Author Topic: The Lord of The Spam  (Read 8074 times)


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« Reply #30 on: March 06, 2004, 01:16:11 pm »
hehe, i love it :)
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« Reply #31 on: March 06, 2004, 01:27:39 pm »
im already dead? that was quick...


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« Reply #32 on: March 06, 2004, 01:49:47 pm »
well... Forum Trolls don\'t tend to have long lives you know... ;)
AKA Skald


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« Reply #33 on: March 06, 2004, 02:08:55 pm »
hehe i stabed loads of things :D

i love the scratching post thing i now know whats going to happen ;) :D

p.s. auran i aggree draklar shouldent be evil but lets face it aelya is...more so then draklar easly ;)
« Last Edit: March 06, 2004, 02:09:14 pm by seperot »


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« Reply #34 on: March 06, 2004, 02:10:52 pm »
Forum Troll....I can\'t believe I didn\'t see that obvious.

Well at least I got Aelya\'s role right.

Only n00bs don't quote themselves...


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« Reply #35 on: March 06, 2004, 02:37:11 pm »

Dorbian looked around the area. Seperot and NewPie were missing.
Seperot was running around exploring the forest, when suddenly he heard NewPie calling him. He stopped and turned around.
- \"Seperot, listen\" started NewPie \"I need the spamzor, by using it, I could destroy Auran\"
- \"no way its mine!\" responded Seperot
- \"give it!\" NewPie grabbed Seperot\'s arm, but the enkidukai wasn\'t going to give his spamzor away. He aimed at NewPie and kicked him right in the face. Before NewPie got up, Seperot was already far away. Suddenly NewPie heard some shouts. He turned around just to see a group of un00b-hais charging towards him.
- \"HELP!\" NewPie shouted.
Bobodar roused.
- \"Did you guys hear that?\" he asked \"It was NewPie\'s help call\"
Not waiting any longer, the rest of fellowship runned to see what happened.
NewPie was already fighting the first opponents, successfully slahing their bodies. But there were too many of them and just after one was killed, few others were replacing him. NewPie started retreating slowly, but he had to fight un00b-hais while doing so. Bobodar and Dorbian got stopped by another group of them and with bloodlust started killing one after another. Draklar was still going towards NewPie, slaying every un00b-hai that stood on his way. Grakrim was walking around, casting a fireball at them from time to time. Monketh was right behind him, not getting into battle much. While NewPie was fighting his foes, Darkmandis sneaked behind him and quickly stabbed NewPie with a rusty dagger. NewPie fell to his knees, but he was still alive. The rest of un00b-hais noticed Grakrim and Monketh and started running in their direction. Darkmandis didn\'t stop, he kept hitting him with the dagger. Finally Draklar arrived. He jumped towards Darkmandis and with one swing, he cut off his head. NewPie was almost dead, he asked Draklar to approach him.
- \"Do you want to tell me something?\" asked Draklar
- \"jeh\" answered NewPie \"Draklar, you aren\'t evil\"
Draklar annoyed by NewPie\'s words, kicked him in the head, successfully finishing him off. The warrior looked around. All un00b-hais were already retreating. Looking for the rest of fellowship, he found only Dorbian and Bobodar.
- \"I think it is only us left\" said Bobodar
- \"yeah\" Dorbian noded \"I\'ve seen those n00bs capture Grakrim and Monketh\"
- \"So we can go home now?\" Draklar asked
- \"no!\" shouted Dorbian \"We must free them!\"
Draklar sighed as because of chasing un00b-hais he won\'t see Aelya soon.
- \"fine, let\'s go\" said Draklar \"The sooner we get them the better.\"

Seperot was happy as by taking the boat he evaded the fight with n00bs. He decided to get to the other waterside and he was almost there, when suddenly he noticed coat shaking. Seperot poked it with his galkard and suddenly a dwarf jumped from under it. It was Tranor, he was hiding from battle as well.
- \"Where are we?\" asked Tranor after getting out from the boat. He glanced at nearby road. \"And where is that road leading to?\"
- \"I thikn tis rode leds to Auron\'s place\" Seperot answered.
Having nothing better to do they started following the road, but soon night came and they had to stop to get some sleep. Seperot woke up feeling a bit of pain in his leg. Suddenly he heard someone saying:
- \"Give it to Savion, Savion needs it! The spamzor belongs to Savion!!!\"
He looked towards the source of the voice and there he was, chewing on Seperot\'s leg.
- \"Savion!\" shouted Seperot and after drawing galkard, he stabbed him in the face.
- \"It burns, it burns!\" Savion started yelling and jumping around.
Tranor that just woke up grabbed his sword and was about to slay the creature, when Savion spoke once again:
- \"No, don\'t kill Savion. Savion will do good, Savion will lead you to Auran.\"
- \"We can just take this road and get to Auran ourselfs\" answered Tranor
- \"But Savion knows quicker way, Savion been there already. Let\'s go through swamps... yes, the swamps.\"
Seperot shrugged
- \"Well if u say its qiucker way well go there\"

- \"Why do i haveta drag those 2 anyway?\"
- \"Lord Kiern ordered us to bring as many prisoners as possible... and I order u to drag them\"
- \"whatever... I still dont c y shouldnt we just kill em\"
Grakrim opened his eyes, first thing that he noticed were two n00bs argueing about something.
- \"well duh, ur dumb so u dont understand\" said the bigger one. \"anyway, I think we should stop n rest for awile...\"
Grakrim and Monketh got released from a tight grip, but still they were tied. All n00bs were now busy with themselfs, so Grakrim decided to wake up Monketh. He kicked him few times and finally Monketh opened his eyes.
- \"What hap...\" Monketh didn\'t manage to finish his question, as suddenly n00bs started running around preparing for battle... someone was attacking. Grakrim decided to free himself by casting a fire spell on the ropes. By speaking arcane words, he summoned flames around his body and soon he was free from ropes. When he stood up, he noticed that Monketh was already free as well.
- \"How come you aren\'t tied anymore?\" he asked
- \"Well... it seems that those n00bs have no idea about tying ropes...\" answered Monketh
- \"bah! well anyway, we can\'t stay here. Let\'s hide in that nearby forest\" Saying that he runned towards it.

- \"Someone\'s running towards us!\" Shouted Dorbian. In same moment Draklar and Bobodar stood next to him. All three of them watched as two figures were getting closer and closer to them. The characters were well armoured, they stopped by the team and the leader spoken:
- \"What are you three doing here?\"
- \"First tell us your name!\" answered Bobodar
- \"I don\'t need to tell you my name. Answer my question, or you all will be crashed!\"
- \"Is that all?\" Draklar raised an eyebrow \"Only two of you? That\'s all you have on thy side?\"
- \"Well yea, that\'s my army...\"
- \"And you think you can do anything to us?\"
- \"Well err...\" the character shrugged \"fine, my name is Keldorn. I patrol this teritory to destroy any n00b forces that pass by\"
- \"Speaking of which, did you see a group of n00bs where you come from?\" asked Dorbian
- \"yep, we slaughtered all of them. No one stayed alive\" Keldorn smiled.
- \"but there were our friends... you\'re sure no one stayed there?\"
- \"Well you can check, but I doubt anyone\'s alive there.\" Saying that, Keldorn passed the team and went back to patroling.
When they got to the battlefield, to their eyes appeared many slaughtered n00bs. They were searching the corpses, but neither Grakrim nor Monketh were found. Suddenly Dorbian called others.
- \"you two see these footprints?\" he pointed at footprints in the ground that were leading to a forest. \"don\'t they look like Grak\'s and Monk\'s?\"
- \"nah, that can\'t be it. Let\'s just forget about the whole thing and go back to home.\" answered Draklar.
And when they were about to go back, suddenly Aendar appeared in front of them.
- \"What\'s with the hurry, Draklar? Do you miss your Aelya?\" Aendar grinned
- \"oh, just shut up\" Draklar frowned \"say... didn\'t that TeddyBear creature kill you?\"
- \"nah, it was a hard fight, but it takes a bit more to defeat me... actually I\'d join you back at the exit of the dungeons, but you guys didn\'t wait even one minute\"
- \"so?\" Draklar shrugged \"we had to hurry with the mision you know...\"
- \"Well I have new mission, I just found out that Auran wants to send an attack. We need to form an army to oppose him.\"

- \"Monketh, where are you?\" Grakrim shouted as he couldn\'t see his friend anymore. They were in the forest for quite some time now and he could say that they\'re lost.
- \"I\'m right here!\" Monketh answered.
Grakrim looked up. Monketh was sitting on a giant chair, which after a moment, to Grakrim\'s surprise, started moving.
- \"who dares to sit on me?\" asked the chair.
Monketh gasped as a giant talking chair wasn\'t something he would expect.
- \"a talking chair, eh?\" Grakrim raised an eyebrow \"well you don\'t see that everyday...\"
- \"indeed\" answered the chair \"but it wasn\'t always like that. It\'s a sad story, actually.\"
- \"I\'m listening\" said Grakrim
- \"Well in former days, this forest was filled with the talking trees. I was one of them. We were happy and didn\'t care about what was happening around us. But one day, the gods of Yliakum decided that we aren\'t oryginal enough. So they sent a bunch of rock people with axes at us... And since that day we are the talking furniture. But enough about me, what are you two doing here?\"
- \"we were running away from a bunch of n00bs\" answered Grakrim \"and now we\'re lost.\"
- \"ah yes, the n00bs... They are annoyance for us lately... In former days an old mage Kiern was supporting us... now he stands on the side of n00bs...\"
- \"Why don\'t you just go and get rid of him?\" asked Grakrim.
- \"well... sounds like a plan. I\'ll talk with all the furniture of this forest and soon we should be able to attack his tower...\"

- \"Come... it\'s this way, this way... follow Savion\" Savion kept calling Seperot and Tranor.
- \"ok ok, were coming its hard too walk on swmaps you know...\" Seperot answered \"hey, whos the rock guy?\" He pointed at Kran standing in the middle of swamps.
- \"oh, it\'s just Dur\'ok... don\'t mind him, we must go now!\"
Suddenly darkness surrounded the whole area. Savion looked up \"oh no! it\'s Xordan! quick, hide in grass!\" Tranor and Seperot did as he said and then looked up. Xordan was flying on a pterosaur. Out of a sudden they heard a dreadful scream: \"wooooooo!!! I can flyyy! I pwn everyone!\" It didn\'t take long \'till Xordan disapeared in fog, they were safe again. Suddenly they heard another scream: \"argghhhh!!!\" It was Dur\'ok running in panic towards Savion. Seperot grinned as the Kran runned over him. Tranor and Seperot then came to see what happened with their guide. He was still alive \"f-follow... s-savion\" he whispered and even though he was mauled all over his body, he started walking towards their destination.
- \"wow Savion, you still can walk after something like that? I\'m impressed\" said Tranor
- \"oh that\'s nothing\" answered Savion \"Savion is used to being beaten up by various people...\"
And so, by following Savion soon they reached the gate of the Auran\'s place. It was a dark region and hidious stench followed them wherever they went.
- \"damnit Tranor!\" Seperot shouted \"keep ur gasses for yorself\"
- \"sorry...\" Tranor shrugged \"it\'s that elven food...\"
- \"look!\" Savion called them \"there\'s the gate!\"
The gate was closed now, Seperot tried to spot some way to go inside, but he found nothing. Suddenly, to his joy, the gate started opening. An army was coming out. The most horrible n00bs were doing their dark march. Seperot and Tranor could hear some n00b shouting something about Reality TV, another kept shouted \"ha! i knew u can open gates, u all r idiots, i pwn u all!!1\" and yet another cussed at everyone around.
- \"It is our chance\" whispered Seperot \"lets hurry inside\"
- \"what?\" Savion turned to Seperot in shock \"no, you can\'t go. They\'ll catch you, you\'ll lose the spamzor!\"
- \"oh just shutup. I knw better then you\" Saying that, Seperot started running towards the gate. Savion wasn\'t going to let him do it. He jumped at Seperot and the both rolled down the hill. Two n00bs heard the noise and went to check what happened. When they were standing next to Seperot and Savion one of them asked the other one:
- \"do u c nething?\"
- \"no how do u switch to mouselook again?\" the n00b responded
- \"wait ill ask\" Saying that, he turned to the army. \"hey m8s! how do u switch 2 mouselook?\"
The others responded:
- \"dude ur such a n00b shut up if u dont know that!\"
- \"u d0n7 kn0w 7h47? 633z m4n ur 4n !d!07\"
- \"haha! look at n00b hes such a n00b!!!!11oneone\"
Seperot used the moment and attacked the two n00bs with his katana. two armless bodies fell to ground. Seperot grinned as he was completely covered with blood. One moment later Seperot started running towards the gate again.
- \"noooo!\" shouted Savion and threw a rock directly at Seperot\'s head, who then fell unconcious. Savion walked to Seperot and he was about to grab the spamzor, when suddenly he felt a cold steel on his neck.

to be continued...
AKA Skald


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« Reply #36 on: March 06, 2004, 02:50:09 pm »
Excellent Draklar!  Can\'t wait to read more.

Only n00bs don't quote themselves...


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« Reply #37 on: March 06, 2004, 02:57:06 pm »
Originally posted by Draklar
All n00bs were now busy with themselfs, so Grakrim decided to wake up Monketh. He kicked him few times and finally Monketh opened his eyes.

Wha-?  I\'m a mage, for Voldul\'s sake, can\'t I jostle him awake with a zap as opposed to a lick?

Wow, I got some more lines, fancy!  But they were loaded with homosexual undertones, weren\'t they? Maybe I\'m just reading too much into it...

Yeah, abusing Grakrim is fun, isn\'t it? :P
\" I think you should just follow Grakrim\'s advice ;)\"

\"A universe is enough for more than one opinion.\" - Maxximus


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« Reply #38 on: March 06, 2004, 03:02:23 pm »
well casting such spell while being tied up might be... you know... hard ;)
AKA Skald


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« Reply #39 on: March 06, 2004, 03:05:48 pm »
Wow, I got some more lines, fancy! But they were loaded with homosexual undertones, weren\'t they? Maybe I\'m just reading too much into it...

yea anyone feeling up to it go to quakenet and #PS_RANGERS and look at the title :D

realy good job drak :)


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« Reply #40 on: March 06, 2004, 04:36:06 pm »
err... lick, Grakrim? I\'m not sure what do you mean, but do you want to talk about it? If so, please, not with me ;)
AKA Skald


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« Reply #41 on: March 07, 2004, 06:57:16 am »

- \"give me one reason why I shouldn\'t kill you\" Tranor spoken
- \"well... you won\'t get inside without my help\" answered Savion
- \"good enough\" Tranor hid the blade back in his sheath.
It didn\'t take long for Seperot to wake up.
- \"Savion...\" Seperot frowned \"did you jst throw a rock at me?\"
- \"It was... for your best, erm... master...\" Savion steped back.
- \"you know wht is also the best? blood... lotsa blood...\" Seperot grinned
- \"no! don\'t do it, we both were using the spamzor. Only we know how it is... we should be sticking together!\" Savion gulped
- \"well... how about you stick togethr with me fist?\" saying that Seperot hit at Savion.

Savion knew another, \"secret\" way to get inside and they decided to follow their black-eyed guide. Soon they got from the lands of deadly-spam to a peaceful plane. It didn\'t look like anything will stop them, but suddenly they heard a loud war cry followed by sound of drums.
- \"w00t! w00t! w00t! w00t!\" it kept repeating.
One moment later they noticed the source of it. A large number of people were sitting on some giant creatures.
- \"This can\'t be\" whispered Tranor \"those are c0ws... I thought they\'re only a legend... quick, we must hide!\"
All three quickly jumped into bushes and kept looking at the situation.
- \"bah! seriosly Tranor, lose some weight!\" Seperot yelled. \"Who are they?\" he asked then \"the dont look like peple from our lands\"
- \"Auran must have took over one of realm portals\" answered Savion \"He\'s bringing people from other realms to take over the Yliakum.\"
- \"But where? where are they from?\" asked Tranor
- \"Savion heard Auran saying something about the realm of the... runescape... A gossip says that many horrible n00bs ready for battle live there.\"
Suddenly their discussion got interrupted by a rain of arrows falling down onto c0ws. The creatures started running around in panic. Tranor used the moment to try to run away, but he got soon stopped by Men In Green. Seperot tried to rescue him, but he got captured as well. There was no way to free themselfs, they had to wait and see what will happen.

- \"So anyway\" the chair spoken \"how come ... you two ... got lost? I mean ... one of you is an elf ... I never heard of elf that ... got lost in forest ...\"
Monketh shrugged
- \"Well I grown up among humans, not elves. I don\'t really see myself as one.\"
The chair raised a splinter.
- \"nevermind that ... we\'re already at ... the meeting place\" the chair made a big, chairy smile.
Monketh and Grakrim could see many giant things made of wood. The chair told them to wait a bit, as they had to make plans for the battle. After a while chair came back to them.
- \"So the meeting is over? We\'re attacking?\" asked Grakrim
- \"no, we must ... wait with the meeting because ... table, ladder and stool are ... playing poker right now ...\"
- \"bah, I say!\" Grakrim was annoyed but he had not much to say about it.
After an hour the rest of wood-works came to the meeting place and they finally could start discussion about what to do.

- \"We\'re almost there!\" shouted Aendar
Bobodar, Dorbian and Draklar glanced at the city in front of them.
- \"That\'s all?\" asked Draklar \"how big army do you expect from this place?\"
- \"How big army do you want to fight a bunch of n00bs?\" Aendar rolled eyes
- \"true...\" Draklar noded
Soon they got to the city and started heading to the castle. In front of castle gate, they got stopped by guards.
- \"You must leave your weapons here\" said one of them.
- \"What? bah, fine\" answered Draklar \"but if you touch my sword, yer dead, got it? Seriously, only touch it...\"
And so everyone left their weapons in peace.
- \"And your staff\" one of guards turned to Aendar.
- \"oh?\" Aendar raised an eyebrow \"you won\'t take a walking stick from an old man, will you?\" Aendar asked \"Especially that if you\'ll try, that old man will beat the hell out of ya!\"
The guard blinked \"move along\"
- \"YOU HAVE MY AXE! GIVE BACK M...\" Bobodar got stopped by Draklar
- \"Just come inside\"
They came into a large hall. At the other side they could see old king Cad sitting on his throne and someone else standing next to him.
- \"w-who is it, Xalthar?\" Cad asked the person beside him.
- \"four people came: arrogant mage, fury warrior, annoying dwarf and crazy elf.\" answered Xalthar
- \"what do they want?\" Cad continued
- \"they want... umm... bad\"
- \"oh... what should we do?\"
Xalthar didn\'t manage to answer Cad\'s question as his face got smashed with Aendar\'s staff. The hall guards attacked in same moment and the four companions had to defend themselfs. Bobodar started running like crazy all over the hall, making the guards chase him. Draklar used the moment and casted fireballs at every guard in the hall. Thanks to that Aendar could start conversation with Cad. It wasn\'t easy though as Cad turned out to be very old Enkidukai. Aendar was yelling some arcane words at him, but there were no results. Suddenly a fireball smashed Cad\'s body, killing him in one second. Aendar turned to Draklar.
- \"ooook, what was that?\" he asked
- \"umm... battle rage?\" Draklar shrugged
But Cad wasn\'t gone yet. Few seconds later he respawned as a young Enkidukai.
- \"Only two lives left...\" he sighed \"so what\'s happening here? Who caused all this destruction?\"
Draklar pointed at Xalthar.
\"What? this can\'t be, he\'s such a good advisor, he couldn\'t do that\"
- \"Thy mind is being fooled\" said Draklar \"Grab your mug, let your body and mind awake!\"
- \"My mug? But where is it? I didn\'t see it for such a long time...\"
- \"Here it is!\" shouted Dorbian while running into the hall. He showed the mug to Cad.
- \"Indeed\" Cad noded \"But where was it? Where did you find it?\"
- \"I found it in Xalthar\'s room\" Dorbian answered
- \"WTF?\" Xalthar jumped back
- \"Ah, so that\'s how it is?\" Cad picked up his mug and suddenly he felt force coming back to his body. Now, he was as strong as in the former days. He looked at Xalthat and with one swing, he spilled acid that was inside of mug all over him. The cunning mage was then kicked out from the castle.
- \"Good job\" Aendar whispered to Dorbian \"But how did you know it\'s in Xalthar\'s room?\"
- \"It wasn\'t\" answered Dorbian \"I found it in kitchen\"
- \"I can\'t believe Kiern is behind all this\" Cad sighed \"I thought he\'s on our side\"
- \"indeed\" Aendar noded \"But for now we need to get an army to fight Auran...\"
Suddenly they heard people outside calling Cad, everyone knew something bad must happened. When they got outside, they noticed an exhausted man on horse. It was DepthBlade, a warior from nearby village. Cad decided to give him some food and listen to what happened. Kiern\'s n00b army attacked the village, it seemed like he wanted to take over Cad\'s kingdom. The situation didn\'t look good, as it was obvious that Kiern has larger army.
- \"Don\'t worry\" said Aendar \"It is quality that counts, not quantity.\"
- \"No!\" Cad shaked head \"We must find better place to defend ourselfs.\"
- \"And that is?\" Aendar asked
- \"We\'ll go to the temple of Laanx, it already defended us once... back in the old days... in the battle against the lag monster\"
- \"Well actually...\" Aendar responded \"it is my temple\"
Cad raised an eyebrow \"Whatever, the point is we go there.\"
And so, after gathering as many people as possible, they started their march to Aendar\'s temple. Aendar however decided to gain few more people for the defense and so he took his own way, promising he\'ll be back for the battle.

- \"Bah! Can\'t you discuss it a little faster?\" Grakrim shouted to the chair.
- \"hey! The discussions take ... some time ... you know ...\" Answered the chair
- \"Well not as long as yours, why can\'t you speed it up?\" Grakrim kept shouting
- \"My child, do you ... know who you\'re ... talking to? I am Annah, the giant talking chair! I\'ve been here since ... the beginning, we all were ... and you are just a ... newb. I don\'t think you have anything ... to say here ...\"
- \"I\'d rather call myself midbie, thank you\" Grakrim shrugged \"And I don\'t see how the thing that you were here earlier makes you better\"
- \"Heh ... midbie? you? Kid, when you\'ll be ... at least ... a hundred years older ... then you can call yourself ... midbie. And we are better because ... we were here since beginning and ... we know it all!\"
- \"bah, just go back to your meeting\" Grakrim rolled eyes.

- \"Well normally you wouldn\'t see difference\" said Bobodar \"But I guess reason why you didn\'t see any of our females is because they\'re rare in these parts, lady Aineko\"
- \"But why? Why normally I wouldn\'t see the difference?\" Aineko asked
- \"It\'s because of beards\" shouted Draklar \"Normally they have beards, but somehow female dwarves here don\'t have them\"
Suddenly they heard someone yelling behind:
- \"n00b scouts! n00b scouts!\"
They hurried up to see what happened and when they got to the place, they looked up. Few n00bs were standing on the edge looking for a way to get down and attack.
- \"Just jump\" shouted Bobodar \"Falling damage not implemented yet\"
Hearing that, the n00bs jumped down and by hitting the ground, they breaken their bones, dying in the same moment.
- \"Kran riders!\" someone else shouted.
In some distance they could see squad of n00bs riding on trained Krans. Everyone got ready for battle. Dorbian started shooting arrows, laughing like a psycho while doing so. Draklar casted a fireball at the n00bs, however krans were resistant to such attacks. Bobodar was first one to charge at enemies. He tried to hit one of riders, but he was too short and as a result he got runned over by a Kran. All soldiers attacked the n00b squad. Many swords flew and one after another n00bs were being slain. Krans were hard enemy, but not being experianced, they didn\'t make such a dangerous enemy for warriors. Draklar slain yet another n00b and when he turned around, he noticed paniced Kran running towards him.
- \"damn\" he whispered just before the Kran runned at him and they both fell down the edge. The fight soon ended and they could get back to the march to Aendar\'s temple.
- \"So are everyone here?\" asked some soldier
- \"Yea, I think so\" answered Dorbian and after grabbing smashed Bobodar, he started dragging him on their way to the temple.
After few hours, they finally got to their destination. First they had to rest after the long journey. Cad decided to add newbs that were able to fight to the army and ordered weaponsmiths to forge swords for them. All that couldn\'t fight were ordered to hide in sector laanx_well. Suddenly Draklar entered the temple. He was exhausted and his armour was completely damaged.
- \"Damn I hate n00bs\" he grumbled
- \"Oh hello Draklar, didn\'t know you were gone\" Cad grinned
Draklar glared at Cad and moved on to change his armour. After doing so he joined Cad in organizing the defense.
- \"Few soldiers glitch to the top of the temple\" he said \"and take some rubies with you, you\'ll be throwing them down at attacking n00bs.\"
- \"Archers go to the balcony\" ordered Cad \"Few glitch to the other side, Another two stand on doors. You\'ll be shooting entering n00bs.\"
Gate to laanx_well sector got closed and few soldiers were ordered to guard it. Some were placed in sector: laanx_entrance so they won\'t let n00bs come in too quickly. Others were ordered to hide behind benches and doors. All that was left was to wait for the enemy.

- \"The meeting is ... over.\" Annah spoken to Grakrim \"We decided ... that we will attack ... Kiern.\"
- \"Well that\'s about time\" Grakrim rolled eyes \"Can we go there now?\"
- \"Sure\" he answered \"Hop on\"
Grakrim and Monketh sighed and they both climbed up the chair
\"It will be a show\" Annah continued \"that Kiern ... will never forget ...\"
And so the giant wood-works left the forest in a march against spreading of n00bism.

- \"Enemy is coming!\" shouted one of soldiers while running into temple. All soldiers looked through the entrance. A giant number of people were coming their way, the n00b march lied ahead. The gate to the temple got closed. Now they were only waiting to hear the first thumps on the gate.

to be continued...
AKA Skald


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« Reply #42 on: March 07, 2004, 07:05:30 am »
hehe still so funny :)
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« Reply #43 on: March 07, 2004, 07:07:07 am »
Soooo how do the furniture walk.....that\'d be a sight to see.

And grats for the temple.  ;)   Some people still don\'t believe me when I tell them it\'s mine...

Only n00bs don't quote themselves...


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« Reply #44 on: March 07, 2004, 07:13:12 am »
Originally posted by AendarCallenlasse
Soooo how do the furniture walk.....

probably same way as they talk ;)
AKA Skald