Author Topic: A Diaboli's Tale  (Read 4604 times)


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A Diaboli's Tale
« on: May 21, 2007, 06:57:23 pm »
[Even though I'm supposed to be gone from planeshift I'm to darn addicted to leave the fourms so I decided to write down the story of Duraza's life from the very begining. I'm not the best writter so be brutal with comments so I can get better  ;D . Hope you all enjoy, I'm gonna post it part by part. Spelling migtht be off too :sweatdrop:]

Darkness, flames, terror. A woman's shriek, so loud that all become quiet, the only sounds heard from flames flickering and consuming. A moment later and an entire village is burned to the ground, one diaboli woman running as fast as she can, grasping something tightly, wrapped in a blanket. Tears run down her face, her body covered in soot, and her legs burning with pain but she still runs. Fear is her fuel, what she holds her motivation. Both keep her running without effort. She has not the will nor ability to stop, all she can do is run. Her energy starts to fade and eventually she faints from weakness. When she wakes up the next day she's in a bed. She looks around confused and fearful. She notices an elderly man standing near a window. She tries to get up but is too weak to and he turns around, maybe hearing her movement.

"Do not worry, you are safe. You are in Ragon."

Safe. She does not know who this man is but that one word is enough. Without another thought she goes back to sleep, resting and relaxing in hopes that when she awakens she truely is safe.

Later the same day she awakens. The elderly man still sits in her room, looking outside of the window. He turns around again looking the young diaboli woman in the eyes.

"Have a good sleep?"

She nods. The room then becomes silent. Suddenly the diaboli woman speaks, "Where is my child?!" The elderly man laughs a little "Don't worry, your child is being fed as we speak." The woman lets out a sigh of relief, happiness slowly crossing her face.

"Can you take me to him?"

"I don't think thats a good idea, not in your condition." Then after a pause, after seeing the womans happiness fading, he adds "We will bring him to you." Her smile once again becomes bright as the elderly man walks out of the room for a moment then returns, a young diaboli child held in his arms. The child figets while in his arms, tugging on his beard. He hands the baby to the woman, her arms already streched out waiting, and she grasps him tightly embracing him.

"I've missed you little one."

"What's his name?"

The diaboli woman smiles warmly as the baby starts to figet with her hair, "Duraza. My one and only child."
Saggi Lezeheso, The Whisper's Jest
Demoik and Rioqura, The Immortal Harrow
Vertum, Will of Dakkru

Duraza Darkom, Slayer of Kittens


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Re: A Diaboli's Tale
« Reply #1 on: May 22, 2007, 03:20:45 am »
Will we read about his first steps? :P

Two things:
The ending of the first paragraph is somewhat dodgy, due to the reoccurence of the word "she". It becomes especially visible when each following sentence begins this way. It can be useful device in some contexts, especially when you want to emphasize something, but I don't suppose this is the case here. Personally I'd try to find some way around it.
And second - singular form of Diaboli is "Diabolo" ;)

Keep going.
AKA Skald


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Re: A Diaboli's Tale
« Reply #2 on: May 22, 2007, 07:10:09 pm »
[yup you get to read about all his first steps and what lead him to become "evil." I used she because I didn't want to give away a name yet, partly because I did not completly decide on names. Didn't know about the diabolo thing so thanks, will help the story sound better. Since I don't want to write a story describing every moment of his life I'll a lot of times skip to a different part. Pretty much Birth, Childhood, Teenage, young adult, adult, now kinda thing. A time line in story form. The setting for this part is still the same however we are going to when Duraza became the age of 10.]

"Duraza, come back inside and get some rest. Its to early for you to be wandering about the city."  Duraza turns around as he closes the door to face his mother, "But I want to explore, Mr Lex said that I could." Duraza's mother shakes head,

"You can wait till he comes to take you out for your lessons."

"But do I hav-"

"Yes you do. Besides, all your going to want to do is read those books about magic in the city library.  Its more important to learn how to be a good swordsman."

"Why don't you ever let me do what I want?"

"Because I know whats best for you." A knock on the door is heard and Duraza opens it, Mr Lex stepping inside.

"Ready for your training Duraza?" Duraza gives a deep sigh in hopes to change his moms mind but after she stands firm he walks out of the room dragging his feet.  Mr Lex nods to Duraza's mother before locking the door.

Night falls in Ragon as Duraza and Mr Lex return home from training. Duraza goes to his room to sleep while Mr Lex and his mother talk.

"How's he improving?"

"Not much. The same as always really. Laris why not just let him be a magician?"

 Laris shakes her head "No. It would only make his life complicated. I don't want him going through the same life as his father.."

"But he's not his fath-"

Laris starts to shout so loud that it awakens Duraza and he listens to the converstation, "You've known him since he was a baby! The same curiosity from the start. The same passion for magic and I can bet the same natural talent for the dark arts."

Mr Lex tugs his beard a bit, stroking it and thinking before speaking, "Maybe he could be different? Use his ability for something good."

"Maybe is not an option. I barely escaped last time. I've had to hide who he really is from the world and even from him for years. I can't ruin his chance at leading a happy life just so he can learn a few spells!"

"But he will never lead a happy life without ever learning magic."

Laris starts to cry, covering her face with her hands as she speaks, "They wanted to kill him. He was only a month old and they wanted to kill him. Not because of what he knew, but because of what he could become. If I let him practice magic others might want to do the same. I had to watch my husband die, I don't think I can bear watching my son as well."

Mr Lex puts a hand on Laris's shoulder, trying to comfort her, "Maybe if he learned a different magic. We could keep him away from any dark magic and still have him focus on learning how to use the sword.  Then he could still be happy and you would not have to worry."

Laris wipes the tears from her face, "I'll think it over. I don't know if its such a good idea.."

"Don't worry. Everything will be alright"

As Mr Lex continues to comfort Laris Duraza crawls back into his bed trying to understand everything that just happened while staring at the ceiling, his hands shaking and his body covered in sweat.

"What...What am I?" He sits for a while just thinking about it, tears gliding down his cheeks, until he finally falls asleep.
Saggi Lezeheso, The Whisper's Jest
Demoik and Rioqura, The Immortal Harrow
Vertum, Will of Dakkru

Duraza Darkom, Slayer of Kittens


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Re: A Diaboli's Tale
« Reply #3 on: May 22, 2007, 11:40:51 pm »
Now this "he's not his father" part reminds me of the Butterfly Effect xD
By find a way around I mean manipulating the sentences. Maybe give them more flow, like:
"Upon waking up the next day, she finds herself in a bed. Anguished by confusion and fear, her eyes begin inspecting the abouts, soon noticing an elderly man standing by a window. She tries to get up, but deprived of all its strength, her body refuses."
Something like that anyway.
AKA Skald


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Re: A Diaboli's Tale
« Reply #4 on: May 24, 2007, 06:57:01 pm »
[lol I actually watched it after reading that comment. One of my friends has tons of movies and they happened to have that one as well. It was pretty good.  :thumbup: I get what your saying now. Pretty much try to be more descriptive and make my sentences flow better. Sounds easier said then done  :sweatdrop:]

Duraza awoke in the middle of the night. He was awakened by his nightmares, the fear from them so great that he layed petrified. He felt disconnected from thoughts and emotions. Disconnected from his body itself. "Why me?" With those words he left himself in silence. All he could hear were the winds, bellowing outside. For the rest of that night he stayed awake, staring into nothingness, the exact thing he thought he'd become. In the morining Laris walked into his bed room. When she entered she froze. No one layed in Duraza's bed, and the window was wide open. A note layed on his dresser but she could only read it from afar, having felt as if she lost the ability to move. Sorry for being born where the words written, words so powerful and shocking that Laris fell to the ground, errupting in tears.

Later that day Laris, Mr Lex, and members of the city guard started a search for Duraza, each one covering part of the city and some of the guard members outside. The search lasted a week before Mr Lex and Laris decided to go to the old part of the city, the first part built and the only part no longer inhabited.  When the finally reached the old tower Laris burst into tears, "It's pointless. I'll never find him..." "You will Laris," Mr Lex tried to say comfortingly with little effect. Suddenly a bright flash was seen from the top of the tower. Mr Lex looked immediately and Laris did as well, but slowly, as another flash was seen. "That must be him," Laris said and not being able to hold her excitment rushed up the tower. Mr Lex, not able to speak quick enough rushed up after her. Laris climbed quickly, sweat running down her cheeks mixed with tears, and when she finally approached the entrance to the top she saw Duraza holding a small black book.  "Duraza," Laris screamed. Duraza turned in shock and fear, not immediately recognizing his mothers voice, and without a thought cast a dark spell shooting a blast of dark flame at Laris. The black flames consumed her as she hit the ground. It burned her flesh and filled the air with the smell immediately. By the time Duraza realized what happened it was too late. Mr Lex only stood, unspeaking and unmoving, as Duraza inched his way, walking slowly to his burning mother. When he was close enough he gazed upon her. At that moment Duraza dropped the black book and began to cry. For a while all he could do his weep, part of him hoping the tears would be enough to put out the flames. His hope, of course, was in vain. He cried and cried until his mother looked up, "Duraza.." At that moment he stopped only looking at her, his body shaking.

"Mother...your going to be okay right? We can get you to the healers and they can fix it."

"I'm sorry my son..but I...I will die here."

"No you can't," Duraza started to scream, "I'll never use magic again, I'm sorry...never! Please just don't leave me." "

Hush my child. I shall die here and now, this is the truth."


"No buts. Now listen to me son. I was wrong. I wanted you to forget magic but that is immpossible. It is in your blood, and it is your fate. You share the same fate as you father, and his father, and his and I have no power to stop that. It is your purpose in life. I know now that you are meant to be like them and no matter what I do you shall. So remember my last words my son. No matter what anyone does to you, no matter how hard they try never forsake your purpose."

"My purpose..?"

"Yes my son. You are the son of murderers and a murderer you shall be. You will kill countless just as you have done me and tourment the innocent one day. It is your purpose, and one not even you can avoid."


Laris suddenly smiles, "You will, I can see your eyes..." WIth those last words her life fades and Duraza, to afraid to move, can only watch as her body turns to ash while Mr Lex weeps.
Saggi Lezeheso, The Whisper's Jest
Demoik and Rioqura, The Immortal Harrow
Vertum, Will of Dakkru

Duraza Darkom, Slayer of Kittens


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Re: A Diaboli's Tale
« Reply #5 on: May 26, 2007, 07:18:35 pm »
[This is kinda like the introduction to the next parts of the story. Pretty much because nothing really important happens in the next couple years until he turns 16. ]

After that horrid day Duraza hid himself away. The city council decided to allow him to keep his mothers home, not charging him of any crime, out of pity for his loss. Mr Lex dissappeared and never spoke to Duraza. Many people of the town did the same and as Duraza lay in his bed he felt it out of fear that they hid from him. Day after day he would lay in his bed unmoving. He would only leave to train or find food. Everyone who saw him would ignore him, act like he didn't exist and as the years passed his hate of the people of Ragon started to eat away at him, from the inside out. Yet he could not bring himself to say a word, to lift a finger, for fear that the words his mother spoke were true.  "Yes my son. You are the son of murderers and a murderer you shall be. You will kill countless just as you have done me and tourment the innocent one day. It is your purpose, and one not even you can avoid." Words that kept repeating in his mind, day after day. Out of determination he refused to show his anger, but keeping it bottled up did not help. By the time he became 15 his heart was heavy, wieghed down with sorrow and hate. Most still did not realize his existence but it was now because they did not realize who he was. He detached himself from the city and its people just to avoid the fate predicted by his mother.

A week before his 16th birthday someone appeared in the city. Someone who most in the city had never met but had heard about. His name was Volset and he built the first parts of the city with its council long ago. Time brought him age and he had returned to the city for one single purpose. To find those who he could teach to wield to very power that created the city years ago. Unholy Light.
Saggi Lezeheso, The Whisper's Jest
Demoik and Rioqura, The Immortal Harrow
Vertum, Will of Dakkru

Duraza Darkom, Slayer of Kittens


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Re: A Diaboli's Tale
« Reply #6 on: May 27, 2007, 03:24:28 pm »
Duraza walks into the city square, a sack on his back full of food he bought from a merchant, when he sees a great crowd of people. As he approaches he notices at the head of the crowd is the City Council with a man unknown to him. "People of Ragon, it has been years since this city was built and years since its founder has lived here. Today I would like to introduce to you someone as old as the city itself. The true leader of Ragon, Volset!" People all around start clapping as Volset steps up and takes a bow.  Once he starts speaking quiet returns immediately, "Hello my people. I see that I have left my city in good hands. I would like to thank you all for continuing to build it and make it grow as well as the Council and Guard for protecting it." The applause starts again, meanwhile Duraza stares at Volset from afar, curious to why he would return. Volset raises his hand and the crowd quiets once again before he speaks, "I have returned inorder to teach my people an art sacred to the city. If it wasn't for this magic this city would have never been built and I feel that my people have the right to learn it. However, be warned that you should not take this as learning just a simple spell. I will teach to only those worthy. The reason is because those without the strength to control this teqnique may be swallowed whole by its power. I give you five days to prepare yourselves. Train, eat, sleep, do whatever you feel you must before I start to teach to you. And with that I bid you all goodbye." As Volset leaves, accompanied by guards, the Council once again starts to speak to the people. Duraza pays no attention to what they say, only thinking about Volset's words. As he walks back home he says, "Maybe this is my chance....A chance to learn an art that's not dark. But what if it is..? What will I do then..." When he gets home he puts his sack down and goes to lay on his bed. For a long while he does, his face blank but his thoughts racing. His mind focuses on his memories of his mother, the words she spoke before she died. "Well...I guess I can give it a chance.."
Saggi Lezeheso, The Whisper's Jest
Demoik and Rioqura, The Immortal Harrow
Vertum, Will of Dakkru

Duraza Darkom, Slayer of Kittens


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Re: A Diaboli's Tale
« Reply #7 on: May 27, 2007, 04:03:06 pm »
Hmm... I think you rushed a little bit with the mother-killing part. Reader doesn't know her enough to take a pity and she goes out with a text like that out of a sudden ;)
I think it would be better if you presented how she began to doubt in her views as different events came through Duraza's life. Then the final words would make more sense.

Other than that I look forward to seeing what comes.
AKA Skald


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Re: A Diaboli's Tale
« Reply #8 on: May 28, 2007, 01:34:47 pm »
Whats done is done.But Draklar hitss your most obvious flaw in the story.Try to make the characters more interesting so that people are sad to see them go.Other than that its nice.Strange but i seem to remember a story about Duraza from a while back (The one with Diz and the mysterious stranger).
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Re: A Diaboli's Tale
« Reply #9 on: May 28, 2007, 03:01:14 pm »
Whats done is done.But Draklar hitss your most obvious flaw in the story.Try to make the characters more interesting so that people are sad to see them go.Other than that its nice.Strange but i seem to remember a story about Duraza from a while back (The one with Diz and the mysterious stranger).

Yeah. Thats a part of the story too but we haven't gotten to that part yet.  :P

Hmm... I think you rushed a little bit with the mother-killing part. Reader doesn't know her enough to take a pity and she goes out with a text like that out of a sudden ;)
I think it would be better if you presented how she began to doubt in her views as different events came through Duraza's life. Then the final words would make more sense.

Other than that I look forward to seeing what comes.

Yeah I noticed when I read it over I kinda rushed the part about his mother dieing. I was thinking about changing it but decided not to for the fact that I want to later come back into the story and explain more about her and her past. In that way later on people will understand why she so easily said those things about her son.
Saggi Lezeheso, The Whisper's Jest
Demoik and Rioqura, The Immortal Harrow
Vertum, Will of Dakkru

Duraza Darkom, Slayer of Kittens


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Re: A Diaboli's Tale
« Reply #10 on: May 30, 2007, 08:41:43 pm »
[Oh I kinda forgot to comment on what Quitarias said about making characters more intresting. Yeah I know I didn't spend much time letting you guys get to know them but part of it was done purposely. Duraza's mom (Laris) was rushed in and out for the fact that like the reader Duraza still knew little about her life before and only really loved her because she was his mother and he felt he "had to." That will be potrayed later in the story. For Mr. Lex you get to see his true side later  ;D ]

The next day, after waking up, Duraza goes to the city square expecting Volset to be making another speech with the council. Instead he finds the square deserted of not only people but merchants and even fewer guards. One of the guards still around notices Duraza with a surprise on her face and shouts, "Hey you! What are you doing around here?" Duraza turns around and shouts back, "Well I guess nothing since this place is just abandoned..." The guard then starts to laugh, some of the strands of her hair covering her face, "I'm guessing you didn't here about whats going on in the library or don't care."

"Whats going on?"

"Volset is searching for pupils to learn that special ability of his. I would go myself but I was put on guard duty and...." As the guard continues to talk Duraza rethinks back to Volset and his promise to teach Unholy Light to those in the city. He then runs off in the direction on the library the guard saying to herself, "How rude. he asks me a question then runs off..."  By the time Duraza makes it to the library he notices people leaving. Eager for information he grabs a random person asking, "What happened? Did he already pick?" The person first pushes Duraza off before answering, "Yeah 7 people. You missed your chance. He asked for us to show him our magical ability.Those 7 were the best."

"He's not taking anymore?"

"Nope he said thats it."

With a look of disappointment Duraza walks home. Once there he throws himself on his bed, "Well I ruined my chance...Just great..."

[I'm not going to be able to post as much so I wanted to warn you the next parts may take a while and will probably be short or really long depending on the time I have,]
Saggi Lezeheso, The Whisper's Jest
Demoik and Rioqura, The Immortal Harrow
Vertum, Will of Dakkru

Duraza Darkom, Slayer of Kittens


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Re: A Diaboli's Tale
« Reply #11 on: June 06, 2007, 07:11:02 pm »
Duraza wakes up the next day, "Well I guess I better buy some food....I didn't exactly get to yesterday...." He puts on his boots and grabs his blade and his sack before running out of the house towards the square. Once there he meets with the usual merchant and buys bread and fruit to last him the next month. "This life is getting tiring, its the same thing day in and day out..I just want to go home and go back to sleep." Looking for a quicker way home he spots an alley, "This should do.." He turns to walk down it and as he does a group of four start to follow him. As they reach the center of the alley one of the strangers walks up to Duraza, "Hey kid what ya got in the sack?"

"Really? How much?"

"Enough," Duraza says annoyed.

"Hey kid I don't like that tone. Now I think we have to take this sack of yours as payment for your rude behavior."

The other three laugh as Duraza realizes they have him surrounded, "No. Go buy your own food."

All four laugh this time as they draw blades, "We coulda done this the easy way kid but now you get a beating too." After speaking the man strikes and Duraza draws his blade quickly to defend throwing his sack to the side. "Your not getting my food.." Then Duraza attempts to push the man back but he can not. "Your an idiot kid, still to young to know how to wield a blade." The man pushes Duraza backwards and one of the three behind him trips him. As Duraza falls he loses grip of his sword, "Darn it..."

"Looks like you lose kid."

"Not yet.." As Duraza says this two members of the guard who were escorting Volset come close enough to the alley to see what is happening. Before either three of them can react shadow englufs Duraza and the 4 men attacking him. As the shadows fade Duraza stands up the four men falling to the ground. "Idiots.." Then Duraza goes to retrive his sword and his pack when the guard rushes up to Duraza their swords drawn, "Don't move." The other guard member walks up to the bodies as Duraza stands still, "Are they dead?"

"They are just paralized."

"You know the law, dueling for sport is illegal."

"I wasn't dueling. They tried to attack me. I was defending myself."

"Not from what I saw kid. Now come with me."

"No. I said I didn't do anything."

"Thats what they all say."

"That is enough," Volset says suddenly. As all three look they realize he was standing behind them for the first time. "But sir," one of the guards utters, "We are just doing our job."

"Can you not see the boy is innocent?"


"well I can." The Volset looks at Duraza, "You are young to have experience in the dark arts. Many novice magicians I've known don't use it till they've learned the other ways."

"Well I'm different from other magicains," Duraza says.

"Yes I can see that. I have a deal I would like to make with you."

"I'm listening."

"I make sure you don't get in trouble and you do me a favor."

"What kind of favor?"

"I want to test your limits. Maybe even see if you have the potential to learn the Unholy arts. How about it?"

Without even thinking Duraza says, "I agree."

"Good. Training begins at dawn. I expect you there on time. Now be off." Duraza then grabs his sack and sword and leaves walking home. Even though he hides it he is excited to learn. He has not felt happy in a long long time.
Saggi Lezeheso, The Whisper's Jest
Demoik and Rioqura, The Immortal Harrow
Vertum, Will of Dakkru

Duraza Darkom, Slayer of Kittens


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Re: A Diaboli's Tale
« Reply #12 on: June 27, 2007, 11:13:05 am »
[sorry I haven't put the next part in yet. I have little time to log on to the fourms  :sweatdrop: ]

A week later Duraza goes outside the city to meet with Volset and two of the other students. He sees them standing before a field of tefusangs.

Volset nods at Duraza, "Glad you could make it. Duraza meet Hasseo and Rysenel. They will be working along side you to master Unholy Light."

"Where are the others? I thought you told me there was seven."

"Yes but I seperated everyone into small groups. This way I can focus on students more individually. These will be your classmates and most likely who you will work with in the future so you will learn to become friends."

"Yeah of course...."

"Today you will all be battling tefusang using Unholy Light. Duraza I know you have yet to learn it so focus on using different skills for today. I will teach you how to use Unholy Light in a private session later. Hasseo make sure to keep and eye on Duraza ok?"

Hasseo nods, "Yes master Volset."

"You have 2 hours to collect the 30 fangs, now go!" Immediatly all three run towards the field and stops close to the tefusang.

"Listen Hasseo...I don't need to be watched. I can take care of myself ok."

Hasseo looks at Duraza and gives a small laugh, "Whatever you say. Why don't you go first and clear the path so while I and Rysenel pick the fangs and catch up?"

"Sounds good to me." Then Duraza draws his blades and rushes out at the tefusang.

"He's going to get beat up badly you know," Rysenel says.

"I know. Thats the point. He can learn how strong he really is."

Duraza rushes up to a tefusang and strikes it killing it in one blow. "Hmm this will be easier than I thought." Suddenly two tefusang come from behind him and he gets hit by one dropping his blade and being forced to run back. "Not so pleasant these things are." He turns to see another three charging at him from behind and soon he is surrounded without his sword. "Crap. Where did they all come from?" Suddenly a gray whip hits one of the tefusang drawing them away.

[sorry have to type the rest later]
Saggi Lezeheso, The Whisper's Jest
Demoik and Rioqura, The Immortal Harrow
Vertum, Will of Dakkru

Duraza Darkom, Slayer of Kittens


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Re: A Diaboli's Tale
« Reply #13 on: June 29, 2007, 09:10:23 am »
Duraza turns around shocked as he sees Rysenel drawing all the tefusang towards him. "You ok?" a voice behind Duraza says. As he turns he see's Hasseo behind him.

"Need me to heal your wounds?"

"I'm fine...." Then Duraza looks over to Rysenel still fighing the tefusang off then turns to Hasseo. "Aren't you going to help him?"

"He will be fine." At that moment Duraza turns to see the last of the tefusang falling and Rysenel's whip disappearing.

"What did he do to them?"

"That whip was made of Unholy Light. One ability Rysenel is great at is making temporary weapons with unholy light. These  weapons do mental damage to the oppenent. Some of those tefusang will be knocked out while others will be brain dead." Duraza stares at Rysenel in shock as he walks up to them.

"I guess we better collect the fangs of those tefs before some of them wake up." Hasseo nods then says, "Duraza when you recover you can help us pick the fangs." Then he and Rysenel start to take the fangs from the tefusangs leaving Duraza to sit in the grass.

"I can't believe this. My first day and I already feel like I must be the weakest in the class. There's no doubt that Hasseo could have killed them just as easily as Rysenel if not easier."

Time passes and all three head to Volset 43 minutes early.

"You have the 30 fangs?"

Hasseo presents Volset with the bag, "All right here."

"Good work. You are dissmissed for the day, except you Duraza." Hasseo and Rysenel walk off leaving Duraza and Volset standing alone.

"How well did you fair agaisnt the tefusangs."

"Well enough..."

Volset chuckles, "They were stronger than you weren't they? Else you wouldn't sound so disappointed."

"They just caught me off guard is all!"

Volset chuckles again, "Ok calm down Duraza. It was obvious you would be at a disadvantage because you relyed on physical strength you don't have. I'll bet Rysenel and Hasseo used Unholy Light."

"Rysenel did, Hasseo didn't fight."

Volset shakes his head, "That Hasseo is convinced that he has mastered the primary techniques. He still has a lot to learn."

"Is he really good?"

"He is the best of all my students."

"Then teach me how to use Unholy Light already and I'll beat him to teach him a lesson. He already annoys me."

Volset sighs, "You will not be allowed to fight your own classmates. Not now. However I will be teaching you Unholy Light."


"Come back to this spot at noon tommorow. If you don't show then you will have to wait."

"I'll be there."

"Then your dismissed."

Duraza nods and runs off back into the city waiting for the next day, the day he finally gets to learn this power famed throughout the city.
Saggi Lezeheso, The Whisper's Jest
Demoik and Rioqura, The Immortal Harrow
Vertum, Will of Dakkru

Duraza Darkom, Slayer of Kittens


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Re: A Diaboli's Tale
« Reply #14 on: July 03, 2007, 10:17:21 am »
Once again Duraza goes outside the city gates for his meeting with Volset. He see's Volset sitting down on the grass and before Duraza speaks Volset says, "Your early."

"How did you know I was here?"

"I can here your steps in the grass. Now tell me are you ready?"


"Then sit and face me. Now the teqnique I'm about to teach you is far more complex as it seems. While learning how to create Unholy Energy is simple learning how to wield it effectivly his difficult and something I can not teach you. However it all begin's with relaxing the body."

Duraza tries but he remains stiff.

"Your not relaxing yet. Take deep breath's to help."

Duraza starts to breath in and out but his body remains stiff with worry he never realized he had until now.

"The simplest part is usually relaxing but for you it may be difficult. Maybe you are over excited. Or maybe you are afraid of failing? Think and try to find out whats wrong for yourself. Release whatever emotion your restraining inside and with it your body will be cleared of stress."

For a while all Duraza does is sit, his eyes closed and his body stiff. After a while his mind starts to slip to day dreaming about when he was a child. Memories of sword training, the city, and playing came into his mind. Then his thoughts came to his mother. At first they were happier thoughs but then he started to remember what she said about him to Mr. Lex, how he murdered her, and her last words before death. Emotion started to swell up in Duraza and though his face did not change tears started flooding down his cheeks.

"I can tell your emotion's are strong. For you to awaken your ability to use Unholy Light you will have to turn those emotions into energy. Do not get rid of them but embrace their power."

Duraza continue's to sit still tear's still running down his face, "....she left made her's my fault....."

Volset raises an eyebrow.

Duraza starts clenching his head feeling pain coming from it.

Volset nods, "This is your chance, awaken your power. Focus your emotion at one point and let it become energy."

Duraza removes his hand from his head and clenches it in a fist. "Why did she have to die?" Suddenly Duraza's energy explodes as he feels an odd power wrapping around him. When he open's his eyes he realizes that a faint, smokish, gray energy is surrounding his arm.

"You've done it Duraza. The power of Unholy Light is flowing through you."

"But Volset, this isn't the same as what Rysenel did when he used unholy light."

"You're right. Because this is mental energy it take's form in whatever way the mind thinks is most appropriate. You subconciously decided to allow the energy to cover your arm."

"And with the energy around my arm?"

"You've strengthened the force of your arm. The style your mind has chosen can do the same with weapons. It's the swordsman style."

"Swordsman..." Duraza think's back to his mother's wish... "She always wanted me to be a swordsman didn't she..."

Volset raises an eyebrow, "What was that?"

Duraza shake's his head, "Nothing..What styles to Hasseo and Rysenel use?"

"Rysenel uses blacksmith and Hasseo uses the third style, which I happen to be best at, mage."

Duraza nods.

"Well you better get your rest. You've got long hard days of training coming up."

"Okay." Then Duraza leaves but not in the direction of the city. Eager to test his new power he head's to the tefusang field he saw the other day. Immediately he uses his new power agaisnt the tefusang and for a while he fights them well. To his disappointment however he starts to tire and the grey energy fades leaving him surrounded.

"Darn it..." Suddenly Volset runs up from behind him a claymore in his hands glowing with gray energy. With one arched swing he kills the tefusang instantly.

"How'd you do that....?"

"Years of practice. Practice you won't get if your this eager to die. Now come, I'll escort you home."

Duraza nods but starts to feel faint, "Guess that unholy light takes a lot out of you..." Then he collaspes. Volset picks him up, "I guess since you learned that without me telling you I'll carry you home." Then he walks off Duraza in his hands laying fast asleep.
Saggi Lezeheso, The Whisper's Jest
Demoik and Rioqura, The Immortal Harrow
Vertum, Will of Dakkru

Duraza Darkom, Slayer of Kittens