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Wish list / Stuff carried by NPCs
« on: January 06, 2002, 04:20:33 pm »

                            posted 09-10-2001 21:33 GMT        

                         I\'m not sure if this has been up in here but I didn\'t find any posts about this...

                         I realy hope that there would be even little realism in npc\'s dropping stuff (like armour, money etc...). I mean... Doesn\'t it sound
                         silly that wolves would drop money? Or armour? What would wolf do with money?
                         Animals shouldn\'t drop any money, armour, weapons or stuff like that. :)
                            posted 10-10-2001 12:56 GMT            

                         What can I say about that? I definetely agree with you Nywell!

                            posted 10-10-2001 03:54 GMT            

                         heh i always questions myself with that :)
                         like in dagger fall a bat would drop 1 gp i\'d be like (WTF would a bat do with 1 gp??)
                         nice thinkin... but most monsters that hold gold and have nothing to do with it make up 75% of the monsters.. think more of the
                         monsters droping gold as the reward for killing him, not that he was just holding it
    PS W.T.B. Member
                            posted 10-10-2001 13:04 GMT            

                         Monsters and NPCs will always drop corresponding items
                            posted 10-10-2001 19:23 GMT            

                         I agree with you lot :)

                         The fact that most of the monsters won\'t drop money or items means that you should have to take up professions so that you put
                         to use what they DO drop, for example leather from bat hide or things like that. I think this would make a much more rounded
                         and realistic world :)
    PS Official Member
                            posted 12-10-2001 05:18 GMT            

                         Encore, Encore! Heh Heh, :-)
                            posted 13-11-2001 07:15 GMT            

                         what about setting up NPCs with like ransoms for certain monster organs? say have one NPC asking players to bring him the
                         livers from a large basalisk. he uses them in a medicin or something of that nature. you then go out and hunt these basalisks
                         and he pays you for every liver you provide. there would have to be many of these type rewards though. as to not have one
                         creature over hunted.
    PS Official Member
                            posted 13-11-2001 14:02 GMT            

                         Maybe we could work around this idea, in that you dont gain any loot on the spot when killing a monster(unless it is a monster
                         that would realistically hold gold). Then when you return to town you are payed for your efforts to rid the world of evil.

                         -Just a thought- tell me what you think

                         -Firestorm- Planeshift Public Relations Manager -
                            posted 13-11-2001 15:15 GMT            

                         knowledge in surgery/zoologi is needed to carve out specifics/organs from animals you slay
                            posted 13-11-2001 22:01 GMT            

                         thats kind of the idea i was aiming at Firestorm. thing there is that you still need to bring in something as proof that you killed it.
                         clump of fur, scale, claw, or maybe a tooth of the beasts.

Granted or negated Wishes / Different skins
« on: January 06, 2002, 04:19:28 pm »

                            posted 08-10-2001 10:40 GMT        

                         Ow please let there be many different skins per race in this game! One major source of irritation in other MMORPG\'s is that there
                         are seldom more than 1 or two skins available for a certain race... everybody looks the same then, and this looks really crappy.
                         Maybe it is possible to add some variables like haircolor, cothing color(divided in top/bottom), beard/nobeard and even skincolor. I
                         know it takes up a lot of bandwith, but I prefer different characters above more players! (I mean, 200 people in game is also a lot.)

    PS Director
                            posted 09-10-2001 20:01 GMT            

                         Yes, this is a planned feature. Having the ability to change at least hair color, beard color and eyes color is our first target.

                         Face traits and cloths will follow even if I am not yet sure of those.
                            posted 10-10-2001 04:00 GMT            

                         ummm... Eyes? i doubt with the graphics no would could see the eyes unless the skins are 1000x1000 ...
                            posted 10-10-2001 11:06 GMT            

                         maybe the characters have HUGE eyes?  
                         I don\'t mind playing a beholder...

    PS Official Member
                            posted 12-10-2001 05:20 GMT            

                         Also, another planned item is the fact you may play as average, slight, or robust character sizes, giving variations in that way as
                            posted 12-10-2001 12:22 GMT            

                         cool... and that will depend on your character class? It seems a little weird if a fighter is thin and muscle-less and a rogue is as
                         big as a house!  


Granted or negated Wishes /
« on: January 06, 2002, 04:05:12 pm »
                            posted 02-10-2001 20:30 GMT        

                         There are many things I hope to see in this game, and this post will sure not be my last in the wish list forum, but one thing I
                         really expect to see is a large number of non-roleplayed characers. And then I don\'t mean NPC\'s, because NPC\'s all have a
                         certain personality, and don\'t usually operate in large groups. When you take AD&D for example, most orcs aren\'t NPC\'s. They
                         are just plain 0 level characters. It would be great to be able to battle large troops of orcs (and other critters too ofcourse)
                         together with other PC\'s! (wouldn\'t it?)

                            posted 03-10-2001 00:53 GMT            

                         Yes Planeshift does definitely need group fighting!!
    PS Official Member
                            posted 03-10-2001 03:11 GMT            

                         I agree wholeheartedly with you, as I too support group fighting. It shall be included, as it is not exactly possible to create a
                         \"battle zone\" outside of the \"world zone\" as some games do. In other words, eventually, we expect large player clans to form,
                         and play out brutal PK wars in the arenas. This will also allow those who wish to NOT participate in the barbarous actions to sit
                         and watch, if they so desire, in the stands of the stadium and watch the combat.
                            posted 03-10-2001 10:25 GMT            

                         That would be cool... would you also be able to indicate in-game that you belong to a clan? With some kind of mark or a tag?

                            posted 03-10-2001 19:52 GMT            

                         maybe clan members could have a crest or somthing on their shields or robes to indicate their clan.
                            posted 04-10-2001 01:17 GMT            

                         The problem with in-game modifications like crests etc is that they eat a lot of bandwith...

                            posted 04-10-2001 01:24 GMT            

                         Why not do like some games do, and simply have the guild name above the characters head for others to see?
    PS Official Member
                            posted 05-10-2001 05:36 GMT            

                         I think I will add a proposal to setting regarding this. Roughly put, having players able to add a 3 letter tag to their names which is
                         changeable, while the rest of their name stays the same.
                            posted 05-10-2001 09:24 GMT            

                         Good idea!

                            posted 06-10-2001 14:59 GMT            

                         yeah.....but the crests would look cool :)
                            posted 13-11-2001 06:18 GMT            

                         i would love the idea of having a marking of somekind to show membership to a guild. also though i kinda like the idea of guilds
                         being anon as well. say for like a thief guild or a guild of PKers. they wouldnt like to draw atention to themselves. is there a way
                         to just add all people joining your guild in a log of some kind? that way they would be able to recieve a guild chat while also not
                         showing any guild markings. there can still be a guild marking system like the three letters on the name. i just think there should
                         be an option the player can use to hide them if he/ she so chooses to.

Wish list / Rewards system for completed quests
« on: January 06, 2002, 04:02:26 pm »

    PS W.T.B. Member
                            posted 27-09-2001 18:47 GMT        

                         Yeah, i was thinking of some new ideas for the game. What about a rewards system for completed quests. If you are a guild
                         leader, you can assign different quests to your members, and if they complete the quest, the Guild leader would givethem some
                         sort of reward, maybe a level up, or a item/money reward.

                         I have more were that came from!
                         Eric Brinkley a.k.a. Takrin/HeliX
    PS W.T.B. Member
                            posted 27-09-2001 18:55 GMT            

                         Sorry, there is another idea i have- Maybe if Planeshift has enough Guilds, there could be a massive Guild war, were Guilds can
                         ally with eachother (i.e. Mage and Warrior guilds ally together) so that if there is some guild that thinks they are invincible, then
                         they allies can challenge them to a war.

                         Eric Brinkley- Applying for a job as a Background/setting worker.

                         P.S. There might be a downside to this, there could be a mix of allies commited to the terror of otheres (i.e. Terrorists)
                            posted 13-11-2001 06:11 GMT            

                         i agree quests must have a reward. it would be nice to see the guilds having some type of support from the higher ups so that
                         they can be given a special item that they can put up for reward to be quested for from within their guild members. also i like the
                         idea of guild aliances(sp). i can see that happening on its own though. also with the talks of how PKers will be treated i can see
                         one or two guilds joining forces to take down a band of PKers.

                         one thing though. i would hope there is a guild system, a chat system i mean. something where you could use a function
                         something like a tell. but instead of like in a tell only going to one person, the guild tell would go to all guild members online. also
                         another option for guild councles(sp). where guild leaders that are allied can chat privatly to each other.

                         to do this there would have to be some type of system to log all guild members together. this would be for the guild chat. then
                         there would have to be a log for guilds that are allied. that would allow the guild allie chat between the leaders.

                         with the allied chat there all members participating would have to be allies with each other. what i mean by that is say for
                         example. guild Pride was allied with guild Champ and guild Striker. guild Champ is not allied with Striker but is with Omen. this
                         chat would only be possible between Pride and Champ. Striker and Omen since not allied with each other and not with both
                         Champ and Pride would be left out of the loop. i dont know if that would be possible but would be nice to see done.
                            posted 13-11-2001 08:36 GMT            

                         well though it would be a nice feature in game, it might be too much hassel. i guess it would probably be best for allies to
                         communicate outside of game. but like i said, sure would be nice to see it in game. would be great help in a war type situation
                         when guild leaders try to dictate tactics to each other to coordinate the fight.
                            posted 13-11-2001 19:45 GMT            

                         What I\'ve seen in other MUDs (text MUDs, granted...) was Guild Channels. If you were in a Guild (and ONLY if you were in that
                         Guild), you could talk on that channel to other Guild members. It wouldn\'t be hard to do... there\'s a game I play now, a GMUD,
                         that has several different types of communication.
                         You can\'t do Guild chat, but you can group with other players, and then use GroupTell (like Tell, but you send to the entire group
                         at once). And of course, Tell msgs are a different color than normal chat messages so as to differentiate them. The game also
                         has channels in game where you can talk to other players (really handy for coordinating group efforts or asking for help). It was
                         really annoying in RS trying to coordinate 5 or 6 people hunting PKers because unless you were in a chat room, you could only
                         talk to one of them at a time, and we ended up relaying msgs back and forth and wasting a lot of time.
                         But to get back on the subject, Guild support would rock. I didn\'t really care about clans in RS at first, because I was a loner,
                         until a friend of mine and I started our own. Proper guild support, with guilds able to have/make their own strongholds, have
                         wars/ally with each other, and do things for their members would add so much to the game. That guy at the table over in the
                         corner, instead of belonging to some group that calls itself The Dark Order, belongs to a powerful Guild that controls a good-sized
                         area in the slums of Yliakum, while the woman over by the bar belongs to the Order of Light, which is a dire enemy of TDO.
                         Making Guilds \"a part of the game\" would add depth and character to it, and it would also encourage *gasp* ROLE-PLAYING,
                         one of the things that RS sorely lacks. Role-playing would make the game more interesting for all, and would give the guilds a
                         point, rather than just having a bunch of groups with no real purpose other than to PK people and gain treasure and power (which
                         is what most of the clans in RS do).
                            posted 14-11-2001 09:50 GMT            

                         I think you\'ve hit on the purpose of PS there: to role-play not to run around mindlessly killing things so you can say you\'re \"the
                         best\" :)
                            posted 14-11-2001 10:18 GMT            

                         i played a MMORPG and it had those chat channels as well as a few others. there was the say channel that is heard by anyone
                         near you. the group say that was heard only by those, and all those, in your group. there was guild say that was heard by
                         anyone and everyone in your guild that was online at that time. then there were three zone channels. there was a shout so you
                         could warn people in an area of incoming danger. there was the auction channel where you could send a msg to the zone you
                         were in that you had something for sale. then there was the OOC channel. this was so you could talk to the zone out of
                         character. each one had a different color so you could tell them apart. well almost all did. the OOC and auction channels were
                         both colored dark green. the guild say was colored yellow green. the shout was colored red. the grouop say was colored blue.
                         the say channel was simply white. you could go into your client folder and adjust the colors to what ever you wanted though. the
                         colors i mention were the default ones.
                            posted 18-11-2001 12:01 GMT            

                         I was thinking more of a hierachial quest system, such that there would be one or more Gods (like a Dungeon Master or Game
                         Leader), who when wanted something done would contact a town or some towns, who would then contact registered guilds.
                         Those guilds can then assign quests to their members, and pending the completion of those they will receive rewards and pass it
                         down. That way, town leaders would be rewarded for having good guilds, and guilds would be rewarded for having good members.
                         Thats just an idea though. :)

                         Engine Contributor
    Oldman Kay
                            posted 18-11-2001 16:02 GMT            

                         Well basically all these ideas rock.

                         Nothing more to say. :)
                            posted 18-11-2001 17:43 GMT            

                         what about guild sporting events, like battle tourements, ctf, etc. and the winning guild gets a prize from the tourement sponsor.
                         the prize could be anything from cash or expensive artifacts with magical propertys that affect the whole guild, to 1 very rare and
                         powerful weapon or several semi-rare items that can be distributed to the entire clan/guild based on rank.

Wish list / Politics, wealth
« on: January 06, 2002, 04:00:45 pm »

                            posted 26-09-2001 09:57 GMT        

                         It\'s be great to have government being run similar to current real world government which would allow for PCs to be able to run for
                         election. Of course they would need to obtain the votes (assuming the game starts with a democratic government) which would
                         require a lot of player interaction (in order to gain PC votes). NPC votes might be dependent on your fame and prestige so
                         entering the game and running straight for election will probably get you nowhere - you may need to go out and do some great
                         things first. If a player gets elected and says he/she will run a democratic government but somehow (if possible) then sets up a
                         dictatorship to ensure he stays in power forever then he may risk civil war or maybe the NPC population may diminish and
                         relocate to another town (more on that below). The loss/gain of NPC population (and most likely PC population) can be a powerful
                         thing as these are the people who are paying the taxes. Such a system means government is most effective when you have a
                         happy population irrespective of the type of government (i.e. democratic, monarchy, fascist, etc).

                         In many RPGs, after you\'ve played for quite a while, you end up with a tonne of money and nothing to spend it on. It would be
                         great to be able to buy shops, taverns, etc to create more wealth. Eventually you\'d be able to able to build a castle/stronghold
                         somewhere which would be the start of a new town. This automatically sets up a monachy government which follows the same
                         principal as outlined above. If you can keep the population safe and happy then your population will grow. Population growth of
                         course creates new problems/opportunities which need to be overcome. Eventually you would levy taxes, create a militia, etc.
                         This would give players a long term objective and the world would gradually take it\'s own shape rather than that given by the world

                         Anyway, just some ideas and I\'d be interested to hear what others think.
    PS Official Member
                            posted 28-09-2001 05:32 GMT            

                         What you described follows more along the genres of a simulation game, with controlling a government, etc. Planeshift is going
                         to be a Role Playing Game. We are possibly going to deal with features such as you stated, but limiting to tavern and housing.
                         (most likely).
                            posted 28-09-2001 10:12 GMT            

                         Oops - sorry; I better explain a little more. One person wouldn\'t control the whole government but rather a single person can run
                         for a single position. Maybe the theives guild wants to lossen up the laws so when they get caught thieving the punishment is
                         negligable. In order to do that they run for election and (over time) get 5 people in to the top 8 positions; they now have majority
                         vote and may start proposing law changes. Eventually this sort of law degradation attracts more thieves to the town as they can
                         get away with their activities. Local citizens, who are now getting sick of getting ripped off, decide that they don\'t like this town
                         and decide to move elsewhere. As you can imagine the town is now degrading into a pit of the low morality citizens. The thieves
                         guild might like this especially as they run the whole show. What started as a democracy has now degraded into a kind of
                         oligarchy (Rule by a small group wielding virtually unlimited power for evil or selfish goals). As you can see each person must
                         play a small part but the over all \"personality\" of the town has totally changed.
    PS W.T.B. Member
                            posted 28-09-2001 19:10 GMT            

                         that is a genious idea, never seen that in an RPG!
    PS Official Member
                            posted 28-09-2001 22:23 GMT            

                         The reason it has not been used: It is unplausible and can be very difficult. One thing we may possibly be doing is allowing
                         certain players (ie: our staff, players that we wish to reward, etc.) to take the positions of government, and either appoint them
                         ourselves, or to allow the players to vote for our candidates we select. However, a general with the other players would not
                         function possibly, as it is risky.
                         Also, as you described it in your first post, you seem to have gotten carried away, which lead me to the belief that you meant
                         larger control than you did. Apologies there.
                            posted 07-10-2001 22:43 GMT            

                         Geez, what kind of barbie world game this will be? Lineage has this kind of system. There\'s some castle which can be
                         conquered if you have a guild. The guild leader becomes the king/queen if he manages to capture it, and can for example raise or
                         lower the taxes. Also he/she can control the castle guards what you have to kill if you want to conquer the castle. The guards will
                         respawn after the castle has been conquered (I think), or then you can buy new ones. I don\'t know the system so well, but
                         seemingly it seems to work.
                            posted 08-10-2001 09:27 GMT            

                         it has to be said that in lineage there are no citizen\'s at all, except for some horks that wanderaround and have no AI at all.
                         Besifdes, capturing a castle is something totally different from governing a city. (being the ruler of a castle if your charisma is
                         high enough -do you use charisma?)

                         and after all, lineage isn\'t an FP RPG.

                            posted 09-10-2001 01:40 GMT            

                         yeah, I know Lineage sucks. It has charisma attribute, but I don\'t think you can use it in the whole game.

                         And what\'s this citizen thing? what are those? NPC\'s or PC\'s?
                            posted 09-10-2001 04:53 GMT            

                         PC\'s :player characters. characters in the game controlled by a human being. usually PC\'s are adventurers.
                         NPC\'s:non-player characters. characters in the game that are not directly controlled by a player, (-especially not in a pc rpg, in
                         real-life rpg\'s the gamemaster/dungeonmaster controls the NPC) but that can interact normally with PC\'s. an example of an NPC
                         is an evil ruler.
                         characters: there is no particular word for them, but the beings usually indicated as \'characters\' or \'0 level characters\' are all the
                         other living beings you can encounter in an RPG. Merchandisers, low-int monsters, animals and citizen all belong to this

                         a citizen is an inhabitant of a city. :D
                         villagers are inhabitants of a village, foresters live in a forest etc.

                            posted 09-10-2001 06:43 GMT            

                         I notice that PKing is a hot topic and here\'s one reason why I make the suggestion about the governing bodies that I do.
                         Basically the ruling body would be able to set the laws regarding killing of \"citizens\" (both PCs and NPCs). Then players which
                         wish to PK will naturally migrate to cities which allow PKing and those that don\'t will stay clear. Let\'s go back to my previous
                         scenario of where the thieves guild now runs the city of XXXXXX. The city is rough; killing and theft have become a way of life.
                         Player Y has played for a while and is a high ranking Paladin. He decides he would like to try and rule a city but politics are not
                         his strong point; how else do you get to rule a city? By attacking it and destroying the governing body. Paladin Y now has to
                         recruit an army to overrun this city and do it quietly if he wishes to gain a surprise advantage. This sort of scenario now requires
                         much team work and heavy interaction by all involved players and I\'m a firm believer that player interaction greatly increases and
                         RPG. Want to run around just killing stuff? Play Diablo. Anyway, this is one way in which PKing can be catered to all people.
                            posted 09-10-2001 12:21 GMT            

                         so citizen can be PC or NPC?
                         And yes, I know the difference between PC and NPC
                            posted 18-11-2001 17:02 GMT            

                         I\'m reviving this post its old and interesting and half un answered
                            posted 18-11-2001 20:25 GMT            

                         In my opinion, maintaining a world with a complex system of government isnt easy. There are bound to be problems and I think it
                         is unrealistic to expect to make this game a complete simulation of a real world political system.

                         It would be interesting to see and perhaps if the team could get together when the engine is a bit more finished and try it out to
                         see how it goes then that would be cool...

                         Engine Contrib.
    Ancient One
                            posted 18-11-2001 22:44 GMT            

                         Erm, I know this is old but actually
                         PC= Character controlled by Human.
                         NPC= Everything else even monsters, wildlife and all that stuff.

                         Well this is if you play games like Fallout, Arcanum, Silver, Septerra Core etc. If you play D&D games then its probably different.
                         Oh yeah and Characters= people in the game, persona\'s etc.

Granted or negated Wishes /
« on: January 06, 2002, 03:59:22 pm »
                            posted 01-01-2001 02:08 GMT            

                         This might have been mentioned already... i only skimmed the other replys. But one thing that is majorly annoying, well not realy
                         just trivialy stupid is that in reality Weapon skills are very specific (UO was good in this respect) Short Swords, long swords, two
                         handed swords, daggers, Staves, Clubs, Hand Axes, Battle Axes, Polearms, Pole Axes, Spears and piercing weapons are all
                         differant in teh skills needed to weild them.

                         Although i can understand the logic behind grouping them into larger collections to save time and effort for both player and
                         developer. Createing more choices for teh player draws them into the game more. Add to that a counter action in that monsters
                         are immune to variouse forms of weapons (i mean attacking a skeleton with Rapier!!!... impossable!, attacking it with a Staff or
                         Mace YES, bladed weapons... half way decent) Thick hides are immune to slashing weapons and moderatly effective against
                         peirceing class weapons, Crushing weapons how ever would do normal or slightly less than normal dmg. Chain mail is very
                         effective against arrows and peircing but not very good against guarding from slashing or crushing type weapons. plate mail is
                         primarily designed to deflect sword bows but surpriseingly isnt very good at stopping peircing weapons (hence the reason knights
                         also wore a cloth padding , chainmail under garment combination under the platemail) teh british long bowers where the death
                         knell of the French plate mail loving Paladins ^^.

                         But i digress, to me Players should be allowed to choose one primary and one secondary weapon skill, a defensive skill and one
                         tradeskill at teh begining.

                         There should also be realistic resrictions... I mean weilding a two handed weapon (often two handed swords got to over 12 feet
                         long in real life) and hideing in teh shadows ISNT possable with such a weapon, unless yoru enemy is a complete mentalcase.
                         This would restrict thieves and assasins that would use such a skill as stealth to use what they would have in teh first place... a
                         dagger or short sword. I mean come on... back stabbing with a 10 foot long blade just aint possable. Also restricting what
                         weapon types can be used in certain situations would also be a neat touch. Within corridors spears gain bonus to hit, or all two
                         handed weapons are useless in teh same situation. This would stop the old problem of ever one weilding the same UBER
                         weapon simply because its teh strongest... players would have to develop stratergies. in teh former situation what weapon would
                         the player choose to use instead of there 2hander? a short sword, long sword, club?... this gives players choices, and
                         conseqences. Add one more thing.. players cant become masters in every skill... only say 2 skills can be mastered, more
                         choices and desision ocne again.
                            posted 01-01-2001 20:46 GMT            

                         Well, you should be able to master more than two skills, but the exp. cost to master each new skill would be doubled (first *1,
                         second *2, third *4 and so on...)

                         Thus making it hard to become a master in more than say three skills.
                         And it\'s wiser to know 8 skills than being master in 2, making it better to be a jack of all trades (master of (n)one).

Granted or negated Wishes /
« on: January 06, 2002, 03:58:53 pm »
                            posted 05-12-2001 17:45 GMT            

                         Ancient one,

                         it is a good thought but i think if you are going to take the time to put that in you might as well make classes instead. i only think
                         this because while a race historicaly may have a traditional fighting style, an indevidual player may not. so if i fight like a brute
                         and my profile says i dont... well you get the idea.... i just think we should have classes...
    King Larry
                            posted 05-12-2001 18:08 GMT            

                         What about a \"making love\" skill? Just a thought :)
                            posted 07-12-2001 04:15 GMT            

                         i didn\'t read all the suggestions because i\'m SO lazy :P but i liked the ones i read especially the taming one :) imagine ur like lvl
                         1 fighting but ur taming is realy high so u tame a little dragon and then someone high lvl person tries to attack u thinking that u\'d
                         just be an easy kill and then the dragon attacks and... i\'m getting a bit carried away :D i think that when someone tries to attack
                         they should see not only ur combat stats but also like ur tamming/magic/exc.
                         and about the making love one umm are u gonna make love to an npc? no offence but thats kinda... lol :)
                            posted 08-12-2001 06:28 GMT            

                         do we get to keep ur stats from demo to demo and our names do we get to keep them
    PS W.T.B. Member
                            posted 08-12-2001 10:10 GMT            

                         No. This will, however be so, with the beta tests.
                            posted 29-12-2001 13:49 GMT            

                         Weapon skills:

                         One handed edged weapons
                         One handed blunt weapons
                         One handed chain weapons (including whips)
                         Two handed edged weapons
                         Two handed blunt weapons
                         Two handed chain weapons (like morning star)

                         Thievery skill:

                         Stealth (hiding and sneeking)


                         Knowledge about _____ (specialized knowledge)
                         Academics (General knowledge about the world)
                         Occult (important for rituals)
                         Science (creating potions and stuff)


                         Sense magic
                         Magic studies (create your own spells and learn others spells) note: the better spell, the harder it is to learn it. You must learn it
                         after you created it (to use it).
                         Aim Spell (For offensive spells like fireball and stuff)

                         Misc. skills:

                         Smithing (specialized armor/tools/weapons/..)
                         Find Trap
                         Disarm Trap

                         This list was created for Planeshift, it may be altered and used in any way by the makers of planeshift. (I got more skills, they
                         only need translating).

                            posted 31-12-2001 12:10 GMT          

                         I think it would be more realistic with skilltrees,
                         where skills close together would affect each other. I\'v
                         seen the ideer in the shadowrun rules, and find it real

                         As an example if you are superior with a sword, then you
                         would be very good with parry, quite good with a knife
                         and able to handle a mace.

                         Here is my ideer of some good skilltrees, thou some of
                         them might need to be more balanced:

                         Many of theese have already been named.

                         *Ranged combat
                         --*Morning star
                         *Meele combat
                         -*Armed combat
                         --*Blunt weapons
                         --*Edged weapons
                         ---*Special edge skills
                         ----*Double wield
                         -*Unarmed combat (martial arts)
                         -*Special meele skills
                         --*Blind fighting (fight when unable to see)
                         --*Subduing (knock your enemy out instead of killing
                         -*Shield (you should be able to use a shield)

                         Awareness (the ability to detect things that
                         are oute of the ordinary and out of place)
                         *Listning (detect whispers, strange sounds etc.)
                         *Smelling (detect foul smelling orcs)
                         *Seeing (detect hidden objects, persons, doors
                         -*Find traps
                         -*Appraise object (size, amount, weight, worth,
                         quality etc.)
                         -*Appraise person (guess stats, compare stats)
                         *Tracking (find and follow a track, detect party size
                         by their tracs)
                         -*Sense magic
                         --*Sense casting in progress
                         --*Sense curse
                         -*Sense alignment
                         -*Sense danger
                         --*Sense attacker
                         --*Sense trap
                         -*Sense money, gold, minerals, etc.

                         *Hide (hide yourself, hide another person, hide
                         *Disapear (disapear while watched or hunted)
                         -*Pick pocket
                         *Disguise (avoid recognision, appear like someone

                         *Dodge (dodge enemy hits, arrows etc.)
                         *Dance (can\'t party without it)
                         *Run (run faster and longer, close tied with stamina,
                         maby redundant)
                         *Ride (Ride animals like horses, dragons etc.)
                         *Balance (walk on narow stuff)

                         Social skills
                         *Trading or bargering
                         *Leadership (can\'t join a team where team leader is
                         lower in this skill than you, raise teams overall moral
                         and disciplin)
                         *Disciplin (don\'t panic in face of danger, if low you
                         won\'t attack dangerous apponent)
                         *Morale (weaken slower when fatigued)
                         *Teaching (teach skills and spells to others)
                         -*Use knife and fork

                         -*Hand signals
                         --*Fruits, vegtables and berries
                         -*Read maps
                         -*Make maps

                         *Mining (close linked with \"mineral lore\" above)
                         --*Metal pots
                         -*Reparing (repair, sharpen worn items)
                         -*Mending (mend broken objects)


                         *Making a fire (finding wood, building a fire,
                         lighting and tending it)
                         *Making a camp

                         *Making a trap
                         *Disarm trap
                         *Pick lock

                         Alchemy (se other posts)

                         Magic (se other posts)

Granted or negated Wishes /
« on: January 06, 2002, 03:57:54 pm »
                            posted 15-11-2001 12:48 GMT            

                         Sorry Lyssiah, didn\'t see your post until it was too late. Didn\'t mean to maek it seme like I jacked the Masteries. Hehe.
                            posted 15-11-2001 12:49 GMT            

                         Gah, Make* ...keyboard... >_<
                            posted 15-11-2001 14:42 GMT            

                         smithing? and mining?
                            posted 17-11-2001 12:37 GMT            

                         what about the ability to blind someone with you sword reflection for like a second.
                         or maybe movement skills.. like dash or parries.
    Nameless One
                            posted 17-11-2001 02:28 GMT            

                         A couple more skills that i dont think have been mentioned (taken from UO btw),

                         Alchemy: the ability to make poisons, heal potions, cures etc.

                         Poisoning: skill that allows applications of poisons to weapons, foods and the like.

                         Anatomy: an important one for warriors (so a fighter has the ability to strike a weapon in the most effective areas)

                         Taming? Always fun taming a dragon for a personal bodyguard :)

                         Animal lore: a skill that aids taming, preventing taming becoming to easy as a stand alone skill.

                         Fishing: a surprisingly entertaining skill which gave the ability to fish up messages in bottles which contained treasure maps,
                         which leads nicely onto....

                         Treasure hunters: Doesnt really need much explanation :)

                         Cartographers: a skill that goes hand in hand with treasure hunters, allowing treasure maps to be decrypted. (in UO there was 5
                         levels of maps, only the top cartographers can decypher level 5 maps, which in turn hold the biggest loot oviously.)

                         Just a few thoughts that were on the top of my head :)
                            posted 19-11-2001 18:32 GMT            

                         A large variety of swords but many of which need to have equal strength but different looks.
    King Larry
                            posted 03-12-2001 19:00 GMT            


                         Like smelling on food to see if its poison in it and stuff like that. Smell animals and monsters to see if its some there...
                            posted 03-12-2001 19:59 GMT            

                         I was talking about this idea to Acraig in IRC this morning. I am sure he probably made a note of it but I thought it to be a good
                         idea to post it as well. This idea deals with language skills. Each race should have their own individual language along with a
                         common language that all speak.

                         The way this could work is that the player would have an option set up to choose what language they would like to speak. This
                         option would then code all text they would then type. Only those of sufficient skill in that language will be able to read it uncoded.
                         There would be a few lvls of skill used so that people can learn new languages and not just be able to pick it up out of the blue.
                         The different skill lvls would give a different amount of decoding. For example, if I were using Enkidikai speech, to someone that
                         doesn\'t know the language at all they would read my text as \"X kn ify Mwknwpr.\" A person with a fair amount of skill would read
                         \"I ak twe Kenhard.\" now a fellow Enkidukai or some one that is fluent in the language would read \"I am the Kendaro.\"

                         This would do wonders for the role play aspect of this game but also could add to other areas as well. For example, with what i
                         have read about glyphs being used to create spells, the glyphs could be written in different languages. A caster wishing to find
                         the spell hidden within the glyphs would have to learn as many languages as possible or gain the help of their friends to translate
                         them. Once translated the caster now knows what glyphs to combine to get the spell they were looking for and then scribe it to
                         their magic book.

                         This could also open a new skill to the game. A skill of spell research. One could train this skill to combine glyphs and make
                         spells for their friends and guild mates. This would make it so that a guild could appoint a spell researcher and then all the
                         members could teach that individual their languages.

                         Both these skills combined would greatly open more interaction from one player to another to the many. Languages would make
                         for great RPing and combined with spell research, could make for some very intelligent casters.

                            posted 04-12-2001 16:33 GMT            

                         On the skills topic: for the weapons try this instad of just selecting the skills 1 or 2 handed weapons, make it so you start out
                         only being able to cary semi heavy weapons (ie normal sized sword) and beacaus of your lack of strength at the begining you will
                         have to carry it in both hands. but if you were carrying something extremely liht (ie a knife or dagger) you would be able to hold
                         those in both hands)

                         so mayb e instead of selecting the skills you want to have availible set up a thing of base skills that you can expand on, like
                         magic sworsmanship hand2hand ect. and depending on the type of chara you want to make you slect how strong,it must be
                         limited of course, you want to be in one of hose base skills.

                         if i wrote that as rough as i think i did let me know and ill clear it up.
                            posted 04-12-2001 16:46 GMT            


                         i like your idea but i see one problem with it, everyone would have to lear these languages. and noone owuld want to take the
                         time to learn a language for a game no mater how good it is. so instead of that maybe this, either a translator or a inter race chat

                         translator idea: i would be talking to someone in my race but i dont want anyone to understand it other than that person, so i
                         click a sub chat bar that i type english into then to everyone but my race it looks wierd but to my race they see exacticaly what i
                         typed in. and dont worry about writing seperate languages for each race to translate into... that would be to hard with slang and
                         stuff, just have it put in random numbers and letters in place of what i say that people outside my race will see.

                         Inter Race chat: well the name speeks for itself their, just a seperate chat thing for each race.

                         oh and also a good skill could be the ability to understand other races.. you know a scholerly type thing.
                            posted 04-12-2001 16:53 GMT            

                         well darn ... i guess i dint read your entire post Kendaro..... so ya i agree with you its a great idea.... hehehe
                            posted 04-12-2001 16:53 GMT            

                         well darn ... i guess i dint read your entire post Kendaro..... so ya i agree with you its a great idea.... hehehe
    Ancient One
                            posted 04-12-2001 23:21 GMT            

                         Someone might have already said this somewhere but I couldn\'t be bothered to read it so I will say it anyway.

                         Since there aren\'t going to be classes in Planeshift how about fighting styles, in real world there are various fighting styles such
                         as Kendo, Karate, Judo, Kick Boxing, Ju Jitsu(sp), Bo(fighting with wooden poles i think, Kendo is the one with wooden swords),
                         Drunken Boxing (this is actually a martial art believe it or not), Kung Fu (can\'t forget this one), Neijia, Taijiquan, Baguazhang and
                         Xingyiquan/Xinyiquan plus there are many other fighting styles.
                         Well my point is why not have a thing like this in Planeshift in which each race can have their own fighting styles, for example the
                         Ylians could have a Judo like fighting style whilst the Dermorians could have a fighting style more like that of the Ninja (Kung Fu,
                         Karate etc). Well this is my idea what do you all think.

Granted or negated Wishes /
« on: January 06, 2002, 03:56:45 pm »
                            posted 13-11-2001 08:51 GMT            

                         hmm still about little skills. something like climbing or something like that. archers could climb to the tops of
                         walls or up to a cliff and be a kind of sniper action. you mentioned a hide ability what about a sneek one? you could step silently
                         up behind some one or something. that could aid in a skill like thievory. if you combine the sneek with thievory you have a better
                         chance of getting something nice. also how about a forage ability. a skill where you can make food, water, or tools out of things
                         you find on the ground. of cource the food and drink would be easy but the tool thing would come from crafting items you have
                         found. oh and lets not forget tracking. the ability to notice suttle disturbances in your surrounding to tell who or what came
                         through and what direction they are going.

                         im sure more ideas will follow. time for me to finally get some sleep.
                            posted 13-11-2001 12:02 GMT            

                         You should have a conjurer as-part of the magic system ill give you a example of when you could use this :
                         Say if i was getting pked by a high lv fighter and i was alot weaker , but had high magic and call forth souls etc...then i could call
                         forth a dead Monster to attack the fighter while i either make a run for it or double team the pker.

                         Also with the weapons you should be able to cast spells on them for a short amount of time that would give them special
                         attributes.. Example: im fighting something that has a weakness to the fire element so i cast fire apon my sword and absolutely
                         murder it..

                         Also All monster\'s should have weakness\'s to certain elements.
                            posted 13-11-2001 15:10 GMT            

                         for me it looks like the game need primary/secondary skills, well I think this is profficienies.

                         skills of that category is easier to get better in (anyone remember daggerfall?). And another from that game, skills can only be
                         \"trained\" to a certain level, after that all experience gain is from actual use.

                         Skills not chosen as primary/secondary have to be harder to gain in them.
                            posted 13-11-2001 16:18 GMT            

                         WAHOO!!!!!!!!this game is gonna kick so much ass it is not funny i cant wait until its out. i will play it all night long. ha my record
                         is 11 1/2 hours in a day.
                         i cant wait!!!!!!.
    Miner 007
                            posted 13-11-2001 19:10 GMT            

                         It will be cool if you have a skill called \"Range\" (that means how far you can shoot, higher the level the farther you can shoot).
                         And that you have a skill that is called \"Time\", that means how long it take you to get a new arrow and aim it, the higher the skill
                         the quiker you can shoot.

                         I would like it if the MENU is like this:
                         (Just in text, so no picture)

                         |Magic|Hand|Swim|Move|Picklocks|Doors| Ect...

                         And if you go with your mouse over Magic you will see this:

                         |Magic|Hand|Swim|Move|Picklocks|Doors| Ect...
                         |Monsters: 43 |
                         |Fire: 23 |
                         |Water: 43 |
                         |.....: .. |
                         |.....: .. |
                         |.....: .. |
                         |.....: .. |

                         And if you go with your mouse over Hand you will see this:

                         |Magic|Hand|Swim|Move|Picklocks|Doors| Ect...
                         |Attack: 43 |
                         |Defence: 23 |
                         |Strenght: 43 |
                         |Hits: 23 |
                         |Blocking: 54 |
                         |.....: .. |
                         |.....: .. |
                         |.....: .. |
                         |.....: .. |
                         |.....: .. |

                         Just Idea\'s, well, It\'s a bit of RS and Much out of my head (BRAINS).

                         It needs to be like this.
    Miner 007
                            posted 13-11-2001 19:12 GMT            

                         Sorry It failed, the menu has to be on the right, but youll get the idea.
                            posted 13-11-2001 19:31 GMT            

                         Hmm... skills... well let\'s see. I can add a ton of stuff I\'d like:
                         Weapon skills in groups (swords, bows, staves, maces/hammers, etc); fighting styles (parry, two-hander, spec. in a weapon
                         type); martial arts (hand attacks/blocks, kicks, etc). Skills in specific types of magic (whatever you have, since I don\'t know).
                         General skills, like hiding, move silently (sneak), swimming, pick locks, sniper (gain a bonus with bows), climbing, firestarting,
                         foraging, first aid/healing, bartering (get those NPCs to lower their prices), monster lore (you know a little about things beyond the
                         Gates), detect traps, hear noise. (Ok, so I took most of those from other posts - I just wanted to gather it all together).
                         I\'m not sure how the skill system works as far as gaining skills, but you could implement a skill point system, whereby you gain
                         a number of SP per level, and you can use those to \"buy\" skills. Depending on the race and/or skills you already have, some
                         skills could cost more or less to buy. Like, the cat-people would gain martial arts for fewer points than other races, but they
                         would pay slightly more for weapon Skills. Just an idea.
                            posted 13-11-2001 22:13 GMT            

                         Well what about LORE skills :). What I mean by lore skills is things like knowing a particular race very well so when you deal
                         with them you can act more like them and keep there customs thus earning you bonus charisma when dealing with them. This
                         could also be used with monsters so you know their weak points and would get combat bonuses when fighting that type of
                         monster. And you could have lore skills for environments so you get bonus for surviving in cities or wastelands etc.

                         I also think that you should have climbing, swimming, ranged weapons, two handed weapons, one handed weapons, duel
                         weapons, fighting with shield, and trade skills etc.
                            posted 14-11-2001 15:11 GMT            

                         CRAFTING. Not JUST smithing, though it would be kind of cool to be able to make your own gear, but woodcrafting,
                         jewelry-making, leatherworking, etc etc. I\'m not sure if we\'ll be able to create our own buildings, but if so, masonry and
                         woodcrafting (carpentry) would definitely come in handy. Plus those of really high levels (read: specialized) would be able to
                         create items of quality (refer to my thread about pieces of armor for more on that). The only bad thing I see about that is a repeat
                         of Bluerose in RS (Sorry Ice, but I had to include that.), so you might want to limit that to NPCs. Still, it\'d be nice to be able to
                         make things of your own.

                            posted 14-11-2001 15:45 GMT            

                         Skills, hmm...

                         1. Weapon\'s Mastery:
                         a. 1 handed weapons
                         b. 2 handed weapons
                         c. Ranged weapons (spears, daggers, etc.)
                         d. Misc. weapons (whips, morningstars, etc.)

                         2. Defensive Magic Mastery:
                         a. Healing
                         b. Protective wards
                         c. Cures
                         d. Preparatory wards

                         3. Offensive Magic Mastery:
                         a. Elemental
                         b. Physical
                         c. Summoning
                         d. Psionic

                         4. Basic Skill Mastery
                         a. Mining and smithing
                         b. Climbing (ropes)
                         c. Tailoring
                         d. Woodcutting and carpentry

                         5. Misc. Skill Mastery:
                         a. Bartering (better prices)
                         b. Scavenging (food)
                         c. Repair (weapon/armor/items)
                         d. Swimming

                         Well, those are my suggestions ;)
                            posted 15-11-2001 12:43 GMT            


                         1.) \"masteries\" for classes of weapons. Make a nice bow-and-arrow system other than green stars and them droppign at the
                         enemies\' feet on RS.

                         2.) Herblaw. Use of fiding herbs and plants, mixing them together to create various potions.

                         3.) Stealth skill.

                         4.) Mechanical skill. Usage and disarming of traps.

Granted or negated Wishes / Skills
« on: January 06, 2002, 03:56:07 pm »

    PS Director
                            posted 18-09-2001 21:28 GMT        

                         Which skills you want to have during character creation?

                         Please tell us your opinion!
                            posted 19-09-2001 20:14 GMT            

                         Could you pleasre explain what you mean in a bit more detail? :)
    PS Director
                            posted 19-09-2001 22:51 GMT            

                         Sorry for being to short in my answer!

                         Actually in PlaneShift we have skills like:
                         One-handed weapons
                         Two-handed weapons
                         Hide in Shadow
                         Open Locks

                         Every char can learn some of them to improve his combat, magic, stealth, etc...

                         Which proficiencies (skills) you would like to have in the game?

                            posted 20-09-2001 19:31 GMT            

                         Ah, i see what you mean now :)

                         One-handed weapons and two-handed weapons as well as bows - the one and two-handed idea is different from most online
                         RPGS but there is the possibility of being too generic, depends how specific you want them to be (i personally prefer different
                         types of weapon, like Axes, Swords, etc.)

                         The magical skills shouldn\'t just be lumped together into one skill called \"Magic\". This is far too generic, like having a skill called
                         \"Weapons\". It should be split into different types of magic, such as \"Healing\", \"Protective Magic\" - this need a bit of thought i
                         think, depending on how complex the magic system is the boundaries may end up lying in different places.

                         Other skill should include stealth skills - i think skills should depend on race as well, for example the \"Swimming\" skill should be
                         more easily accessible to the amphibeous race (i forget what their name is...), whereas humans could have a very wide variety of
                         skills but not be able to specialise as much as other races.

                         Just a few thoughts
                         - Mike \"Catalyst88\" Streatfield
                            posted 23-09-2001 20:19 GMT            

                         Ever played ROM type MUDs? I think you should use an improved system of it, its very addictive even though its text based.
                            posted 23-09-2001 22:48 GMT            

                         Could you possibly expand on what you mean by a \"ROM type mod\"? :)
    PS Official Member
                            posted 28-09-2001 22:27 GMT            

                         A note regarding your comments on the magic system:

                         The magic system is very complex, and does not revolve around one single primary skill, such as magic. We have a large
                         structure developed, and I am sure it will be enjoyed.
                            posted 28-09-2001 22:33 GMT            

                         Fantastic :)
    PS W.T.B. Member
                            posted 02-10-2001 20:35 GMT            

                         a use rope proficiency would become really handy... I always like throwing a grappling hook! I expect there to be the normal
                         proficiencies such as climbing, running, fast movement etc ofcourse! :)

                            posted 02-10-2001 20:49 GMT            

                         That would come under physical characteristics, which, btw, i think should be separated from the \"skills/proficiencies\" (or
                         whatever you want to call them :)
    PS W.T.B. Member
                            posted 03-10-2001 10:34 GMT            

                         hmmm... two-handed weapon use and hide in shadows are clearly proficiencies at my opinion... magic is a class isn\'t it?
                         But allright, maybe I\'m too much a AD&D player. hehehe

    PS W.T.B. Member
                            posted 03-10-2001 13:52 GMT            

                         We don\'t use classes in Planeshift.
    PS W.T.B. Member
                            posted 03-10-2001 16:58 GMT            

                         okay. :)

                            posted 03-10-2001 19:11 GMT            

                         The way i see it, \"magic\" would be a proficiency (possibly developed in preference to any others - possibly at the expense of
                         them, after all, we don\'t want \"super-warriors\" to roam the land who are the best at everything do we?). But magic would also
                         depend on certain characteristics of the player, for example \"Intelligence\" or somesuch (these possibly developed at the expense
                         of others too... hmm actually that\'s a point, what sort of methods of capping skills/characteristics are there gonna be?)
                            posted 03-10-2001 19:49 GMT            

                         I think there should be more skills for warrior style players, as in my experiance most warrior chars are alwayy boring to play with
                         as they tend to only be able to hit stuff. Maybe you could introduce things like parrying, fencing and dodging to make warriors
                         more fun.
                         just a thought :)
                            posted 03-10-2001 20:52 GMT            

                         Maybe special disciplines, like some are better defensively, some more attacking, different types of hit - some go in for
                         poisoning/light hits but many, some prefer to stand back and make lunging attacks once the enemy\'s defense has been broken
                         down, etc.? :)
                            posted 06-10-2001 14:56 GMT            

                         sounds good
                            posted 07-10-2001 13:28 GMT            

                         no classes? good, was about a time someone came up with it. As my friend in other boards told that he just hates when a
                         warrior can\'t use a staff, nor a mage can\'t use a sword. What in earth prevents a mage for lifing a sword? Maybe strenght, but
                         that should be the only reason.

                         I agree that parrying and dodging is a must. AD&D has only AC which means the strenght of the armor. So basically you just
                         stand there when an enemy whacks you, hoping that your armor can take it.

                         For skills, I would add all the skills what AD&D has (like lockpicking, pickpocketing, and detecting traps), plus all what the game
                         requires. Like building. And parrying and movement.

                         Then I have got an another idea. When a warrior wears a heavy plate mail, his movement and parrying would decrease, althought
                         AC would increase. But if he wears a light armor, his movement and parrying wouldn\'t change, but his AC would be lower than
                         when wearing a plate mail.
                            posted 07-10-2001 14:33 GMT            

                         I don\'t think PS was going for classes anyway, but i do agree with you. That\'s why i think a set of basic attributes (read: strength,
                         etc.), possibly based on the race that you adopt (NOT the same as classes :) and a set of learnt skills (NOT the same as
                         attributes :) is the best way to go about it.
                            posted 13-11-2001 06:50 GMT            

                         a few fighting type skills i look to see is not limited to one or two handed weapons. i would like to see the ability to also duel
                         wield. use two, one handers at the same time. also i see need for an ability to hit with the hilt of the weapon. this to cause a stun
                         effect or to push an attacker back for a second or two. a dodge, parry, block, and repost ability is also needed. another thing is
                         hand to hand. since there was mention of martial arts, hand to hand is nearly a must. this would have to be an ability that would
                         use both hands and inclued kicks as well. having an ability or actualy an edge in the ability to mend armors and weapons would
                         also be something a fighter should have. also lastly i think fighters need an ability to heal themselves a bit. only slightly.
                         something like bandaging or mending wounds.

                         the only problem i can think of is that everyone would have those skills. i think they should only be allowed to those that join a
                         warrior or fighter occupation. those that join a caster occupation shouldnt learn these skills. instead they would learn skill that
                         would aid in their casting abilities.

                         for caster abilities i see a foccuss skill needed. would take longer to cast the spell but the spell would be more effective. a
                         quickcast ability would allow for a fast shot or two maybe making it less effective but allowing several to be cast one after
                         another. you cant realy give casters too many skills though cause their spells are so diversified. though one thing i would like to
                         add to casters is a crafting ability. it would allow themn to enchant, so to speak, item such as their own garmits so that they
                         would have magical properties. to aid them in protecting themselves since they cant wear the heavy armors of fighters.

                         i have to say though i am a bit confussed about the fact there are no classes but yet you mention there are no can do it all types
                         either. i wish i could get that explained a bit more clearly. if there isnt a difference in the skill choices available then my ideas just
                         flew out the window. how exactly will players be diferent from one another other than by race? with no actual classes to seperate
                         them what will?
                            posted 13-11-2001 07:06 GMT            

                         I\'m in for the two-handed weapon use. It would be really neat, if you could combine different sets of weapons :-)

                         ```Mara Jade???
                            posted 13-11-2001 08:39 GMT            

                         forgot to mention weapon skills. like a special slash or special attack that is granted every so many rounds. one that will boost
                         the fighter\'s abilities or allow them to do more damage in that attack. this attack would grow stronger as the character advances
                         in lvl.

Granted or negated Wishes / Hunting as a group
« on: January 06, 2002, 03:54:34 pm »

                            posted 14-09-2001 17:38 GMT        

                         I would like it so that people can hunt in a group so that people can get to kill the harder monsters with help from others.
    PS Official Member
                            posted 14-09-2001 22:37 GMT            

                         Rest assured Planeshift will definatly have this feature. Glad to hear many questions from planeshift fans.

                         -Michael Gevaryahu- Planeshift Public Relations Manager
                            posted 11-10-2001 22:14 GMT            

                         Does this mean that say 2 humans can attack the same orc or bat at one time?? Cause if so that would be cool. And on flip side
                         multiple monsters should be able to gang up on players.

                         These features would truly make Planeshift great. And on Everquest the exp all goes to the person who dealt the most damage.
                         But if the players are in a group, the exp is shared equally.
                            posted 11-10-2001 23:15 GMT            

                         is most of the world gonna be forests with big big trees and lot of monster groups?
                            posted 11-10-2001 23:58 GMT            

                         don\'t expect that... Trees need a lot of data, or they will look seriously crappy. A lotta data means a lot a bandwidth, and that\'s
                         what a free server hasn\'t. More likely there will be vast dungeons to explore. If you look at the geographic setting of planeshift,
                         you will see that most of the game-area will be underground. Or that\'s what I make up from the stories.

                         I think there will be underground caverns in which groups of monsters can ambush player, but i\'m not quite sure of that...
                         (actually, I\'m just making it up, hoping to see it back in-game...  )

                            posted 12-10-2001 03:44 GMT            

                         I also hope there some lands to explore where its not in a cave or dungeon. Such as grassland or forest,etc. (Because I love
                         battles especially between players where they chase each other over grassland) Maybe grassland areas cold be an optional
                         patch not automatically auto patched in Planeshift.
    PS Official Member
                            posted 12-10-2001 04:58 GMT            

                         Planeshift takes place, as is read in the docs (which I need to update as well, oops), in an underground city and its surroundings,
                         after a cataclysmic event that altered and broke the world. The surface is scarred, and many wonder about the truth of this
                         orange sphere, this \"sun\" that they have been told of in legend. However, the crystal provides enough heat and light to allow
                         grasslands and farmland to thrive on the upper levels. Also, there could possibly be caves that have an energy-flow inside them,
                         creating a small meadow deep within the Labyrinths. Does this answer your question?
                            posted 12-10-2001 14:24 GMT            

                         AWESOME!!! That also eliminates the huge grasslands without any plans or housings that you see in other MMOG\'s... Running
                         around for hours without seeing anybody simply sux.  


Wish list / Real Jobs
« on: January 06, 2002, 03:53:08 pm »
                            posted 02-09-2001 10:15 GMT        

                         mabey you should get jobs in the game other than farming. Like a Miner, Smith, Cook, Merchant, Hunter, Crafter, Fisher,
    PS Director
                            posted 02-09-2001 17:03 GMT            

                         Do you think that this can be playable jobs? For sure the majority of players will prefer to do the \"adventurer\" instead of smith, cook, crafter, etc... Anyway we have a job system in the making. The jobs can be done on-line, but will be a great thing when player is off-line.

If the player return to his/her shop or activity, and then disconnects, the shop can function normally and provide a certain amount of money.

                            posted 02-09-2001 17:23 GMT            

                         I think you\'d be surprised by the amount of people who\'d like to roleplay blacksmiths, carpenters, etc. Although many will choose
                         to go adventuring, other jobs offer a more interesting and diverse world, and also maybe something else to do if you don\'t fancy
                         going off killing stuff - a break from adveturing if you will :)
                            posted 04-09-2001 09:26 GMT            

                         Only some jobs could work. For example a player could adventure heaps and build a collection of a lot of weapons rather than
                         running around to sell them they could open up a shop. Or perhaps you could own a shop that is run by a bot and you have to
                         refresh its stocks by finding weapons.
                            posted 07-10-2001 23:31 GMT            

                         I too strongly suggest implementing those jobs... It can be a way of making money, of specialization and making the players
                         different between themselves.....
                         It also gives the game some purposes. You don\'t only go around searching for enemies, you can for example try to reach an
                         abandoned mine....... there could be ghosts in it of course, so when you get to the rocks that you have to mine, you\'re going to
                         be very glad and you\'ll have a great pleasure mining around until the next ghosts appears and you gotta run, but you\'ll know you
                         have what to bring to your blacksmith friend so he can smith you a special thing. Cooking could be great too ..... you could trade
                         with a fisherman so that he gives you 10 fish, you cook them,and you give 5 to him back....... And fishing doesn\'t have to be
                         easy..... the good fishing places could be surronded by all types of creatures.....
                         And the merchant, well that\'s not really a job cause everyone will probably trade, you\'ll be a good merchant if you\'ll have a lot of
                         thing to trade so that people will seek you when they need something..... Believe me, the \"jobs\" are really important
                            posted 08-10-2001 09:19 GMT            

                         hmm... real jobs would be cool, but there are limitations ofcourse. For example, if you are a carpenter, I think it would be
                         practicly impossible to let you design chair\'s in-game and sell them to NPC\'s that come in your shop. And if you\'re a fisherman,
                         you might go out and fish, but you would then only be able to sell it, not to clean the fish, salten it, and store it.

                         I would rather call \'jobs\' professions.
                         I suggest that your profession is merely a proficiency in-game. Like when yo? have grown up in a family of fisheman, you can
                         most likely fish, and was actually going to become a fisherman, until you wandered of to go adventuring. However, you can fish,
                         and this might be extremely helpfull when alone in a forest without any food. The same applies for hunters, and miners would be
                         able to find more gems when wandering through a dungeon.

                         I think professions like carpenter, or wooden shoe maker wouldn\'t be of any use though, and will also be almost impossible to

                            posted 09-10-2001 06:53 GMT            

                         why not have a age system?
                         Have it like when your young u get born it to a certain type of family (blacksmiths..etc) and u have a mother and father who teach
                         u? that would be very cool
                            posted 22-10-2001 00:33 GMT            

                         I like the prof idea... setting yourself up to an exclusive job sounds a bit boring however, my idea, have an option to use some
                         stats each lvl to build up your prof lvl... that way min-maxers can ignore the prof, but full rp\'ers can have a fuller char. I am SOOO
                         sick of the fact that the majority of on-line games are simply chat rooms that you kill things in... rhe prof could prevent PlaneShift
                         from going that way... also it would rock if you can open a store, get a bot to run it as in prev response, and your adventuring
                         would help stock the store.
                         Also the prof/store bit would add a ne spectrum to quests ie...
                         BobMarley, my lvl 12 Warrior/Carptener must journey to the lowest layer of the Labryinth to extract the left toenail of the Demon
                         lord Jojo, which Keebler, the blacksmith will turn into a super chisel, I can create the Ebony Duckhead bookstands that Wawa, A
                         lvl 21 wizard, needs to give Lord Jerky on his daughters aniversary...
                         Think of the possibilities!!!
                            posted 22-10-2001 21:19 GMT            

                         You may find proffessions boring, but in my mind they\'re more interesting than going adventuring... and although i like to do that
                         too profs are one way to greatly increase the scope of the world\'s history and storyline in general...
                            posted 23-10-2001 08:14 GMT            

                         Why have a game where you role play a job? I do that at least 40 hours a week already; the whole reason for playing PS is to
                         ignore real life for a while. ;)
                            posted 23-10-2001 10:49 GMT            

                         Its not that I think the idea of jobs are boring... it\'s that exclusivly doing a job seems boring. I mean, true, a lvl 20 Blacksmith can
                         make really cool nails, but only bieng able to look forward to the next shipment of iron, then making somthin, then waiting again
                         does not seem as fun as a Lvl 20 Warrior who is a part time Blacksmith, and uses the loot he finds to make exciting new items.
                         This would add a really cool part to the quest element of the game... especially for several part quests... bring 1 dragon scale, 2
                         pts albino orc blood, 3 ingots of dwarf iron, and a pound of Red gold, mix them together and wala! One Waffle Iron of Doom
                         Also, I think you should gain xp for building things... like you just did this grand quest, got your items, depending on Blacksmith
                         skill, either make item or make mess, and if you suceed in making item, you get loads of xp.
                         Muchas Funnas!
                            posted 23-10-2001 11:29 GMT            

                         I think I posted such an idea in an earlier thread about professions. If you will be able to sell the things you made, you can have a
                         real prof. You can for example use your guildhouse to sell the things(if you\'re truly not an adventurer. Guild houses should have a
                         sign outside, with the name of the guild on it. If you start a blacksmithing guild and hang out the sign, everybody in the city
                         knows that they can buy their weapons at your place.) If you ARE an adventurer, you could sell things at inn\'s, taverns, the
                         guardhouse (the npc guards need wepons too, don\'t they?) and at markets.

                            posted 23-10-2001 23:15 GMT            

                         i would love to be some sord of musician.. and then ppl pay you to play ;-)

                         or some kind of salesman... [one who travels around with his gear] maybe companioned by some nice girl ;-) [any volunteers]
                         and maybe with some ppl to protect him against thieves
                            posted 13-11-2001 08:00 GMT            

                         thing about these professions is they cant be too teadious(sp). like for example in so many games smithing was a pain in the
                         kiester. you had to buy the ore and make the ore into brick, take the brick and make it into a sheet, take the sheet and fold it,
                         take the folded sheet and then forge it to a blade. you then had to start again with ore to make a block, then forge the block into
                         a hilt. then you would combine the blade and the hilt together for a sword. then you risked a chance of failing the final combine
                         and you lost all that work.

                         there just has to be a better system than that. like for example if you failed, instead of loosing everything, you would be left with
                         scrap metal that you could use again. enough srap together and you can make a sheet once more. also it would be nice if you
                         only had to do the lesser tasks when at low lvl. once your smithing skill grew to the point where you would no longer profit in skill
                         from making the lesser materials, you could pay a NPC smith for them. say once you get to a lvl in a trade, you are given access
                         to a trade NPC that aids in the smaller duties. maby that NPC would just have those items for sale. cheaper than anywhere else.
                         since after all you would be a skilled smith and it is your profession, you would be granted wholesale.

                         another idea i liked was that of running a shop. it would be interesting if you could earn yourself a good amount of money. rent a
                         shop and hire a NPC to sell your wears. this would stop those anoying auctions. your shop would only sell what you have
                         created or have put up for sale. you would interact with your vender and when he/she has sold an item they will pay you minus
                         their wage. this would be something you would have to constantly interact with so to keep prices competative as well as keep
                         your inventory stocked. these rented shops would be able to be used by all the professions. they could sell your smithing,
                         fletching, tailoring, or what ever other trade item there is.

Wish list / hall of fame
« on: January 06, 2002, 03:50:02 pm »

                            posted 01-09-2001 05:27 GMT        

                         i would be good to have a hall of fame were you can walk in and see or read about great achivement people have done it the
                         world. (have quests that can only be completed by a single person)
                            posted 27-10-2001 06:57 GMT            

                         thats a great idea!

                         ....a quest that is so difficult, everyone who has attempted it has died.

                         something like that... maybe it wont pan out but i think its a great idea to give players in-game recognition for their
                         accomplishments. Then people could say, \"that guy\'s famous!\"
                            posted 28-10-2001 23:20 GMT            

                         That would only be possible when there are one-time quests... It would be neat. There was already a thought about a library in
                         which you could read player-written stories and in which the hall of fame might be implemented.

                            posted 04-11-2001 23:13 GMT            

                         Also, u could get bards to write songs about famous players. I think it would be very cool to sit and relax in a pub, and suddenly
                         hear a song about a brave and noble knight that appears to be you. People would gaze to you, you can SEE them think:\"Thats
                         the guy who defeated the six-butted dragon!\"
                            posted 05-11-2001 00:56 GMT            

                         i think this is a BIT 2 hard 2 implement guys
                            posted 05-11-2001 01:15 GMT            

                         jeah... but there could have been heroic deeds in the past, of which the hero\'s still wander around the world (player by specially
                         selected players/maybe GM\'s). BArds could sing songs about those deeds.


Wish list / goverment?
« on: January 06, 2002, 03:49:20 pm »

                            posted 01-09-2001 05:20 GMT        

                         you say that this game will have a government type playablity. What do you mean by that, like do you mean someone like me
                         could become king or just that there is a AI based government.
    PS W.T.B. Member
                            posted 01-09-2001 09:58 GMT            

                         We will have a counsel of eight Octarchs running the show, each with 20 Vigessimi placed under them. I am not sure yet wether
                         these are AI based or not.
                            posted 02-09-2001 17:27 GMT            

                         Maybe you could have elections - start off with AI rulers, but gradually replace them with humans, if they want to become rulers
                         (it\'d be a pretty hectic job) and if they can\'t do it properly, hold another election? Just an idea.
                            posted 04-09-2001 09:23 GMT            

                         what about guilds , will people be able to join guilds and fight each other for stuff like relics or land?
    PS Director
                            posted 14-09-2001 16:48 GMT            

                         Two important topics here:
                         1) government
                         2) guilds

                         Some octarchs and vigesimi will be AI controlled, but many others will be players. Members of the PS Team will have this
                         positions and high level players (if they want).
                         The election can be based on votes of other players and can bring to the formation of guilds.

                         Surely we will have guilds! Starting from the first demo that will allow players only to roam in a demonstration area, we will
                         introduce guilds.
                         There will be leaders of guilds and each guild will have a special \"power\" or magical item available only to members.
                         As far as guild \"fights\" I will prefer to have guild \"competitions\" on resolution of important quests or in getting important magical

                         Bye, Luca.
                            posted 13-11-2001 05:52 GMT            

                         wow how did i miss this thread??? those are some great features. something i am wondering though, are these special guild
                         items like, say, a cloak or something to show the guild colors or insignia? one other thing. i love the idea talked about in the
                         description of Enkidukai, about them living in packs. the packs shown by the cutting or painting of the fur. this marking of the fur,
                         is that something that is chosen in char creation or is it possibly something we as players can choose to do when and if we
                         creat a player type \"pack\" or as i like to call it, a pride.

                         i ask that last part cause i am very, very interested in making such a \"pride\" with a few of my Enkidukai friends.
    PS Official Member
                            posted 13-11-2001 06:17 GMT            

                         If this happens, by my guess (a guess mind you), I would most likely say the carving would be selected from default for normals,
                         and possibly user-made on donator. I do not really have any clue.

General Discussion / Events
« on: January 06, 2002, 02:21:19 pm »

                            posted 02-01-2002 03:21 GMT        

                         Will there be events in PS? such as invasions? maybe an evil, and very powerful NPC will try and to destroy the giant crystal.

                         or maybe the said evil NPC, and his army, might try to conquer PS, making the players work together to stop him?

                         perhaps one race will decide another race is not fit to live anymore? maybe have race wars?
    PS W.T.B. Member
                            posted 02-01-2002 04:02 GMT            

                         I REALLY hope so :)
                            posted 02-01-2002 04:56 GMT            

                         I think it would be cool for hordes of evil.. (skeletons for example) to attempt to take over a small village near there citadel once in
                         a while.

                            posted 02-01-2002 04:59 GMT            

                         their** ..getting late.. typo demons wreaking havok on.. typing skillz...
                            posted 02-01-2002 05:07 GMT            

                         that\'d be cool :) i think there will be because in features it says something like \"a world that evolves by itself\" so...
                            posted 02-01-2002 05:21 GMT            

                         Or maybe A new god finds the way into Yliakum and tries to conquer it :) maybe Lannx & Talad try and defeat the other god...
                         maybe players can choose which side they want to join. Talads\', Lannxs\', or the new gods\'

                         have a little holy war :)
                            posted 02-01-2002 07:22 GMT          

                         Great idea, Kendrick!! And hopefully someone will host a site that lists regular Planeshift events too. I especially like the race war
                         idea, maybe PS could have events also where the Enkidukai are at war with the Xacha.(humans)
    PS W.T.B. Member
                            posted 02-01-2002 20:08 GMT            

                         Kendrick: This IS in the game (I\'ll tell you no more)
    PS W.T.B. Member
                            posted 02-01-2002 20:09 GMT            

                         Oops I didnt meen to say that I may be wrong :(
    PS W.T.B. Member
                            posted 02-01-2002 20:14 GMT            

                         And have tunics over their armor saying \'T\', \'L\' or the new god/ cult\'s name. Maybe it could end up in successfully driving the
                         invadors off and eventually Laanx and Talad could realise how they could work together to form one Religion.

                         Then a Self Proclaimed \'Dictator\' tries to sieze power and the combined might of the armies drives him out of power :P

                         just an idea :P

                         my 1 euro worth lol

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