Author Topic: The "I'm Bored" Conversation Thread  (Read 19171 times)


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Re: The "I'm Bored" Conversation Thread
« Reply #930 on: March 11, 2014, 01:53:46 pm »
Ok, I'll make this statement and l'll try to let the religion argument be. I'll spare everyone the even longer post.

You apply your standard unevenly. Some religions claim there is a higher being some scientists claim it is impossible for one to exist. Both sides of the debate have made claims.Neither side is more obligated than the other to prove their claim and neither side can provide you with a laboratory experiment that can prove their claim. I don't care if you set the standard high, but at least apply it equally. If neither can prove their point to the point then the issue is inconclusive. In the end, it's best just to let people be. Trying to force people to abandon their beliefs simply because they don't appeal to your values system isn't going to prove anything, end the debate, or magically make the world a better place. Tolerance is actually a pretty good solution to the problem.

The public education system does employ indoctrination. You are correct about that.  There is still a difference between learning established facts and solid theory versus religious myth disguised as fact.

There is a difference but don't assume that just because it is a school it can't teach myth as fact.

Two topics to consider, first, schools used to teach about differences in "races" of humans. Race was presented as scientific fact. That concept lead to some pretty nasty incidents between people. Science has now proven that there is no biological basis for the construct we call "race". This has not stopped people from continuing on in hurtful and destructive patterns of behavior with regards to "race". The idea of race is so well ingrained now that science having since cleaned up the issue cannot fully undo the damaged caused by the initial inaccuracies and myths.

Second, even scientists and the systems that dispense findings, that have credibility, still have to be watched. Satoshi Kanazawa, who at least at the time was evolutionary psychologist at the London School of Economics, posted an article on Psychology Today regarding the attractiveness black women. You may remember the kerfuffle that resulted. The problem was that Kanazawa was attempting to state as scientific fact something that effectively constitutes a myth.
If you don't remember, here's a recap of the incident:

Once offended people spoke up, the article was removed and I believe Kanazawa might have gotten some kind of censuring. But, until that point it was up on a site with at least moderate credibility and Kanazawa's credibility was still intact. Now I understand that this isn't a peer reviewed magazine and I give them credit for removing the article, but if science doesn't let these kinds of things happen then there is no explanation of what happened here. Not only did Kanazawa get that article out, he had done similar articles of questionable science beforehand and had not been tagged for it.

my point is, don't think that you can simply assume something is accurate because someone slaps the word "science" on it and don't automatically assume that because religion is not involved, everyone did their homework and already checked the soundness of the information. Due to human imperfection, the same flaws that will lead a person to lie about the supernatural can also affect a person to lie about what is scientifically proven. Just be sure to hold everything to the same standard.

Rirenil Masdo

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Re: The "I'm Bored" Conversation Thread
« Reply #931 on: March 11, 2014, 04:03:16 pm »
Lemon eating will NOT get me a date.

have you looked around the internet lately?  you'd be surprised what people go for.

my point is, don't think that you can simply assume something is accurate because someone slaps the word "science" on it

next time, just link

people don't read very long posts.
« Last Edit: March 11, 2014, 04:10:07 pm by Rirenil Masdo »
"Jekkar really is Planeshift's very own Van Gogh - an iconoclastic rulebreaker, unheralded by his peers, who must await for history to recognise his talents at a later date." - Rinenud
"Jekkar is an old one-eared smelly elitist party-pooper jerkface."  - Neko K


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Re: The "I'm Bored" Conversation Thread
« Reply #932 on: March 11, 2014, 04:58:33 pm »
It has not been disproven either. Science not being able to quantify or test for God is a valid issue

I strongly disagree. Inability to disprove something that was never proven to exist in the first place is not a valid issue.  When you claim that something is real or factual, the onus is on you to back up your claim. The onus is not on the rest of the world to disprove your claim.

If you believe that the inability to disprove something that has not been proven to exist is a real problem, then please back up that statement.

geez ... how can you be so wrong :P ... religion is not science, religion doesn't need to be proven, religion can only be experimented by living own life ... you must really stop trying to oppose religion to logic and science, they are related as much as an apple is related to a pear. It doesn't really make sense trying to confront them on the same plane.
If you've been unable to experience it too bad/good for you but just stop pretending other to prove that is plain impossible to prove and will ever be.

And speaking about science ... its main purpose is to answer HOW things happens, but it's not really good at explaining WHY things happens, and in fact these are kind of questions philosophy not science have to answer to... and yes religion is much more related to philosophy than it will ever be with science :P

Just remember one thing the pioneer of modern science, Galileo Galilei, Newton, ..., they've been both men of science and philosophy because in the end they knew the answers they were looking for couldn't be answered only by the first or the latter.


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Re: The "I'm Bored" Conversation Thread
« Reply #933 on: March 11, 2014, 05:20:38 pm »
Religion is one means by which the few controlled the many. Whether there is a god or not is a matter of faith and religion is the exploitation of that belief.


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Re: The "I'm Bored" Conversation Thread
« Reply #934 on: March 11, 2014, 05:45:08 pm »
Religion is one means by which the few controlled the many. Whether there is a god or not is a matter of faith and religion is the exploitation of that belief.

You're wrong, religion has been exploited by few to control the many... just like science is now exploited and used improperly by someone as a weapon against religion. The religion is simply a way an human being use to give an organized response to his own need... because it's source is not an artificially created construct of the mind but it's the endless need of the human being to transcend his limits and get in touch with the infinite.
Belittling that need means belittling the human need to create art, music, poetry and in the end the need to create the life itself and find an answer to the meaning to his own existence.


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Re: The "I'm Bored" Conversation Thread
« Reply #935 on: March 11, 2014, 06:14:58 pm »
just like science is now exploited and used improperly by someone as a weapon against religion.

When religious ideology is taken out of it's fictional or *artistic* context and treated as fact, it deserves to be tossed into the light of reason and exposed for what it is. I have no problem with people believing in whatever nonsense they wish to believe in, but when those beliefs leak into the real world and affect us, someone needs to speak up and shovel it back into imagination-land where it belongs and makes sense.

The religion is simply a way an human being use to give an organized response to his own need... because it's source is not an artificially created construct of the mind but it's the endless need of the human being to transcend his limits and get in touch with the infinite.

That's fine and dandy when its labelled and understood as such. Once its presented as fact, it causes a problem.

Belittling that need means belittling the human need to create art, music, poetry and in the end the need to create the life itself and find an answer to the meaning to his own existence.

No, belittling the representation of myth as fact is not the same as belittling the human need to create art etc. It's one thing to make art, its another to teach others that your art is irrefutable fact.


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Re: The "I'm Bored" Conversation Thread
« Reply #936 on: March 11, 2014, 07:23:05 pm »
When religious ideology is taken out of it's fictional or *artistic* context and treated as fact, it deserves to be tossed into the light of reason and exposed for what it is. I have no problem with people believing in whatever nonsense they wish to believe in, but when those beliefs leak into the real world and affect us, someone needs to speak up and shovel it back into imagination-land where it belongs and makes sense.

LOL ... religion is not fictional, it's not art, it's not a movie... if you're unable to understand and you don't want to understand I suggest you to simply stop saying silliness.

No, belittling the representation of myth as fact is not the same as belittling the human need to create art etc. It's one thing to make art, its another to teach others that your art is irrefutable fact.
representation of myth as fact?? there are myths that are facts while other may not but your statement is quite funny because you made it look like there are "irrefutable facts". Funny enough the science has proven many times scientific facts thought to be irrefutable have been proven false and superseded by new theories.
You know saying this sort of stuff make you look like a very faithful person? :P
Yeah, just the kind of person which worship science just as if were another religion and yeah you're not alone... a lot of people in our times treat science just like a religion, they're true zealots, fiercely fighting against any other creed and religion like true fanatics... unfortunately they don't understand they're belittling and failing the same concept of science which has been built upon a method to test enquire and know the universe better, not a sword to brandish against other human activities.

Just because something has nothing to do with science like philosophy doesn't make it any less real... oh and just so you know, and to prevent the usual boring misunderstandings, science does not enquire what is real and what is not real but test a theory to prove it true or prove it false... and what is not proven neither false nor true the science simply ignore it or enquires more. I suggest you do the same with religion.


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Re: The "I'm Bored" Conversation Thread
« Reply #937 on: March 11, 2014, 07:42:14 pm »
LOL ... religion is not fictional, it's not art, it's not a movie... if you're unable to understand and you don't want to understand I suggest you to simply stop saying silliness.

I'm not arguing that religion is not real. Religion is very real. I am arguing that god, the basis for these theistic religions, is unfounded and hence cannot be treated as if it is real and factual.

It is not sufficient to just dismissively say that I'm wrong. You need to add some substance to your assertion. Tell me why you believe what you are saying is true. If you are right, then I may learn something in the process.

representation of myth as fact?? there are myths that are facts while other may not but your statement is quite funny because you made it look like there are "irrefutable facts". Funny enough the science has proven many times scientific facts thought to be irrefutable have been proven false and superseded by new theories.

Yes, accepted facts are not final. I already discussed this earlier in the thread and gave an example. Are you actually reading what we are writing or just shooting in the dark?

It's been my experience with religious groups ( Catholicism and other varieties of christians ), that the existence of god and associated ideology is taught as if it was irrefutable fact. This is what I meant when I spoke of the error of presenting myth as if it was irrefutable fact.

You know saying this sort of stuff make you look like a very faithful person? :P

I've been open to criticism throughout this discussion. If I am found to be incorrect, I will promptly admit it and learn. This is what I value about this sort of debate. Sometimes you don't realize that you are wrong about something until you verbalize it and someone else points out the holes in your argument.

Yeah, just the kind of person which worship science just as if were another religion and yeah you're not alone...

No, I value the process for discovering truth. I do not worship it as you put it. I did admit earlier that I can be snarky and somewhat arrogant at times. That is part of my personality.

Just because something has nothing to do with science like philosophy doesn't make it any less real... oh and just so you know, and to prevent the usual boring misunderstandings, science does not enquire what is real and what is not real but test a theory to prove it true or prove it false... and what is not proven neither false nor true the science simply ignore it or enquires more. I suggest you do the same with religion.

I know the thread is quite long now, but this too has already been covered ad nauseum. You might want to go back and read what was already covered before making assumptions like this.


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Re: The "I'm Bored" Conversation Thread
« Reply #938 on: March 11, 2014, 07:55:17 pm »
I really really really should not jump in...
But I will - just to clarify one thing from Eonwind's post, which I agree with in spots (that religion is not exactly fiction or art, more of philosophy or existentialism or...whatever you like):

Funny enough the science has proven many times scientific facts thought to be irrefutable have been proven false and superseded by new theories.

No, Eonwind, and you actually get this right later on - there are no scientific "facts" that have proven false.  Facts ≠ theories.  Many scientific theories have been proven false and/or been superseded by more encompassing theories.

But scientific facts are facts - like, I made this measurement of temperature vs. density in a volume of water.  Then you get the plot, the data, the facts.  The theory that explains why temperature changes with water density is....let's say thermodynamics, or statistical mechanics.  That theory can be wrong (well, it's not, but this is just a fake example).  But the facts are not wrong.

So in that sense, for science, there are irrefutable facts.  As long as anyone else can do the experiment and get the same results (so the data is reproducible, as it must be to be defined as scientific data), then we've got facts.

As for the rest, carry on people, I've got no idea what's going on around here, muddy guild houses, god as a novel...

p.s.  One more thing - the last bit of Eonwind's post is a great description of the practice of science - testing theories.  You can never prove them true, but you can prove them false.  Proving them true is impossible but you can just gather more and more evidence in favor of them.  Religion is not able to be put to this kind of test, that's why it is not science.  There is no test that can be done to disprove that God exists, or any number of gods.  So, different things.  Someone said apple to pear, I like that, but I wouldn't even make them both fruits  >o) 


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Re: The "I'm Bored" Conversation Thread
« Reply #939 on: March 11, 2014, 07:57:58 pm »

Please do feel free to jump in. This is not a fight, but more of an informal debate.


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Re: The "I'm Bored" Conversation Thread
« Reply #940 on: March 11, 2014, 08:05:17 pm »
Ah, meant I should not jump in because it looks interesting and I have a bucket of stuff to do.  Not because it felt like entering the fray  :innocent: .  Cheers though, appreciate the welcoming nature of the thread (en serio).


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Re: The "I'm Bored" Conversation Thread
« Reply #941 on: March 11, 2014, 08:10:53 pm »
Stop posting so I can finish this post!  :P

next time, just link

Fair enough, but that link only makes sense in light of our explanations. People need to stop wanting 1 min explanations to deep concepts. Twitter format doesn't work for everything. :P

... you must really stop trying to oppose religion to logic and science, they are related as much as an apple is related to a pear. It doesn't really make sense trying to confront them on the same plane.
If you've been unable to experience it too bad/good for you but just stop pretending other to prove that is plain impossible to prove and will ever be.

I disagree. One, religion is not some lump some concept, it is as complicated as, well, most other human experiences. Two, there is very little reason to not confront them on the same plane if they concern the same universe and confront the same aspects of that universe. The concepts spill over into each other quite a bit due to commenting on similar things like people, how we are supposed to live, and what our purpose is. Which I believe was the actual starting issue.

Religion is one means by which the few controlled the many. Whether there is a god or not is a matter of faith and religion is the exploitation of that belief.

I would disagree. In most cases there is probably exploitation, but I would not say that is all religion is. Religion is one way by which people try to fill their spiritual need. Is it the only way people do so? No. You may see people talk of dancing or gardening as being "spiritual" to them as well, but there is a need there however one tries to quantify that or fill it. If it weren't the case, the topic wouldn't keep coming up.

You're wrong, religion has been exploited by few to control the many... just like science is now exploited and used improperly by someone as a weapon against religion. The religion is simply a way an human being use to give an organized response to his own need...

I don't agree with everything in the post, but I agree with a lot of it. Definitely the above. I think the biggest problem with exploitation of science and religion is that both have people that are trying to use people's trust in the respective institutions as a quick means of making a personal army for someone personal agenda against some group or some concept.

I have no problem with people believing in whatever nonsense they wish to believe in, but when those beliefs leak into the real world and affect us, someone needs to speak up and shovel it back into imagination-land where it belongs and makes sense.

To be honest, Eonwind makes a valid point about your response even if that is not how I would word it. You are essentially fanatically defending science in a blanket absolute, whether you intend to or not, which is behavior typically ascribed to religious devotion. You are still glossing over where science is guilty of the same thing and placing it on a pedestal that only works if you don't apply the same standard back to science. And when presented with where science has the same fallacies, you simply repeat the chant of "science is fact" without addressing the issue and turn back to attack religion. This is the same method of behavior used by some religious people to attack science.

science does not enquire what is real and what is not real but test a theory to prove it true or prove it false... and what is not proven neither false nor true the science simply ignore it or enquires more. I suggest you do the same with religion.

I would say inquiry is a good approach. Rather than just blow the whole concept off experiment with it like you would if you were looking for any other answer. Actually keep track of the variables you are coming across in a religion and its beliefs.

It is not sufficient to just dismissively say that I'm wrong. You need to add some substance to your assertion. Tell me why you believe what you are saying is true. If you are right, then I may learn something in the process.

Keep in mind Rig, that until you can prove that God does not exist, you are doing the same thing. You can make a point for religions being loopy, but that is a different claim from God not existing. You have no substance for your assertion that God is unfounded.

It's been my experience with religious groups ( Catholicism and other varieties of christians ), that the existence of god and associated ideology is taught as if it was irrefutable fact. This is what I meant when I spoke of the error of presenting myth as if it was irrefutable fact.

Well consider that it is as real to the person who believes in god as you standing in front of them, but each person's experience is individual and the indicator that let's them know might only make sense to them. With that much variance how would give an explanation that includes everyone's experience and still makes sense to someone else? You simplify the explanation down for one. It's kinda like defining the color of a red ball by including everyone's experiences, including colorblind people. We might all agree that the color of ball is "red" but the description of what tells us that varies. Color is a very hard thing to describe since we have a hard time sharing our perspectives with others then imagine how much more complex that gets once you add the experiences of people who see red differently.

Ah, meant I should not jump in because it looks interesting and I have a bucket of stuff to do. 

Yes, do the important stuff first or you will never get back to it. ;)
« Last Edit: March 11, 2014, 08:13:15 pm by Illysia »

Rirenil Masdo

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Re: The "I'm Bored" Conversation Thread
« Reply #942 on: March 11, 2014, 08:18:25 pm »
Fair enough, but that link only makes sense in light of our explanations. People need to stop wanting 1 min explanations to deep concepts. Twitter format doesn't work for everything. :P

challenge accepted.  i sum up all you peoples posts thus far in 6 minutes
"Jekkar really is Planeshift's very own Van Gogh - an iconoclastic rulebreaker, unheralded by his peers, who must await for history to recognise his talents at a later date." - Rinenud
"Jekkar is an old one-eared smelly elitist party-pooper jerkface."  - Neko K


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Re: The "I'm Bored" Conversation Thread
« Reply #943 on: March 11, 2014, 08:25:38 pm »
Science and religion are fundamentally different based on the one key concept - that scientific theories can be disproven.  This is actually how we make progress.  By breaking the theories we've got whenever possible - I'm hoping the Large Hadron Collider will break one of the theories of particle physics.  That shows where we are ignorant, where we have most to learn, and where we can build new theories to be tested.

Religion cannot be disproven.  There is no way to disprove God or gods. 

So it makes no sense for me to suggest to anyone to consider religion as they consider science, looking at variables, gathering data, etc.

It seems like an internal thing to do, both individually and in groups, this thing of religion.  It's open to debate, there are beautiful theological debates that I've read, brilliant things, but it's not open to facts that could disprove it.  Because it cannot be disproven.

So.  Separate threads.  One for science.  One for religion.  Never the twain shall meet.  Except that it is us human beings involved in both of them.  That's a nice common denominator.


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Re: The "I'm Bored" Conversation Thread
« Reply #944 on: March 11, 2014, 08:40:10 pm »
challenge accepted.  i sum up all you peoples posts thus far in 6 minutes

With respect to Carl Sagan, somewhat refuted. Not every one's religion has god's in their form, not everyone's religion places them above their fellows, not every religion tells people how to live, not every religion is Christianity. ;) And if science says we are at the top of the food chain because we are the evolutionary current end product, what is the difference from another system that will conveniently put us above others?

Further, it's 6 minutes not one. :P

So it makes no sense for me to suggest to anyone to consider religion as they consider science, looking at variables, gathering data, etc.

That is because you can oversimplify what you don't know into "unknowable." Religion is not an apple to be dissected, it's 50 trillion apples to be dissected... only to find some are simply rotten. You can look at these factors just fine: what is a religion's stated goals, does it have the means to achieve those goals, what is the values system it supports or creates, what affect does that values system have on the people who adopted it, what affect do those people in turn have on the world around them? Is the god an allegory, is he a person with complexity of personality, what kind of person is he if he is a person, what are his values, so on and so forth?

No you won't get numbers and cosmic energy readings but you can definitely experiment. However, you have to go in with an open mind and clear goals or it won't work.