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Topics - John80sk

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Single Author Stories / The Tale of Jangeol Bakieck
« on: November 03, 2008, 12:11:44 am »
   Ch 1: Slave

 Jangeol sat on a stool in front of remaining embers of a fire, warming his hands.  The night was quite, Jangeol enjoyed these nights, free from the usual shouting and vulgar banter that usually took place while they were encamped.  Jangeol was of average size for a young man of fourteen, though he was visibly more muscled than most.  His hair was jet black and his eyes brown, on his upper lip and strong jaw were a few unshaven whiskers.  His thick eyebrows were furrowed in thought as he stared at the crude brand on his hand, which formed the numbers 7/7.

   Sitting as such, after the men of the notorious Red Wolf Mercenary Legion had long since drunk themselves to a stupor and fallen into a deep slumber, Jangeol would often think as he did that night.  He wondered where it was that he had come from; he knew that he had been taken as many slaves of the Legion as an orphan.  Perhaps bought, perhaps the Legion itself had orphaned him.  It didn’t matter much; it didn’t affect what he would do tomorrow, or the next day.  He did know Raelath had taken him in and treated him much better than most treated their slaves, almost as a son sometimes and Jangeol admired him almost as a father.

   Raelath was a warrior of legendary repertoire, in his prime he was said to be worth ten well trained men.  He stood nearly seven feet tall and was built as wide as the oldest of trees, his strength unmatched even though he was far from his youth.  Now he was mostly tasked with training the men, though he still found his way onto the battlefield often enough.  While some said he was beginning to lose his edge, Jangeol didn’t believe a word of it; as far as he was concerned Raelath was still the greatest warrior in all of the Legion.

   As he thought he heard the snap of a few twigs, Raelath must be awake he thought.  Raelath had almost as much trouble sleeping as Jangeol did; it had grown worse since the death of his wife, which had left him without a son to call his own. 

As he reflected Raelath’s massive hand grasped his shoulder, “You should sleep m’boy, goin’ ta be a long day fer ye t’morrow.”

Jangeol looked over his shoulder, his voice a bit distant, “I’ll be fine, don’t be worryin’ ‘bout me suh.”

Raelath smiled a bit, “I talked to Teros, I asked if I could use ye in tha raid t’morrow, told him ‘bout how ye were real good with tha sword ‘n such.”

Jangeol’s face turned to a bit of surprise, followed by a rare smile, “Really?”

Raelath’s smile grew broad, “Aye m’boy, yer ta act as relief this time, but if ye do well, I’ll prolly be able ta convice him ta let ye in fer better jobs.”

Jangeol jumped up from his stool, no longer smiling but it was quite obvious he was ecstatic, “Thankye Raelath.”

Raelath patted him on the shoulder, “Ye’ve earned it, now get some rest, can’t have ye fallin’ asleep while yer on post now can we?”

The Hydlaa Plaza / well, h'llo again
« on: October 28, 2007, 10:25:02 am »
Well, been three months and I'm finally back... You guys forget about me yet? :P

For those who don't know/remember:

Looks like you've all made some progress since I left, that's good...

Anyways, on my 10 days of leave, it's early Sunday morning right now and I can't sleep and no normal people are awake.  Figured I'd drop by and say hello.  As far as boot camp goes things went well, but not great I guess, lost my bonus because I didn't get swim class 2, but I still get my recon tryout regardless so I'm not too worried about it.

Meant to write more but sounds like breakfast is about ready, I'll be around for 10 days though and as some of you probably know, I sleep about 4 hours a day so I'll be able to drop by a few more times at least. :)

The Hydlaa Plaza / Well, g'bye
« on: July 26, 2007, 02:47:19 am »
Some of you have known this for a long time, some of you might not know, but I am leaving for boot camp on the 30th.  Now, I'll be actually leaving for MEPS on the 29th, and though I'll most likely get a chance to check in with you guys again I've been fairly busy as of late, so here it goes.

I've never been good at introductions or goodbyes so I'll just tell you where I'll be and what I'll be doing for the next year or so...

For the first 13 weeks I will be in Marine Corps boot camp.  Yes, that's the one that the politicians haven't managed to ruin yet.  I think you all know what that entails so no links required, but it will be taking place at MCRD San Diego.

The next step will the the Marine Corps School of Infantry which lasts 52 days.

After this the path becomes a bit sketchy, I am in what is called the UZ program, meaning I am guaranteed a shot at Reconnaissance so long as I meet the requirements.  At this point I will either go Force Recon or be assigned to a Marine Recon Battalion.  To explain the difference in short, Force Recon is roughly analogous to the Navy SEALs while Battalion level is closer to that of the Army Rangers.

To make a long story short, I'll drop by in 3 months on my one week leave... after that, we'll see.

Wish list / Couple things on magic
« on: June 27, 2007, 07:42:15 pm »
1) I think I, and just about anyone else who uses magic will agree that it's a pain to adjust your spell power according to the spell you're using while fighting.  What I'd like to see is the ability to tie a spell to a spell power percentage.  For example, for me if I want to use life infusion I would prefer to set my spell power to 0%, but if I'm using energy arrow I'd be setting it to 60%.  It'd be nice if I could set it to automatically switch according to the spell, or even a command to set it so it could be done with shortcuts.

2) For benificial spells it would be nice if when targeting an enemy the spell would be cast on the caster.  Targeting doesn't work very well, especially when a large group is present, so it's a pain to drop the target to cast a buff or healing spell.

Anyways, discuss :)

PvP,PK and Thieving / Collision Detection
« on: April 06, 2007, 03:46:21 am »
I got to thinking the other day about how unrealistic duels were, and how despite this they were probably the most entertaining PvP system out of any RPG I've ever played.  Now, to me, the only part that's really all that unrealistic about dueling is the fact that you're able to run through each other.  Think about it, your run up to your opponent, exchange some blows, back off and then attack again; realistic, right?  Also, you run by your opponent, slash as you pass, just as realistic, no?

Now, I figure the main reason there is no collision detection on PC's is that 'bumping' is hard to code, and players would block areas for the sake of it.  The way I see it there are two viable solutions to the problem.

1) Enable collison detection for characters you have targeted.  (I think it was Nilaya that suggested this when I was thinking outloud)

2) Have a /ghost command, which would disable collision detection, but also make it impossible to do anything but walk around.  So while the majority of the time you'd run into people like walls, if a group decided to block off an area you could simply /ghost on, walk through, and then /ghost off to go back to playing.

So, er, discuss and such

PvP,PK and Thieving / Auto-Accept required for challenger
« on: March 18, 2007, 08:57:50 pm »
Idea just came to me while watching some idiot attack every newbie he saw, ignore what I said to him and reject my challenges.  Here's my idea, in order for you to challenge another player, you need to have your auto accept set to on.  This allows for people to truly RP guards, and prevents the griefing involved in open PvP.

I'd like to add more to this post detail wise, but I think it's pretty self explanatory, and can't quite seem to find a reason why it's a bad idea (Although I'm sure someone will find a reason that it is).

Wish list / Guards
« on: February 26, 2007, 02:50:41 am »
Well, Zanzibar's thread got me thinking about practical ways to stop people from things like killing each other in front of Harnquists...

Now, lets face it, beating an NPC in combat isn't exactly difficult, regardless of their stats.  It's even easier to run away from them, as they seem to rarely be able to find your position.  So, what's the solution then?  To me, it's quite simple, a gm run guild of town guards.  Basically we'd find a gm willing to be the guard leader, and they'd manage a group mature enough to handle the responsibilites of a guard.

Now, the main difference between guards and regular players is that they'd be able to challenge anyone at any time in city areas, no accept or decline, they just get to kill you.  This right here is the reason why it would have to be GM run, in order to prevent it from turning into the guild everyone joins so they can kill whoever they want.

In the long run an arrest ability would also be nice.  This would also go hand in hand with a non lethal duel option, where basically they'd defeat you and force you into a forced follow type deal.

Other than the ability to challenge anyone in Hydlaa and Oja however, guards would be identical to normal players.  I think this in itself would lead to much more interesting RP, as 'evil' characters would have to avoid the town guards, and 'good' characters couldn't go around slaughtering people because of something they said, etc.

Anyways, as usual, I know this post probably isn't the best written, but I think you all get the idea :P

Wish list / Getting quests
« on: February 14, 2007, 12:29:46 am »
well, this thought sorta came to me while chatting on IRC, and seemed to get a good response so I figured I'd bring it here.

I for one find the current system for getting quests to be a bit silly.  For the most part, it relies on OOC knowledge that an NPC has a quest, and it seems very strange that you can just walk up to an npc and they give you a quest out of the blue.

Instead I propose that when you get into range of an NPC it triggers an emote or speach if they have a quest.  For example you'd walk near an npc and things would go kinda like this:
NPC looks around distrought, not seeming to notice your presence
You say: What's wrong? (or need help, or are you alright, etc)
NPC: Huh? Oh, you startled me, I was just thinking of... ah well, I shouldn't burden you... well, maybe you could help me, do you know much of healing magic?
You say: yes
NPC: Well, my brother, you see he is very sick, his name is NPC2 and he is located near REGIONX, do you think you could have a look at him?
[you get a quest]

anyways, I know my post isn't prettied up like most, but I think you get the idea.

Fan Art / John80sk's drawings
« on: February 07, 2007, 04:33:20 pm »
boredom took over in class... did a quick sketch of Jangeol, mostly just to get the look of his armor out of my head and on to a piece of paper.  I hope to throw together a real drawing at some point, but anyways, here it is.

General Discussion / Randomness of combat
« on: January 12, 2007, 08:55:39 pm »
Alright, so I recently heard that the fact that the amount of time you spend in a stance varying is not a bug, but a feature.  May I ask why you all hate skill being involved in combat?  Not only does it not matter what player skill is, but it also doesn't matter what the skill of the character is thanks to us all doing 500 damage a hit.  All I have to say is... why? ???

EDIT: Also, the really irritating thing about this feature is it causes really fast hits, and causes incredible lag as people rapidly punch their shortucts

Wish list / Steel/Coal ratio
« on: December 30, 2006, 08:06:18 pm »
Just wondering where you guys pull your statistics from, because from what I understand, it should be about 3:1 weight wise.  Yes, I searched, and yes I apologise if I've made an ass out of myself again :P

I just bring this up because, well, it's a massive pain to mine 10 ore to make one stock and to have to have 5 stock to make a simple dagger.  4 ore for 1 stock would be a lot more manageable on the other hand.

Technical Help: IN GAME bugs (after loading world) / Sheathing Weapons
« on: November 27, 2006, 04:03:42 am »
If you attempt to use the /dequip command for both hands simultaniously you get the following message:
"You cannot place this object in your inventory!"
that and only one of your weapons is dequiped... probably not a priority, but it's rather annoying for those of us with a sheath weapon command.

I'm not sure if this is the right place to put this, because I'm not really sure if it's a bug, but I just looted a silverweave longsword and found it only has a slash of 2.64.  Thought this was a bit odd as silverweave's are generally the cream of the crop as far as weapons go and that perhaps this was a typo in the code.  Sorry if this was intentional, but figured I'd bring it up in case the devs weren't aware of it.

Guilds Forum / Are there any active merc guilds around?
« on: August 02, 2006, 08:47:49 am »
Tried to search for one, but all were inactive, so, are there any mercenary guilds left?

Fan Art / Low Poly Character
« on: February 26, 2006, 08:11:15 am »
I\'ve been playing Planeshift a bit now and noted the shortage of 3d models so I thought I\'d take a crack at low poly character modeling.  No texture yet but I\'d like some opinions before I start uv mapping.  Meant to be a female nothrir, but I\'m not sure if that\'s what it will stay, heh.

EDIT: Forgot to mention, 1,448 polies

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