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Wish list / Weaps,armor,items,pets, some spell ideas, and more!
« on: January 06, 2002, 05:09:49 pm »

                            posted 09-11-2001 01:05 GMT        

                         armor and weapons should have many aspects to there proformnce. they should be able to get sharpened, hardened(keeps them
                         from breaking), have runes engraved in them which gives the attributes like flame damage/protection, casting a spell, or faster
                         attck spd.that sould cost a lot of money so that ppl dont abuse it. players should also gain new attack techniques or combo
                         attacks for the weaps that they use most, kinda like exp for weaps.
                         items that ppl find can be made into thing, like a weap from a dragon tooth, or heal potion from boiling sp.herbs and spring
                         water.but it would only heal you at a faster regen rate cuz it isnt a healing spell. and it would be cool if these things that you
                         make or that you have done to your items would take time to get finished(a game day for engravements).
                         you could own a dog or a wolf , horse anyone?
                         and they could help in battle too.!
                         monsters could have attribute that make them vulnerable/resistaint to certain weaps or elements.
                         a spell that makes ppl move attack faster.
                         a spell that has a n% chance to repel spells from being cast on them.
                         a spell that steals life and gives it to the caster and surrounding allies
                         spell that makes the caster partially invisable
                         a spell that pushs the the surrounding ppl away from caster
                         a spell that acts like a shield. this would allow the person block without having to actually having to put up there arm freeing them
                         to attack
                         a spell that mimics a sword(follows the same path as your sword but a delay) so that when you swing the sword onces, your
                         sword will hit and then the shadow sword will hit next
                         a spell that cause the enemy to fear you, become confuzed and attck anyone near them, or become very ill.
                         a spell that gives you wings to fly. or that could be an item.. i dont know.
                         summons. demi-gods and demons that kinda stuff
                         id like to be able to jump block manually and grab ANYTHING! it would be neat to be able to put a coat of arms on you shield to
                         rep. you guild or clan.
                         i d like to see the things that im using, be it thru textures or mdl. that way you could see what thers have on.
                         lastly .. id like to see multiple control schemes. like point and click, keyboard and mouse combo, or maybe even a control pad
                         with keyboard shortcuts.

                            posted 09-11-2001 14:50 GMT            

                         Your ideas seem good, but I think you shouldn\'t have a shop for weapons mainainance, a shop for hardening, a shop for runes,
                         ect. It could get very confusing.

                         \"items that ppl find can be made into thing, like a weap from a dragon tooth, or heal potion from boiling sp.herbs and spring

                         I don\'t think this is a good idea. I mean, u could make items of all sorts of stuff. I think it would be better if herbs are eatable as
                         potion (or venom, if u eat the wrong ones :)

Granted or negated Wishes / Trading items P2P.
« on: January 06, 2002, 05:07:55 pm »
There must be a way of trading items between players, WITHOUT having the need of dropping money and items.

Wish list /
« on: January 06, 2002, 05:05:58 pm »
                            posted 31-10-2001 05:16 GMT        

                         One more wish before I go for the evening.

                         For societal positions, please make it so that a player can only hold one position at a time.

                         There is a certain rpg I play in which the society is outrageously corrupt, due to the same players holding multiple positions of
                         power in the community. They blatantly abuse their powers for their own benefit, and the GM\'s of that game, with their
                         disconnectedness to the community as it is, have no control anymore, other than for fixing bugs in game and the occassional

                         I am not saying everyone should be looked over when a position comes up. But please make it so that the player cna only hold
                         one position at a given time. If another comes up that is more appealing to them,then they must abandon the old position for it,
                         not add it to a resume, and then complain when players come to them for a position\'s services and they don\'t have the time to
                         fulfill each position to the utmost attention that they should be giving it.

Wish list / Experience for roleplay
« on: January 06, 2002, 05:04:31 pm »

                            posted 31-10-2001 04:52 GMT        

                         This is the first of many wishes I hope to present to the GM\'s of this proposed game.

                         Far too many rpg\'s require killing as the one source of \"leveling up\" a character, outside of skills.

                         I wish this game grant experience based on roleplay. No, not the kind that an NPC gives a quest then you bring certain items
                         and the quest is complete.

                         I do understand this will require the watchful eye of the GM team to maintain characters to be on the lookout for roleplayers and
                         the ability to grant experience based on how much effort is put into roleplaying a character. However, even in the D&D guides,
                         DM\'s are given the ability to award experience based on more than hack and slash through a given quest. Sometimes, if a
                         character thinks through as task without bloodshed, he/she may find other ways of solving it. After all, we are not all barbarians.

                         I am envisioning a daily romp through the land by a GM character at random spots and random times. Perhaps a drunken man in
                         the corner of a tavern, or a muttering old crone in a library. Depending on who interacts with him/her, they can be granted
                         experience points, even for at least trying. Heck, even have the GM watch a certain area on the map and for each show of
                         roleplay, grant a blanket amount of experience in a given area, such as a church.

                         This won\'t impose on a GM\'s time. It will also enhance the use of roleplay, since one can never know if the person is being
    PS W.T.B. Member
                            posted 31-10-2001 10:13 GMT            

                         Great idea! It could also be combined with my idea of implementing characters in-game that played a certain role in history. An
                         old man sitting in the corner of a tavern could actually be a high level wizard that has battled against a rage of trolls long before
                         the game actually started. This will mean that the PC hasn\'t been in this battle for real, but roleplays like he has. He could even
                         have a mayor role in an old book in the library.

                         GM\'s could play such characters, divide xp and maintain some order in the game too. (as for they are of extremely high level,
                         they can easily dispose of PKers and players that disbehave themselves.)

    PS Official Member
                            posted 01-11-2001 03:53 GMT            

                         I personally like the idea, and it is my personal preference. I would love to be a player of that nature, as when I roleplay, I *really*
                         roleplay. I agree with you that players that roleplay in nother manner than just hack and slash should be able to be rewarded as
                            posted 04-11-2001 22:58 GMT            

                         In Baldurs Gate, you get XP for completing quests, no matter how u complete it. The amount of XP gained is much more then u
                         get for plain killing. Most XP is gained when u solve a quest and everybody involved is happy :)
                            posted 02-01-2001 00:34 GMT            

    PS W.T.B. Member
                            posted 02-01-2001 14:03 GMT            

                         This is very interesting... Would GMs have the ability to reward people with XP in game? That would be great.
                            posted 03-01-2001 04:34 GMT            

                         i dont think that would really work

                         favoratism would come into affect!

                         say lil me is from some weirdo time-zone that no GM is... how am i suppose to get XP from roleplaying? Also, who\'s to say who
                         gets how much experience from roleplaying... say im trying really hard killing monsters 24/7 trying to lvl up... then some guy
                         comes along who barely plays and barely roleplays just happens to run into a GM and gets exp for it? How could u judge who is
                         doing more work if it is done on a random basis?

                         one guy could be pooring his heart out trying to roleplay and another joe smoe could just get lucky.

                         one thing i dont understand is why u would want to do exp like this anyway. i could simply be roleplaying saying im some great
                         warrior whos neva been defeated. but its all just talk. whereas the person who actualy is lvling up is really living the tale u just
                         told. roleplaying takes like 2 seconds to BS something, DOing what u say is another matter..

                         the way u guys are looking at it is that roleplaying is like the opposite of lvling up. But thats not true, lvling up is just progressing
                         in the game. Its not like people who lvl up dont roleplay. there is always room for both. I dont see why some person who talks all
                         day long should get any exp when they could be lvling up and STILL roleplaying. Its not like u cant do both.
                            posted 03-01-2001 06:06 GMT            

                         PlaneScape Torment is a perfect example of this... there are many situations where a player gains EXp from verbal quests, and
                         none lethal means. not to mention the odd situation where you can talk your way out of a potentialy hostile situation and gain far
                         more EXp from the peacefull outcome than from going in swords swinging (Althopugh that is to compensate for loseing the
                         chance of recieving a magical weapon or item).

                         The main thing is to make them random, diverse and none exploitable.
                            posted 03-01-2001 14:59 GMT            

                         What we are talking about here is to try to make powergaming a less rewarding thing than roleplaying.
                         To use dialog options as more rewarding than killing sprees is a very good idea and also much more fun.
                         How fun is it to walk around and kill everything in sight.
                            posted 04-01-2001 07:51 GMT            

                         its accually really fun...

                         i see what u 2 are saying about picking non violent options, thats fine, but thats what i kinda call quests where they are set up or
                         whatever that isn\'t roleplaying...

                         the thing i dont like is people giving other people EXP.

Wish list / In game use of voice- bards
« on: January 06, 2002, 05:03:35 pm »

    PS W.T.B. Member
                            posted 23-10-2001 11:43 GMT        

                         I know, in game use of a voice-system requires a lot of bandwith, but it might be restricted to certain characters. This characters
                         could be BARDS. I think it would be sweet if bards could give shows at inns and at market places. They could make more
                         rediculous moves when getting a higher level, and combine the moves in their own way. They could tell stories (which they can
                         read in the library) and jokes. You might have the idea that nobody will stay in an inn and listen to a bard, but when he is good
                         enough, he can get audience (also by posting the hours of his show at public plaza). After the show a bard could ask for money
                         from his public. Bards could only communicate by voice with other bards, because nobody else is capable of talking in game
                         (other players can only hear them and say things back by typing). Because of their high charisma, and their ability to shout
                         quick commands to their partymembers, bards can be excellent leaders.
                         Bards have bad fighting skills, and do not (or hardly) get better at it when getting a higher level.

    PS W.T.B. Member
                            posted 24-10-2001 11:39 GMT            

                            posted 24-10-2001 16:49 GMT            

                         i don\'t agree to the voice thing... they could simply type jokes and who likes them would give money to them, and depending on
                         the level, they would have more commands available
                            posted 25-10-2001 04:08 GMT            

                         I agree with Hory that would take up an unnessecary amount of time and bandwidth. Remember that this is a free game and that
                         the developers don\'t have unlimited bandwidth.
    PS W.T.B. Member
                            posted 25-10-2001 00:33 GMT            

                         That\'s true, but it would only be bards who would have the option to communicate by voice. Because of the fact that they cannot
                         fight very well I think there will not be many people who will play one, so they are not that bandwith consuming. It wouldn\'t be a
                         matter of just typing jokes, (not very likely that you get money from players then)
                         you would be able to prepare a show, with music, tricks (the special abilities a bard can learn over time) and jokes. That would
                         be something you could post an announcement for on the public plaza. It would take some time programming the bard, but you
                         get something for it. (entertainment by fellow players, something that you don\'t see in other RPG\'s.)

    PS Director
                            posted 29-10-2001 13:00 GMT            

                         There\'s a workaround to this.

                         We can use direct communication between players. If someone want to talk also with voice to other players he can establish a
                         direct connection. This will be not the same as hearing anyone talking in a street, but will solve the bandwidth problem.
    PS W.T.B. Member
                            posted 29-10-2001 17:46 GMT            

                         It will also eliminate the fun of listening to a bard :(

                            posted 31-10-2001 05:02 GMT            

                         What a great suggestion, I must say.

                         How about this to help workaround the bandwith problem (Under the assumption, of course, that this game will already have
                         certain sound effects anyway):

                         1. Bards will have the option of learning instruments/songs.
                         2. Depending on the mastery of skill at each level, a certain song/instrument can be heard server-wide or area-wide. These
                         songs/instrument sounds are already programmed into the game, in the same way as a magic spell is programmed, with the
                         addition of a wav/midi file. After all, some games provide their sound effects via a short wav/midi as it is.
                         3. Since the sound/song is already in the game, it won\'t drain the bandwith, won\'t require direct connection, will have the players
                         in an area \"hear\" the bard\'s entertainment, and enhance roleplayability of that proposed character.
                            posted 31-10-2001 09:42 GMT            

                         When you reach a certain level you should also be able to compose your own songs...
                            posted 02-11-2001 05:27 GMT            

                         neat LyssiahStormWhisperer that is a wonderful idea! I think that staff (other than me) should check this out. Catalyst...maybe
                         this would require sending in a file to admin and he/she inserting it into the game via the next patch. Although I think Catalyst
                         your Idea is 2 complicated.

                         Whitti WTB PR member
                            posted 04-11-2001 22:39 GMT            

                         In Half-Life (a fps) they\'ve introduced voice chat lately. I dunno how they do it, but it takes hardly any bandwith. maybe...
    PS W.T.B. Member
                            posted 05-11-2001 01:23 GMT            

                         That\'s true, but 32 players chatting is a lot much less than 1000 players chatting... And it\'s no fun being a bard when everybody
                         ca talk. That\'s why I thin that only enabling bards to chat is manageble.

                            posted 13-11-2001 20:42 GMT            

                         Yeah, but it\'s not fair...
                            posted 03-12-2001 05:29 GMT            

                         It IS fair, after all bards have lousy fighting skills.

Wish list / Simple government system
« on: January 06, 2002, 05:01:43 pm »

                            posted 21-10-2001 02:46 GMT        

                         MAybe an option for a government system is that hero\'s (players with a level higher than 25) could make himself eligible for a
                         function of major. Players inhabiting the city (by means of having a house there) could at their homes select the name of the hero
                         they want to rule the city. Each hero that runs for election could write a text in the public place and post personal messages in
                         which he explains why he would be a good major.

                         After a major has been chosen he will get a salary and will have some control of the city, by choosing from variable options.
                         (amount of city guards, hight of taxes etc.)

                         This system would be very basic but would add a simple hierarchy to cities.

                            posted 21-10-2001 10:07 GMT            

                         And then when there\'s a corrupt mayor you could lead a revolution against him ;)
                            posted 21-10-2001 10:58 GMT            

                         ofcourse, but that\'s entirely up to the players.

                            posted 21-10-2001 12:20 GMT            

                         And they could organise some big partys in the arena :-)
                            posted 21-10-2001 16:08 GMT            

                         ...hire hero players to battle eachother in teh arena, and thus win the crowd for you!

                            posted 22-10-2001 12:52 GMT            

                         I like your ideas Thekkur... straight out monster killing gives you Adventure, Your idea of Mayors adds a nice Political structure to
                         the game, the Prof give you an economic edge... add it all up, you have a Socio-economic Adventure game... we need to add a
                         marriage system I think. The you have the Romantic Socio-Economic Adventure game, and PlaneShift can post adds in
                         GamePro, Dragon, Chic, The WallStreet Journel, and Time... also if they make ir so you can decorate your house, Martha
                         Stewart Living!!!! What an all purpose game!

Wish list /
« on: January 06, 2002, 05:00:03 pm »
                            posted 25-10-2001 21:15 GMT            

                         Which is another reason why we need a new board. I recommend YaBB (Yet another Bulleting Board) it\'s free.

                         Anyway, about the housing... I don\'t know about you, but for me there\'s not much difference between a guild house and a normal
                         house. I mean, guild house is just actaully a big house with less furnitures.
                         And maybe it has some NPC\'s, but basically it\'s just a big house.

                         My idea about housing is this... First of the all, no \"everybody starts with a house\" crap, because players and characters
                         change, and then there would be million of empty houses. I think this has been discussed before... okay, so, first, a player
                         checks up a place for his vacant, notes down the area codes or something, then he goes to buy a deed, and tadah, he has an
                         empty vacant. Then he goes to talk to a PC (yes, PC) constructor (if planeshift supports that kind of skill). Then they deal about
                         the payment, and the constructor starts to build the house. And when I say build, I don\'t meant that the house just appears from
                         nowhere. I mean something like in Settlers. I think there should be somekind of command for the vacant owner to let only the
                         certain constructor(s) to build and remove stuff from the vacant. So there wouldn\'t be any other evil constructors to mess up the
                         You know, some \"share vacant\" option. Anyway, the player has a house now, and he pays to the constructor(s) for the job, and
                         disables the \"share vacant\" option from the constructor(s) so only he can decorate his house.

                         hmm, now when im think about it, the share vacant thing is too unrealistic... so I would forget that, and just get locks for the
                         houses, and defend it from idiots while the constructor(s) are building it. That\'s more realistic.
                            posted 26-10-2001 12:51 GMT            

                         The things I say in this post are partly my ideas and partly already implemented features in game. It\'s up to you to decide which
                         features are involved and which aren\'t. Most of it is fiction.

                         Wic:Everybody starts with a room in a tenemnt block. You can use that room to store your items, and it is an adress on which
                         you can receive letters. The place where you live it also an indication of the place where you spawn when you die. When you die,
                         you spawn at the temple/shrine that is closest nearby your room.
                         A guildhouse wouldn\'t have many options compared with a normal one, with the exception that when your Guild owns a
                         guildhouse you have a place where you can meet eachother and where messages for the guild can be posted at. It will also have
                         a sign, that indicates what by what guild the building is owned. Thus it enables certain sim-rpg loving players to set up a
                         blacksmithing guild, where other PC\'s can buy their weaponry.

                         Ancient one: you can use your back-button, as long as you don\'t wait until the previous page is loaded. When you quickly
                         return to the topics page you will have no harm of double posting.
                         As for the manual approval of guilds: the person that does that is ELECTED by the players, which means that you have control
                         over the person that must approve your guild. He can also be disposed of by the inhabitants of the city. Each city would have it\'s
                         own mayor, so if he rejects your request with a good reason you might try it in a different city. (Or just adjust your request and
                         send it again.) If you want to start up a guild, you will have to send a message in which you state what kind of guild you will
                         command, adn you might also add the URL of you guild\'s webpage. The manual approval of guilds would eliminate all the 3
                         person guilds that inhabit todays MMORPGs. If you want to be an official guild, manual approval will give you more status in the
                         game, because not everybody will be able to start one. You will have to organise things and make sure you have a decent plan.
                         A website will only improve your chance of approval, so don\'t be afraid you request will be rejected.

                         Avatar; the idea of involving guild and important player in the storyline would be really cool. But how can you do that? will the
                         guilds and persons at first be created in the storyline and later on controlled by certain persons? For example; in the storyline
                         there is a hero that has liberated a certain city from suppresion by an evil king. This story already exists before the game starts.
                         It would be nice if you could actually meet this person in-game (he might be level 40) and interact with him. But therefor there
                         already has to be a lvl 40 character at the beginning of the game. It might be played by a member or other important person. (-or
                         NPC, but that wouldn\'t be as realistic as a human that controls the character.) This human would actually start with a lvl 40
                         character with a background and character that he has to roleplay.

    PS Official Member
                            posted 26-10-2001 06:06 GMT            

                         It is always possible, thekkur old chap, that we can create a story to react to what is happening in the world itself. I personally
                         will play this game like crazy, as I know we all will. This means everyone will know what is going on in game. We can write up
                         the story and scenario that we want, and either post it, or email it out to all the players. Either way, they could get an ongoing
                         E-book of Planeshift, with actual occurances from in game experiences. They could even be a part of it possibly! It all depends
                         on the players. Planeshift is a new world, not consequently, it is *our* world. Let us shape it as we will.
    PS Official Member
                            posted 26-10-2001 06:07 GMT            

                         just to kill any misunderstandings, when I said *our* I was referring to all players.
                            posted 27-10-2001 13:04 GMT            

                         Thekkur: And when a player forgets to pay his rent, he\'ll get kicked out? How about his stuff which was in the room? should the
                         npc landlady/man keep the stuff for an about half of a year so the player can take them back?
    Ancient One
                            posted 27-10-2001 23:32 GMT            

                         This is probably gonna sound like I am an idiot or something but Guild Houses should be customisable by the Guild master(s) so
                         that it could suit the Guilds needs. A Guild will probably need a treasury, to store items and money that can be used to expand
                         the Guild or to pay for other things that the need would require. It might also need somewhere for the Guild Members ONLY,
                         somewhere that they could go to trade, chat and have drinks/meals with each other, a kind of Guild Member Only Inn. Plus a
                         Guild might want a Sign-in area where members can go and sign a Guest Book of sorts to show that they are active (in-activity is
                         the main cause of Guilds becoming useless and defunct). The Guild House would also need the main area where the Guild does
                         its main buisness (like a blacksmith Guild would need a workshop to create new things), plus a Guild (if it had products to sell)
                         might want an area where non-guild members can do to purchase the items they make (many times when I played Ultima almost
                         my entire stock was stolen when huge groups of people would come into my workshop, so I created a new area where they had
                         to come to buy the stuff).
                         It is not impossible to create a game that is always changing and never ending, take Ultima Online for example, that always
                         changes, one day would never be the same as the next (well not all the time, sometimes I would be attending Fairs, sometimes
                         there would be people raiding Villages and stuff).
                            posted 28-10-2001 23:18 GMT            



                              many times when I played Ultima almost my entire stock was stolen when huge groups of people would come into
                              my workshop, so I created a new area where they had to come to buy the stuff

                         Avatar, will there be different quests every time then? In other mmorpg\'s all PC\'s can do the same quest, that wouldn\'t be much
                         fun to tell in an in-game book... \"Monday 25th; Today Thekkur the Great led his party to victory once again and released the city
                         of Iopalan from the terror of evil Dragon Krasau.
                         Tuesday 26th today the dragon of Iopalan was slaughtered 3 times. at 3:00 in the morning Catalyst88 was the first to cut off it\'s
                         head. at 1:00 pm Buechler released the frightened inhabitants of the smelly breath of the respawned dragon Krasau. at 10:00 pm
                         AncientOne passed by and chopped of the head of the terrifying dragon of Iopalan...\"

                         It would be neat if there were ruins in the game of lost cities that fell in a bttles long ago, when no player was yet in the world of
                         planeshift (and thus the stories only exist on paper). Only the simulated hero\'s \'would play like they were actually there, and can
                         provide clues about treasures and so on. Normally there are NPC\'s who do this, but it would be way more realistc when there
                         would be a player behind the hero
                         that actually let\'s his character behave like he was at the scene of the big event - either as a footman in a large army that battled
                         in the beginning of the wordl, as a hero that slaughtered a dragon that nobody\'s ever seen but of which his descendants still live
                         in the world and can be battled. There could also dwell player characters around the world that belong to the most ancient of the
                         inhabitants of planeshift, and actually worshipped Laanx and Talad when they were still around.


Wish list /
« on: January 06, 2002, 04:59:27 pm »
                            posted 21-10-2001 02:39 GMT        

                         hmmm... I have something with buildings, but I guess it\'s an important part of the game... This isn\'t supposed to be such a long
                         thread as the \'housing really important\' one.  

                         I would like to see an estate agency in-game, (or the medieval variant of one) where you could select and buy a guildhouse for
                         your guild. (A large building near the centre of a city).

                            posted 21-10-2001 10:05 GMT            

                         IMO you should be able to do that but also purchase guildhouses to be built in the wilderness... i kinda like the idea of a hideout
                         in the middle of nowhere, from which you can make raids on nearby towns/other guildtowns (heh, guildtowns, well they could be:
                         build a small guildhouse and go from there: with other houses, shops, etc. :) )
                            posted 21-10-2001 12:22 GMT            

                         yes would be fun , but i think there will be allot of guild houses so not every1 should be able to get one, only if u got like 5-10
                         supoorting members ( they all pay taxes for the guildhouse or something ) So thne u can be proud if u got a guild house because
                         only good guilds can afford one.
                            posted 21-10-2001 14:01 GMT            

                         People should be able to buy normal houses not just guild houses.
                            posted 21-10-2001 23:35 GMT            

                         Yes, normall housing should be availible for every one who hase enough of money.
                            posted 22-10-2001 01:27 GMT            

                         and everybody should start with a room in a tenement block.

    PS Official Member
                            posted 22-10-2001 02:05 GMT            

                         which is the case.
                            posted 23-10-2001 11:09 GMT            

                         As was said, I think the best bet is everyone at first gets a Bronx projects style apartment, then when you save enough money
                         (lets say 10k) you can buy a small house...a lot more dough (50k)will get a big house.
                         Also for 35k you can pick up a storefront.the new EQ update has a system where you rent a shop, and hire a mob to do an
                         auction-style store... and you can walk away and have your items sold without supervision... I like that idea... if you could gt a
                         Mob to run your store you could build things for sale, or even just use loot for merchadising.
                         Also for like 100k you should be able to buy a guild hall... this would be like the castle offered on website.

                         To prevent too many building bieng set up, make there be a 10% per mth maintenence fee... ie your 100k guildhall costs 10k a
                         mth. If players drop the game, then their homes will be destroyed if they don\'t pay taxes.
                         Couple of quick bits...
                         1) I just grabbed numbers off the top of my head... I don\'t know how hard/easy money will be to make
                         2) in case you wonder why I use the term mobs, I\'m an oldschool mudder and see all npcs as Mobile Units
                            posted 23-10-2001 11:21 GMT            

                         Adventurers could stay with an apartment room (unless they\'re so rich they don\'t know where else to spend their money on). The
                         more sim-like rpg players could seek their adventure in the city and might buy a bigger house for status. (It is not very likely that
                         you will be elected as a mayor when you live in a hovel...)

    Ancient One
                            posted 23-10-2001 16:04 GMT            

                         I think that Guilds should be like in the game Legend Of Mir, you have to complete some quest that you have to retrieve an item
                         in, once done you give it to a God or someone else that is VERY important. This person then asks the name of your Guild name,
                         your Guild can then become Official, it is then given a small building that you control, you have to pay some sort of tax. Once
                         you get more money you can expand this building and turn it into a manor, then a Castle and then finally if anyone ever gets this
                         far it can become a Palace. I also think that there should be some sort of Official Arena for fights between Guilds, this is because
                         in Ultima if two Guilds are at war and I happened to be walking through the wilderness I would suddenly be attacked by one
                         member of one of the Guilds, then members of the other Guild would begin attacking me as well thinking I was on the other
                         team, but then I would get my former Guild involved and we killed em.
                            posted 23-10-2001 23:52 GMT            

                         I don\'t like the searching for items and bringing them to a god. Instead I suggest that you just ask for a guild at the cities
                         government (something the elected Mayor could do). Buying a guildhouse will cost a lot of money, and there might be a fee for
                         setting up a guild. You will have to make a proposition to the mayor of what you think your guild will do mainly. (will it be a
                         trading-quild, an adventurers guild or a mercenary guild.) If the elected mayor (and maybe some counselmen) have approved the
                         proposition and the fee is paid the leader of the guild (a title that can fluctuate, but that must be appointed by the guild
                         members)could go and buy a guildhouse (provided that he has enough money).

    PS Official Member
                            posted 24-10-2001 12:01 GMT            

                         Yet another thing that is wholly possible is that as we release the fiction we may include parts involving the most powerful guilds,
                         the powerful characters, etc.. This would also mean that full fledged guild-wars could be instigated. Just a thought.
    Ancient One
                            posted 24-10-2001 14:31 GMT            

                         Thekkur I think you misunderstood me, a God is a moderator of the game, one of the designers or someone else that has been
                         chosen by the license owners. It would be unfair if a human player was elected as a mayor as they would favour one person and
                         allow them to form a Guild and then another person who has enough money and the right requirements they might turn down as
                         they don\'t like them.
                         I really hope they don\'t do what you are suggesting Thekkur, I have already nearly finished my Guilds website and also I have five
                         members so far so I kind of would like my Guild to become an official Guild ASAP otherwise the website would\'ve been a waste
                         of my time. The full fledged Guild Wars sounds excellent, also what about having a City that Guilds can rule for lets say two or
                         three months then another Guild can challenge them for rulership of it.
    Ancient One
                            posted 24-10-2001 14:32 GMT            

                         Thekkur I think you misunderstood me, a God is a moderator of the game, one of the designers or someone else that has been
                         chosen by the license owners. It would be unfair if a human player was elected as a mayor as they would favour one person and
                         allow them to form a Guild and then another person who has enough money and the right requirements they might turn down as
                         they don\'t like them.
                         I really hope they don\'t do what you are suggesting Thekkur, I have already nearly finished my Guilds website and also I have five
                         members so far so I kind of would like my Guild to become an official Guild ASAP otherwise the website would\'ve been a waste
                         of my time. The full fledged Guild Wars sounds excellent, also what about having a City that Guilds can rule for lets say two or
                         three months then another Guild can challenge them for rulership of it.
    Ancient One
                            posted 24-10-2001 14:33 GMT            

                         erm, why did my post come up twice, I only clicked the submit reply once.
    PS Official Member
                            posted 25-10-2001 13:38 GMT            

                         This is a problem i have run into many time with this board. For surfers like me and you the method of searching is to constantly
                         use the back button. On this board if you go back over the send command the message is sent twice.
                         -Firestorm- Planeshift Public Relations Manager -
    Ancient One
                            posted 25-10-2001 20:45 GMT            

                         I see, I shall no longer use my back button on this forum then.

Wish list /
« on: January 06, 2002, 04:58:12 pm »
                            posted 19-10-2001 23:58 GMT            

                         hehe, not a member, but a \"watcher\"
                         spams the boards allot, so gets to know allot of things :p
                         i do the same on runescape
                            posted 20-10-2001 03:07 GMT            

                         But then again, when spawning in a crystal, that is spawning at a POINT. so when there are many players online, there will be a
                         really crowded place around the crystal. and if you make a lot of crystals, it will be like shelterplaces, only more abstract, and I
                         think you should at all cost avoid abstract things in an RPG.

                         Not spawning at your house after dying will eliminate the extra online feature that no other rpg has. Besides, it would be some
                         sort of punishment for dying. In a real-time rpg you will also have to be revived (I suggest you live (without control) for one hour 1
                         hour after you died, to be able to get resurrected) aftre you died, if not, bad luck, make a new character. In PS you would keep
                         you character (and items) but you will spwan at home. In a neigbourhood where you know people. Punishment for dying would
                         also contibute the realism in game.

                         In my opinion, the more realistic the gameplay is in a 3D RPG game, the more fun it is to play. especially when the bandwidt
                         doesn\'t allow superb graphics.

                            posted 20-10-2001 03:19 GMT            

                         I still think if you defeat a player it\'d be unrealistic if you got to loot NOTHING off the player. So I suggest 1 item and all the
                         money a player is holding, thats not in the bank or house. (because usually the player would bank his money)

                         Also Thekker u gotta realize NOT everyone is going to get a home in Planeshift. It\'d be pretty stupid in my opinion to have shelter
                         places and such all around PS. This makes it very less dangerous and adventurous for a player and hence less fun. A player
                         should have to be sitting ( it doesnt matter where he is) for it least 20 seconds before he can log out. Once again for the house
                         spawning thing I kinda of like it, but I don\'t think its totally necessary. Lets say theres a spell thats allows one to recall to this
                         house. ( kinda like in UO)
                            posted 20-10-2001 06:48 GMT            

                         Buechler; YOU CLEARLY HAVEN\'T READ ALL OF MY POST. I said that in my system you would NOT be safe when on a
                         shelterplace and online. You would first have to look for one (at max 5 minutes walking) so if there\'s a vicious beast on your neck
                         you\'ll most likely be dead before arriving at one.

                         But okay, I see some point in your arguments. Shelterplaces just make the game way too complicated. I would say that you
                         only respawn at your house when you die, that you only heal when at an Inn/@home/@ a friends place and that you\'ll have to
                         wait for about 20 secs before logging out at any other place(in this time your character stats could be saved). When logging out
                         by force (by means of unplugging your pc, or C+A+Ding etc) your character will not be stored and next time you spawn you\'ll
                         start at the place where you STARTED last time you logged in, with the same items.  


                              Pancallo: It\'s not possible to give players a house automatically when they create their char, or we will end up with
                              a world made of abandoned houses.

                         this could be overcome by the fact that you return to your house every time you die. Evereybody could have a house. At least not
                         all houses(or tenement blocks) will be unhabited then.
                         You might also be able to store your stuff @home, that would give you a reason to return to your home after completing a quest.
                         After all, medieval people were unfamiliar with banking...

                            posted 20-10-2001 11:11 GMT            

                         I think spawning at a temple/shrine is more realistic than at your house (of course there\'s nothing to stop you buying a personal
                         shrine for your own use at home :)
                            posted 20-10-2001 13:57 GMT            

                         But at a shrine you will not have everyday neighbours, people of which you know where they live. It would also be a bit stupid to
                         let somebody sent a letter or personal message to a mailbox at the shrine. The shrine would look more like a post office to me
                         then, and spawning at a postoffice is just weird. come on people, set aside those old-fashioned thoughts! This game needs
                         something new, not the standard in RPG gaming! Am I the only one that likes this idea???

                            posted 20-10-2001 14:25 GMT            

                         Look, i meant do everything you said with the houses EXCEPT respawning in them... instead you would respawn at the local
                         temple which would fit in with beliefs of reincarnation, which is more realistic than respawning in your house :)
                            posted 20-10-2001 21:20 GMT            

                         Why in a temple??? Don\'t you like the idea of having your own place in the game? A temple is a public place... And how about
                         the mail and the storing of items? I mean, a world consisting of houses that are actually owned by someone, and the fact that
                         there are neighbourhoods, that you can store you items at your own place, that you can get lettres from other players at your
                         home, isn\'t this a way to make the game distinguish itself from others?

                         AM I THE ONLY ONE THAT THINKS ABOUT IT THIS WAY???

                            posted 20-10-2001 21:47 GMT            

                         Right, i didn\'t say i was disagreeing with your ideas:

                         \"Why in a temple???\"

                         Because that\'s more realistic than reincarnating in your house... ok maybe you could give people the choice between a temple
                         and their house if they die (because quite a lot of people won\'t own houses).

                         \"Don\'t you like the idea of having your own place in the game?\"

                         Yes i do :)

                         \"A temple is a public place... And how about the mail and the storing of items?\"

                         I never said anything about storing stuff in the temple: i just thought respawning there (after a death, no other time...) would be a
                         good idea.

                         \"I mean, a world consisting of houses that are actually owned by someone, and the fact that there are neighbourhoods, that you
                         can store you items at your own place, that you can get lettres from other players at your home, isn\'t this a way to make the
                         game distinguish itself from others?\"

                         Agreed, and i was actually agreeing with you on this one: you would recieve mail at home, store items there and personalise it,
                         but you would RESPAWN at the temple after a death :)

                         I hope that clears it up somewhat...
                            posted 21-10-2001 02:33 GMT            

                         But if you spawn at a temple, it should be a temple (or shrine) nearby the place where you live. On a city of 200 inhabitants I
                         think 4 temples would be allright.

                         It looks like we\'re negociating about something... heheheh But I think we finally found a compromis...

                         For short:
                         -rent a chamber at an inn or log out when at a friendsplace and log out; next time you log in you\'re healed. You can choose
                         where to spawn, either at the place where you quitted or at home.
                         -just logout anywhere in the game(with a log-out time of approc. 20 sec); next time you login you spawn at the place where you
                         quitted. You will not heal.
                         -force-quit (C+A+D, unplug etc) and you will spawn at the place where you SPAWNED last time you logged in.
                         -DIE, and you will spawn at a temple or shrine near your house.

                         *the fact that you will need a house to store items and to be able to receive lettre
                         will allow everybody to have one without the possibility that you end up with a world full of unused houses. Under houses I also
                         count chambers in a tenement block, or anything like that.

                         this is just a short summary of this whole thread, and mostly how I think of it.

                            posted 21-10-2001 10:02 GMT            

                         Pretty good compromise to me :)

                         Although... i\'m not sure how well the login at the place where you logged in before aspect would work: because if someone like
                         me gets disconnected (due to ISP... BTi decides to diconnect me every 2 hours to save bandwidth or something stupid like
                         that... grr), maybe leave it for a minute after you disconnect from the game? I dunno, maybe in the demo they could implement
                         your method then we\'d see how it goes...
                            posted 21-10-2001 00:30 GMT            

                         I got the same problem. Sometimes i have 3 disconnections after each other. It wouldnt be nice to find out that u played a hour
                         for nothing because u start at the place where u started a hour before without your items etc.
                            posted 21-10-2001 16:04 GMT            

                         You could log in and out every half our to be sure that you keep your items. Some sort of saving would that be. (Although you
                         can\'t reload when you died.)

                            posted 21-10-2001 17:24 GMT            

                         How about if you trade with some one will there be two duplicates? This is a far to complex thing just keep the no logging out in
                         combat/ 30 secs after combat rule (this applies to Ctrl, Alt Delete and the switch).
                            posted 22-10-2001 01:33 GMT            

                         What do you mean excactly? Do you mean what happens when someone has traded an item and then unpugs? I guess the
                         traded item that was posessed by the unplugger is lost.


Wish list / Housing really important
« on: January 06, 2002, 04:57:41 pm »

                            posted 15-10-2001 01:45 GMT        

                         Housing has already been the subject of many topics, but I have to add something to that.

                         I think Housing is really important, because it is a major ability to distinct this game from others. In other MMORPG\'s, you start
                         the game, log-in, and spawn at the point in-game where you quitted. Everybody walks criss-cross around, and due to the large
                         amount of players it isn\'t very likely that you\'ll meet someone again that you\'ve been talking to.
                         The owning of a house could change this though. Every player has his neighbours, his homeground, and it is thus likely that
                         he/she meets this neighbours at markets nearby and whilest walking in the quarter he lives in. And that every time you spawn at
                         your house! Thus you could also venture forth together when you meet eachother at a market. Simply said: you\'ll make in-game
                         friends (and thus party members) a lot much easier than in other MMORPG\'s. Another special feature you can add to make
                         housing even more realistic is the option to post messages, or mail. This way you could sent a message to a companion\'s
                         house, which this companion will read as soon as he returns to his home, either by re-spawning or by just returning to it.
                         Then I have an idea to take away the stupid spawning-where-I-quitted-the-game element: when you quit whilest resting in an inn,
                         or whilest staying in another house, you will respawn in that particular place next time you log in. When you quit while you\'re
                         somewhere else,in the middle of a dungeon for example, or die, you respawn in your own house next time you log in.

                         I should say: state what you think of this idea and it might become reality.

                            posted 15-10-2001 05:14 GMT            

                         I think it\'s an excellent idea and I like the mail feature. Maybe we could have a doorbell and people could come to your house and
                         chat on your sofa you bought to decorate your house.
    PS Official Member
                            posted 15-10-2001 05:22 GMT            

                         I personally have planned for something similar as well. I like your way of thinking Thekkur. :-)
                            posted 18-10-2001 18:02 GMT            

                         Nice Going...although it would be annoying to like have to go eat then come back to find your char was back at its house after
                         being in a dungeon earning xp, you should have a sleep otion and you could only log out while sleeping and when you log in
                         again your char wakes up but to prevent thousands of bodies then there could be sleeping chambers and stuff which are guarded
                         by guards whostop monsters from coming in.
                            posted 18-10-2001 19:27 GMT            

                         I prever the spawning-where-I-quitted-the-game element.
                         Not everyone hase a verry good internet connection ( like me atm ). So sometimes i have a verry big lag. It would be nice te be at
                         the same place in the game as where i was after disconnected during a big lag.

                            posted 18-10-2001 22:15 GMT            

                         well...... then the player could choose when he disconnects...... if he doesn\'t choose anything, then he will be placed in the same
                         place when he reconnects..... but he can choose something like \"go home and sleep (quit)\" and if he doesn\'t reconnect for 15
                         min, let\'s say, he will be placed in his house, if he reconnects sonner it will be where he was..... also... by staying home while
                         disconnected, he could get more money (work) and if he stays in the wilderness, he could gain exp.... the problem is..... how
                         can you stop a player from disconnecting in the face of danger...... so that he will be safe...?
                            posted 18-10-2001 22:19 GMT            

                         I don\'t like the idea of choosing \"GO Home\". If you were literally 3miles away from your home and a dwarf was killing you it
                         wouldn\'t be fair to automatically go to your house. I think one should log out where he is. But PS should make a mid range spell
                         where one can teleport to there house, but it costs lots of mana.
                            posted 18-10-2001 22:23 GMT            

                         Also to log out out I think you should have to sit for 30 seconds like Everquest. (This prevents logging out in face of danger)
                         You have 30 seconds to prepare your camp
                         You have 25 seconds to prepare your camp
                         etc. Then awhen it says you have 5 seconds to prepare your camp; and 5 seconds happen THEN Your character logs out.

                         Everquest had done this and I believe in order to insure fairness Planeshift should.
                            posted 19-10-2001 01:02 GMT            

                         I mean in Runescape I think the 20 seconds after combat rule is fine although there is no 30 second to prepare camp rule I think
                         my previous post is pretty dumb though
                            posted 19-10-2001 01:55 GMT            

                         Ahh! a fellow RS player.

                         It\'s ten seconds after combat in RS, and you can run until after the first 3 rounds of ocmbat
                            posted 19-10-2001 02:06 GMT            

                         Hmmm... I hear many people complaining about spawning at home, and I guess there\'ll have to be alternatives. I think a feature
                         like returning to you home must be added to the game, because only than you can stimulate a true online spirit with cooperating
                         friends, battling parties and venturing together.

                         If there are many Inn\'s, and you have the possibility to stay at friend\'s houses, it will still happen that you\'re in the deepest part of
                         a dungeon when your connection suddenly failes. About that: **** happens. It won\'t happen too often.
                         About not wanting to return to your home after disconnecting (because you had to do something more important than playing PS
                         and didn\'t have time to find an inn); I would add the possibility to set up a shelter. Add a system in which you can pitch a tent (or
                         sleep on the ground) at shelter places, places that you can also find in dungeons and the wilderness, some sort of campsite.
                         You can only log out when quitting at shelterplaces (that are widely spread across the world, a lot more than Inn\'s) else you will
                         respawn in your house next time you log in. The shelterplaces still exterminate the stupid, and highly unrealistic
                         spawning-all-over-the-place-or-all-at-one-point principle.

                         You might also add a feature that you can only pitch a tent or use your bedroll at a shelterplace when you actually HAVE one of
                         these. (bought or found)

                         -When someone attacks you and you quit, when just quitting, or when you get killed, you spawn at home with full health.
                         -When you quit when PAYING for an inn room, you spawn at the inn with the feature of total healing.
                         -When you quit when being at a friends or a guildhouse, you spawn there with a certain amount of healing per hour you are
                         -When you quit when being at a shelterplace you will spawn there, but you will have the same healthnumber as when you
                         quitted.(no healing when at a shelterplace)

                         The shelterplaces will also be a safebay for parties that are deep inside a dungeon and that want to venture forth later on. They
                         can just find a shelterplace together and spawn all there the next time they meet.

                         spawnplaces can be things like:
                         *small stone buildings inside large caves
                         *some sort of widely spread salvation army buildings in cities
                         *barns in villages
                         *rooms with beds inside dungeons
                         *a group of benches in a park (??? :D)
                         *caves in the walls of the dungeons
                         *deserted houses

                         you see, there are enough possible places that you can make shelterplaces of. There don\'t have to be too many of them, just
                         enough to be able to reach one within a few minutes of walking.

                            posted 19-10-2001 02:52 GMT            

                         Yes but what about when someones getting pked or killed by a monster I still think someone should have to sit for 25 or 30 secs
                         to log out? Btw Thekker are you on the Planeshift team at all? Cause you seem knowlegde about lots of stuff.
                            posted 19-10-2001 00:39 GMT            

                         in the system I thought of you don\'t NEED 30 seconds to log out. you just need to find a shelterplace. YOU ARE NOT SAFE IN
                         SHELTERPLACES WHEN ONLINE. else you could simply run towards one and then wait until your opponent goes away.

                         This are just MY thoughts and suggestions for the game, I\'m not (yet) a members of the PS crew.

                            posted 19-10-2001 19:22 GMT            

                         Not _yet_ a member eh? :)

                         Anyway, i agree with thekur about the shelterplaces. Although i would add to this that you couldn\'t log out if still being in combat
                         with someone/thing and not in a guarded/protected otherwise area. This eliminates the problem of people randomly spawning
                         around the place: but i would say you should have to be in the protected area to log out in the first place: since teleporting back
                         to your house after logging out or dying is also pretty unrealistic...

                         Perhaps instead of respawning inside your house you would respawn in a holy area (maybe inside the crystal?... now there\'s a
                         thought... :) ) and have a choice of returning to the earthly world via a temple that you have visited and is to your religious
                         orientation (there should always be the option of returning to your hometown\'s temple). OR you could have to option of retiring
                         your character. Any thoughts/ideas/death threats relating to that idea?

Granted or negated Wishes / Companions
« on: January 06, 2002, 04:51:42 pm »

                            posted 12-10-2001 18:11 GMT        

                         Will you be able to have animal companions in game? I would really like to see that!

                         If there is going to be such a feature, I would recommend to make it only available to players with an animal training/handling
                         skill. This will prevent ALL players from having have the advantage of an animal, and will also make ps look more realistic. If you
                         look at certain MMORPG\'s practicly everybody has one or more animals, resulting in rediculous sights of villages growded with
                         hundreds of dogs...
                         Having some disadvantages from having an animal companion would also make it less interesting for everybody to own one. With
                         disadvantages I think of; the need to feed the animal, the need of time to make the beast obey you, the fact that animals will not
                         be allowed to enter certain inn\'s (so they will have to be left outside), the fact that you will have to carry your animal when
                         climbing a ladder.
                         Advantages from owning an animal could be that it can support you in an attack, distract an enemy and smell enemies on larger
                         distances(it can alarm you).
                         You might also state that wizards can have other companions than fighters. (fighters wouldnt have much use for a rat or
                         something likely)  


                            posted 12-10-2001 19:05 GMT            

                         That\'s a great idea, I would love to see that also.
    PS Official Member
                            posted 12-10-2001 20:34 GMT            

                         This topic has been discussed in the past, and yes there will most likely be animal companions of some sort.

                            posted 13-10-2001 03:41 GMT            

                         Yuck, animals are just not my type of companions! Real companions for me means Frankensteins to go with my assassin! He
                         he he he!
                            posted 13-10-2001 17:11 GMT            

                         Hiring mercenaries would be good too
                            posted 13-10-2001 23:41 GMT            

                         i would love a hawk :D
                            posted 14-10-2001 01:04 GMT            

                         Yeah and if you would be a really good druid you could see through his eyes or even control it

Wish list / Writing In game books
« on: January 06, 2002, 04:26:40 pm »

                            posted 11-10-2001 00:25 GMT        

                         I\'ve allways wished I could do this in Everquest. It seems like a great idea.

                         A way to make money for those of us who are good writers could be to buy some paper in game and write a book. Books could
                         not be sold to merchants but players could buy them, and print them if they wished. Paper should be inexpensive and be able to
                         fit the ammount of text as a regular paper back novel.

                         Now the first problem I realized with this would be players writing a bunch of garbled text, then giving the book a cool title and
                         selling it. So a solution would be to allow the buyer to preview 2 pages of their choosing so they know what they are getting.

                         It would be fun to buy a book from someone and when you are waiting for someone just read it.

                         Hope this makes sence.
    PS W.T.B. Member
                            posted 11-10-2001 01:37 GMT            

                         It would certainly be cool... you could tell about your adventures (a little exaggerated ofcourse), and
                         adventurers might visit the places you\'ve been. like some sort of a travelguide.

                            posted 11-10-2001 03:25 GMT          

                         This idea rocks!!! Players could run there own libary too if they owned a house!!!
    PS Official Member
                            posted 12-10-2001 05:16 GMT            

                         Wow, I am certainly impressed. I like this idea very much as well. Keep up the great work all, you are turning out some great
    PS Official Member
                            posted 12-10-2001 06:14 GMT            

                         Definatly cool. Librarys of books, shortstories, and guides, written by players for generations :)
                         Very Kewl
                         -Firestorm- Planeshift Public Relations Manager -
                            posted 12-10-2001 17:49 GMT            

                         it would be cool if the players could post messages (announcments) in the public plaza or hire a npc to contact X and give him a
                         message, or leave word at the bar etc
                            posted 15-10-2001 04:48 GMT            

                         Hey glad you like my idea.

                         I sure hope to see this in the game.
    PS W.T.B. Member
                            posted 19-10-2001 05:56 GMT            

                         neat my writing skills finally put to use in gaming. *the crowd starts chanting* \"GO WEBWORM...GO WEBWORM\"

                         Webworm the people love you! :P
                            posted 02-11-2001 03:41 GMT            

                         This is definitely the coolest idea ever, but I haven\'t seen it implemented in any other game before...... Neat, I\'m already thinking
                         up of some fantasy story to write about..........hope the PlaneShift staff uses this idea. ;)
    PS W.T.B. Member
                            posted 02-11-2001 00:39 GMT            

                         If you have finished the story, you can also submit it to the PS crew.( If it\'s good enough, it might even become
                         part of planeshift\'s background!

    PS Official Member
                            posted 03-11-2001 06:48 GMT            

                         and you can also submit your DARN RESUME AND APPLICATION! yea, you, you know who you are. I won\'t name names, but
                         his initials are THEKKUR. :-)
                            posted 08-11-2001 00:22 GMT            

                         Hey, thanks for taking the time to read and admire my idea. I have sent in a application for the setting and backround team, and
                         im going to do my best to get this implimented if I am accepted.

                         Thanks again!
    PS Official Member
                            posted 09-11-2001 00:21 GMT            

                         Nice idea. A bit hard in execution (one of the reason noone implement it already). I\'ll see if this is possible at all and see how this
                         will effect the game security.
    Oldman Kay
                            posted 09-11-2001 16:57 GMT            

                         FireStorm wrote:

                         \"Definatly cool. Librarys of books, shortstories, and guides, written by players for generations :)\"

                         Yeah. That would be awesome.

                         But some come to think, how could they put say a hundred page novel into the game? And who would want to read it?

                         Well how about each book has a limited amount of pages.

                         Say around 70. Then you could have a to be continued one so people would REALLY wanna get the next one which would give
                         you more money. Basically it means in the long run you will have more admiriers(sorry bout sp) and more cash.

                         ITS GENIOUS!
    PS W.T.B. Member
                            posted 09-11-2001 17:07 GMT            

                         yes and weekly Newspapers etc. But I think there should be any limit to how many pages. If the author is smart however...:)
                            posted 11-11-2001 18:23 GMT            

                         Nice idea, but I think there should be a librarian or book store owner there to review the book and he can decide whether to sell it
                         / put it in library for the writer. Although, the writer could go around with crap copies of books, but I doubt people would buy books
                         off the street.
                            posted 12-12-2001 04:45 GMT            

                         Reviving my stunningly beautiful idea with its grace and power. It shall live on sending hope through our hearts.


                         Planeshift W.T.B. Member
                         Setting & Backround
    King Larry
                            posted 12-12-2001 15:53 GMT            

                         I think that if you are a smith you might do a weapon/armour guide...
                            posted 30-12-2001 00:16 GMT            

                         Making pamflets, starting cults and having fun.
                         We need books. (ingame)
                            posted 01-01-2001 02:18 GMT            

                         For those of you that have played Ultima Online... You could do that in that game. You could even use the scribe skill to make
                         instant copies ^_^... although teh pages where limited to about 12 and anyone could rewrite what you wrote. We used to have a
                         couple of books locked down in our guild castle that was used as ingame message boards for members ^^. I also wrote a small
                         story in a book once and then droped it in teh back streets of britain in UO... hopefully some one picked it up and gave it a read
    PS W.T.B. Member
                            posted 01-01-2001 03:30 GMT            

                         I would find that very interesting, but it would be better to have a recommendation or voting system where popular books would be
                         put in a dedicated area of the public library. This is to avoid people writing books which are useless and making profit from it. It
                         does seem like a very promising idea and I am sure that the team will try to include it in the game if possible.

Wish list / No crafting godly items
« on: January 06, 2002, 04:21:43 pm »

                            posted 11-10-2001 00:16 GMT        

                         In runescape people can get their crafting skill so hight that they can make the best items in the game. Bad idea, everyone has
                         runite. In planesift you should be able to make some pretty nice items but nothing that is so good the highest lvl in the game
                         would drool over it.

                         There needs to be a limit, everquest is a good example of how this can be done.
    PS Official Member
                            posted 11-10-2001 01:54 GMT            

                         I suggest the sacrifice of exp to create weapons, and the amount is based on the regular sale value of the weapon. This can also
                         be used for potion creation, and object creation like a MUD. Who wouldnt like to see high level wisards decorating their houses
                         with objects like chairs.

                         -Firestorm- Planeshift Public Relations Manager -
    PS W.T.B. Member
                            posted 11-10-2001 16:06 GMT            

                         good idea. although I think not everybody must be capable of creating weapons and potions. If the game will contain use
                         professions, you might consider to only let (black)smiths have the option to create weapons, or players with a blacksmith skill.
                         The same with potions; only wizards  and players with potion skills should have the option to create potions at cost of xp.

                         I assume everybody will have the option to buy weapons and skills?


                            posted 11-10-2001 19:16 GMT            

                         Buy skills? That should only go so far... maybe just to get a little way into a profession... and i agree that potions and medicines
                         and stuff shouldn\'t be as readily available as in other games: you should really have to find and make them yourself (with the
                         appropriate skills of course) or buy them, making for a more realistic world.
                            posted 11-10-2001 21:12 GMT            

                         i suggest that there should be very powerful weapons but very few..... and when a player has one such rare item... a bounty could
                         be placed automatically on him so that everyone will hunt him so it won\'t be that good to have it, cause people could ally against
                         you to take your weapon
    PS Official Member
                            posted 12-10-2001 00:07 GMT            

                         Automatically :P
                         What realistic reason is their to hunt down somone for their weapon, and furthermore why would the server point out who had
                         good weapons, realistically :)

    PS Official Member
                            posted 12-10-2001 05:09 GMT            

                         One thing we COULD do, is server tag the weapons. We create a finite amount of weapon X and tag it. Server searches for
                         variable tag and finds it. That player in possesion of weapon X will then be tagged to encounter more enemies, bandits, etc.
                         Just a possiblility.
                            posted 12-10-2001 09:38 GMT            

                         Or have weapons with a short descripption and a past, then you can have legitimate reasons for goblins hunting down a sword
                         stolen fromthem centuries ago by the great BlahBlah... can you see where i\'m coming from?
    PS W.T.B. Member
                            posted 12-10-2001 00:19 GMT            

                         sounds great! that will also take care of the stupid fact that all the players who have an all-mighty-weapon in other RPG\'s simply
                         rule the game, and actually don\'t have anything on their hands. (no monster is a challenge when you got a +18 broadsword)
                         clever thoughts!  

                            posted 12-10-2001 17:45 GMT            

                         Firestorm, it doesn\'t have to be like this... it could simply be that a player sees the one with a great weapon and tells other 10
                         players to help him get it from that guy... And there could be rangers that could track a player if they are good enough...
                            posted 12-10-2001 21:05 GMT            

                         I still reckon truely unique weapons/items are a good idea :)
                            posted 02-12-2001 04:23 GMT            

                         I was reading some old posts and i saw this and i iked Firestorms first idea

                         Basicly to make powerful items you should be a certain level blacksmith to make the item and you give some of yourself to make
                         the item strong (experience) then if you are an alchemist (enchanter) you could use some of your force (also experience) to
                         make the item gain power.

                         You could be a great blacksmith, but still make items which not many people want to buy, or be a part of a team the makes
                         good items, but takes longer to make them, and works harder to do it.

                         Just ideas...

                         Also the problem in RS was that one person was able to make all the items, and there was no competition, everyone else gave
                         up, because they couldnt get the materials they needed to increase levels, due to one person taking them all. Hopefully that can
                         be monitored here, and Planeshift wont start to die like Runescape did.
    Mark von Wagner
                            posted 02-12-2001 06:32 GMT            

                         The problem in Runescape was not that there was only one person who could make all the items, but that there was no demand
                         for low-level items. Since *anyone* could wear top-level armor, there was no reason to wear anything less.

                         Realistically, your choice of armor and weapons should involve some tradeoffs. For example, the highest-level armor should be
                         quite heavy -- if you aren\'t strong enough to wear it, but do so anyway, you get severe penalties to your speed and agility. You
                         might not take much damage from any given blow, but you\'ll get hit a lot, and have trouble running from a fight.
                            posted 02-12-2001 07:22 GMT            

                         I started in RS during the second week it was open to the public and the main problem with items was that only one person
                         could make them, but then yes anyone could wear all but the best plate, even at level 3, which was stupid, yes items in
                         Planeshift will have requirements, but my guess is that some of the best would be extremely light, but would require alot of stats.

                         Non magical, normal equipment would not require bonding, and until an item is bonded it would not provide any of its magical

                         An idea that just poped into my head.

                         Any special item, magical etc, should have to be bonded to its user by that i mean the user must pay a certain ammoung of xp
                         to be able to wear, the magical equipment, in that way, overly powerful items will never be used by low power characters, and
                         people willl have to earn the upgrades in their equipment.

                         That actual idea comes from games like Shadowrun, and Earthdawn, but all people not just mages would be bonding equipment,
                         you could spend a heap of experience and bond your keys to your home, and make them become a part of you each time you
                         open/close the door they unlock, that would cost a lot of xp, and magical power to do though

                         Catch ya next time i post
                            posted 07-12-2001 05:44 GMT            

                         the couple of posts that i read i liked :) i don\'t know if it was mentioned here but i don\'t think that u should be able to buy lvls for
                         real money... in some games u can get extra bonuses if u pay them money... this is ofcourse a WONDERFUL way to get money
                         but it kinda ruins the game for everyone else
                            posted 07-12-2001 07:10 GMT            

                         if people were \'taged\' when having rare weapons or armor, and others join together to take that armor or weapon from them. you
                         end up with a waisted armor or weapon. if people are aloowed to loot other players after they kill them, then you bring in a grief
                         aspect to the game. for this reason, people dont go out with their rare items. also then you promote needless killing just to keep
                         people away from their gear. this is a sittuation that can go far int the wrong direction and turn it into a quake fest.

                         sure there should be incredible weapons or armors but have them as a reward for completing an epic quest. this way everyone
                         has a chance to get them, but only if they stick with a very hard and time consuming quest. also set the quest for only the best
                         of the best can go for it. that you need to be a certain lvl to even be given the quest. call it a test of worthyness(sp). you have to
                         obtain and finish the test before you can quest for the epic piece.

Wish list / Stuff carried by NPCs
« on: January 06, 2002, 04:20:33 pm »

                            posted 09-10-2001 21:33 GMT        

                         I\'m not sure if this has been up in here but I didn\'t find any posts about this...

                         I realy hope that there would be even little realism in npc\'s dropping stuff (like armour, money etc...). I mean... Doesn\'t it sound
                         silly that wolves would drop money? Or armour? What would wolf do with money?
                         Animals shouldn\'t drop any money, armour, weapons or stuff like that. :)
                            posted 10-10-2001 12:56 GMT            

                         What can I say about that? I definetely agree with you Nywell!

                            posted 10-10-2001 03:54 GMT            

                         heh i always questions myself with that :)
                         like in dagger fall a bat would drop 1 gp i\'d be like (WTF would a bat do with 1 gp??)
                         nice thinkin... but most monsters that hold gold and have nothing to do with it make up 75% of the monsters.. think more of the
                         monsters droping gold as the reward for killing him, not that he was just holding it
    PS W.T.B. Member
                            posted 10-10-2001 13:04 GMT            

                         Monsters and NPCs will always drop corresponding items
                            posted 10-10-2001 19:23 GMT            

                         I agree with you lot :)

                         The fact that most of the monsters won\'t drop money or items means that you should have to take up professions so that you put
                         to use what they DO drop, for example leather from bat hide or things like that. I think this would make a much more rounded
                         and realistic world :)
    PS Official Member
                            posted 12-10-2001 05:18 GMT            

                         Encore, Encore! Heh Heh, :-)
                            posted 13-11-2001 07:15 GMT            

                         what about setting up NPCs with like ransoms for certain monster organs? say have one NPC asking players to bring him the
                         livers from a large basalisk. he uses them in a medicin or something of that nature. you then go out and hunt these basalisks
                         and he pays you for every liver you provide. there would have to be many of these type rewards though. as to not have one
                         creature over hunted.
    PS Official Member
                            posted 13-11-2001 14:02 GMT            

                         Maybe we could work around this idea, in that you dont gain any loot on the spot when killing a monster(unless it is a monster
                         that would realistically hold gold). Then when you return to town you are payed for your efforts to rid the world of evil.

                         -Just a thought- tell me what you think

                         -Firestorm- Planeshift Public Relations Manager -
                            posted 13-11-2001 15:15 GMT            

                         knowledge in surgery/zoologi is needed to carve out specifics/organs from animals you slay
                            posted 13-11-2001 22:01 GMT            

                         thats kind of the idea i was aiming at Firestorm. thing there is that you still need to bring in something as proof that you killed it.
                         clump of fur, scale, claw, or maybe a tooth of the beasts.

Granted or negated Wishes / Different skins
« on: January 06, 2002, 04:19:28 pm »

                            posted 08-10-2001 10:40 GMT        

                         Ow please let there be many different skins per race in this game! One major source of irritation in other MMORPG\'s is that there
                         are seldom more than 1 or two skins available for a certain race... everybody looks the same then, and this looks really crappy.
                         Maybe it is possible to add some variables like haircolor, cothing color(divided in top/bottom), beard/nobeard and even skincolor. I
                         know it takes up a lot of bandwith, but I prefer different characters above more players! (I mean, 200 people in game is also a lot.)

    PS Director
                            posted 09-10-2001 20:01 GMT            

                         Yes, this is a planned feature. Having the ability to change at least hair color, beard color and eyes color is our first target.

                         Face traits and cloths will follow even if I am not yet sure of those.
                            posted 10-10-2001 04:00 GMT            

                         ummm... Eyes? i doubt with the graphics no would could see the eyes unless the skins are 1000x1000 ...
                            posted 10-10-2001 11:06 GMT            

                         maybe the characters have HUGE eyes?  
                         I don\'t mind playing a beholder...

    PS Official Member
                            posted 12-10-2001 05:20 GMT            

                         Also, another planned item is the fact you may play as average, slight, or robust character sizes, giving variations in that way as
                            posted 12-10-2001 12:22 GMT            

                         cool... and that will depend on your character class? It seems a little weird if a fighter is thin and muscle-less and a rogue is as
                         big as a house!  


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