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Messages - Aravi

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Wish list /
« on: June 03, 2005, 09:01:37 pm »
I\'d say glyph + appropriate alchemical components + sword specially crafted = magical sword.

The quality of this sword would depend on the skill of the craftsmen creating the components and the quality of the components found.

Lower/higher quality items might be used as substitutes in these recipes (eg. Garnet in place of Ruby, Eye of Lizard in place of Eye of Dragon) with significantly diminished effects.

The Hydlaa Plaza /
« on: June 03, 2005, 08:21:40 pm »
If patents were limited to geniunely original ideas, they wouldn\'t be a problem.

Unfortunately the standard for original has dropped significantly where patent offices are concerned. A large part of it is the amount of hassle involved in turning down patents (numerous hearings where the applicants lawyers try to overturn the decision) as opposed to just letting them through.

Software patents in particular bother me, it\'s getting easier and easier to accidentally infringe someone elses patents without knowing - and that is not a good thing in any way whatsoever.

Wish list /
« on: June 03, 2005, 08:10:06 pm »
Originally posted by DaveG
1)  The HP/Mana/Stamina/etc. window is just too big, and sucks up to much of the on-screen space.  My suggestion is to get rid of the target HP bar, and simply show a small health bar under the name of characters.  The range needed for the bar to appear should be rather close.  (you have to be close enough to \"sense\" the status)

Some good ideas, but sometimes that other information is useful. Ideally, you could hide\\show the extra information depending on if you needed it.

They could also reduce it\'s use of vertical space by placing the stance bar vertically alongside the HP info display. This would use a bit more horizontal space (but,there\'s more of that to use).

2)  The FPS, time, and other little bits of info should be moved somewhere else.  Sure, you can move the window so they\'re off-screen, but this is just a hack.

The hide\\show possibilty I mentioned above could do just that. Alternatively this information could be displayed as part of the toolbar.

3)  The chat window can easily be flooded with battle data, and actual chat messages often get lost in the clutter.  I turn off most of the combat feedback, but even the damage reports are enough to clog things up.  Using the tabs to avoid this gets annoying, because you can only see one of the chat types at once.  (ie. say, tell, guild, group)  Simple solution:  Show damage done as a number that briefly hovers over the hit area of the target.  (lots of RPG\'s do this)  Again, you should have to be within attack range to see this.  (yours or another player\'s)

Possibly, although others have argues that floating numbers harms the immersion/realism factor. It\'s an open debate whether the existing system is any better in this regard though.

4)  Item/magic toolbelt.  It would be nice to have a \"toolbelt\" that we could drop items/spells into that would sit under the stances icons.  It would act like the shortcut window does now, but more compact and nicer looking.  (Also prevent you from having to root through your inventory screen to eat some food or use a potion.)

Actually, the shortcut window allows you to create command shortcuts (eg. /Dig Gold). A quick-bar for items has not just UI but also gameplay implications.

5)  Get rid of the \"started attacking\" messages.  I see no point to these, frankly.  If my stance on-screen changes, I\'m attacking.  I don\'t really need a written record of it.


6)  Allow the main toolbar to fade.  I think this should have the same transparency options as everything else.  You can hide it right now with a click, but an automatic fade away would be nice.


Wish list /
« on: May 28, 2005, 11:18:07 pm »
Originally posted by wormking
maybe from levels 0-14 it costs 30 tria and levels 15+ cost double what your level is (level 15=30 tria, level 16=32 tria, etc.)


This idea I like. Initially flat rate, but increasing in cost later as the player progresses. It\'s more realistic than a flat climb, and gives beginning players a reasonable cruise (but not too easy). 5 rat kills will pay for 1 training, as will 5 gold.

If you wanted to make it a bit easier you could just go 0-9, 20 tria and progress up from there (or similar adjustments).

Forum and Website Discussions /
« on: May 21, 2005, 10:46:30 pm »
Unless of course, the censored words are in your hostname / site path (for geocities, ISP, etc hosting).

Then you\'re screwed. It\'s an open argument whether that serves you right or not, but you\'re screwed nonetheless :P.

Wish list /
« on: April 29, 2005, 08:53:02 pm »
Maybe a spell aswell, but they should add a /prospect command or similar. Mining skills determine the accuracy of the information you can get using it (low mining, it\'s uninformative or inaccurate).

Wish list /
« on: April 29, 2005, 12:01:07 pm »
It\'d probably be better to have quality uncapped but progress on a logarithmic scale. That way there is no real upper limit to what a craftsman can achieve, but diminishing returns would kick in (that said, the scale should be shifted for more difficult items to craft - perhaps the difficulty should be a divisor, so the output quality should be something like:

Log n ((Blacksmithing + Relevant Crafting * Bellcurve Randomiser (0.5,1.5)) / Difficulty)

With n being an appropriate base for good early progress, but slowing progress later.

Ideally, a 1.0 for quality for an item should be reasonably hard to obtain (for simpler items this level would represent being a real blacksmith rather than just an apprentice), pushing above that would become much more difficult. Above that will require much time and practice, and those craftsmen that attain that level will reap the benefitcs.

Wish list /
« on: April 29, 2005, 11:32:48 am »
Limiting the number of apprentices will bite for players who want to pursue that career but miss it.

Really, Lvl 1 in a skill shouldn\'t make you sufficiently competent to make much out of it (this is already true of mining, it takes forever to mine gold with mining of only 1-2) - pushing your skills up from there requires an investment of time.

Arguably the way things are now, progression points/money will become easier to come by for higher level players who will likely proceed to level up other skills, but instead of artificially limiting who can ger access to some skills, it\'d make more sense to address it within the skill system: eg. slow down the gaining of progression points as players grow (The slowing shouldn\'t be that significant, just enough to ensure they have to be careful where they decide to spend those precious progression points) or maybe increase the pp costs for new skills based on the number of skills already learned.

Regarding inter-player exchange, You\'d need to not only prevent Player->NPC selling but NPC->Player buying to make it work (Far more convenient if you don\'t have to go looking for a merchant). I\'d also recommend having the skill of the craftsman affect the quality of the item (to encourage craftsmen to continue to develop their abilities beyond what they need). Really, this sort of economy stuff shouldn\'t be messed with until the game has a bit more content in it - there\'s not enough to support it yet.

Development Deliberation /
« on: February 09, 2005, 04:57:36 pm »
Code: [Select]
[root@ironclad planeshift-scratch]# cvs login
Logging in to
CVS password:
cvs [login aborted]: unrecognized auth response from M PserverBackend::PserverBackend() Connect (Connection refused)

Problem is back. There does appear to be a partial CVS outage in progress according to this page:

Hope this helps anyone experiencing difficulties.

Wish list /
« on: February 03, 2005, 12:13:58 am »
From a gameplay perspective:

Alchemy -> Making gold just doesn\'t make sense, it becomes a \'get rich quick\' method. Even if you work hard to restrain it, it\'ll provide the means to fund it\'s own progression.

Alchemy as potion making is probably what was originally intended, and is the common definition used in a fantasy setting. It\'s a useful (but not overpowered) skill.

For the record, no alchemist ever succeeded in making gold, but what they learned trying was a valuable contribution to human knowledge (Metallurgy, Chemistry).

1. Can create them cheaper yourself, and may be able to create otherwise unavailable potions.
2. How so? All you make is gold.
3. Huh?
4. See above.
5. See above.

Development Deliberation / Jam segfaulting.
« on: February 02, 2005, 10:28:40 am »
Jam segfaults trying to compile Planeshift. The gdb backtrace of the crash was excessively long (Well over 10,000 calls deep, I had passed 12,000 by the time I gave up on reaching the end).

I\'ve submitted a bug-report about it, but does anybody know of a good way around it?

Technical Help: IN GAME bugs (after loading world) /
« on: February 01, 2005, 11:31:08 am »
Submitting a source patch?

Linux Specific Issues /
« on: January 30, 2005, 10:11:36 am »
Let us know when there\'s news.

The Loki Installer was a far superior system, IMHO.

General Discussion /
« on: January 30, 2005, 10:00:43 am »
Would be nice, although not that many people would need it.

A better solution might be to implement in-game marriages.

Wish list /
« on: January 30, 2005, 02:57:04 am »
We can also trust ;).

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