Author Topic: IC settings on some races?  (Read 3233 times)


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Re: IC settings on some races?
« Reply #30 on: May 26, 2010, 03:05:49 pm »
Okay then, but I forgot some...

Can they sheathe and unshethe their claws?
Do they have a Jacobson's gland (that cats "taste" or smell the air better with), or a similar organ?
Can their pupils go from slits to circles, and do their irises go to almost the visible corners of their eyes?
Do baby Enkidukai crawl, or walk on all fours?

Well, I know Atagal and Emmara roar, but it is usually only under stressful situations: Anger, frustration, anguish.  Sort of like when humans scream or yell.

IMHO, I play enkis to have retractable claws. The website says their fingers end in claws. However, since they are not RL cats, the enkis might have a natural mechanism to make them retractable. I and several other players have played the enkis to have retractable claws.

The other two questions I don't really have an opinion, maybe someone else has an idea. Perhaps a dev can drop in some answers into this thread.
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Re: IC settings on some races?
« Reply #31 on: May 26, 2010, 03:16:25 pm »

I really doubt that the settings team has thought this out in this level of detail.
You most likely will not get an official answer.

In the absence of detail in the ps setting, I strongly admire the level of detail that House Cheshire members that I have met to date put into their characters. ie.  Unique ear markings, purple eyes, jewelry, Xyssia's strange back scar, etc ... these colorful yet realistic details make these characters stand out in my mind.


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Re: IC settings on some races?
« Reply #32 on: May 26, 2010, 05:26:03 pm »
So I guess I should formulate some questions about some races that will hopefully get answered.


-How do their joints work if there is no soft cartilage and muscle there?
-What do you call their unibrow, or the crease over the eyes that you would find hair on if it were a human?
-How good is their vision, and do they have eyelids for blinking?
-If they hear through the vibrations they feel, can they know how they sound? Wouldn't they have speech problems if they didn't have a soft uvula and a soft roof of the mouth?
-Is there any sicknesses or health problems that could occur in kran? I would like to know of some since the kran body works in such a different way. If there aren't any, then some writers need to get those pencils sharpened!  :P

Lemurs: a.k.a the rarely played race.

-What facial features does the race generally have? I know this will differ with males and females.
-Would playing a lemur that isn't picky about his/her food OOC? I think there would be exceptions. [Guess that's a complaint about the sites description of them.]
-Would their vision be weak because they lived underground for a long part of their origin?
-What texture is their hair? Do they have much body hair or no?
-What accent would you normally find a lemur with?


-Just one contradiction on the diaboli description on the site: What exactly is "the perfectly shaped body"? They 'love' to eat and don't consider humility as a thing to worry about, so wouldn't there be plenty of fat diaboli's?


They seem to be very primal and they also seem to be traditional. The site doesn't offer much description at all on this race, I would love to know more of the general psychology on this race if anybody can explain it. The fact that the race is heading towards extinction causes me to wonder if they are hardy and strong willed.

This also goes for the Nolthrir and Dermorians, what is the history/description of where they came from?

I think that's about it for my questions.

I really doubt that the settings team has thought this out in this level of detail.
You most likely will not get an official answer.

In my opinion they should get more in depth with all the history of the races, and the world they came from. I'm sure the settings team is full of hard workers so there is no excuse skip for them to the details.  :D

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Fyrre Tijorra

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Re: IC settings on some races?
« Reply #33 on: May 26, 2010, 05:28:55 pm »
Thanks for the answers so far and o/ Lilura.

I have a few more Enkidukai questions. Hopefully that's all for now. ^^

Do they have whiskers?
In the same way that everyone is either on race or another, will Enkidukai parents with two different fur patterns have offspring with either one or the other pattern?
Do they have rough tongues?

I figured most of the details were up to the players, but it would be nice to have the bigger race details more consistent than they are now. If the devs don't know, maybe players can make a majority decision on some answers- though no one wants to find out that they've been role playing their character or wrote their description "wrong". :?


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Re: IC settings on some races?
« Reply #34 on: May 26, 2010, 06:55:28 pm »
So I guess I should formulate some questions about some races that will hopefully get answered.


-How do their joints work if there is no soft cartilage and muscle there?
-What do you call their unibrow, or the crease over the eyes that you would find hair on if it were a human?
-How good is their vision, and do they have eyelids for blinking?
-If they hear through the vibrations they feel, can they know how they sound? Wouldn't they have speech problems if they didn't have a soft uvula and a soft roof of the mouth?
-Is there any sicknesses or health problems that could occur in kran? I would like to know of some since the kran body works in such a different way. If there aren't any, then some writers need to get those pencils sharpened!  :P


-Just one contradiction on the diaboli description on the site: What exactly is "the perfectly shaped body"? They 'love' to eat and don't consider humility as a thing to worry about, so wouldn't there be plenty of fat diaboli's?

I think that Kran skin is hard but at the joints a bit softer, and I've always thought of the crease would be called there brow. Kran probably can vibrate there mouths in a way to create sound. I have no idea about there eyes, I think there not the same as real eyes. There is an in game book on all the race's life spans and a couple of health problem listed.
I'm pretty sure that Diaboli just have fast metabolisms  :P .
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Re: IC settings on some races?
« Reply #35 on: May 26, 2010, 08:07:04 pm »
 It has been said many times that kran are silicon based, but this creates a great flood problems.
 The cascading reactions required to sustain life cannot be supported by the nonreactive compounds of silicon; which is most of them. Most of the ones that are reactive are very reactive (explode in contact with air), and most of those are gases. The reason for this property is that silicon will bond with oxygen whenever possible (those explosions) and then refuse to bond to anything else (rocks). It's probable that insoluble, solid compounds will be produced as waste products no matter how kran function, so the kran would also need an extra bodily system to remove said compounds (quartz is a lot harder to get rid of than water an carbon dioxide). Since silicon oxides are very hard to get rid of, kran bodies would much prefer to use some other insoluble compound in their energy absorption cycle...a very confounding cycle. If kran do really work with oxygen (insanity), all their life reactions are significantly more extreme than ours; it takes far more energy to break silicon-oxygen bonds and produces far more to make them. The kran body would be unable to have anything to do with the carbon cycle (carbohydrates, alcohol, anything considered organic to us), which appears to be dominant in Yliakum. I heard once that they eat rocks; this does not make an ounce of sense. As above, they would be required to produce rock (or some other silicate using oxygen), and any rock they could extract energy from would lose it the instant (or shortly after) it came in contact with the air. Kran do not have the advantage of plant life that the carbon based life forms of Yliakum have, so they are missing an entire half of their cycle. I have no idea what would fill this.
 I assume that this all will just be hand-waved by saying "Talad powers all kran like robots with a direct link to the crystal."
 On a similar note, how do the crystals grow (on Talad's temple, in Gugrontid, though gemation [augh!]), without being bathed in solution of the same?

 Finally on Diaboli, I thought they were able to seriously mess with normal concepts of biology because their own incorporates multiplanar physics, effectively squaring their options.

(It is quite late for me.)


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Re: IC settings on some races?
« Reply #36 on: May 26, 2010, 08:53:30 pm »
@Nivm: Which is safe to say that it's easier for them to explain it as this:
  "Talad powers all kran like robots with a direct link to the crystal."

Anyways, what you are able to explain when it's late for you flies right over my head. I suppose you have a good idea there though with the whole 'extra body system' thing. I suppose you made it up. I may be wrong. Just sounds like something you'd say, which is not a bad thing. Perhaps this should be a good anatomy addition. People really have good suggestions for the races description, etc, and I wonder if the settings team would take it into consideration...*coughs* (fat chance!) *coughs again* Though, this was a good idea, and I agree with it. Just took a lot of re-reading to process though my complex brain, which is choked up on acetaminophen and tiredness lolz.

About the diaboli, I didn't understand a thing you said.

@Zayla: Somebody told me about the book that you can find in the sanatorium about the illnesses and age limits. I remember it just being about one or two illnesses for each race, and not saying anything about age limitations. Though, I can't see any GM locked or player items ever since 0.5. I rely on these forums to tell me such things.  :P

About the diaboli, one only has a fast metabolism with the right diet and amount of exercise. Or my biology teacher was wrong. 

The fit macho men and women along with the lack of fat people in Ylaikum makes me feel obese, and I'm not lolz.  ;D

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Re: IC settings on some races?
« Reply #37 on: May 26, 2010, 09:36:07 pm »

I have a few more Enkidukai questions. Hopefully that's all for now. ^^

Do they have whiskers?
In the same way that everyone is either on race or another, will Enkidukai parents with two different fur patterns have offspring with either one or the other pattern?
Do they have rough tongues?

I figured most of the details were up to the players, but it would be nice to have the bigger race details more consistent than they are now. If the devs don't know, maybe players can make a majority decision on some answers- though no one wants to find out that they've been role playing their character or wrote their description "wrong". :?

I play them with whiskers and I believe other players do also, but it has been awhile since I've RP'd with another enki that denoted any particular facial reactions specific to enki features.

I'm not sure about the fur color issue of parents from different 'tribal' types [sorry if 'tribal' is not the right word.]. They are the same race and the wiki info implies that enkis rarely marry outside of their 'tribal' type. I would think that the individual kit from PC mixed parentage would have one pattern or the other, but siblings may have differing coat patterns. Just a thought if someone else has an opinion then chime in.

I know one menki that RP'd having a rough tongue. I suppose that also could easily differ for each players preference since it is not a crucial characteristic for society interactions. I little bit like some humans can roll their tongue and others can't.

@Rigwyn: Honestly, I agree with your comment about the devs perhaps not putting that close of thought into it originally; I hope they are watching this thread though. I'm seeing some interesting questions popping up that would add to the background and depth of each race. I also would prefer that the devs keep working on things that need to be implemented to expand the playing options and the world itself  ;)
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Re: IC settings on some races?
« Reply #38 on: May 26, 2010, 10:37:26 pm »
While we're throwing out questions about How Things Work, what's the average size difference between males and females of the different races?   In real life, male humans on average have something like 15% more body mass than human females on average, with (IIRC) about 15 cm difference in average heights.   But what's true of humans, and presumably Ylian and maybe Xacha, shouldn't be true of Enkidukai, Dermorians, Stonebreakers, etc.   Is the average menki significantly bigger than the average fenki, like a lion vs. a lioness?  Are male and female elves usually about the same height?  Are female Klyros usually bigger than male Klyros, a la many birds and lizards?   

(While I'm thinking about sexual dimorphism, do different races have different traditions about male and female roles?   Are there racial differences in normal family structure?   There's no way they all traditionally raise their kids in nuclear families.)

TBH I'm more interested in this nitty-gritty mundane stuff than any other part of the theme.


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Re: IC settings on some races?
« Reply #39 on: May 26, 2010, 10:46:17 pm »
While we're throwing out questions about How Things Work, what's the average size difference between males and females of the different races?   In real life, male humans on average have something like 15% more body mass than human females on average, with (IIRC) about 15 cm difference in average heights.   But what's true of humans, and presumably Ylian and maybe Xacha, shouldn't be true of Enkidukai, Dermorians, Stonebreakers, etc.   Is the average menki significantly bigger than the average fenki, like a lion vs. a lioness?  Are male and female elves usually about the same height?  Are female Klyros usually bigger than male Klyros, a la many birds and lizards?   

(While I'm thinking about sexual dimorphism, do different races have different traditions about male and female roles?   Are there racial differences in normal family structure?   There's no way they all traditionally raise their kids in nuclear families.)

TBH I'm more interested in this nitty-gritty mundane stuff than any other part of the theme.

I don't think it is mundane. You are asking questions that will eventually enrich the settings of each race when 1.0 eventually makes it debut.


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Re: IC settings on some races?
« Reply #40 on: May 26, 2010, 11:10:04 pm »
 Don't the developers read everything that goes through the forums? It's only a trickle, so if your someone like me who only came to the forums a short time, you can read everything that was posted today, then read about the same amount of material in the past.

@Nivm: Which is safe to say that it's easier for them to explain it as this:
"Talad powers all kran like robots with a direct link to the crystal."
Anyways, what you are able to explain when it's late for you flies right over my head. I suppose you have a good idea there though with the whole 'extra body system' thing. I suppose you made it up. I may be wrong. Just sounds like something you'd say, which is not a bad thing. Perhaps this should be a good anatomy addition. People really have good suggestions for the races description, etc, and I wonder if the settings team would take it into consideration...*coughs* (fat chance!) *coughs again* Though, this was a good idea, and I agree with it. Just took a lot of re-reading to process though my complex brain, which is choked up on acetaminophen and tiredness lolz.
About the diaboli, I didn't understand a thing you said.
Why would anyone want to take the easy explanation for their art? (Many people have answered this question; I've yet to find a satisfying answer.)
 I didn't say anything about extra bodies; I meant another bodily system, like your respiratory system, your endocrine system, your nervous system, or your circulatory system. It would probably be something akin to the circulatory system, but constructed to extract waste products that are solid instead of liquid or solute gas.
 I'm sorry I didn't make it explicit, but these are all guesses I've made based on vague assumptions. It seems like all the setting information is very vague and poorly written.

 Back on the diaboli, I was talking about how their biology will not conform to our normal understanding. I was under the assumption that they are beings whose evolution took advantage of the multiplanar nature of Yliakum and its connected universes/worlds. It's kinda hard to explain off the top of my head, but I'll go through all of it.
 There's the "dimensions" people talk about; those systems in which we divide our universe so we can better understand it. Once past the three spatial dimensions, people start arguing about how they should be divided, but it's usually 8-11. There are some books and videos out there where the author tries explaining the divisions, I think one of them was called "imagining the tenth dimension". Anyway, pulling from Heinlein's Waldo, you can imagine multiple universes (space, time[lines], and all) as overlapping 2d planes (plane shift!) that are an infinitesimal distance apart but not touching. Magic in any coherent universe you can name, can be described by places where these planes do touch; connections with their own complicated, non-arbitrary rules. (In some cases the entire plane of existence is in constant contact with another, a more natural relation.) "Magical" creatures are those that do not live on just one plane at any given time, and thus they are "multiplanar". The diaboli can be described "magical" by this definition, and by the common definition as well. I would guess that Yliakum has anywhere from five to ~twelve planes connected together, although it might also have the "nexus" property, making its connected planes infinite, although not functionally so.

 On gender dominations, not all animals are male-dominant like humans are. Iguanas and hyenas are female dominant; as if they somehow became sentient races with civilization the males would be the ones staying at home cooking and cleaning while the females would be off hunting or acting territorial. There are also a few species that don't have a dominant gender, wombats was it? Annoyingly enough, although Yliakan races are many, they are not diverse in this regard; it seems like however they differ physically they otherwise act just like humans.


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Re: IC settings on some races?
« Reply #41 on: May 26, 2010, 11:51:15 pm »
I don't think it is mundane. You are asking questions that will eventually enrich the settings of each race when 1.0 eventually makes it debut.

I don't mean that it's mundane in the sense of "unimportant", but mundane in the sense of "things that would be part of our characters' everyday lives", vs. something like, say, the secret history of the Klyros.

On gender dominations, not all animals are male-dominant like humans are. Iguanas and hyenas are female dominant; as if they somehow became sentient races with civilization the males would be the ones staying at home cooking and cleaning while the females would be off hunting or acting territorial. There are also a few species that don't have a dominant gender, wombats was it? Annoyingly enough, although Yliakan races are many, they are not diverse in this regard; it seems like however they differ physically they otherwise act just like humans.

I would imagine many players play their characters as basically funny lookin' humans because that's the type of psychology and social behavior they're familiar with.  It's difficult to find out much about any of the Yliakan races as it stands, and requires a lot of guesswork.

For example: if you cared to, you could extrapolate from the existence of the Ynnwn, and what we're told about their psychology, (that they don't feel inferior for their half-breed status), that: 1) Diaboli, Dermorian and Nolthrir are all very accepting of mixed-race pairings, 2) Diaboli, Dermorian and Nolthrir families would normally not make a little Ynnwn child in their midst feel like an outcast, and 3) Dermorian and Nolthrir families and societies are structured in a way that having a lover or spouse with a much shorter lifespan isn't going to be considered a major problem.   And from #3 you could theorize that because of their long lifespans, Dermorians and Nolthrir really don't consider it a big deal to have many partners over the course of your life.  That in turn would imply a bunch of other things about them, including social structures that are either matriarchal or egalitarian, because you'd have many women with children from multiple fathers, which brings the problems in a patriarchy.   

But that's an annoying amount of guesswork to have to do.   Frankly it would be nicer if there was even a very slapdash listing somewhere of Here's What We're Thinking In Terms of Everyday Theme Stuff Right Now, This May All Change By 1.0, But Just In Case You're Curious Here You Go (TM). 


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Re: IC settings on some races?
« Reply #42 on: May 27, 2010, 12:14:23 am »
 Heh, and you don't think that they get ideas from other people's guesswork? As an alpha project, you can get a good look at its present and future just by searching.

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Re: IC settings on some races?
« Reply #43 on: May 27, 2010, 02:54:37 am »
diabolis may be able to eat loads and still have "perfectly shaped" bodies because of a fast metabolism. it would explain their short lifespan.


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Re: IC settings on some races?
« Reply #44 on: May 27, 2010, 06:31:24 am »
If you ran as much as the folk in planeshift you would have a voracious appetite and yet stay fit.
Losing weight might be a much more pressing problem than gaining weight.