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Topics - Jeraphon

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You guys have been doing great sending me your top tens (both of you!) but now I'd like to focus on dialogue that every NPC should be able to answer. So tell me...what should every NPC know about that they don't already? Add to this thread! No need to PM: just write it here!

General Discussion / Introducing your Hydlaa Tout: Allelia Symiestra!
« on: January 26, 2008, 02:18:06 pm »
Having trouble finding an NPC in Hydlaa? You're not alone.

Asked around and nobody seems to know? It's okay.

Frustrated? Upset? Ready to send something to the complaint department? We feel your pain.

That's why Allelia Symiestra, the town barkeep and know-it-all, can tell you where just about everyone in Hydlaa is!  :sorcerer: Feel free to test it out. If you're finding something wrong, PM me...but you probably won't.  Or did I make one mistake, in order to play with you? :detective:

So enjoy. You're welcome. And remember: are YOU smarter than Allelia Symiestra?

General Discussion / Rate the Library
« on: October 30, 2007, 10:05:17 am »
Settings has been working hard to provide you with quality information, education and entertainment in the library, or what we like to call "infocatainment." But what we'd like to know is, how well are you being infocatained? Do you use various naming conventions from the books? (Do you call it the "first level" or the "Dome?" Do you call them the "Bronze Doors" or the "Eagle Bronze Doors?" Do you call them "chickens" or "kikiri"?) Do you draw reference to things from the geography, history, medicine, zoology, and so on from the books? Would you like to give a shout out to any book you found really infocataining? Let us know!

Forum and Website Discussions / Recommendation for ease of viewing
« on: October 23, 2007, 09:24:51 am »
I'd like to suggest that we remove the separating sections between "Important Topics" and "Normal Topics." We can still keep the stickies at the top and denote them with the sticky icons as we have, but I think that the little block between them creates a psychological barrier where people think the Important Topics aren't things that need to be read. I have seen strong evidence of this point in the past days, especially with the newbies/tutorial, and I can't help but wonder if it would have been different had the important topics not been separated in such a manner.


Forum and Website Discussions / Request for wishlist forum
« on: August 29, 2007, 09:25:01 am »
I've noticed that there's a lot of people who write in their first five posts (usually their debut) some ridiculous and obvious wishlist request in clear violation of the wishlist rules. "Maps! Compass! More stuff!"

So I'm proposing some sort of "splash page" the first time you try to post in the wishlist. It has a checkbox saying "I have read the wishlist rules" with either a link, or the wishlist rules right there, and failure to comply with the rules after clicking the checkbox should result in a temporary suspension of posting privileges or something. Hopefully it will stem the tide of unhelpful requests.

Newbie Help (Start Here) / QUEST HELP FOR NEWBIES HERE!!! CLICK!
« on: August 21, 2007, 01:32:39 pm »

Sticky this please, because I think there's an error in navigation and not many newbies are finding the guides and tutorials.

General Discussion / Think NPCs are dumb? Click here!
« on: July 17, 2007, 03:43:44 pm »
We've heard it from countless people. "Man, are NPCs dumb." Well, folks, guess what. We're working to fix that - one NPC at a time.

Helping out settings is as easy as 1-2-3.

1) Pick any NPC you want. It can be a vital one (eg Harnquist,) an important one (eg Amidison) or a relatively overlooked one (eg Narwin Molstagh.) Everyone has a favourite NPC, even if it's not a popular one.

2) Talk to them with TEN phrases. That's all I want for now: ten. I think it's a number that's not overbearing for a player. Try to pick phrases you think this NPC are likely to be asked. Playing "gotcha" or tricking them isn't the point: the point is getting information or things about their character from them.

3) If the NPC doesn't understand your phrases, or you find their answer woefully unsatisfactory (for example, a brewer tell you he buys beer if you ask him about work) just copy down the unsatisfactory phrases you used EXACTLY as you wrote them, and PM them to me (be sure to include the NPC name.) - Heck, you can even show me the phrases you used that work correctly if you do a full set of ten. That's actually helpful as well, in terms of seeing what players are asking the NPCs in case I want to add that info to others.

And that's it! Leave their answers to me.


Lots and lots of NPCs have benefitted from your "top tens," folks. I'm removing the list just because I've forgotten to continue updating it. But don't think by any means that I'm not still updating them, so keep on sending!

*Note: I would prefer that you ask the NPCs questions outside the scope of their quests. What I'm focussing on right now is general knowledge, not quest dialogue, because they are two very different things.

General Discussion / Introducing Money Exchange!
« on: July 15, 2007, 12:05:38 am »
Actually, the title is a bit misleading. We already had money exchange in game but you could only exchange for higher denominations, and you had to pay extra.

But now...

All you have to do is go to Worrem Dhoshi in East Hydlaa and give him 10, 50 or 250 Tria. It doesn't matter what denomination or combination you use. He'll ask you how you want it, and you can pick your denomination of choice. (Yes, you can give him a Circle and get a Circle back if you're bored.)

His only limitations are that he won't give you a combination of denominations back (so you can't get your 250 as 4 Octas and 5 Hexas in one step. If you need it like that you can get it in octas, then exchange 1 Octa for 5 Hexas) and he can't handle more than that. While I'm sure it would be lovely if he can exchange 100,000 tria into 400 Circles all at once, I'm sorry, he can't.

We're not responsible for lost coinage if you're exchanging a coin and it crashes. I suppose in that case you should be thankful you'll never lose more than 250 tria if it happens. :)

As you may have noticed this service is now FREE, provided by the treasury. Enjoy!

Upon returning to Hydlaa from the Bronze Doors Road/Magic Shop T-junction, I noticed that while walking my stamina wasn't going down at all, where normally it goes down slowly. So I decided to start running. Still at 100.0%. Make my way past the gates and into Hydlaa, running and jumping a few times. Still 100.0%.

I then realized that I encountered a previous bug before that if you sit down to rest, then stand, your stamina takes a dip. So I tried sitting down to see if that would jumpstart my stamina.

Boy, did it ever.

I was teleported - or maybe a better phrase is shunted at high speed? It seemed like I was moving backwards really fast but it could have just been my imagination - back to the junction where I first noticed that my stamina wasn't going down. My stamina had since decreased by about 20-25%, which I'm assuming was the amount I used up during my running, walking and jumping while at 100.0%.

Has this been documented? Has anyone else encountered this bug? I wasn't able to replicate it, but will attempt to try again another time.

The bugtracker is currently down so I can't tell if it's a known issue...but after completing a certain quest, I noticed that a second (entirely different) quest was removed from my list completely - it's no longer in uncompleted or completed. The first quest is sitting pretty in the completed section.

I still have the quest item from the second (removed) quest in my inventory.

Has this happened to anyone else? Is it known?

General Discussion / Different GUI buttons?
« on: April 20, 2006, 07:57:08 am »
I don\'t think this is a bug so I\'m sticking it here. Also I\'ve hunted all over looking for this info without success.

In just about all the screenshots I\'ve seen, the GUI buttons are circular, and mostly green (background) with colour icons. However, the ones in my game are square and brown, mostly monocolour (resembling woodburning) with some colour when you mouseover them.

I downloaded 0.3.014b and ran the updater, without having known any other versions. Why the discrepancy? Is mine the new one and the screenshots old? Are the green buttons a customization that I can\'t find? I only ask because I submitted a bug regarding the interface and was shown a screenshot with this green one, saying \"It works fine.\" I want to make sure I\'m using the proper interface to more properly detect problems.


I know I\'m relatively new here but I do enjoy the testing aspects, and I wanted to know if there are some things that are too minor to mention. Examples would include spelling errors, or what I\'m thinking of specifically is an item that has a scrollbar next to its description that shouldn\'t be there and doesn\'t work because the entire description fits in the window, or just really teensy things.

Too nitpicky?

Not right now while more important things are worked on?

Or okay to mention and if so where would I put my observations? I just want to know what level of testing you\'re looking for right now.

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