Author Topic: The "I'm Bored" Conversation Thread  (Read 19166 times)


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Re: The "I'm Bored" Conversation Thread
« Reply #600 on: September 30, 2013, 04:11:26 am »
Interesting pre-going to bed thought: Actually we aren't roleplayers. Yes, you can think of yourself as playing a role, but there comes a time when you will have to bend, prevent, or somehow alter the role or course your character is taking for the sake of telling a better or more reasonable story. So really you are the author of a joint story and you must use a character, an individual, as the means and pawns for weaving your story. You know everything they know, you know many things they do not. You hold their lives in your hands, you are gods for their purposes.

But some of you meanie pantses are sadistic gods... Your poor characters need a reroll :p

Goodnight. *shuffles off to bed with addled thoughts*

Ninja'd !



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Re: The "I'm Bored" Conversation Thread
« Reply #601 on: September 30, 2013, 04:13:21 am »
* Rigwyn rolls Illysia :)


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Re: The "I'm Bored" Conversation Thread
« Reply #602 on: September 30, 2013, 04:26:05 am »
Interesting pre-going to bed thought: Actually we aren't roleplayers. Yes, you can think of yourself as playing a role, but there comes a time when you will have to bend, prevent, or somehow alter the role or course your character is taking for the sake of telling a better or more reasonable story. So really you are the author of a joint story and you must use a character, an individual, as the means and pawns for weaving your story. You know everything they know, you know many things they do not. You hold their lives in your hands, you are gods for their purposes.

But some of you meanie pantses are sadistic gods... Your poor characters need a reroll :p

Goodnight. *shuffles off to bed with addled thoughts*

Nope, still counts as roleplaying.

"It's all fun and games until someone stabs someone else in the eye."


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Re: The "I'm Bored" Conversation Thread
« Reply #603 on: September 30, 2013, 01:09:47 pm »
If you're playing a role and there's no predetermined plot, you're a roleplayer.

This is why I refuse to participate in "roleplays" with predetermined outcomes. I think people forget that they are one person in a joint effort. You cannot direct a roleplay like how an author writes a book or how a director... directs. A lot of people do this, even many considered good roleplayers. I often find myself cringing at my computer screen.

Basically, you're all horrible and need lessons.
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Re: The "I'm Bored" Conversation Thread
« Reply #604 on: September 30, 2013, 03:52:47 pm »
Chit chat passively? Is that what you are saying?
Jeez, you're starting to sound like illysia.

... But without the railroading :)


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Re: The "I'm Bored" Conversation Thread
« Reply #605 on: September 30, 2013, 06:35:04 pm »
Lace dark dreadfull power inside him awakens now fully resultin his former self comin back lord of dark noble house shantae of mevango family lacertus shadowone mevango also knowed as darkblade of shadows


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Re: The "I'm Bored" Conversation Thread
« Reply #606 on: September 30, 2013, 06:37:35 pm »
Meh... I think I misinterpreted what you were saying before. Ignore...

Rirenil Masdo

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Re: The "I'm Bored" Conversation Thread
« Reply #607 on: September 30, 2013, 07:55:24 pm »
rp'ing is easy to do if you think about it as an extension of yourself, in a different universe.  think of your character like yourself; go about your day, doing the tasks you normally do, and react with what unfolds before you.  put yourself into the shoes of the character you have given life to.

that's why my character was a grumpy old menki who stayed in a dark lit corner of the tavern, cursing at life in general and drinking heavenly.  when people would approach, i'd mumble and say things like "damn kids are stepping on my lawn again"

"Jekkar really is Planeshift's very own Van Gogh - an iconoclastic rulebreaker, unheralded by his peers, who must await for history to recognise his talents at a later date." - Rinenud
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Re: The "I'm Bored" Conversation Thread
« Reply #608 on: September 30, 2013, 08:01:41 pm »
Well, I think that might be why it is harder to pull off a wider variety of characters in PS now. There aren't as many people trying to tell overall stories as well as play their character's roles. What I mean by overall story is the interlinking of stories across various genres(not necessarily play styles) to tell the story of Yliakum as opposed to just the stories that are driven by either an individual or a handful of characters.

For instance, some characters may be tailors, bakers, theives, and Rivnak trainers, and periodically, people would do RPs that let them drag these other professions into their RPs but not just for the sake of having those characters have something to do. Those characters provided needed roles, so if you needed a new dress and a new rivnak in a bid to forge a marriage alliance, you could simply go to those characters. Interconnected stories. ;) Even though none of my characters classified as baddies, they still came in contact with and interacted with say the Outlaws or Duraza's characters. It still happens even now but I think there is just a lesser focus on it. The stories now definitely work and I think they often interconnect with related stories but I think they don't blend across genres as well. I think they work at the expense of other aspects of Yliakum life. *shrugs*

I remember when I started playing, I was encouraged to play a character that fills a niche in the whole rather than make a character for running plots. I've been RPing for over 5 years or so and I didn't start bouncing from story to story until more recently, I just sorta found myself in the middle of things. The way I remember it, you could have a character that you went through the world with, and you could occasionally do plots, but for the most part you would be just interacting as part of the greater goings on of the city or the Dome and it was still entertaining. Now this is not to say there weren't snags, disputes and plenty of hard feelings, but I think there was a greater continuity between the stories of the various characters in the world. Admittedly though that was probably where the troubles started, people were having difficulty with some other characters being in the same story as their own... Oh well.

I shall leave you all to it, whatever it is that is working in PS now. I have finally found a place where I can go for my RP fix. For now I have RPers that I can rely on to be able to transition from small talk to interesting scenarios and an RP grudge match to work on. So far it has been a rotten stalemate. :thumbdown:


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Re: The "I'm Bored" Conversation Thread
« Reply #609 on: September 30, 2013, 08:10:59 pm »
Glad to hear you found something you like  \\o//

Rirenil Masdo

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Re: The "I'm Bored" Conversation Thread
« Reply #610 on: September 30, 2013, 09:04:24 pm »
well i was trying to be humorous, but if we want to be super serious, i'l throw out something to think about. refer to the D&D playbook;  rp'ers and their dungeon master.  the dm sets the tone, but its the rper's that bring the story to shine. 

when i started my traversing through the PS scene I thought the GM team was going to be the DMs of the world.  to an extent, they were. all the people rp'ing moved around the world, being the little busy bees they were, and the GMs hung around the plaza and moved around as needed to keep the flow, and spicing things up every once in awhile with their own touches.  The famous incident with Drey and the ulber onslaught of the city, as example.

but then the times of change started to unfold.  GMs went invisible, the still existed, but were "behind the scenes"  the DM was removed from the eyes of the world and put into a new "police force" role.  the RPer's were left to fill the shoes, without the tools to do so.  their ideas had to go through screening processes to be "approved" before "the official GM team" could even think about getting involved.  and like everything else, it all needed the stamp of approval by the head guy himself, so that it wouldn't conflict with the grand story he has envisioned.

later GMs regained some freedom; they could make "events".  now official little tidbits of fun to spice up the world.  good intentions yes, but executed poorly.  not enough GMs, not enough events, large crowds whispering all thier friends whenever they'd see the special colored character names appear in the world.  all to collect the possible shiny rewards they may collect for participating, regardless of whether or not their character they have made would ever do those such actions.  they did it as a player to get an award, not as a RPer, acting out their character they made.  the role of player and DM still was not balanced.

i have been away for many the past years yes, so I can not speak as to where the wheel of change rolled on towards since my departure.  all i can do is to reflect on the major changes that I have seen back in my day, that i believe started the change of the tide. and for this conversation, we'll just ignore the day before when there wasn't any official GM team, or when all there was to do was collect crystals, or even before when all we had was the forums to act out things.

to recap my badly worded ramblings into somewhat coherent speak.  to RP proper requires players fulfilling the roles of the characters they have dreamt up, and reacting to situations thrown at them in character, but there also needs to be a DM to make the world and help create the situations.  the players can't do it all by themselves, although many a good one have tried and succeeded for quite some time at the cost of all their free time, logging in every chance they could for hours on end to keep it going.  Or if you go the other route where the DMs are restricted in their ability to be the DM, you swing the other way, where whenever they do act, you as a person fell that you must participate in some way, as it is a limited chance at being involved in something.

I place no single blame at anyone or side for what happened.  everyone is a little at fault in my mind.  the players complained about people that had silly non-RP esque names or billy complaining that his sister pulled on his hair or poked him and the GMs had to threaten to turn the car around if they couldn't behave properly.  but at the same time they were also limited as to what they could do, like i was limited to what i was allowed to say, or the conversations i could par take in on the forums, as we where the official body for the PS team, so we needed to be more PR nicey nice, or the GMs could only do little things because we wouldn't want to do something that would effect the cannon story line.

but maybe i'm just an old fart wearing his rose-tinted glasses again.  PS will continue to be developed regardless.  Players will continue to come and go.  Life moves ever forward.  I just wish that back when there was really a hustle and bustle around here, that the game would have been developed a little more balanced around providing new and exciting things for the player base to do, with the side of things that let the GM team become more truer DMs as well as being given a little more free will to just spice up the world as they saw fit; without the complaints or fears of complaints that they'd be showing favoritism for certain players and "their RP stories" from the player base or fears that what ever actions they did would now be cannon and cause issues down the line when more of the backstory of the world was released officially.  I wish the player base would have been more respectable to those that didn't want to be all super serious RP all the time, and instead just wanted to come try out the game and mine or fight monsters and whatnot.

but hey, thats jsut me rambling again.
« Last Edit: September 30, 2013, 09:08:04 pm by Rirenil Masdo »
"Jekkar really is Planeshift's very own Van Gogh - an iconoclastic rulebreaker, unheralded by his peers, who must await for history to recognise his talents at a later date." - Rinenud
"Jekkar is an old one-eared smelly elitist party-pooper jerkface."  - Neko K


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Re: The "I'm Bored" Conversation Thread
« Reply #611 on: September 30, 2013, 09:43:10 pm »

The whole saga of how things came to suck and why I cannot role play anymore never seems to end. It's temping go there, but it just seems to keep going in circles without a drain to plummet into. I'm quite guilty of stirring that pot in the past and currently refusing to pick up the spoon..

What I see working now is that some players will take an active lead ( acting as a DM or just an active character ) and others will play along if they like. If people don't enjoy the way a player leads, they don't follow. This is working nicely at the moment. There is no power ( other than what players freely give ) to be abused or authority figures ( other than those who the community adopts ) to repress people.

This might not work well on a larger scale, but its working nicely with small numbers right now.

It would be nice to see PS grow once again and if it does, I can only hope that the lessons learned do not get lost and repeated. They were costly.

As for GM restrictions, one of the awesome things about being a player is that you are not encumbered by them. Relying on blue tags and the ability to make items and change skins is just bad form. If the rp is not fundamentally good, then this is like white washing a crumbled building or trying to polish a turd.(tm)


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Re: The "I'm Bored" Conversation Thread
« Reply #612 on: September 30, 2013, 10:11:14 pm »
Glad to hear you found something you like  \\o//

Yeah. A couple of nights ago, I had a lot of fun developing a character. I haven't really been that able to get into development that deep in years. She is a businesswoman out on field research for new company offerings and this brings her into blatant and harsh culture clash. So we got to play out trying to communicate cultural conventions across vastly different cultures, trying to overcome translation issues, and even conflict after he assaulted her... just to to grab and work on her universal translator since he was tired of getting misunderstood. XD

Her culture doesn't have a distinct linguistic or cultural definition for "exhibitionism", it is all swept under a blanket term of "inappropriate" behavior. It is a very private culture, so people going to resorts and engaging in various very public forms of recreations such as parties and all the other various things people get into on Risa, was quite the shock. Trying to convey that was fun as it is very different from all other characters I've ever played.

to recap my badly worded ramblings into somewhat coherent speak.  to RP proper requires players fulfilling the roles of the characters they have dreamt up, and reacting to situations thrown at them in character, but there also needs to be a DM to make the world and help create the situations.  the players can't do it all by themselves, although many a good one have tried and succeeded for quite some time at the cost of all their free time

Since I have no pen and paper background I had not thought of it in these terms, but I agree at least basically. I don't know that you always need a designated DM, but someone needs to periodically take up the role. the issue across games seems to be that it always falls to the same players to take this role and they burn out as you described. It's too much to try to manage everyone else's fun all the time without someone to stop and address if you are still having fun. It would be better if more people stood up to periodically take a stab at it and help out. But, as it stands, they are more likely to get chewed out for trying than helped and encouraged.

I just wish that back when there was really a hustle and bustle around here, that the game would have been developed a little more balanced around providing new and exciting things for the player base to do, with the side of things that let the GM team become more truer DMs as well as being given a little more free will to just spice up the world as they saw fit; without the complaints or fears of complaints that they'd be showing favoritism for certain players and "their RP stories" from the player base or fears that what ever actions they did would now be cannon and cause issues down the line when more of the backstory of the world was released officially.  I wish the player base would have been more respectable to those that didn't want to be all super serious RP all the time, and instead just wanted to come try out the game and mine or fight monsters and whatnot.

Yeah, that stuff was unfortunate, but I see similar things across MMOs. It comes with having so many people that are not really invested in each other hanging around, players and staff really. I am blown away about how many RPers there are in STO but they are all too disjointed to come together to make a really outstanding RP community which is a shame since the developers are not completely adverse to making small accommodations. I just hope that PS doesn't get like that again, but I suspect that with any large influx of people those kinds of behaviors follow.

...If the rp is not fundamentally good, then this is like white washing a crumbled building or trying to polish a turd.(tm)

Ok, now we've covered polishing the turd. ;)


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Re: The "I'm Bored" Conversation Thread
« Reply #613 on: September 30, 2013, 10:35:25 pm »

You got me on that one. I'll have to order some of those morsels.
... I'll just have to make sure its not a sarrasaur dropping.



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Re: The "I'm Bored" Conversation Thread
« Reply #614 on: September 30, 2013, 10:46:45 pm »
Well you may be able to polish them but you can't make them anything less than what they are until several million years or what have you old. To be honest, a million years from now, even bad RPs may find worth and people may seek them out. Why? Who knows... proof that people in the past were crazy, proof of long desputed theories about RPing, some crazy guy with a lot of money just needed some lines of text to display on his wall? We will never know. ;D