew exactly where are nearby forests located. Still... he was falling off his feet. The dermorian was in need of some sleep. He turned to the Kada-El\'s tavern to rest for a few hours.
It was afternoon, when Draklar woke up. His strenghts were back and he was ready to go to the forest. The dermorian didn\'t expect any complications. He knew exactly where to go and so he did. He also knew going to the Zolokand Forest might be only way to get some information.
AKA Skald


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« Reply #34 on: December 04, 2003, 01:39:27 pm »
A Visitor

Seperot awoke to see nothing but darkness.  Slowly his vision began to come back, and his super-sensitive feline eyes amplified the little light in his surroundings.  He looked over to see Moogie, either asleep or still unconcious.  They were both chained to the wall now.  Seperot fought to recover his memory of what had happened.  And it all came back at once, striking a fierce blow like the club that had knocked him out.  After cornering them, the guards had taken no chances and had cracked Seperot in the head a few times.  He could feel the crusty covering of the dried blood on his matted fur.  \"This was certainly not how I had hoped things would go,\" he muttered to himself.

Then there was a sudden gust of air, drafting down from above Seperot.  He looked about startled, trying to find where it came from.  Two silverly lights slowly materialized seemingly inches away from his face.  No wait, they weren\'t lights, they were eyes!?  As it all came into focus, Seperot could make out a barely visible figure, hanging from the ceiling like a bat, looking at him just a breath away from his face.  \"HELLO!\" it shouted.\"Wah!  Whaaat the who are you?\" Seperot uttered out.  It leaned over and whispered into Seperot\'s ear, \"I know myself as me, and me as I, and I as myself, but you do not know me, nor I, nor myself...\" then it took a deep breath and yelled \",so you can call me Tycho!\"  

Seperot leaned his head to the side, tryin\' to wipe a bit of spittle that had assaulted him off on his suspended arm.  \"Well... Tycho... do you think you could keep it down, I\'d rather the guards not come down here and decide my conscious self needs to get lost again.\" \"Ooooh hooo hooo, I wouldn\'t worry about that my furry fellow.  All the guards are gone, off to some big meeting.  Just a buncha chanting and weird dancing, really not my scene.\"  \"OooooK, so why are you here then?  If you\'re not to busy I\'d appreciate it if you could-\"  \"Loosen your chains up a bit perhaps?  No, I\'m sorry, this really isn\'t my place to be doing such things.  I just thought I\'d stop by to see how you were doing.  Aaaaaand to tell you not to worry, you may yet get some help.\"  \"I don\'t see why you just can\'t-\"  \"Ah ah ah, it\'s all right, you can just sit tight here, or try and escape on your own if you want... it really doesn\'t matter.\" With that Tycho gave Seperot a big kiss on the forehead and with a sudden updraft he was gone.  \"Hey! Wai---... well, I guess it\'s time I tried to find a way to get out of this.\"
Ninjas have feelings too.  Mostly they feel like dancing.


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« Reply #35 on: December 04, 2003, 04:37:44 pm »
Taking a Trip

Kramy wandered idily through the forest. Such beauty in all the colours, brown, gray, black, wonderful flavours of rock! His favourite were the red ones, that the humans called \"rubies\". He heard that there were lots of them in cities, so had decided to travel to Yliakum, where it was rumoured \"merchants\" could trade hundreds for the simplest things!

yum! he thought, that sure will make a nice meal! Well, first he had to get there, and then find out what these \"merchants\" want so he could trade for \"rubies\".

It was approaching mid-day, and was almost time for a meal. He passed by a human orchard. It was so nice of them to plant food along the way for their fellow beings! He walked over and examined all the rocks ingraved with \"R.I.P.\", then picked one up, broke a chunk off, and started to chew.

Ahh, that sure was good! he thought, Nothing like RIP\'s for lunch!

A glint of light caught his attention; there was a man running over to him carrying a three-pronged thing with a wooden handle called, if he remembered right, a \"pick-fark\", used to pick up farks. From the way he was waving it it almost looked menacing....well, I\'ll find out what he wants soon enough :]...he thought, and chewed on happily.

Who here is a farmer? :D
« Last Edit: December 04, 2003, 04:39:59 pm by Kramy »


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« Reply #36 on: December 04, 2003, 06:14:52 pm »
Taking a Trip - Part 2

The man ran up to Kramy, shouting unintelligible nonsense. He doesn\'t make any sense! Kramy thought, It\'s like he\'s speaking another language.... The man kept blabbing on and making gestures at the RIP food with his \"Pick-Fark\". Obviously something was very wrong....if only he could figure out what!

Then it hit him, he\'s hungry and wants a piece too! so Kramy reached down, broke the RIP in half, and handed a chunk to the farmer. Something odd happened though, the farmer didn\'t eat the food, he just went really red and started shouting quite loudly. No, it obviously wasn\'t that the farmer wanted to eat....maybe there was something wrong with it...maybe it was contaminated rock...contaminated rock was awful. It gave pains for hours, but Kramy felt fine.

I know! Kramy thought, it must be something to do with these letters on the RIP food! Kramy bent down and examined the the food. Sure enough, the letters meant something very important. \"Maar-y Her-mshin, 386-486\" he read aloud. What could these letters possibly mean?

Then it hit him, something the farmer had said! \"Her-mshin\" he repeated thoughtfully....That must be a name...and this must be a reserved orchard! The name on the food is who it was designated to, and the numbers for how long! Hmm...100 more days until it\'s up for grabs and I can eat it...I guess I\'d better move on to Yliakum; I\'d starve in 100 days.

Kramy turned and walked out of the cemetery. As he was doing so an odd expression crossed the other man\'s face. It much resembled a :), so Kramy had to assume it was a look of relief, or happiness, or something along that line. You could never be sure with other races, some of them had the weirdest expressions. Kramy sent a smile X( back to the man to tell him thanks for helping to explain that, then strode off down the path.

He was getting very good at figuring out what other races were talking about.  It made him feel proud that he was having such an easy time making sense of the other race\'s peculiar habits. Well there would be time to think more about this later. For now he was contented to meander along the path to Yliakum, taking in everything to see.

Anyone, feel free to jump in here. :)


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« Reply #37 on: December 05, 2003, 07:13:41 am »
Almost....amost. *click*. Seperot had used his claw to pick one of the chains it was a long prosess but it worked. He quickly unlocked the other chains befor unlocking moogies. he sighed and he looked at moogie her pendant was gone and so had his. moogie was still out cold the rogue found a few of his tools in pieces in the corner. he clamberd over to them and took them he was sure there whould be some use to them.  He disided even if he was injured he whould go explore he had to leave moogie in the room.  he took off down the hallway to the great hall. His mind was blurry the crystals had become his consuming thoughts.  he whatched as the leader talked to his men and behind him was the crystals in some sort of alter. Seperot almost bolted across the room to get them but better judgment was still with him and so stoped himself. he moved from shadow to shadow the hall wasent very well lit. he finnaly came behind the alter. his heart was racing he waited for an oppertunity and prayed the leader dident turn around. Then his chance showed its self. the leader opend up a question time and the first question was being asked everyone turned to the speaker. Seperot scooped up the crystals and moved back though the shadows to the door. He returned to the cell to see moogie waking up.


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« Reply #38 on: December 05, 2003, 04:41:20 pm »
The feline slowly opened her eyes. Her vision was blurry, but slowly the dark, damp view of the cell came into focus. She made out somebody entering through the doorway, their form sillouetted against the light that filtered into the thick, dusty air of her prison.

Seperot approached her and knelt down quietly. He showed her his paw; two crystals, his own, shone brightly.

\"Moogie, I was able to get out of here and find these. But... your pendant...\" He hesitated for a second, as if fighting something. \"I... have that too. Right here,\" He said, reaching into his pocket and revealing the necklace. Moogie peered at him, slightly puzzled with his apparent reluctancy to hand it over to her, but she took the crystal and attatched it around her neck without a word.

\"My head really hurts...\" She complained quietly. Seperot took her hand.

\"Don\'t worry Moogs. I\'ll get you out of here faster than you can say \'Holy Yliakum\'!\" And with that, he pulled her up and moved to the doorway. Seperot poked his head outside cautiously. Down the hall, he could still hear the echoes of people speaking in the room where he found the crystals. It was good to hear that nobody had noticed their absence, but that would not last much longer.

The feline rogue lead Moogie through a maze of corridors, avoiding patrols by hiding in shadows and waiting for the guards to pass them. Seperot counted himself lucky to be the species he was. His keen ears allowed him to detect the footfalls of guards before they could be sighted, and his highly sensitive nose lead the way to the smell of fresh air in the outside world.

Moogie stopped suddenly as they were nearing the exit. She held her head and grimaced, pain flooding her senses.

\"Ugh...\" She groaned. Seperot turned in alarm and approached her.

\"Come on Moogie! We\'re almost out... don\'t give up now!\" He encouraged. The girl leant against the wall to steady herself and forced her eyes open. She looked at him, nodding slowly, and he took her hand once again. \"That\'s it... not far to go now. Then we can look at that head of yours, hmm?\"

The two escapees managed to exit the building unseen. They fled deep into the surrounding forests, their aim to get as far away from the cultist\'s hideout as they could before nightfall. The sky was beginning to get dark; the songs of birds high up in the trees became quieter and crickets began to chirp in the undergrowth. Seperot gathered fallen tree branches as he moved through the dense carpet of leaves, and eventually they found a clearing, a perfect place to set up a fire and rest for the night.

As the night drew on, the two felines curled up next to the fire. They tended to eachother\'s wounds and talked about their situation. Neither of the Rangers knew what to do next. Events seemed to be dragging them along for a ride; The origins of the cult remained a mystery, yet they seemed to have eyes everywhere. Strange people seemed to stalk them from the shadows, such as Tycho, Seperot\'s mysterious visitor in the cultist prison.

After a long deliberation about their situation, Moogie and Seperot went to sleep.

Damn... what a long, boring chapter. I\'ve decided to stop writing and just ask Seperot to steer an event in a particular direction (there\'s nothing like getting someone else to do your work, hehe. ;))


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« Reply #39 on: December 05, 2003, 05:40:58 pm »
Seperot woke up to the sound of russeling. the rogue panicked because he dident have a weapon only his broken tool kit. he he woke to see a sword pointed at his neck. \" Heh for a master rogue your not very good\" Seperot looked up and saw Draklar looking down on him \"well i be dammed\" Seperot kicked draklar in the gut in a playfull way then grins \"what in talads name are you doing here?\" Draklar sat down opposite him \" looking for you actually a enki in black garb told me to look in the forists\" \"with silver eyes and goofy voice?\" Draklar noded \" im looking for moogie i hoped you chould help\" The rogue looked down \" i dont know we been in a cult prison chained to a wall we got out camed here for the night and...shes gone\" \"do you know where she when\" Drakalr was spinning his blade while talking he clearly was interested in something but he chouldent pick it up \" I\'m going back to town i need to buy new stock...thank god for banks eh?\" Draklar smiled \" do you know whitch way she went \" Seperot looked around \"see that shift in the leaves thats the way she whent good luck finding her\" Draklar noded and started to head off but turned back for a second \" do you still have thouse crystals. The rogue thought about telling the drow but thought againced it \" no the cult took them from me\" draklar made his goodbyes then set off Seperot dusted himself off then headed off towards town thanks to draklar directions.

seperot had managed to get a katana and an alsortment of daggers and a new lockpick set. he desided there was little point looking for moogie as she dident whant to be found. he feared she spoted seperots urge to keep her pendant. he feard if he was to find another crystal he whould loose his self control if he hadent already lost most of it. he mused somemore over a glass of elvish wine.


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« Reply #40 on: December 05, 2003, 07:49:06 pm »
Taking a Trip - Part 3

Kramy wandered down the path, chewing on the RIP he had kept. He hoped \"her-mshin\" didn\'t might, it tasted awfully good! The path was desolate. Apparently other races liked to travel during the day, but Kramy rather enjoyed travelling at night. All the interesting creatures came out to say hi. There was a weird 6 legged thing, and something with 2? eyes, and a big hairy thing that crawled along beside the path, keeping to the shadows of the trees. Not that it did any good...Night wasn\'t too much of a nuisance for a Kran.

It was odd though, virtually all  the small critters were hiding. Obviously they were afraid of something.... Kramy peered into the trees. The big hairy thing was still following him. It looked hungry, though he didn\'t think it would enjoy him once it got a taste. Then again, maybe it was out looking for Kran to eat....either way, he had a pike to fend it off with if need be.

A slight breeze was building up...not much exciting going on, maybe he\'d just wander off into the bush and see what he could find. Kramy turned off the path, and the big hairy thing scamped away in the same direction. Well, it certainly wasn\'t following him! Maybe it smelled something interesting. Kramy proceeding on into the forest, heading in roughly the same direction as the creature...

Hey moogie or someone, here\'s an opening if you want it.

Hey, I\'m rather good at this boring story writing aren\'t I? :]


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« Reply #41 on: December 06, 2003, 04:29:07 pm »

She had been wandering for at least two hours now.  Moogie was starting to wonder if leaving Seperot was such a good idea.  The way he had been acting as of late was making her uneasy, but at least he knew the way out of this forest.  To make matters worse, the light from the crystals was starting to fade.  Moogie also kept getting this feeling of being watched.  Only natural wandering in a forest alone... but she still could not shake the thought from her mind.

From above there was some rustling in the leaves.  Subtle and faint... it must be a bird or some small tree creature.  Yet the sound persisted as she moved, almost as if it were following her.  Nervously Moogie started to increase her walking speed.  The noise didn\'t stop.  Looking back she kept seeing a dark sihoulette out of the corner of her eye, yet everytime she tried to get a better look, there was nothing there.  Eventually Moogie started flat out running away, and the sounds pursued her.  It had her in total control, directing her where it wished, yet Moogie was to scared to do anything about it.  Everything was starting to become blurry, it all felt like some bad dream.  

Out of seemingly nowhere, a large rock suddenly blocked Moogie\'s way.  Too disoriented to react in time, she crashed headlong into it.
Ninjas have feelings too.  Mostly they feel like dancing.


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« Reply #42 on: December 06, 2003, 07:17:56 pm »
Battle in a Clearing

Kramy stared down at the cat creature that had just crashed into him. It was called an \"Enkidukai\", right? He had heard of them; there were supposed to be lots of them in Yliakum. But what was one doing out here in the middle of nowhere? They weren\'t nearly as sturdy as Kran, and he doubted they would be wandering around during the night. He\'d have to ask her, but she seemed preoccupied with something.

Kramy peering in the same direction as she was. There was that big hairy thing again, entering the clearing! He so wondered what it was called. It seemed to like following people around. Maybe it scared people...that was quite possible, it could be feeding on fear. But why then had it followed him? Just then he realized he had been thinking a bit too long, as a giant claw came over and swiped him out of the way, into a tree.

\"oof\" he grunted. This thing was out to get him! He quickly jumped up and ran over to where his pike/walking-stick had been knocked aside. He reached for it and turned to see the big hairy thing looming over the cat-like creature. Well, perhaps it wasn\'t exactly out to get him...the smart thing to do would be run away while it ate the cat, but Kran are noted for their stupidity.

Kramy charged up to the hairy thing and stuck the pike directly into it\'s torso, hoping he\'d hit a vital organ. The thing screamed, if you could call it a scream, and sent four claws at him. He blocked the first two with his pike, but the others knocked his legs out from under him, leaving him on his chest. It appeared he had done something very dumb; now he was the focus of the hairy thing\'s attention.

The cat was backing up slowly, trying not to draw the creature\'s notice. Well, if he could distract it just long enough for the cat to get away, maybe he could get away too. He stood up, and a claw plowed into his head, causing a crack. That hurt! he thought, as he knocked the other three claws away from him.

Slowly he was being pushed back, the creature pounding his staff as he used it to counter each claw. They were moving away from the cat, which had now left the clearing and vanished, but the thing wasn\'t going to give him any opportunities to escape! That was bad, since it left him with only one option: Kill the thing, but that was quickly appearing more and more impossible.

*thud* he had backed right into a tree. Well, now it was over, there was no chance to block the claws if it could get ontop of him. The thing draw back all claws, having learned sending one at a time was easily defended against, and heaved them at him in a gesture that was likely to smash him to bits.

*thunk thunk crack* he heard. Surprised he looked to the side. The creature\'s claws were stuck in the enormous tree he was backed against! What luck! He quickly ducked under the creature(which tried to squish him) and crawled out from under it on the other end.

The thing was quite securely attached to the tree. It couldn\'t go anywhere until it got its claws out, and that was likely to take a long time! *swish* one claw snapped out of the wood...Maybe less time than expected!

Kramy turned around and took off, as fast as a Kran could go(which was not actually that fast compared to the more agile races) in the direction the cat had gone, hoping all the way that he could lose the thing, or reach safety before it managed to catch up. Just before leaving the clearing the battle had taken place in, he looked back.

It was using the two claws it had freed to cut the other ones out...

Edit: Forgot the chapter title&formatting.
« Last Edit: December 06, 2003, 07:24:37 pm by Kramy »


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« Reply #43 on: December 07, 2003, 03:20:38 pm »
Seperot was roof top jumping. it was a past time he enjoyed it helps to keep stress away. his mind chouldent get away from the crystals though he must have another. just then seperot spyed one of the cult members talking to a street thief. the thief was selling an alsortment of jewelry including a interesting looking crystal. the rogue chouldent belive his luck. he whatched the member buy the crystal and as he turned around observed who it was. It was the cult leader himself. seperot grined he chould kill 2 birds with one stone. kill the leader of that cult and at the same time get another crystal. he stalked the leader though the empty dark streets. suddenly the man turned around. \"so you think you can prevent this tycho? come out and show yourself\" Seperot stoped shocked for 2 reasons one that the man realised he was there and secondly that he called him tycho. The enki walked forwards one hand on his katana. \"Ah Seperot is it? well well im surprised to see you. still holding onto thouse crystals are we? yes we did have quite a shock once we found they where gone\" Seperot grined \" Yea well im still looking for others\" The cult leader put the crystal around his neck then drew his blade. \" im going to enjoy killing you rogue. The rogue drew his blade and moved into the shadows.moving quickly waiting to pounce.


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« Reply #44 on: December 07, 2003, 05:31:58 pm »
The Chase

Kramy charged out of the forest and onto the path. There were two directions: where he had come from, and where he was heading. Well, it would be best to head away from wherever the creature had come from, so he decided to continue on to Yliakum.

The path was scuffed as though something had recently travelled along it. Perhaps the Enkidukai had went this way, hoping to get to the safety of town before the hairy thing caught up. The path weaved back and forth, each curve putting more space between him and the creature...hopefully. But he knew such creatures had good noses, and could no doubt follow the scent of the rubies he had been eating. Mmm.. he thought, those sure do taste good...

On and on he ran, until he felt the ground shaking slightly behind him. Wondering what it could possibly be, he turned to watch. The giant hairy creature with claws rounded a bend and charged at him. Oh #!$& he thought, Of course it\'s still after me! Why did I even stop?! Turning he took off away from it, but it was obvious that it was quite angry now, and from the look of it, it \"ran\" a lot faster than he could.....if you could call propelling yourself forward on giant claws \"running\".

The thing was catching up. No doubt that within 1 or 2 seconds he was dead. The thing swiped at him and sent him flying far off the path, where he landed and barrelled into a tree. Dazed he lay on the ground, staring up at what looked like a cat-creature dressed in full black...

Tycho, don\'t let me die! :D