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Messages - iridia

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Complaint Department / Re: Leveling combat skills
« on: January 22, 2015, 08:53:19 pm »
I think what cdmoreland means is that you no longer can grind your skills with low level mobs because also on full defensive you do damage.  (for example: armor with kikiri)

Wish list / Re: Open market area
« on: January 22, 2015, 07:04:29 pm »
Nearly every city has a market area which are hardly ever used. Imo these markets are suitable for the purposes you describe.

Promotion of trade between players is something I promote whenever there is a context to do so.

In Gugrontid we have supported Illysia with setting up the exchange market. Everyone is free to join in with his/her/kra's own kiosk there aswell.

The GM team sets up extra kiosks from time to time for the so called 'player markets' and are often present with things such as 'Engravements', (IG) Book Sales, Trinket Shops etc.

In-Game Roleplay Events / Re: [GM EVENT] Kor Neka Mansa
« on: January 22, 2015, 10:26:12 am »
But you did beat up poor Tuathanach...

In-Game Roleplay Events / Re: [GM EVENT] Kor Neka Mansa
« on: January 20, 2015, 09:57:25 pm »
Last week we started  of with Dilihin's impersonation of Shillek. Since he had seen the real Shillek only days before and had heard  that he would be visiting Gugrontid the chance Shillek would show up in Ojaveda was very slim. However he counted on the fact that Paajah would be at KNM, this was not the case, instead Morrquea seemed to be in charge.
This made it a lot harder to get information that would actually help the investigation. Even though Paajah had left instructions for Morrquea, she had really no idea what Paajah was up to.

(Shillek at the Plaza) (Dilihin as Shillek)

He did make some obeservations, not only didi he notice the lack of visitors it also seemed more empty than usual.
Also Kisoji was no longer working at the establishment and it seemed Paajah had no intentions to find a replacement.

The next day Dilihin returned, this time as himself and he maneged to get Paajah to hire him for behind the bar.
That day Paajah was also approached by Mishka who had some suspicions about Shillek and she claimed to have seen Gonger morph back to his dwarven-self.
After all that had happened Paajah agreed on hiring Mishka to find out more about this. Starting inmediately by asking Anjabi, Shillek's sister, all kinds of questions. Before Anjabi left Paajah and Mishka told her to send a message to Shillek that a mysterious fenki would like to meet him.

Besides receiving a strange message from an unknown person named 'Evirea' the evening was quite uneventful.

That would all change the next day when it was Tuatanach's turn to impersonate Shillek. This time Paajah was running KNM again and even some games at the Roulette where there were some lucky winners that night.

(Tuathanach as Shillek)

However, as soon as 'Shillek' entered everything changed; Mishka who was there to welcome him with her flirting (she was all over him) and a 'Spiked Twisted Emerald' (as if a Twisted Emerald really needs that).
However Shillek wasn't very interested in any of her attention nor the Twisted Emerald and Mishka really was not happy about this.
This is why she turned to rougher measures and moments later she smacked Tuatanach against his head with a mug and he went down. Even Paajah was thrown of guard by this and if it hadn't been for Sasheyra there'd be no rope to tie him up.
As Paajah started to tie him up she quickly managed to hand the rope to another fenki (Nimemoe) who finished tying Tuatanach up.
In the meantime no one seemed to really have noticed Dilihin was sending messages by Groffel; those messages turned out to be to the guards.

It was when they had just taken a package from Tuatanach that the guards made their entry in the establishment. Paajah's reaction was quick and effective, she casted a spell and moments later she had disappeared through a secret door.

Lile, Syenna, Dilihin, Sasheyra and Mishka were arrested and put in jail where they all were interrogated seperately. They all received a chance to make a deal for inmediate release, all they needed to do was tell the guards what they knew about KNM and the escaped leader Paajah.

Lile and Syenna, who were simply at the wrong place at the wrong time could give very little info and the guards realised they were of no value for the investigation. They were free to go.
Dilihin was recognized as one of the special informants and after promising to deliver his report asap he was free to go as well.

Now it were Sasheyra and Mishka who would be interrogated, which lead to some difficult conversations as both seemed reluctant to cooperate. If you'd take their word for it, there was no wrong doing by Paajah.. At all and if there had been, they were awfully vague about that. If it weren't for Sasheyra's statement that Paajah paid very well you'd think the volunteers were lining up to do her dirty work.

Mishka's refusal to cooperate got her some extra jailtime Sasheyra was released after her statement about the payments.

The following day Mogrrim (Guard) gathered a group of volunteers to help find Paajah. They searched in Ojaveda and soon found Paajah hiding in a tent. Also they soon found that there was a second appearance of Paajah..
As they chased Paajah around in Ojaveda they finally managed to do enough damage to make it impossible for her to keep the illusion up.

(Paajah in hiding)

When they finally manage to get her into a corner there is a short exchange of spells and suddenly Paajah's wounds weaken her so much she morphs and everyone finds themselves looking at a Akkaio menki with a scruffy appearance, a total opposite of Paajah's normal appearance.
There was quite a bit of confusion from that moment on; but Mogrrim went ahead with the arrest and she or he was in jail moments later.
Just before Paajah disappeared to jail 'The Snitch' showed up and she had a message for Paajah about Azeron. This inmediately raised suspicions with the guards and she was sent to jail as well.

(Paajah or not?)

In jail there was quite a bit of chaos, since Mishka was still there Paajah made some suggestions that it wasn't Mishka who had beaten up Tuathanach and got out a Mind glyph as if to make a point.
In the meantime 'The Snitch' managed to get a box to Paajah that apparently stolen from KNM by Azeron. Paajah was quite happy to have this box back as it contains an amulet that was in his/her pack for a very long time.

Since 'The Snitch' was not responsible for the assault on Azeron or the killings that preceeded the assault.
Also Mishka was released...

Paajah is currently in jail awaiting trial.. Or at least who we believe to be Paajah

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: Kittens are always cute.
« on: January 14, 2015, 08:09:19 am »
Yeah, *** you Schrodinger

In-Game Roleplay Events / Re: [GM EVENT] Kor Neka Mansa
« on: January 10, 2015, 04:32:13 pm »
Feel free to post here anytime, certainly with all those compliments. I must say that the amount of positive reactions I have head and support for this event is incredible.

Mariana, you couldn't have put it in better words. Black and white, good and bad simplify your understanding of a situation but certainly limit your view and possibilities. Too make an event like KNM last as long as it has and with our plans to make it last even longer we need some complexity and mystery and maybe even more important the opportunity for each player to think about how their character thinks and feels about certain things.

After Paajah discovered that Azeron had been informing the guards about KNM via a letter Snowbud gave her, she didn't want to create a scene.
Unfortunately while she stepped outside to inform Piephil, inside Azeron and a few others were looking through the personal items of the staff. When Paajah sees that there are strangers in the private area and Azeron had followed her outside, clearly not tending to his guard duties she is all too happy kra decides to leave early.
Soon after Azeron has left one of the younger staff, Baciko, shows up and starts to run some games. Around closing time he wants to fill out the financial record that the establishment keeps, but it is nowhere to be found...
Her newly hired bartender tells her that he saw Azeron not only take the finincial record, he has also Morrquea's notebook.
At this point Paajah no longer cared and she offered a great reward for whoever made sure Azeron and the evidence he stole wouldn't be a problem anymore.

Baciko also wanted to contribute and recruited Kisoji for the job. Whatever happened next is unclear, but in the end 2 others died and Azeron, although heavily wounded got away.

Some days later Paajah meets with Snowbud at one of the warehouses. Although Snowbud was the one to betray Azeron, she was now pleading with Paajah not to do her friend any more harm. In exchange for the evidence kra had taken Paajah is prepared to spare Azeron. At least for the moment...

However these documents are already in the possesion of the Guards. Even if the documents are brought back to Paajah, copies have been made.
Around the same time Kisoji shows up at KNM to claim his reward. Baciko had told him that KNM was looking for new guards.
Ofcourse would hiring him lead to problems, this didn't stop Paajah from hiring Kisoji anyway.
Later that night, the first issues occured. At the end of the night he decided to go after Mishka
Baciko and Piephil went after them and Paajah followed soon too make clear she didn't want any of this going on on the roof of KNM.
While Piephil prepared to take Kisoji down, Kisoji managed to kill Baciko only to follw himself minutes after.

[Due to issues with the forum there may be some gaps in the story]
Guards continue to investigate Kor Neka Mansa
The guards have once again asked for help after the arrest of Kridore, a former staff member of the establishment. Once he finally was convinced that cooperation was the better option he started opening up.
He gave us 2 names to work with; for starters Filch, who according to him is the brains behind the operation. The second name he gave us is Shillek who appears to be more trusted by Paajah and seems to take care of lots of business deals for her. Kridore told us he is momentarily off traveling to manage some of these business deals, giving the guards a great opportunity to send in some more informants...
And these informants have no simple task as they are given a Metamorphosis potion that will temporarily transform them to look just like Shillek

In the meantime Paajah is working on a plan to evade the guard investigation..

While things escalated at KNM with Kisoji, Paajah also had a special visitor. Gonger had taken his potion of Metamorphosis and took on the challenge to try and get information from Paajah.
'Shillek' and Paajah talked about a businesscontact named Vernont. 'Shillek' kept reassuring her that he would make sure she would get the best deal possible, however what this 'deal' was about was never mentioned.

Besides information about this Vernont, Gonger could tell the guards about the following;
A girl called "The Snitch" wants an alliance with Paajah aswell.
KNM "acquired" a new guard, not unknow to the law : a certain Kisoji.
They are doing huge business in KNM, keeping all the money from the bets and also give items as reward when gamblers win, never money. He is sure that they must makes gain by millions because of this.

Gonger got away without raising suspicions, there were a few small moments that she noticed slight differences but with the chaos of the establishment around them she hardly the time to even think about this.

We still have 2 impersonations to go..
Gonger's rp and impersonation of Shillek was done very well... Looking forward to see more Shilleks visit soon :)

Wish list / Re: The Death Realm Needs some TLC
« on: January 08, 2015, 10:41:40 am »
@Bilbous; I think some of the ideas you have are pretty interesting.

Why does Dakkru only take a little bit of your essence which you recover but none of the essence of the things you travel with which not living don't recover. there ought to be a bit of chance that they degrade, more magical items could be someone protected by the degradation but things like animal parts or plant parts could suffer greater degradation.

I have no idea about the technicalities for this but I think that at least the degrading of animal and plant parts is a logical side effect of a trip to the DR. Maybe even extended to items that are created with the use of animal and plant parts.
Example: You travel through the DR with a Q50 steel sword and a Q50 wooden sword, after exiting the DR the steel sword would still be Q50 where as the wooden sword would be Q48 (-5% give or take).

Another idea I have is maybe an advantage for players who have chosen Dakkru at char creation, there is no need for an elaborate scheme like BF has but a possibility is could be that they are affected less by the curse. Extended for players who have chosen Dakkru at character creation and become a DW master.

* A place to craft and a source of resources
mhm interesting but there are pros and cons ... my idea is we should make it a to craft something DW specific here, before the auto-training system the DR used to be a place to train DW; we may bring that back by introducing something cool like a special magical crafting or something like that (just some thoughts).
:love: YES, special DW crafting would be so awesome.. :devil:

Wish list / Re: The Death Realm Needs some TLC
« on: January 07, 2015, 05:32:22 pm »
Link was broken...

Definetely agree that the DR misses something to make it as imposing as you would expect of such place.. especially for players who have been around for some time..

General Discussion / Re: Enchanted armour
« on: January 07, 2015, 03:13:39 pm »
Yeah, Eonwind literally showed me the math about that.
Think it works great as it is now, but it could be not everyone is familiar with the different enchantments and their effects and which one would be most suitable for their character.

General Discussion / Re: Enchanted armour
« on: January 07, 2015, 03:54:45 am »
@Bilbous; Yeah... Misread... Once again... *facepaws* :oops:

*goes to the big barrel of coffee for a resupply of caffeine*

General Discussion / Re: Enchanted armour
« on: January 06, 2015, 04:36:43 pm »
The enchantments shield you against spells being cast on you. Never heard that the enchantments should protect against physical damage.

General Discussion / Re: Stonehead Tavern
« on: January 05, 2015, 02:50:59 pm »
Your absense hasn't gone unnoticed. Was hoping it was for different reasons tho...
Hope you'll be doing better soon... 

General Discussion / First try at some Fenki Robe textures
« on: December 26, 2014, 01:06:46 am »
The blue was distracting me... So I tried my hand at a texture for it;

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: The real "Crystal Ring"
« on: December 22, 2014, 06:53:04 pm »
I used to have a pink plastic ring like that. Maybe if I ever hit the jackpot I can get the real deal ;D
You mean multiple jackpots?

In-Game Roleplay Events / Re: [GM EVENT] Kor Neka Mansa
« on: December 22, 2014, 05:55:45 pm »
Meeting KNM
We looked back on how the events have gone so far; which is better than I could have hoped for.
Noted that KNM hasn't been all that obvious about being bad/shady and gambling being illegal. To which I'd like to point out that you also have to imagine how an establishment like this is organized for example where do the prizes come from? Are they working with known rogue organizations? etc.
These sides of the events haven't been specifically worked out by us, but I'm sure over time things could become more clear.
Also we will work on that with actions IG and if you feel you're calling as a baddie.... Well, lets just say you're invited to join in on the fun ;)

The other topic on the agenda was the continuation of KNM, in a more permanent form. A suggestion was to make the establishment legal. Personally I don't want to go that direction with the events. I think over a longer period it'll be more interesting.
With that came also the question, will the 'good guys' or the 'bad guys' win? With the investigations going on it's one thing to say the events will last, but at some point, it's game over... Or does it have to be? Several options were suggested; which I'm not going to give away at this time.
Just know that both sides will have plenty of opportunity to take part in the events.

For the moment it seems that the investigation has mostly gone on between 20:00 GMT and 23:00 GMT and the opening hours for KNM have mostly been after 0:30 GMT.. For anyone involved I'd like to point out that we want to try to mix it up a bit and the times may be changed.

Last time on Kor Neka Mansa...
Lots and lots of betrayal, Paajah's concerns about Azeron have been confirmed and after he also stole some important documents. While Azeron made sure to get away from the establishment Paajah found out about the teft. Soon after she let anyone present know to reward well to get those documents back and Azeron out of the picture.
Not long after this incident the guards received a financial record kept at the gambling establishment and a notebook. Also they were notified that one of their informants may be in danger...

Want to help the investigation? Help out at Kor Neka Mansa or just visit, keep an eye on gossip and this topic for announcements!

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