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Messages - Fanomatic2000

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The Hydlaa Plaza /
« on: July 03, 2004, 07:01:21 pm »
Name:  Superpowerultragnu

How did you get your powers: I ate one of these radioactive burgers on McDonalds (Hmmm...I knew it tasted funny)

Apperance:  Looks like a purple cow with pink dots.

Biological changes: Became vegetarian all of a sudden, and got very hostile to all beef-eaters. My muscles grew bigger (Now I can almost see them if I look very close in a microscope)

Projectile:  Exploding rancid Milkshake and boomerang-butter.

Hand-combat fighting style:  Or rather...hoof-combat fighting style. I use my famous blinding rancid milk attack to blind my foe, and then finish him off with my hided-high-hideous-hulk-hoof kick deluxe. If that isn\'t enough, my to-fu will scare them off.

Weakness:  Cannot stand the sight of beef-meat, and will go berserk by the smell. Also have a strange habit of eating grass in dangerous situations.

The time has come to take revenge for all the innocent cows that have been turned into juicy burgers because of you beef-eaters!!
Think twice before you eat your next beef-burger, \'cause it might be your last!

General Discussion /
« on: June 25, 2004, 01:52:54 pm »
An \"ignorant, public\" peasant can be very fun to RP actually. My thoughs go to the witch-burner crowd from Monthy Pythons \"The quest for the holy grail\".

\"We\'ve found a witch, may we burn her?\"

One of the best things with MMORPGs is that you can play as a commoner for a change. Live out your dreams with a sword, or a fishing-rod, It doesn\'t matter. The important thing is that you\'re having fun while doing it.
I\'m sure we will see a lot of RP in CB. Just take a look at the forums for example. Many players and guilds already focus on roleplay, and I think that\'s great. This game will be very RP-friendly, so I don\'t think you\'ll have to worry too much about that Karakth.  :)

And also...

The best way to make people RP, is to RP. 8)

Wish list /
« on: June 22, 2004, 11:48:05 am »
How about if we combine the poker-idea with the animal-trainer skill?

It could be called \"Pokermon\". :D


Guilds Forum /
« on: June 21, 2004, 05:52:20 pm »
Ho defenders! Glad to see you\'re still alive. :)

With the rising of three good guilds, the balance will be partly restored.
That is good  news indeed...

Fan Art /
« on: June 19, 2004, 04:41:29 am »
Great! So far it looks superb.
Definitly worth keeping an eye on.

The Hydlaa Plaza /
« on: June 16, 2004, 02:34:03 pm »
Sounds like a cool idea. Perhaps it could be added to Planeshift later as a mini-game you can play while the game is loading. :D

Guilds Forum /
« on: June 16, 2004, 03:59:49 am »
A lumberjack-guild sounds like a good idea. I wish you luck with it.

Davis and his happy huggers  ;)  

The Hydlaa Plaza /
« on: May 26, 2004, 10:58:41 am »
Final fantasy 7 will always have a special place in my heart. The best game I\'ve ever played.

Right now I\'m playing Prince of persia: sands of time and Black & White (while waiting for the sequel). :)
It looks extremely promising. Just take a look at those screenshots to see what I mean.

Black & White 2

Fan Art /
« on: May 26, 2004, 10:20:32 am »
Darn...I think my eyes locked....

General Discussion /
« on: May 15, 2004, 09:23:28 pm »
Saintnuclear - Yes, I had the same though. That way the music would last longer, and people wouldn\'t complain about tracks repeting over and over.
It would take some extra space though...

Icefalcon - Thanks for the comments. I\'m glad you like my work. :)

Ellarion - Yes, that is exactly how I imagined it. :)

Perhaps I add some underwater-effects later to see how it sounds.

The Hydlaa Plaza /
« on: May 15, 2004, 06:09:01 pm »
Originally posted by DepthBlade
Oooh!! I am a big fan of all the Grand Theft Auto\'s, personally I like their old birds eye view GTA for computer..but I love these new ones of theirs just as much!

EDIT: Especially the soundtracks on ViceCity, they were awesome!

You could set the view to the classic bird-style in GTA3 and vice city, although it didn\'t work very well.
Personally I\'m glad they changed perspective. I remember in GTA1 when driving that super-fast kind of motorcyckle, and it was almost impossible to steer because of the perspective. The new 3d-perspective adds a lot to the athmosphere as well. Watching the sun rise over Vice-city is an incredible sight (Well, the real sun is also impressive, but not in the same way if you know what I mean).

The GTA-series is great, but of course the game gets media after them with such a violent content (don\'t they have anything better to do?).
I read about two teenagers who sued rockstars for some millions because GTA \"had inspired them to commit a crime\". The two boys had borrowed their fathers gun and went down to the road where they had started shooting at cars driving by (!), whereupon they blamed Rockstar for what they\'ve done.

I don\'t know if they won the case or not, but seriously... :rolleyes:

General Discussion /
« on: May 13, 2004, 04:19:25 pm »
No, no. I didn\'t mean it like that. No hard feelings ;)

I added sound-effects to my earlier works, so it\'s not strange that you react when I suddenly remove them, but for this track I see no reason to add sound-effects, since I think they will already be in game.
In Decayed memories  I though it would be good if the whispering sounds would be intergrated into the music, but I later realised that it isn\'t needed since there will propably be a lot of SFX in the game anyway.
In my most recent work I simply skipped the background-sound because I belive that there will be a lot of underwater-SFX down there anyway, and therefore I don\'t need to add anything.

You said that you though it sounded more like a dim-litted cave with crystal outdroppings. That is how you imagine it, and there is nothing that tells you\'re wrong. I\'m just grateful you come with ideas for how my music can be used. That\'s one of the reasons why I\'m asking for opinions. :)

Also, I understood that you don\'t dislike BG-music. What I meant was that if you grow tired of the background-music, or don\'t like it for some reason you should have the option to switch it off, to rest your ears for a while, or play music outside the game. I don\'t say that the music should be so bad you cannot listen to it, but even the best music gets a bit annoying after a while, and different people have different tastes so the option should be there.

Neverwinter nights is a good example. The music is very good, but the game is huge, and the music gets pretty tedious after some hours, especially if you are playing online, belive me :rolleyes:

Wish list /
« on: May 13, 2004, 11:28:14 am »
How about something like in the sims where you build your house in \"squares\"? When you enter \"build mode\" you should see your house from above, and then be able to construct everything like a pattern which you then build on. You should also be able to set how many floors the house would have, add furniture to your house, set what type of house it should be (forest-hut, deluxe-apartment, Evil temple, Good temple, Castle etc.) That would be neat.

Hmmm, I get this strong feeling of Deja vu... :P

*Reads samoths post* Ops...

General Discussion /
« on: May 13, 2004, 11:08:14 am »
Why is there no human/elf half-breed? Mix between Human and elf is relatively common, so they should definitly be included. It shouldn\'t be too hard to do either since Half-elfs and humans looks almost the same. It\'s just the ears and the stats that differ, so that shouldn\'t be a problem.

Would be nice to see later in game :)

General Discussion /
« on: May 13, 2004, 10:15:19 am »
Well, I imagined that this piece of music should be combined with in game  underwater SFX to get its full potential. Also, this soundtrack is for use in calm water-areas like peaceful lakes and the like. Try and imagine bubbles, swimming-strokes, underwater animal sounds and the like. That is more what I was thinking about. When it comes to more dangerous areas the music needs to be more ominous to get the right athmosphere.

Personally I like this soundtrack, but of course it cannot be to everyones liking. Everyone have a different taste, so it\'s impossible to do music that suits everyone.
If you really cannot stand the background-music for some reason, then why not follow cirques example and listen to your own? I see nothing wrong with that, and it doesn\'t mean that music shouldn\'t be included at all. Even the best of music can get annoying after you have listened to it hundreds of times, so if you want to switch it off, then you should have that option.

The reason behind background-music is to make soundtracks that suits the athmosphere. Techno-music/Hard-rock for futuristic shooters, Pop/Rap/Techno for racing-simulators, Hard-rock/japanese kung fu style music for beat \'em up, and medival/celtic/choir/tribal music for medival fantasy RPGs (I don\'t say that it must be this way, but I don\'t think that a techno or rap soundtrack  would suit a game like this.)

One of the goals with Planeshift (at least from what I\'ve heard) is to give the game a unique music-style that is specific for Planeshift. It should represent another world, an entirely different culture. Not the easiest thing to do if you ask me.

Of course I cannot compete with the devs when it comes to music/sound effects. This is more like fan-art at the moment, but it\'s a good start, and I enjoy making music, so it doesn\'t really matter now does it? ;)

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