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Messages - Ralas

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PlaneShift News and Rules / Re: Chat migration to discord chat client.
« on: February 05, 2019, 08:34:15 pm »
I'm not leaving.

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: Feelings and responsibility
« on: August 05, 2017, 05:46:59 pm »
your right about that, they basically want puppets that move on command rather than people with a will of their own. much easier to do whatever they want that way.
That they want people able to follow orders without asking actually means they do care about who people are, you know.

Everything you've said in these last couple of posts is brilliant and I challenge anyone to bring a SENSIBLE counterargument.

My best friend went to the military.  To the marines.  He went to Iraq and says he "saw some firefights" but that is the extent to which he'll talk about it.  He had some problems when he left, as do most of us.  But he came back with many more.  So it's funny, mental health-wise, that the one condition that will disqualify you is the one that you contract immediately upon serving.
Quote from: Aeghiss link=topic=42841.msg482929#msg482929 date=1501836020
Finally, something you didn't mention (of course...) : even though being trans surely is more of a weakness than a strength in a discriminating society, trans people are first and foremost individuals.
What I meant here was precisely that : recruiting for the army you would ask yourself whether one would be able to follow orders, how fast and how well they will react in case of a danger, etc. And this is about one's quality and flaws, their individuality in short. And if a trans has every quality you seek, it would be nonsensical to turn them down only because they are trans, and instead take someone who isn't as good.
You can tell what you want about trans being globally a lesser choice, trans aren't all the same. Having trans quotas in the army to make sure they have their chances as well as the cis wouldn't make sense, but turning every trans down makes no sense either.

Yeah.  I think anytime you're saying BLANK people should be banned from BLANK thing, you're being discriminatory (that's using the word "discriminatory" with the added nuance that usually comes with the word's definition in the domain-specific context of the thread.  Now you can put away your dictionary and stop  spouting off its contents which are surface-level and only surface-level relevant to this conversation, okay?)

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: Feelings and responsibility
« on: August 01, 2017, 10:49:15 pm »
Just tired of you guys not actually taking the time to read what i'm posting, or responding with non-sequiturs and red herrings (relative to the things I'm saying, I mean.)  And then you insult my logical prowess?  Demand sources without providing any of your own?  (Again when my claims are primarily word-for-word only what Trump himself has stated).  I'm done.

It's impossible to do so when your claims are not based on logic. All we can do is point out how absurd your statements are.

But you're not, that's the thing.  You're going off on tangents about the dictionary definition of "discrimination" when you know damned well it takes on a loaded meaning in this context.  You're saying stuff that has little to nothing to do with the things I've said.  And I'm done.

I'm done.

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: Feelings and responsibility
« on: August 01, 2017, 12:13:44 pm »
Riggy:  Your arguments are clearly designed to elicit an emotional  response.  You constantly demand sources without providing any yourself.  You gloss over things like banning transgender folks from the military as "how the military recruits."  You say that Stop and Frisk would be " Okay, where needed."  EG where there is more crime as in lower income communities which TEND not to be white.  Trump knows this very well.  My arguments are fact-based while yours mostly involve (intentionally?) mis-reading what I've written, or missing the point, and trying to send me on wild goose chases proving the existence of the Great Wall.  Yes, you get me worked up and then I can't logic very well, as seems to be your intent.  But you're not logicing well either--your claims on the effects of welfare, for instance, have been disproven time and time again.  Yet still you spout off some mumbo about how you THINK it works.  I have studied this extensively in my teacher education and you're wrong.  I'm not going to track down evidence on it for you to spout off some junk about how my source is presenting "alternative facts" or whatever.  See why i'm reluctant to engage?  Maybe it's laziness.  Maybe I'd be more inclined to do more work if it weren't a moot point now.  Or maybe I'm tired of you intentionally misunderstanding things.

Sarras:  You...people? Who exactly are you lumping me in with?  I've read lots of history books and I know our country's history of atrocity against those who are different.  I'm curious as to what you would consider "reasonable" discrimination?

I'm emotional because you and riggy are too busy insulting me to present good logical constructions.  Yes, this makes me emotional.  I'm human.  But how dare you call me uniformed, or insinuate that my emotions are clouding my logic?  AGAIN EVERYTHING I'M SAYING IS TAKING TRUMP'S WORDS AT FACE VALUE.*

*okay most things.

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: Feelings and responsibility
« on: August 01, 2017, 12:23:37 am »
Rigwyn, nothing you posted was a sensible argument against what Trump had himself said in the debates and through other media outlets.
You might want to trace the discussion back a few links. I think you've lost track of what we were discussing. 

Literally every claim I made was directly supported by Trump himself during the debates.  I'm not gonna go back and re-watch hours and hours of video to find where he made statements that are now so public knowledge that your average fourth-grader is aware of them.  Every "logical" statement you made has been DIRECTLY contradicted by Trump or his administration.  At the time of my original postings here these should have been extremely fresh in your mind because he had just said them.  Like literally just said how he believed in stop 'n frisk for instance or some terrible things about varying groups of people.  This is all stuff he has repeatedly stated publicly so there is zero question as to its authenticity.  I figured out pretty quick that Trumpers don't actually CARE about facts so I feel no need to now posthumously hunt things down.  Again, hours and hours of tape i'd have to sift through to find things that were extremely public knowledge.  I'm not gonna spend nine hours leading a horse when he's not gonna drink the damned water anyway.

LOL. That's quite Ok. I have my logic all figured out.  I've made a point to discuss my points of view clearly and articulately. I think I've been fair and balanced giving credit where credit is due. You on the other hand, are being lazy by trying to just hand-wave this away. Shame on you.

No shame on YOU.  See above.  Primary sources.  You go back and watch those debates, read all those pre-election papers if you want.  Most of the things he's doing now were campaign promises, and most of them are gonna be found unconstitutional real fast, like most of the things he's tried to implement.  I admit I'm not that sure what your logic is--it mostly seems to be arguing against things i've said (again despite a mountain of evidence supporting my point publicly available).  It's like you WANT me to dig up old articles and debate clips so i can be like SEE THERE!  But this is busywork--again this stuff is common knowledge.  Meanwhile transgendered folks are banned from the US military and you're like oh the source you cited is biased!  Okay maybe.  Are you claiming he DIDN'T ban those folks from the military?  Are you going to argue that this is somehow acceptable?

Are you claiming he didn't gut the EPA and put a climate-change denier in charge?
Are you claiming he didn't put Betsy Devos, who is anti public education, in charge of public education?
Are you claiming he didn't once say that Mexico wasn't sending us their best people but their "rapists" and "drug dealers" and "maybe some good people too," implying that most Mexican Americans fall into one of the first two?
Are you claiming that one of his goals is not to get stop n frisk nationally implemented, where stop-n-frisk clearly constitutes illegal search and seizure?
Are you claiming he hasn't threatened the press for speaking out against him?
Are you claiming that his chief strategist is not a known anti-semite?

These are all moves that dictators make, that fascists make.  Let's start here.  Tell me what you doubt and maybe I'll find a source for you.  One. Source.  To start with.

To summarize: the reason I haven't cited sources is because all of the things I were arguing were easily verified by things Trump had himself said.  It's like asking me to prove that the Great Wall of China exists; sure I could probably track you down some legitimate articles on its construction and preservation, but you know damned well it's there.  You're wasting my time.  This only blocks further progress and discussion and I don't appreciate it.  Hence, no, shame on you, for using slimy logistic tactics when you know damned well yours is the wrong side of the argument.

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: Feelings and responsibility
« on: July 28, 2017, 01:01:20 pm »
I have no idea what you are responding to. The quote in your post is of someone else's words, not mine.

I didn't quote it because your argument wasn't worth dissecting.  You called my fears and cries of fascism concerns of an immature person who did not understand what the word means, against a literal plethora of evidence which only continues to grow.  Hence the cited article.

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: Feelings and responsibility
« on: July 27, 2017, 03:04:36 pm »
First off, we don't hate Trump because he "speaks his mind."  We hate him because he is a bumbling, megalomaniac xenophobe who has absolutely no idea how to run a country.

How many of the other candidates have experience running the country?
This is a new experience for any candidate unless they are being re-elected, and with it comes a sharp learning curve.

  He thinks all Mexicans are criminals and rapists and all Muslims are terrorists.

That is not what he's said and is not accurate. Replace the "all" with "some" and you'll be a bit closer.  As for what he thinks, it's not knowable and not really relevant.

  His most concrete plans involve building walls, doing "something" about Muslims, and replacing Obamacare with "IDK something better."

What's interesting about this point is that when candidates spout off about specific plans, they typically don't carry through once elected. I suspect it's because they are not privy to the whole story until they are in. ( That or they are just spouting bullshit ). Given this, I'm fine with a rough idea and some history of competence in an executive position.

Trump can't even maintain diplomatic relations with Fox News, who is universally recognized to have a huge bias toward his own side of the aisle.  Can you imagine him at peace talks between Palestine and Israel?  Things would blow up.  More than they already do, I mean.

You have a point there , but I don't think FOX news was interested in supporting him specifically. Remember, he's hitting for the Republicans but he's not bound by them like Cruz and Rubio ( who would be completely helpless without their money ). When a candidate is entirely dependent on their sponsor's money, they are their bitch ( or puppet ). Trump is neither - like Romney( who I despised for reasons not relevant to this topic ) he has his own money and/or means of raising it.

As far as Socialism goes...that whole thing about the safety net (Welfare, Unemployment, etc) is complete hogwash.  It's often spouted by conservatives in favor of "trickle-down economics," which has been failing to work since at least the Nixon era.  People aren't fundamentally lazy--sure maybe a few of them are.

There are entire communities where people make a lifestyle out of living off of welfare and food stamps. Some kids grow up thinking that "EBT" cards are the same as "DEBIT" cards. ( They are plastic cards that are used to distribute money to poor people electronically - not the same as a card that gives you access to money you have earned. ) I would cite some references, but I really don't want people accusing me of being racist or anti-religious or anti-semetic or whatever. It's a sticky topic. If you want to know more about it, google it.

But you'll notice the evidence for this is always anecdotal.  When arguing politics with a conservative friend after a few too many G&T's he will inevitably mention his uncle's friend's cousin's wife's roommate who lives in a shack and doesn't work so that he can get welfare.  I'm not saying that these people don't exist, but they are a statistically negligent minority.

Let's see... Bronx, Harlem, Kiryas Joel to name a few. We're not talking about some lazy college kid who found a way to beat the system. ( Not all people in these areas are on welfare, but many are. ) This is not anecdotal. Here's some details of the percentage of folks who are getting food stamps etc...  ( Mind you, these food stamps are paid for by people with jobs - many of which are struggling to feed their own families )

Most people who use the safety net want desperately to get off of it. 

I applaud those who are caught by the net, get up and recover. That's one example of proper use. For those who are genuinely disabled or who need a hand temporarily, they too are using this resource as intended.

Think also about how a wider safety net would likely increase innovation.  For instance, I would love to quit my current job and start a business, but I'm afraid of what will happen if my business fails and I can't pay my rent.

I don't think giving out more money is going to breed incentive. Rewarded behavior tends to repeat. Giving money is essentially giving a reward.

As for starting your own business, I would love to work for myself too, but similarly, I don't know how I would transition from from my job to self employment  AND ensure that I make the same amount of money and benefits or more. I don't think welfare is going to help with that. For that, you probably need to take some business classes or seek a mentor.

I apologize for not apologizing sooner.  Sarras, you implied an idiocy on my part that I think you should know is not there, so I felt no need to respond.  Rigwyn, nothing you posted was a sensible argument against what Trump had himself said in the debates and through other media outlets.  Like, you can't ask me to prove something he's already readily admitted to.  So it didn't seem worth my time to help you diagnose your logic.

What he has done since he has taken office again proves me right.  As if there weren't a mound of evidence already, now there's this:

Oh well man at least we didn't get stuck with a woman who (legally) deleted (private) emails, right?

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: US Election 2016
« on: February 02, 2017, 05:06:16 pm »
It gets frustrating making well-articulated, carefully crated posts only to see people spew the same baseless garbage, so please don't expect a response if your next posts are of the same quality.

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: US Election 2016
« on: February 02, 2017, 03:03:13 pm »

Whoa, buddy. Shilling for Hill much? Did she pay or threaten you with "disappearance under mysterious circumstances"? `Cause there is no way in Hell anyone sane would vote for that hag otherwise.

Why not?  Do you have anything bad to say about her, anything at all, that isn't easily debunked?  Because when you look at all the reasons people have for hating her, the vast majority of it is baseless.  I have yet to see a solid argument against her that some quick research won't disprove.

And it's a coup because Trump worked with the Russian government and the head of the FBI to knowingly spread misinformation about his opponent and to wrongly bring about suspicion of her in the week prior to the election (again, the feds admitted they had nothing on her, but by then the damage had been done) in order to subvert the will of the people (remember by at least 3 million popular votes) and steal the election.

It gets frustrating making well-articulated, carefully crated posts only to see people spew the same baseless garbage, so please don't expect a response if your next posts are of the same quality.

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: US Election 2016
« on: February 02, 2017, 12:01:18 pm »

Oh come on Ralas, I enjoy a good debate, but I can't have fun with you if you just use emotionally loaded words.
*Accurate, descriptive words.

There was no coup. Mr. Trump won the electoral vote even though the DNC and the Democrats cheated. What the Democrats are trying to do right now is a lot closer to an attempted coup than anything else. Admit it. The Democrats and Liberals would love to stage a coup right about now.

There was in fact a coup.  Trump has essentially admitted to collaborating with hackers who were working for Putin.  The Russians released their "dirt" on her and spread anti-Hillary propaganda (most of which was easily debunked by anyone literate).  Trump also collaborated with Comey to to re-open the investigation the week of the election, thus reminding the public of the whole emails "scandal," only to then admit that there was nothing there.  All of this was intentional to lead the sheep who have been hearing Hillary slandered for so long that they don't question it anymore into voting for the most unfit candidate of all time.

While it's trendy to call people who you do not like "fascists" nowadays*, I don't think that's the best match. We do not have an authoritarian government and we have freedom which does not work with fascism. We also have the ability to impeach a president if need be which happened to Hillary's husband for lying under oath just like Hillary did years later. He was impeached, but not removed from office.

Muslim Ban Executive Order, Anti-gay, "religious freedom" executive order, Bannon (a KNOWN anti-semite) having anything to do with the presidency whatsoever, DeVos, an anti-education person in charge of education, a climate change denier in charge of the EPA, refusal to obey court orders declaring his executive orders unconstitutional, the prohibition of government scientists speaking out (seriously, follow the rogue nasa twitter)... The list goes on.  The point is that Trump scapegoated  Muslims and Latinos to gain favor.   Because the "us vs them" mentality is simple and appeals to the simple-minded.  Remember who else used it?  If you don't think this constitutes fascism then you need to look the word up.

Treason? No, however Obama giving 200 million to Palestine ( Israel's worst enemy ), the Iran nuke deal, the 1 billion+ dollars John Kerry subsequently gave to Iran, and Hillary's acceptance of huge amounts of money from foreign countries like Saudi Arabia and Qatar via her fake charity, her fake news and the MSM's fake polls are not technically treason, but are damn close.

Have you been to Israel/Palestine?  As a Jew I have.  I'm as pro-zionist as anyone but the only solution is a two-state solution.  I saw barely clothed people on dirt settlements among ancient buildings behind giant barbed-wire fences.  Palestine is not a country and thus you cannot call them Israel's worst enemy.  It is unfair to let the worst of them (Hamas, the PA) speak for them.  Yes, those two organizations are evil.  But that wouldn't stop me from feeding emaciated children either.

As for all the fake charity stuff--I would appreciate sources.  I've heard these claims quite a bit, but it grows tiresome having to google and debunk every piece of anti-Hillary propaganda the Russians produced.  So far nothing has  held up to a simple googling, but i'm gonna give you a bit more credit and assume you have a credible source, of which I would appreciate a link.  It hardly matters now anyway.

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: US Election 2016
« on: February 01, 2017, 10:50:35 pm »
Why are we still arguing about this?  The US has been overtaken by a treasonous, fascist coup.  Even those of you who were pro-Trump prior to the election must see that by now.  Now there is nothing left to do but civil disobedience.

PlaneShift News and Rules / Re: An Unreal Arcade
« on: January 04, 2017, 04:22:27 pm »
27-30ish FPS.

Uh, old but decent-ish specs.  It's been a while since i've looked inside my computer :P

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: Feelings and responsibility
« on: March 03, 2016, 12:27:39 am »
This thread makes me so angry, sad, and ashamed to be an American that I don't even know where to begin.

First off, we don't hate Trump because he "speaks his mind."  We hate him because he is a bumbling, megalomaniac xenophobe who has absolutely no idea how to run a country.  He thinks all Mexicans are criminals and rapists and all Muslims are terrorists.  His most concrete plans involve building walls, doing "something" about Muslims, and replacing Obamacare with "IDK something better."

Trump can't even maintain diplomatic relations with Fox News, who is universally recognized to have a huge bias toward his own side of the aisle.  Can you imagine him at peace talks between Palestine and Israel?  Things would blow up.  More than they already do, I mean.

As far as Socialism goes...that whole thing about the safety net (Welfare, Unemployment, etc) is complete hogwash.  It's often spouted by conservatives in favor of "trickle-down economics," which has been failing to work since at least the Nixon era.  People aren't fundamentally lazy--sure maybe a few of them are.  But you'll notice the evidence for this is always anecdotal.  When arguing politics with a conservative friend after a few too many G&T's he will inevitably mention his uncle's friend's cousin's wife's roommate who lives in a shack and doesn't work so that he can get welfare.  I'm not saying that these people don't exist, but they are a statistically negligent minority.  Most people who use the safety net want desperately to get off of it.  Think also about how a wider safety net would likely increase innovation.  For instance, I would love to quit my current job and start a business, but I'm afraid of what will happen if my business fails and I can't pay my rent.

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: Happy Birthday!! Have some cake and such.
« on: September 27, 2015, 02:43:37 pm »
Happy Boorthday Lilu!

Oops, typo.

Fan Art / Re: Character Portrait Requests
« on: June 29, 2015, 01:54:43 pm »
You're not missing Nolthrir!  Unless you forgot me :P

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