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Messages - Erisnas

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Complaint Department / Re: magic is weak
« on: March 25, 2008, 06:07:16 pm »
Lucasjung, pretty good summary there.  It essentially stated what I agreed with so far.  One thing that I personally do get annoyed about is the spell "Life Infusion" which heals the player or targeted player.  This spell would almost seem to be overpowered to me, at least in a few certain ways.  The first is that it is obtained from a quest that is almost always one of the first ones done by new players, and thus everyone has it. The second is that instantly after acquiring it and preparing it (purify, put it in the glyph bag, etc.), anyone can use it as it doesn't require any skill levels in the Crystal Way (I believe that it works at 0 although most have atleast 1 to start with). Third, it often isn't fast enough for use during combat which I agree with, but most have enough mana for even a player with less than 4 hours of play can easily heal a good 60% of their health. 

   With a combination of these three things the result is fairly annoying.  Since it is essentially one of the few useful spells it is depressing to see what little useful things a mage can do performed by even the most uneducated person (in-game I am sure they are not uneducated in their actual life).  Unfortunately the only way to get the spell more useful isn't available until level 80 in the crystal way.  I am not sure how this would be balanced but it just seems that this spell is way to powerful for how you gain access to it.

Newbie Help (Start Here) / Re: Dakkru's Curse?
« on: March 25, 2008, 04:41:09 pm »
While that is true, I was saying that when that is done the curse may last until you actually spend half an hour in-game.

Newbie Help (Start Here) / Re: Dakkru's Curse?
« on: March 23, 2008, 03:54:06 pm »
Hmm, I am not sure that is always true, I still have it and I was logged off for over eight hours.  It might be because I didn't exit the program officially just force quit it (I run PS on a Mac).  Luckily I had exactly .5 weight to spare so I was just able to walk away, yet this could easily be problem in the future.

Technical Help: IN GAME bugs (after loading world) / Re: Herb size
« on: March 23, 2008, 01:43:01 pm »
A small note, if not fixed quickly the issue will only increase as the number as items do with each release. 

General Discussion / Re: Gauging interest in a Courier Business?
« on: March 23, 2008, 01:32:02 pm »
I believe that this could easily be organised, however, it may take a few trials first.  We would have to see if it was more beneficial to hire per load, per person (follow the same guy around carrying his loads back for profits) or something similar.  Personally, I often hire messengers to carry small items and messages to others.  While I have a large choice of 'assistants' to work with it isn't to hard to find one.  Also, how someone would contact the service would be hard to arrange.  If it is a guild then it will be hard to recruit members other the new players.  More experience players prefer guilds for different purposes, so they wouldn't need to do it for money.  Of course, a stroke of luck may land a courier a routine job such as taking supplies from Hydlaa to Oja, or to deliver newspapers to better selling points.
   In short, a good idea if organized correctly.  If you do plan to go ahead with this idea then please contact me as this service would be of great use to me.

General Discussion / Re: Auto Accept..
« on: March 22, 2008, 09:04:07 pm »
Just as a note, having a small note appear on screen that a challenge has been auto-accepted would be nice.  That would solve most peoples fear of the setting so far.  The rest of this discussion, seems to be handled well.

Wish list / Re: Numerous Character Description Ideas
« on: March 02, 2008, 06:23:22 pm »
Definitely a good idea, if anything it would tell people what they should include in their own more in depth descriptions.

Wish list / Re: Making it Lighter
« on: February 15, 2008, 09:26:00 am »
There is nothing like seeing 10+ people get stuck wandering around the entrance to Hydlaa on their way back from the BD.  It usually becomes some kind of wierd Marco Polo match.

Wish list / Re: /gather?
« on: February 09, 2008, 02:05:03 pm »
Perhaps you could use it for other purposes to start with.  A /gather apple would allow one person to keep Harnquist's clear as well as have a decent payment per apple.  Now this would just set the character to autopilot and gather apples off the ground currently.  Later is would be a skill.  However, it is likely it is going to e implemented eventually with the Herbal skill.  However, we would have to see what players want first.  Would they prefer Devs work towards finishing the skill system, creating more maps, fixing bugs, or something else?  Anyway, I expect this will eventually get put in.  However, I could see it being a good idea since it would add some things to the game that would be nice.  Having plants between the towns that are interactive would be a nice way to spruce up the landscape and would be a good way to introduce the cooking and herbal skills when they come out.  So, while it won't come out for a while, I think it isn't a bad idea to do earlier on than other skills.

General Discussion / Re: Wipe
« on: February 08, 2008, 06:24:59 pm »
I would prefer a partial wipe, one that while deleting our skills and items, leaves the characters and their histories intact.  That way you eliminate anything gained illegally (from a random bug) or lost while still having players keep their characters and well thought out stories.  On a similar note I believe that since the current PS year is 750, any characters created after the 1.0 release would be born in 751+.  That way you could justify the pre-1.0 characters from new ones, a small little trophy for those who have supported PS. 

General Discussion / Re: stats training
« on: January 27, 2008, 09:38:53 pm »
I have to agree with Garile on that.  Also, looking at the stats I do not see how you would train them that wouldn't also count as practicing.  With skills you are told something and then practice that.  It doesn't really work to pay 10,000 tria to level and realistically all you are getting is being told to "work out".  So, it seems to makes the most sense as it currently is.

General Discussion / Re: The Hydlaa Guard
« on: January 27, 2008, 03:04:51 pm »
   Despite it already being in-game a government building would be a good addition since it would specify an area were people could RP government related issues from.  However it would probably only appear as a fortress for decorative purposes.  I wouldn't see a need for castle-like security.  Some security yes, but it all depends on the Devs vision of the game.

General Discussion / Re: The Hydlaa Guard
« on: January 26, 2008, 01:13:22 pm »
I think if we are going to do anything with guards we must first make a few randomly placed combat able ones.  These would be insanely strong so, while you possible could kill one, you would not be able to camp it without a large group.  Now realistically, this would summon more guards but for right now by having at least one fight able guard could help.  I do like what was mentioned about gate guards not moving.  If we hold this true then guards can fight but people won't be able to kill of the training guards (who are luckily all by a gate excluding Jefecra)

PvP,PK and Thieving / Re: Pick pocketing.
« on: January 22, 2008, 05:50:18 pm »
   Even if pickpocketing gets in-game I still have to wonder about some other problems with it.  The first being if you are in some random place and someone walks up to you out of no where, stalls for a moment (worse if there is an animation) and then runs away you are still likely to know you were pick pocketed.  Also the setting side of this will depend on how we store our items.  If your tria is buried in the bottom of your sack then it is harder to get then if you carried it in a purse on your belt.

Wish list / Re: Mining is dangerous ...
« on: January 19, 2008, 05:41:19 pm »
Yes, but some want just the gold so they would only mine when the mine is at its deepest.  However, I do think this idea could be applied elsewhere.  One location could be at the BD.  Some caved in tunnels could be re-dug for short cuts!  Also the best place for a mine like this to be implemented first is also near the BD.  There is a caved in tunnel near their that I am sure would have some thick ore veins.    Also, since it takes a long and sometimes dangerous journey to get to it may offer different advantages to the entire game: the BD may become a trading post often used by players, create similar experience to the ones often talked of at Levrus's mine, and creative players may give birth to some more as well.
   However, this is something that wouldn't get implemented for a long time so I hope it doesn't get forgotten.

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